OCP exam notes(2)

1. Database Initialization Parameter
  • Parameter ---- basic / advance
  • Hidden parameter 
2. Initialization Parameter File

        SPFILE ( continuously read and update ) ---- V$SPPARAMETER ---- shows the values stored in the spfile on disk

        PFILE ( only read once at instance startup ) ---- V$PARAMETER( isbasic='TURE' ) ---- shows the parameter values currently in effect in the running instance

        *****Special Parameter: OPTIMIZER_MODE ----values--- ALL_ROWS: complete ASAP

                                                                                                          --- FIRST_ROWS: feedback to user ASAP

3. Database startup and shutdown 

    Normal order : Database control ---> Database listener ---> Database


   The configuration of Database Control is done at database creation time: the hostname, the TCP port ( https://hostname:port/em )

   Normal stages: nomount --------> mount ----------> open

                                 (spfile/pfile)    (controlfile)       (datafiles&redo logs)

   The syntax of CONNECT:

  • The default of data dictionary authentication: sqlplus user/pwd[@connect_alias]
  • The password file authentication: sqlplus user/pwd[@connect_alias] as sysdba
  • The operation system authentication: sqlplus / as sysdba

        ****tip: SYSDBA and SYSAUX are not users but privileges

    The order oracle database find the spfile when instance startup: spfileSID.ora ---- spfile.ora ---- initSID.ora

    Shutdown options:

  • normal --- no new user, all current connections are allowed to continue.
  • transactional --- no new user, sessions currently involved in transaction are allowed to complete.
  • immediate --- no new session, all currently connected sessions are terminated.
  • abort --- equivalent of a power failure.
4. Oracle network

     Graphical tools to Manage Oracle Net : Enterprise Manager ( Database Control or Grid Control ), the Net Manager, the Net Configuration Assistant

     Database Registration: static and dynamic

          dynamic : preferred method, PMON process will use "local_listener" parameter to locate a listener. (register should after the listener start )

     Three critical files involved in configuration Oracle Net:

  • listener.ora --- server-side file
  • tnsnames.ora --- client-side file
  • sqlnet.ora --- server-side, client-side or both,It contains settings that apply to all connections and listeners, such as security rules and encryption.

5. Oracle Share Server Architecture ( PGA uses share memory )

    user process- dispatcher |                                                                                                                                    |response queue --- user process

    user process- dispatcher | --- common queue --- share server processes --- parse-bind-execute --- |response queue --- user process

    user process- dispatcher |                                                                                                                                    |response queue --- user process

    User global area ( UGA ) in large pool of SGA is used to stores most of the session data

    Two parameters for share server configuration : dispatchers & shared_servers

    Share Server save memory space but will reduce performance ( take longer time and use more CPU ).

内容概要:这篇文档详尽介绍了现代电力系统三大计算,即潮流计算、短路计算和稳定计算的相关理论和方法,并针对电气工程专业的本科生提供了具体的MATLAB和PCAD编程实现指导。本书籍从基础概念、公式推导入手,逐步深入到各种类型的计算算法,如牛顿—拉夫逊法、P-Q解耦法及前推回推法潮流计算等,同时也讲解了如何应对电力系统故障和暂态稳定问题,最后还探讨了一些前沿问题,像电力系统电压调整计算和含新能源电力系统的潮流计算。此外,该书籍提供了丰富的附录资料及实际案例分析,辅助教学与自学。 适合人群:本书籍面向‘电气工程及其自动化’、‘智能电网信息工程’和‘电气工程与智能控制’专业的高年级本科生,尤其适合对该领域理论和技术有深入探究愿望的学习者及从事相关工作的研究人员。 使用场景及目标:①作为大学专业课程的学习参考资料,尤其是《电力系统综合实践》及相关课程;②提供理论依据与实践指南,指导电力工程技术人员解决现实中的问题;③协助科研工作者深入了解电力系统的运作机制及其优化措施。 其他说明:书籍内包含详细的程序流程图和大量算例解析,有助于读者掌握电力系统的各项技能。此外,还包括针对最新发展领域的介绍,例如风电场并入电网及经济调度计算。通过该书籍可以培养学生的计算编程能力和解决实际问题能力,并为未来职业发展奠定坚实基础。




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