1. Database Initialization Parameter
- Parameter ---- basic / advance
- Hidden parameter
2. Initialization Parameter File
SPFILE ( continuously read and update ) ---- V$SPPARAMETER ---- shows the values stored in the spfile on disk
PFILE ( only read once at instance startup ) ---- V$PARAMETER( isbasic='TURE' ) ---- shows the parameter values currently in effect in the running instance
*****Special Parameter: OPTIMIZER_MODE ----values--- ALL_ROWS: complete ASAP
--- FIRST_ROWS: feedback to user ASAP
3. Database startup and shutdown
Normal order : Database control ---> Database listener ---> Database
The configuration of Database Control is done at database creation time: the hostname, the TCP port ( https://hostname:port/em )
Normal stages: nomount --------> mount ----------> open
(spfile/pfile) (controlfile) (datafiles&redo logs)
The syntax of CONNECT:
- The default of data dictionary authentication: sqlplus user/pwd[@connect_alias]
- The password file authentication: sqlplus user/pwd[@connect_alias] as sysdba
- The operation system authentication: sqlplus / as sysdba
****tip: SYSDBA and SYSAUX are not users but privileges
The order oracle database find the spfile when instance startup: spfileSID.ora ---- spfile.ora ---- initSID.ora
Shutdown options:
- normal --- no new user, all current connections are allowed to continue.
- transactional --- no new user, sessions currently involved in transaction are allowed to complete.
- immediate --- no new session, all currently connected sessions are terminated.
- abort --- equivalent of a power failure.
4. Oracle network
Graphical tools to Manage Oracle Net : Enterprise Manager ( Database Control or Grid Control ), the Net Manager, the Net Configuration Assistant
Database Registration: static and dynamic
dynamic : preferred method, PMON process will use "local_listener" parameter to locate a listener. (register should after the listener start )
Three critical files involved in configuration Oracle Net:
- listener.ora --- server-side file
- tnsnames.ora --- client-side file
- sqlnet.ora --- server-side, client-side or both,It contains settings that apply to all connections and listeners, such as security rules and encryption.
5. Oracle Share Server Architecture ( PGA uses share memory )
user process- dispatcher | |response queue --- user process
user process- dispatcher | --- common queue --- share server processes --- parse-bind-execute --- |response queue --- user process
user process- dispatcher | |response queue --- user process
User global area ( UGA ) in large pool of SGA is used to stores most of the session data
Two parameters for share server configuration : dispatchers & shared_servers
Share Server save memory space but will reduce performance ( take longer time and use more CPU ).