
根节点        子类      属性                            类型
    |--------Image      图片信息
    |            o------name                            string
    |            o------restype                         string
    |            o------mask                            unsigned long#
    |--------Font            字体信息
    |            o------name                            string
    |            o------size                            long
    |            o------bold                            bool
    |            o------underline                       bool
    |            o------default                         bool
    |--------Default    默认Attribute属性
                 o------name                            string
                 o------value                           string
    o--size              窗体初始化大小                 SIZE(int cx, int cy)
    o--sizebox           窗体区域                       RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    o--caption           窗体标题栏区域                 RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    o--roundcorner       圆角大小                       SIZE(int cx, int cy)
    o--mininfo           窗体最小大小                   SIZE(int cx, int cy)
    o--maxinfo           窗体最大大小                   SIZE(int cx, int cy)
    o--showdirty         窗体显示                       bool [true|false]
    o--alpha             窗体透明度                     int
    o--bktrans           背景是否支持透明               bool [true|false]
    o--disabledfontcolor 无效字体颜色                   string  #RRGGBBAA
    o--defaultfontcolor  默认字体颜色                   string     #RRGGBBAA
    o--linkfontcolor     链接正常字体色                 string     #RRGGBBAA
    o--linkhoverfontcolor链接悬停字体色                 string     #RRGGBBAA
    o--selectedcolor     字体被选后颜色                 string     #RRGGBBAA
    |------o file/res                                   string
    |------o restype                                    string
    |------o dest                                       RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o source                                     RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o corner                                     RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o mask                                       string #FFFFFFFF
    |------o fade                                       byte
    |------o hole                                       bool [true|false]
    |------o xtiled                                     bool [true|false]
    |------o ytiled                                     bool [true|false]
    // 1、aaa.jpg
    // 2、file='aaa.jpg' res='' restype='0' dest='0,0,0,0' source='0,0,0,0' corner='0,0,0,0' 
    // mask='#FF0000' fade='255' hole='false' xtiled='false' ytiled='false'   



控件名称                                类

Control                             CControlUI   
    |------o pos                                        RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o relativepos                                (int nMoveXPercent, int nMoveYPercent,int nZoomXPercent,int nZoomYPercent)
    |------o padding                                    RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o bkcolor/bkcolor1                           string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o bkcolor2                                   string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o bkcolor3                                   string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o bordercolor                                string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o focusbordercolor                           string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o bordersize                                 int 
    |------o borderround                                SIZE(int x, int y)
    |------o bkimage                                    Image 属性
    |------o width                                      int
    |------o height                                     int
    |------o minwidth                                   int
    |------o minheight                                  int
    |------o maxwidth                                   int
    |------o maxheight                                  int
    |------o name                                       string
    |------o text                                       string
    |------o tooltip                                    string
    |------o userdata                                   string
    |------o enabled                                    bool [true|false]
    |------o mouse                                      bool [true|false]
    |------o visible                                    bool [true|false]
    |------o float                                      bool [true|false]
    |------o shortcut                                   TCHAR
    |------o menu                                       bool [true|false]
Container                            CContainerUI
    |------o inset                                      RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o mousechild                                 bool [true|false]
    |------o vscrollbar                                 bool [true|false]
    |------o hscrollbar                                 bool [true|false]
    |------o childpadding                               int
VerticalLayout                      CVerticalLayoutUI : public  CContainerUI
    |------o sepheight                                  int
    |------o sepimm                                     bool [true|false]
    |------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
HorizontalLayout                    CHorizontalLayoutUI : public  CContainerUI
    |------o sepwidth                                   int
    |------o sepimm                                     bool [true|false]
    |------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)

DialogLayout                        CDialogLayoutUI : public  CContainerUI
    |------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
TileLayout                          CTitleLayoutUI : public  CContainerUI
    |------o columns                                    int
    |------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
TabLayout                           CTabLayoutUI : public CContainerUI
    |------o selectedid                                 int
    |------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)


Edit                                CEditUI : public CLabelUI
    |------o readonly                                   bool [true|false]
    |------o password                                   bool [true|false]
    |------o maxchar                                    int
    |------o normalimage                                Image 属性
    |------o hotimage                                   Image 属性
    |------o focusedimage                               Image 属性
    |------o disabledimage                              Image 属性
    |------o nativebkcolor                              string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o CLabelUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)

List                                CListUI : public CVerticalLayoutUI, public IListUI
    |------o header                                     string bool [hidden|Show]
    |------o headerbkimage                              string path
    |------o scrollselect                               bool [true|false]
    |------o multiexpanding                             bool [true|false]
    |------o itemfont                                   int     Font列表的索引号
    |------o itemalign                                  string enum [left|center|right]
    |------o itemendellipsis                            bool [true|false]
    |------o itemtextpadding                            RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o itemtextcolor                              string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itembkcolor                                string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemimage                                  string path
    |------o itemselectedtextcolor                      string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemselectedbkcolor                        string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemselectedimage                          string path
    |------o itemhottextcolor                           string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemhotbkcolor                             string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemhotimage                               Image 属性
    |            |------o file                          string path
    |            |------o corner                        RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o itemdisabledtextcolor                      string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemdisabledbkcolor                        string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemdisabledimage                          Image 属性
    |------o itemlinecolor                              string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemshowhtml                               bool [true|false]
    |------o CVerticalLayoutUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
ListHeaderItem                      CListHeaderItemUI : public CControlUI
    |------o dragable                                   bool [true|false]
    |------o sepwidth                                   int
    |------o align                                      string enum [left|center|right]
    |------o itemshowhtml                               bool [true|false]
    |------o endellipsis                                bool [true|false]
    |------o font                                       int     Font列表的索引号
    |------o textcolor                                  string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o textpadding                                RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o showhtml                                   bool [true|false]
    |------o normalimage                                Image 属性
    |------o hotimage                                   Image 属性
    |------o pushedimage                                Image 属性
    |------o focusedimage                               Image 属性
    |------o sepimage                                   Image 属性
CListElementUI : public CControlUI, public IListItemUI
    |------o selected                                   value 有此属性就选中 
    |------o CControlUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)  
ListExpandElement                   CListExpandElementUI : public CListTextElementUI    
    |------o expander                                   RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o hideself                                   bool [true|false]
    |------o selected                                   bool
    |------o CListTextElementUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
ListContainerElement                CListContainerElementUI            List容器
    |------o selected                                   value 有此属性就选中
ListHeader                          CListHeaderUI

CListLabelElementUI : public CListElementUI

ListTextElement                     CListTextElementUI : public CListLabelElementUI

Label                               CLabelUI : public  CControlUI
    |------o align                                      string enum [left|center|right]
    |------o endellipsis                                bool [true|false]
    |------o font                                       int     Font列表的索引号
    |------o textcolor                                  string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o disabledtextcolor                          string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o textpadding                                RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o showhtml                                   bool [true|false]
    |------o CControlUI::SetAttribute( pstrName, pstrValue )
Text                                CTextUI : public  CLabelUI

Combo                               CComboUI : public CContainerUI, public IListOwnerUI
    |------o textpadding                                RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o normalimage                                Image 属性
    |------o hotimage                                   Image 属性
    |------o pushedimage                                Image 属性
    |------o focusedimage                               Image 属性
    |------o disabledimage                              Image 属性
    |------o dropbox                                    string 
    |------o itemfont                                   int     Font列表的索引号
    |------o itemalign                                  string enum [left|center|right]
    |------o itemtextpadding                            RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
    |------o itemtextcolor                              string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itembkcolor                                string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemimage                                  Image 属性
    |------o itemselectedtextcolor                      string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemselectedimage                          Image 属性
    |------o itemhottextcolor                           string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemhotbkcolor                             string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemhotimage                               Image 属性
    |------o itemdisabledtextcolor                      string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemdisabledbkcolor                        string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemdisabledimage                          Image 属性
    |------o itemlinecolor                              string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o itemshowhtml                               bool [true|false]
    |------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)

Button                              CButtonUI : public CLabelUI
    |------o normalimage                                Image 属性
    |------o hotimage                                   Image 属性
    |------o pushedimage                                Image 属性
    |------o focusedimage                               Image 属性
    |------o disabledimage                              Image 属性
    |------o hottextcolor                               string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o pushedtextcolor                            string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o focusedtextcolor                           string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o CLabelUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
Option                              COptionUI : public CButtonUI
    |------o group                                      string
    |------o selected                                   bool [true|false]
    |------o selectedimage                              Image 属性
    |------o foreimage                                  Image 属性
    |------o selectedtextcolor                          string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o CButtonUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)

Progress                            CProgressUI : public  CLabelUI
    |------o fgimage                                    Image 属性
    |------o hor                                        bool
    |------o min                                        int
    |------o max                                        int
    |------o value                                      int
    |------o CLabelUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
Slider                              CSliderUI : public  CProgressUI
    |------o thumbimage                                 Image 属性
    |------o thumbhotimage                              Image 属性
    |------o thumbpushedimage                           Image 属性
    |------o thumbsize                                  SIZE(int x, int y)
    |------o step                                       int
    |------o CProgressUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)    
RichEdit                            CRichEditUI : public CContainerUI, public IMessageFilterUI
    |------o vscrollbar                                 bool [true|false]
    |------o autovscroll                                bool [true|false]
    |------o hscrollbar                                 bool [true|false]
    |------o autohscroll                                bool [true|false]
    |------o wanttab                                    bool [true|false]
    |------o wantreturn                                 bool [true|false]
    |------o wantctrlreturn                             bool [true|false]
    |------o rich                                       bool [true|false]
    |------o multiline                                  bool [false|true]
    |------o readonly                                   bool [true|false]
    |------o numberonly                                 bool [true|false]
    |------o password                                   bool [true|false]
    |------o align                                      string enum [left|center|right]
    |------o font                                       int     Font列表的索引号
    |------o textcolor                                  string #RRGGBBAA
    |------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)

ActiveX                             CActiveXUI : public  CControlUI
    |------o clsid                                      string
    |------o modulename                                 string
    |------o delaycreate                                bool [true|false]
    |------o CControlUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)

ScrollBar                           CScrollBarUI : public CControlUI
    |------o button1normalimage                         Image 属性
    |------o button1hotimage                            Image 属性
    |------o button1pushedimage                         Image 属性
    |------o button1disabledimage                       Image 属性
    |------o button2normalimage                         Image 属性
    |------o button2hotimage                            Image 属性
    |------o button2pushedimage                         Image 属性
    |------o button2disabledimage                       Image 属性
    |------o thumbnormalimage                           Image 属性
    |------o thumbhotimage                              Image 属性
    |------o thumbpushedimage                           Image 属性
    |------o thumbdisabledimage                         Image 属性
    |------o railnormalimage                            Image 属性
    |------o railhotimage                               Image 属性
    |------o railpushedimage                            Image 属性
    |------o raildisabledimage                          Image 属性
    |------o bknormalimage                              Image 属性
    |------o bkhotimage                                 Image 属性
    |------o bkpushedimage                              Image 属性
    |------o bkdisabledimage                            Image 属性
    |------o hor                                        bool [true|false]
    |------o linesize                                   int
    |------o range                                      int
    |------o value                                      int
    |------o showbutton1                                bool [true|false]
    |------o showbutton2                                bool [true|false]
    |------o CControlUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)

stretch        STRETCHMODE
The string formatter supports a kind of "mini-html" that consists of various short tags:

  Bold:             <b>text</b>
  Color:            <c #xxxxxx>text</c>  where x = RGB in hex
  Font:             <f x>text</f>        where x = font id
  Italic:           <i>text</i>
  Image:            <i x y z>            where x = image name and y = imagelist num and z(optional) = imagelist id
  Link:             <a x>text</a>        where x(optional) = link content, normal like app:notepad or http:www.xxx.com
  NewLine           <n>                  
  Paragraph:        <p x>text</p>        where x = extra pixels indent in p
  Raw Text:         <r>text</r>
  Selected:         <s>text</s>
  Underline:        <u>text</u>
  X Indent:         <x i>                where i = hor indent in pixels
  Y Indent:         <y i>                where i = ver indent in pixels 
                                                                        colin3dmax 整理于 2011-6-14





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


