HQL运算符 | QBC运算符 | 含义 |
= | Restrictions.eq() | 等于equal |
<> | Restrictions.ne() | 不等于not equal |
> | Restrictions.gt() | 大于greater than |
>= | Restrictions.ge() | 大于等于greater than or equal |
< | Restrictions.lt() | 小于less than |
<= | Restrictions.le() | 小于等于less than or equal |
is null | Restrictions.isnull() | 等于空值 |
is not null | Restrictions.isNotNull() | 非空值 |
like | Restrictions.like() | 字符串模式匹配 |
and | Restrictions.and() | 逻辑与 |
and | Restrictions.conjunction() | 逻辑与 |
or | Restrictions.or() | 逻辑或 |
or | Restrictions.disjunction() | 逻辑或 |
not | Restrictions.not() | 逻辑非 |
in(列表) | Restrictions.in() | 等于列表中的某一个值 |
not in(列表) | Restrictions.not(Restrictions.in()) | 不等于列表中任意一个值 |
between x and y | Restrictions.between() | 闭区间xy中的任意值 |
not between x and y | Restrictions.not(Restrictions..between()) | 小于值X或者大于值y |