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Learning Redhat Linux 2rd Editon

You've probably heard about Linux from a magazine, radio or TV program, or a friend. You're wondering what Linux is about and whether you should give it a try. If so, particularly if you currently use Microsoft Windows, this book was written for you. When the first edition of this book was being written, Linux was a much talked about novelty. Today, Linux has invaded corporate information technology departments, becoming a popular technology used by hobbyists and professionals alike. As predicted in the first edition of this book, Linux is becoming easier to use. Every day brings a new tool or feature designed for ease of use. If you work with Microsoft Windows and have dabbled a bit in MS-DOS or are curious about what happens inside Windows, you can install and configure Linux. Thousands of people from all walks of life—even journalists, who are notorious for their technical ineptitude—have already done so. This book is based on Red Hat Linux, the most popular Linux distribution. It includes two CDs that contain everything you need to install and configure your own Red Hat Linux system. This book will make your Linux journey easier by giving you the big picture, providing you with step-by-step procedures, and getting you started doing useful or fun activities, such as word processing or games. This book focuses on the needs of the new Linux user and on desktop Linux applications. You'll learn about networks and servers, but the details of those topics are left for more advanced books.


Epsilon Based MOEA

This file consists of the main code for the implementation of the Epsilon Based MOEA propsed by Dr.Deb et. al. in the paper titled "Towards a Quick Computation of Well Spread Pareto-Optimal Solutions" - Deb, Mohan and Mishra (EMO-2003 Proceedings) Also available from http://www.iitk.ac.in/kangal/pub.htm (KanGAL Report Number 2003002)



/************************************************************************* * This is an implementation of MOPSO-CD,a multiobjective particle swarm * * optimization algorithm using crowding distance * * * * For details please see: * * C.R. Raquel and P.C. Naval, Jr., An Effective Use of Crowding * * Distance in Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization. * * In Proc. of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference * * (GECCO 2005), Washington DC, June 2005. * * * * E-mail address : cvmig@engg.upd.edu.ph * * Version : mopsocd05b * * Last updated : Fri Feb 17, 2006 * * * * Random Generator Source code has been taken from Random Library found * * at http://www.swin.edu.au/astronomy/pbourke/software/random/ * * * * Permission to use MOPSO-CD codes is hereby granted for academic and * * research purposes only. Commercial usage of these codes is prohibited * * without prior knowledge of the authors. In no way will the authors * * be held responsible for any possible faulty operation of * * software/hardware arising from the use of these codes. * *************************************************************************/



多目标粒子群优化算法的C++程序 包括优化算法和适应度函数


NSGA 多目标遗传算法优化方法(C)

Multiobjective optimization using nondominated sorting genetic algorithms



Multi-Objective Probabilistic Selection Evolutionary Algorithm






本书附带光盘中包括了全书所有实例对应的MATLAB的M文件。所有代码按照章节存放在各个文件夹下,如“第4章 插值”文件夹下存放了本书第4章所有的算法程序代码,对于算法的程序代码,在光盘中存为同函数名的M文件,例如,Language.m表示求已知数据点的拉格朗日插值多项式的程序,依此类推。 读者可以通过运行光盘提供的代码文件,体会本书所有实例的效果。由于所有代码都是在MATLAB 7(R14)下编写并调试通过,因此,使用本光盘中实例前,读者需要安装MATLAB 7(R14),并将包含待运行.m文件的文件夹添加到MATLAB 路径或设置为MATLAB当前目录。如读者需要运行Language.m,那么就需要将包含此M文件的“第4章 插值”文件夹添加到MATLAB路径,或者将其设置为MATLAB当前目录,然后通过命令窗口调用文件名,或者在M-Editor窗口打开并运行代码文件等方式来运行此M文件。



92个优化统计实例程序 个人认为不错 本光盘内容包括: 1. 统计M文件(统计-m目录) 2. 优化M文件(优化-m目录) 3. 附录1(mafl1.doc) 4. 附录2(mafl2.doc) 5. 参考文献(mafl3.doc) 6. 光盘中m文件与书中内容的关系(m文件的说明.doc) 运行环境: PC机 Windows 9.X/2000



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