Oracle day10

create table category(
       类目id number,
       父类目id number,
       描述 char(500)       
--insert into category(类目id,父类目id) values(1001,1);
/*insert into category values(1,0,'0为根类目');
insert into category(类目id,父类目id) values(1002,2);
insert into category(类目id,父类目id) values(1001003,1001);
insert into category(类目id,父类目id) values(1001004,1001);
insert into category(类目id,父类目id) values(2,0);
insert into category(类目id,父类目id) values(1002005,1002);*/

select* from category;

with tt as (select c1.类目id 三级类目,c2.类目id 二级类目,c2.父类目id from category c1
join category c2 on c1.父类目id = c2.类目id) 
select t1.三级类目,t1.二级类目,t2.二级类目 一级类目,t2.父类目id 根类目 from tt t1 join tt t2 
on t1.父类目id = t2.二级类目

select c1.类目id 三级类目,c2.类目id 二级类目,c3.类目id 一级类目,c3.父类目id 根类目 from category  c1
join category c2 on c2.类目id=c1.父类目id
join category  c3 on c3.类目id=c2.父类目id

create table stu_table(
       sno number primary key,
       card_id number not null unique,
       name char(500) not null,
       gender char(3) check(gender in ('男','女'))
/*insert into stu_table values(101,10001,'张三','男');
insert into stu_table values(102,10002,'李四','女');
insert into stu_table values(103,10003,'王五','男');
insert into stu_table values(104,10004,'赵六','女');*/
create table grade(
       sno number references stu_table(sno),
       levle char 
alter table grade drop column levle;

alter table grade add grade char(50);
alter table stu_table add address char(500);

select * from stu_table;
select * from grade;
/*insert into grade values(101,'一年级');
insert into grade values(102,'二年级');
insert into grade values(103,'三年级');
insert into grade values(104,'四年级');
--105 插不进去,因为主表stu_table 中不含有sno=105的数据
insert into grade values(105,'五年级');

alter table stu_table rename to stu;
alter table stu modify address number;
alter table stu rename column address to age;
alter table stu add constraint c_age check(age between 1 and 120)
alter table stu drop unique(card_id);
alter table stu add constraint c_unique unique(card_id);

update stu set age = 22 where sno = 101;
--drop table 表名

select * from stu;
from user_constraints where TABLE_NAME in('stu','grade');

create table student1 as select * from student;
create table course1 as select * from course;
create table sc1 as select * from sc;
create table teacher1 as select * from teacher;

drop table student1 ;
drop table course1 ;
drop table sc1 ;
drop table teacher1 ;

--1.删除学习‘谌燕’老师课的SC 表记录:
select * from sc1;
delete from sc1 where cno in 
(select cno from course1 where tno in 
(select tno from teacher1 where tname = '谌燕'));

update sc1 set score = score+5 where cno = 'c002';

update sc1 set score = score+10 where cno = 'c001' and score < 80;

insert into student1 values('s013','王麻子',28,'男')

insert into sc1 select sno  ,'c002',(select avg(score) from sc1 where cno = 'c002') 
from sc1 where sno not in (select sno from sc1 where cno = 'c002') 


insert into sc1 select t.sno
,'c003',60 from (select distinct sno from sc1 where sno not in 
(select sno from sc1 where cno = 'c003')) t

update sc1 set score = score + 10 where sno in 
(select sno from student1 where ssex = '女');

create table sc2 as select * from sc1;
truncate table sc2;
select * from sc2;
insert into sc2 select sno,cno,score from (select * from sc1 where sno in ('s001','s002'));

update sc1 set score = 60 where cno = 'c001' and score < (select avg(score) from sc1)

delete from sc1 where sno='s002' and cno = 'c001'

update sc1 set score = null where sno='s002' and cno = 'c001'

update sc1 set score =
(select avg(score) score from sc1 where sno = 's001'group by sno)
where sno = 's001';

merge into sc1 t
using (select 's001' as sno,cno,avg(score) score from sc1 group by cno) s
on (t.sno = s.sno and t.cno = s.cno)
when matched then
update set t.score = s.score;

create table emp_bak as select * from emp;
select * from emp_bak;
update emp_bak set sal = 300 + (select avg(sal) from emp_bak where deptno = 10) where deptno = 30

update (select * from emp_bak where months_between(sysdate,hiredate) > 30*12) set sal = sal+0.1*sal 

delete from emp_bak where empno in
(select distinct mgr from emp_bak where sal < 1500);

update emp_bak set sal = sal+1500 where (job,sal) in
(select job,min(sal) from emp_bak group by job);

delete from emp_bak where job = 
(select job from emp_bak where ename = 'SCOTT')

--19.将工作地点在‘NEW YORK’或‘CHICAGO’的员工工资增加500:
create table dept_bak as select * from dept;
update emp_bak set sal=sal+500 where deptno in 
(select deptno from dept_bak where loc in ('NEW YORK','CHICAGO'));

update emp_bak set sal = 0 where comm is null;

-- 创建一张学生表(stuu),包含以下信息,学号(主键)(sno),姓名(sname),年龄(sage),性别(ssex),家庭住址(addr),联系电话(phone);
drop table stuu;
create table stuu(
       sno number primary key,
       sname char(50),
       sage number,
       ssex char(3),
       addr char(500),
       phone char(11)       
-- 修改学生表的结构,添加一列信息,学历(edu);
alter table stuu add edu char(50);

-- 修改学生表的结构,删除一列信息,家庭地址(addr);
alter table stuu drop column addr;
alter table stuu modify sno char(50);

-- 向学生表添加如下信息:
学号   姓名   年龄   性别   联系电话   学历

s01   张三     22     男     123      小学
s02   李四     21     男     119      中学
s03   王五     23     男     110      高中
s04   赵六     18     女     114      大学
insert into stuu values('s01','张三',22,'男',123,'小学');
insert into stuu values('s02','李四',21,'男',110,'中学');
insert into stuu values('s03','王五',23,'男',123,'高中');
insert into stuu values('s04','赵六',18,'女',114,'小学');

create table stuu1 as select * from stuu;
create table stuu2 as select * from stuu;
select * from stuu1;
-- 修改学生表的数据,将电话号码以11开头的学员的学历改为“大专”;
update stuu1 set edu = '大专' where phone like '11%';

-- 删除学生表的数据,将姓王,并且性别为‘男’的记录删除;
delete from stuu1 where ssex = '男' and sname like '王%';

-- 查询学生表的数据,将所有年龄小于22岁的,学历为“大专”的,学生的姓名和学号显示出来;
select sname,sno from stuu1 where sage < 22 and edu = '大专';

-- 查询学生表的数据,查询所有信息,列出学历最高的前三名的记录;
select * from stuu;
select t.*,rownum from
(select s.*,decode(trim(,'大学',1,'大专',2,'高中',3,'中学',4,'小学',5) grade from stuu s order by grade)t
where rownum < 4;

-- 查询出所有学生的姓名、性别、年龄,按年龄降序排列;
select sname,ssex,sage from stuu order by sage desc;

-- 按照性别分组查询所有的平均年龄;
select ssex,avg(sage) from stuu group by ssex;

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