1.主键约束(唯一约束 + 非空约束)
create table student(
--字段名 数据类型 约束 (一般在此只加非空约束)
stuId int not null,
stuName varchar(20) not null,
stuAge int not null,
stuSex bit not null,
stuTel varchar(13) not null,
stuAddress varchar(30)
--添加主键约束:primary key
alter table student
add constraint PK_stuId primary key (stuId)
alter table student
add constraint UQ_stuName unique (stuName)
alter table student
add constraint CK_stuAge check (stuAge >=18 and stuAge <= 35)
alter table student
add constraint DF_stuAddress default ('地址不详') for stuAddress
create table exam(
examId int not null,
stuId int not null, --外键
labExam int not null,
writtenAxam int not null
alter table exam
add constraint PK_examId primary key (examId)
alter table exam
add constraint CK_labExam check (labExam between 0 and 100)
alter table exam
add constraint NN_labExam check (labExam is not null)
--设置非空(alter table 表名 alter column 列名 该列的类型 NOT NULL)
alter table exam
alter column writtenAxam int not null
--添加外键约束foreign key(字段) references
alter table exam --修改外键表
add constraint FK_stuId
foreign key(stuId) references student(stuId)