
# 喝汽水问题

# lis = list(map(int, input().split()))


# s = sum = 0


# while min(lis) > 0:

# lis.append(int(input()))


# for i in lis:


# if i <= 0:


# break

# else:

# while i >= 3:

# s = i % 3

# i = i // 3

# sum += i

# i += s

# if i == 2:

# i += 1

# print(sum)

# sum = 0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# 弟弟的作业


# def check(s):

# if '?' in s:

# return False

# else:

# L = list(s)

# L.insert(L.index('='), '=') # insert在相应的元素索引后方添加

# if eval("".join(L)): # "".join(元组,列表。。。)是将这些元组或者列表中的元素用""连接起来生成字符串,eval()函数可以计算字符串表达式

# return True

# else:

# return False



# # 正确题目数量

# count = 0

# while True:

# try: # 通过捕获异常来判断输入是否结束

# S = input()

# if check(S):

# count += 1

# except Exception as e:

# break

# print(count)


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# l = list(map(int, input().strip().split()))

# while min(l) > 0:

# l.append(int(input()))

# # print(l)

# for e in l:

# if e == 0:

# break

# # print(type(e))

# k = str(e)

# # print(type(k))

# m = k.replace(k[-1], "")

# try:

# x = int(m)

# y = x - 5 * int(k[-1])

# # print(type(k[-1]))

# if y % 17 == 0:


# print(1)


# else:


# print(0)

# except:

# continue


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 校门外的树

# L, M = map(int, input().split(" "))

# T = [1 for e in range(L+1)] # 定义一个列表,列表元素的个数为马路的宽度,将里面的元素赋值为1

# for i in range(M):

# x = input().split()

# for j in range(int(x[0]), int(x[1]) + 1): # 将区域范围内的列表元素值改为0,其中x[0]和x[1]代表字符串0,1是索引

# T[j] = 0

# print(sum(T)) # 之后给列表中所有元素求和,即是剩余的树sum求和函数对列表中元素数字求和


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# k = 0

# count = 0

# L, R = map(int, input().strip().split())

# for e in range(10):

# for i in range(10):

# k = i**2 - e**2

# if L <= k <= R:


# count += 1

# print(count)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# x = y**2-z**2 x要么是四的倍数要么是奇数

# def panduan(x):

# if x % 4 == 0:

# return 1

# elif x % 2 != 0:

# return 1

# else:

# return 0



# L, R = map(int, input().strip().split())

# count = 0

# for e in range(L, R+1):

# if panduan(e) == 1:

# count += 1

# print(count)


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# import random



# def select_num():

# l = list(range(1, 37))

# nums = random.sample(l, 7)

# print(type(l))

# return nums



# num = select_num()

# for e in num:

# print(e, "", end='')

# import numpy as np

# import itertools


# # n = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]

# # m = np.array(n) # 将嵌套列表转化成二维数组

# # print(m)

# j = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=int, order='C') # shape形状几行几列,dtype数据类型,order可选项

# print(j)

# o = np.ones((1, 1), dtype=int, order='C')

# print(o)

# # p = np.array([4, 5, 6])

# i = np.ones(shape=(3, 3), dtype=[('x', 'int'), ('y', 'float')], order='C')

# print(i)

# h = np.arange(5, 9, 1) # 产生步长为1从5到9不含9

# print(h)

# # k = np.hstack(o, j)

# # print(k)

# import numpy as np

# i = [0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

# m = np.array(i)

# print(type(m))

# r = np.reshape(i, (5, 2))

# print(r)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# dp = [[[0] for _ in range(5)]for y in range(5)] # 二维数组也是嵌套列表

# print(dp)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# import numpy as np


# # 创建两个一维数组

# a = np.array([1, 2, 3]) # numpy里面的元素要一致和python普通数组不同

# b = np.array([4, 5, 6])


# # 使用hstack将这两个数组合并

# c = np.hstack((a, b))

# print(type(c))

# print(c) # 输出:[1 2 3 4 5 6]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 字符串加密

# app = input()

# for i in app:

# print(chr(ord(i)+4), end='') # ord()把字符串转换成整数,chr()把证书转换成字符串

# - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 母牛的故事

# def cow(x, y1, y2, y3):

# global n

# n -= 1

# if n == 0:

# print(x + y1 + y2 + y3)

# x += y3

# y3 = y2

# y2 = y1

# y1 = x

# if n > 0:

# cow(x, y1, y2, y3)



# t = 1

# while t != 0:

# t = n = int(input())

# cow(1, 0, 0, 0)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 温度转换

# print('c=%.2f' % (5*(int(input())-32)/9)) # % 格式控制


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# a = list(map(int, input().strip().split()))

# a.sort()

# print(a[2])

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# x = int(input())

# if x<1:

# y = x

# print(y)

# elif 1<=x<10:

# y = 2*x-1

# print((y))

# else:

# print(3*x-11)


# x=int(input())


# if x>=0 and x<60:


# print("E")


# elif x>=60 and x<70:


# print("D")


# elif x>=70 and x<80:


# print("C")


# elif x>=80 and x<90:


# print("B")


# elif x>=90 and x<=100:

# print("A")


# else:


# print("输入无效,请重新输入")


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# num = input()

# count = 0

# for e in num:

# count += 1

# print(count)

# for g in num:

# count -= 1

# if count != 0:

# print(g, "", end='')

# else:

# print(g)

# print(num[::-1])


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