Defining Services
service Twitter {
// A method definition looks like C code. It has a return type, arguments,
void ping(),
// The 'oneway' modifier indicates that the client only makes a request and does not wait for any response at all.
oneway void zip()
service Nimbus {
void submitTopology(1: string name, 2: stringuploadedJarLocation, 3: string jsonConf, 4: StormTopology topology) throws (1:AlreadyAliveException e, 2: InvalidTopologyException ite);
void killTopology(1: string name) throws (1:NotAliveException e);
void activate(1: string name) throws (1:NotAliveException e);
string beginFileUpload();
void uploadChunk(1: string location, 2:binary chunk);
void finishFileUpload(1: string location);
// returns json
string getNimbusConf();
// stats functions
ClusterSummary getClusterInfo();
TopologyInfo getTopologyInfo(1: string id)throws (1: NotAliveException e);
//returns json
string getTopologyConf(1: string id) throws(1: NotAliveException e);
StormTopology getTopology(1: string id)throws (1: NotAliveException e);
StormTopology getUserTopology(1: string id)throws (1: NotAliveException e);
服务器端:backtype.storm.daemon.nimbus.cljservice-handler (reify Nimbus$Iface
Thrift network stack:
The Transport layer provides a simpleabstraction for reading/writing from/to the network. This enables Thrift todecouple the underlying transport from the rest of the system(serialization/deserialization, for instance).
The Protocol abstraction defines a mechanism tomap in-memory data structures to a wire-format. In other words, a protocolspecifies how datatypes use the underlying Transport to encode/decodethemselves.
A Processor encapsulates the ability toread data from input streams and write to output streams. The input and outputstreams are represented by Protocol objects.
public interfaceTProcessor{
bool process(TProtocol in, TProtocol out)throws TException
Service-specific processor implementations aregeneratedby the compiler. The Processor essentially reads data from the wire (using theinput protocol),delegatesprocessing to thehandler(implemented by the user) and writes theresponseover the wire (using the output protocol).
A Server pullstogether all of the various features described above:
· Create a transport
· Create input/outputprotocols for the transport
· Create a processorbased on the input/output protocols
· Wait for incomingconnections and hand them off to the processor
(defnlaunch-server! [conf nimbus]
(validate-distributed-mode! conf)
(let[service-handler(service-handler confnimbus)
options (->(TNonblockingServerSocket.(int(conf NIMBUS-THRIFT-PORT)))
(THsHaServer$Args.) //主
(.workerThreads 64)->args.workerThreads
(.processor(Nimbus$Processor. service-handler))
server (THsHaServer. options)] ->newTHsHaServer(Args -> THsHaServer$Args)
Processor -> Nimbus$Processor
Protocol ->TBinaryProtocol
Transport -> TNonblockingServerSocket