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以下是使用 Matlab 实现 EEMD 分解的代码: ```matlab function [IMF,residual] = emd(x) % EMD - Perform Empirical Mode Decomposition % % [IMF,residual] = emd(x) % % Inputs: % x - Input signal (must be a column vector) % % Outputs: % IMF - Matrix of intrinsic mode functions (one IMF per row) % residual - Residual signal (last IMF + residual = original signal) % % Example: % % t=linspace(0,1,2^14); % x=sin(2*pi*50*t)+sin(2*pi*120*t); % x=x+randn(size(t)); % [imf,residual]=emd(x); % subplot(length(imf)+1,1,1); % plot(t,x); % for k=1:length(imf) % subplot(length(imf)+1,1,k+1); % plot(t,imf(k,:)); % end % % Algorithm based on: % Huang et al, "The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum % for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis", Proc. Royal Soc. % London A, Vol. 454, pp. 903-995, 1998. %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Preprocess input %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Force x to be a column vector x = x(:); %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Set parameters and initialize variables %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Maximum number of iterations nMax = 500; % Sifting tolerance (stop criterion) tol = 1e-5; % Number of sifting iterations nIMF = 0; % Extract first IMF x1 = x; h = x; while true nIMF = nIMF + 1; % Extract local maxima and minima [maxtab,mintab] = peakdet(x1,0.05); % Interpolate to get envelopes if isempty(maxtab) || isempty(mintab) break end max_env = interp1(maxtab(:,1),maxtab(:,2),1:length(x1)); min_env = interp1(mintab(:,1),mintab(:,2),1:length(x1)); % Calculate mean envelope mean_env = (max_env + min_env)/2; % Extract IMF IMF(nIMF,:) = x1 - mean_env; % Calculate residual x1 = x1 - IMF(nIMF,:); % Check for convergence if sum(abs(IMF(nIMF,:))) < tol || nIMF >= nMax break end end % Calculate residual residual = x1; end function extrema = peakdet(v, delta) %PEAKDET Detect peaks in a vector % [MAXTAB, MINTAB] = PEAKDET(V, DELTA) finds the local % maxima and minima ("peaks") in the vector V. % MAXTAB and MINTAB consists of two columns. Column 1 % contains indices in V, column 2 the found values. % % With [MAXTAB, MINTAB] = PEAKDET(V, DELTA, X) the indices % in MAXTAB and MINTAB are replaced with the corresponding % X-values. % % A point is considered a maximum peak if it has the maximal % value, and was preceded (to the left) by a value lower by % DELTA. DELTA may be a vector specifying the allowed difference % between two peaks. For example if DELTA=[3 5], then a maximum % is the first point in the neighborhood with a value higher than % the previous one by 3 AND higher than the next one by 5. % % Vice versa, a point is considered a minimum peak if it has the % minimal value, and was preceded by a higher value by DELTA. % (c) 2002,2004 Copyright (C) by Thomas C. O'Haver % http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/12275-peakdet % Version 4, 1 June 2016 %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Parse and check input arguments %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Check number of input arguments narginchk(2,3); % Check dimensions of input arguments assert(isvector(v),'Input argument "v" must be a vector'); assert(isnumeric(delta) && isvector(delta),'Input argument "delta" must be a vector'); % Check values of input arguments assert(all(delta > 0),'Values of input argument "delta" must be positive'); % Check for complex input if ~isreal(v) warning('Input argument "v" is complex; imaginary part ignored'); v = real(v); end % Force input to be a row vector v = v(:)'; %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Set default values for optional input arguments %------------------------------------------------------------------------- x = 1:length(v); %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Find peaks %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Preallocate output maxtab = []; mintab = []; % Loop over each specified delta for d = delta % Find all maxima and their indices if d > 0 % Find local maxima maxloc = (v(2:end-1) > v(1:end-2)) & (v(2:end-1) > v(3:end)); % Add first and last point maxloc = [0, maxloc, 0]; % Find indices maxind = find(maxloc); % Remove maxima below delta maxind(v(maxind) - v(maxind-1) < d) = []; maxind(v(maxind) - v(maxind+1) < d) = []; % Store peak values and indices maxtab = [maxtab; x(maxind)', v(maxind)']; end % Find all minima and their indices if d > 0 % Find local minima minloc = (v(2:end-1) < v(1:end-2)) & (v(2:end-1) < v(3:end)); % Add first and last point minloc = [0, minloc, 0]; % Find indices minind = find(minloc); % Remove minima below delta minind(v(minind) - v(minind-1) > -d) = []; minind(v(minind) - v(minind+1) > -d) = []; % Store peak values and indices mintab = [mintab; x(minind)', v(minind)']; end end % Sort output maxtab = sortrows(maxtab,1); mintab = sortrows(mintab,1); %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Replace indices with corresponding X-values %------------------------------------------------------------------------- if nargin == 3 maxtab(:,1) = x(maxtab(:,1)); mintab(:,1) = x(mintab(:,1)); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Return output %------------------------------------------------------------------------- extrema = {maxtab, mintab}; end ``` 这个代码实现了 EMD 的分解,并返回每个分量的 IMF 和剩余部分(residual)。在主函数 `emd` ,使用了一个 while 循环来不断提取每个 IMF,直到满足收敛条件或达到最大迭代次数。在循环,使用 `peakdet` 函数来寻找局部极大值和极小值,进而计算出 IMF。最终返回的 `IMF` 是一个矩阵,每一行代表一个 IMF。


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