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转载 MySQL Engines: InnoDB vs. MyISAM – A Comparison of Pros and Cons

The 2 major types of table storage engines for MySQL databases are InnoDB and MyISAM. To summarize the differences of features and performance, InnoDB is newer while MyISAM is older.InnoDB is more

2012-11-26 22:33:51 627

转载 MySQL索引背后的数据结构及算法原理

摘要 本文以MySQL数据库为研究对象,讨论与数据库索引相关的一些话题。特别需要说明的是,MySQL支持诸多存储引擎,而各种存储引擎对索引的支持也各不相同,因此MySQL数据库支持多种索引类型,如BTree索引,哈希索引,全文索引等等。为了避免混乱,本文将只关注于BTree索引,因为这是平常使用MySQL时主要打交道的索引,至于哈希索引和全文索引本文暂不讨论。 文章主要内容分为三个部分

2012-11-26 22:32:07 641

转载 Understanding InnoDB clustered indexes

Some people don’t probably know, but there is a difference between how indexes work in MyISAM and how they work in InnoDB, particularly when talking from the point of view of performance enhancement.

2012-11-26 22:09:35 792

转载 Understanding B+tree Indexes and how they Impact Performance

Indexes are a very important part of databases and are used frequently to speed up access to particular data item or items. So before working with indexes, it is important to understand how indexes wo

2012-11-26 21:41:26 691

转载 Statement-based vs Row-based Replication

Replication as most people know it, has mostly been SQL statement propagation from master to slave. This is known as “statement-based” replication. But there is also another kind of replication that i

2012-11-26 21:27:57 1787

原创 Snapshots in HBase 0.96

Snapshots in HBase 0.96 –v0.1 (5/20/12)   The initial design document andimplementation for snapshots was proposed in HBASE-50. The original, overalldesign is still valid on the current HBase trunk,

2012-11-25 19:42:50 2035

转载 Online HBase Backups with CopyTable

CopyTable is a simple Apache HBase utility that, unsurprisingly, can be used for copying individual tables within an HBase cluster or from one HBase cluster to another. In this blog post, we’ll talk a

2012-11-25 18:36:51 1324

转载 HBase Replication Overview

HBase Replication is a way of copying data from one HBase cluster to a different and possibly distant HBase cluster. It works on the principle that the transactions from the originating cluster are pu

2012-11-25 18:31:26 937 1

转载 Hadoop中HDFS文件系统的Append/Hflush/Read设计文档(HDFS-265:Revisit append)

转帖请注明来自本空间地址: http://blog.csdn.net/chenpingbupt [email protected] 原文请参: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12445209/appendDesign3.pdf https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HD

2012-11-13 15:20:57 1010

转载 HBase, HDFS and durable sync

HBase and HDFS go hand in hand to provide HBase's durability and consistency guarantees. One way of looking at this setup is that HDFS handles the distribution and storage of your data whereas HBas

2012-11-13 13:29:03 813

转载 Hadoop中Speculative Task调度策略

1. 背景 Speculative Task,又叫推测式任务,是指在分布式集群环境下,因为程序bug,负载不均衡或者资源分布不均,造成同一个job的多个task运行速度不一致,有的task运行速度明显慢于其他task(比如:一个job的某个task进度只有10%,而其他所有task已经运行完毕),则这些task拖慢了作业的整体执行进度,为了避免这种情况发生,Hadoop会为该task启动sp

2012-11-07 22:26:36 1088



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