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原创 python|Varible Basic Content

Linefeed Punctuation

2021-12-20 11:33:16 282

原创 python|List: Common Operation

Sum list_a = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] print(sum(list_a)) #23 Count list_a = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4] print(list_a.count(2)) #2

2021-12-20 08:02:07 331

原创 python|List and sublist

list_a = [1, 2, 3, 4] #1 2 3 4 list_b = list_a[2:] #4

2021-12-20 07:49:51 836

原创 python|Punctuation

目录 Escape Escape #Asking for 5'17" a = "5'17\"" #5'17" #\" or \' : Escape

2021-12-20 07:47:22 379

原创 python|Linefeed

a = """Banana""" #Banana b = """Ban ana""" #Ban #ana

2021-12-20 07:06:50 450

原创 python|input 格式

a = int(input()*3) print(a) #1 #111 b = int(input("")*3) print(b) #2 #222 c = int(input())*3 print(c) #3 #9

2021-11-08 03:59:33 472

原创 python|f-string and quotation mark

Python 3's f-Strings: An Improved String Formatting Syntax (Guide) – Real Python The quotation mark shouldn't be the same. x=int(input()) print(f'W{x*"o"}w') #it doesn't work if the quotation mark is the same >>> f'I am {"Huang Wei"}' 'I am

2021-10-04 02:53:55 136

原创 python|how to input two or more INTs in the same line?

source:SPOJ.com - Problem SMPSUM #SMPSUM-Iterated sums #2021-10-03 ''' a = int(input()) b = int(input()) these two can't input in the same line ''' a,b = map(int,input().split()) c = 0 for _ in range (a,b+1): c += _*_ print(c) 1. end='' can't use...

2021-10-04 02:29:20 85

原创 虚拟机|hcmon文件

我在装VMware 的时候也遇见了fail to hcmon 那个问题(忘记原话了,懂得都懂)网上查说把hcmon.sys 改成 hcmon.sys.old,但我根本就没有这个文件,是win10 家庭版的原因吗? 吐槽一下win10家庭版,是真垃圾,语言包只能选中文,乌鸡鲅鱼。 有时间上来补图,求大神帮忙 ...

2021-09-20 13:07:33 761

原创 下载路径/ASCII文件丢失问题

在我试图下载steam的时候系统显示了两个问题 一个是我没有保存到默认路径(default files)里面 我确实更改了保存位置,但是我此前没有听说过默认路径这个说法,是只能保存到某一个默认的文件夹吗? 另一个是我的ASCII 文件丢失 Non-Ascii file,我想从网上下载但是不知道怎么下 码住,等大神救命或者自己想到解决方案再更 ...

2021-09-20 13:04:09 748 1

原创 怎么取消第三方插件对我的浏览器的托管并不让对方发现?

学生党,学校对我的浏览器托管了,可以理解,但是我的日常网页是这样的 尼玛,几十个网页我都要用,晚上睡觉不得不关,第二天浏览器就自动跳到学校主页了 这怎么行?难道还得我把那些页面手动收藏,达咩! 求达人给支个招!谢谢大佬们! (对计算机懂得不多,为了让更多人看到打了一些我也不知道有关无关的tag,不小心点进来的对不起浪费了您的时间!!如果知道怎么办请帮帮我!) ...

2021-09-20 12:52:14 1555

原创 python|superposition problem in while loop(superposition problem2)

Original problem: ccc20j2 People who study epidemiology use models to analyze the spread of disease. In this problem, we use a simple model. When a person has a disease, they infect exactlyRRother people but only on the very next day. No person is infec..

2021-09-04 04:36:07 177

原创 python|竞价者高问题

original problem: ccc21j2 A charity is having a silent auction where people place bids on a prize without knowing anyone else's bid. Each bid includes a person's name and the amount of their bid. After the silent auction is over, the winner is the person

2021-09-04 03:55:52 153

原创 python|superposition problem in for loop

Original problem: ccc17j2 the shifty sum whenNis12andk is1, itis:12+120=132. As another example, the shifty sum whenNis12andkis3is12+120+1200+12000=13332. #ccc17j2 shifty sum #E Sun #2021.09.03 N=int(input()) K=int(input()) for i in ra...

2021-09-04 03:02:45 111

原创 python|if statement

Resource: ccc18j2 occupy parking Question: Can if statement has 3 '=='? Answer: Yes. N=int(input()) day1=input() day2=input() count=0 for i in range(0,N,1): if day1[i]==day2[i]=="c": count+=1 print(count) If statement has no limitation in

2021-09-04 01:45:59 114

原创 python|list-slice

原题:CCC'19J2-TimetoDecompress input: 4 9 + 3 - 12 A 2 X output: +++++++++ --- AAAAAAAAAAAA XX #answer L=int(input()) for _ in range(L): vals=input().split() N=int(vals[0])#why this works? ch=vals[1] print(ch*N) question: 我...

2021-09-04 00:06:41 169



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