* 处理dialog中的分页和排序
* 参数同 navTabPageBreak
function dialogPageBreak(args, rel){
dwzPageBreak({targetType:"dialog", rel:rel, data:args});
function ajaxTodo(url, callback){
var $callback = callback || navTabAjaxDone;
if (! $.isFunction($callback)) $callback = eval('(' + callback + ')');
cache: false,
success: $callback,
error: DWZ.ajaxError
* A function that triggers when all file uploads have completed. There is no default event handler.
* @param {Object} event: The event object.
* @param {Object} data: An object containing details about the upload process:
* - filesUploaded: The total number of files uploaded
* - errors: The total number of errors while uploading
* - allBytesLoaded: The total number of bytes uploaded
* - speed: The average speed of all uploaded files
function uploadifyAllComplete(event, data){
if (data.errors) {
var msg = "The total number of files uploaded: "+data.filesUploaded+"\n"
+ "The total number of errors while uploading: "+data.errors+"\n"
+ "The total number of bytes uploaded: "+data.allBytesLoaded+"\n"
+ "The average speed of all uploaded files: "+data.speed;
alert("event:" + event + "\n" + msg);