SOCK_RAW Demystified——Raw socket剖析

SOCK_RAW Demystified
by ithilgore - /
May 2008

0x0. Index
0x1. Introduction
0x2. Creation
0x4. raw input
0x5. raw output
0x6. Summary
0x7. Conclusion
0x8. References

0x1. Introduction

This paper's purpose is to explain the often misunderstood nature of raw 
sockets. The driving force of writing this text was the curiosity of the author
to learn the ins and outs of this powerful socket type also known as SOCK_RAW.
What is going to be discussed here will *not* be another tutorial on how to 
hand-craft one's own packets. This topic has been overly discussed many times 
and one can find quite a few references on the net about it (mixter etc). What
is going to be discussed here is what raw sockets do behind the scenes. We are
going to delve into network stack internals for this reason. It is assumed that
the reader has already some experience with sockets and is willing to look at 
some kernel code since raw sockets implementation is actually OS dependent. We 
will cover both FreeBSD 7.0 and Linux 2.6 implementations. Most things covered 
for FreeBSD may also apply to OpenBSD, NetBSD and even MAC OS X.

0x2. Creation

First things first. Creation. How is a raw socket created? What are the main 
intricacies involved? A raw socket is created by calling the socket(2) syscall 
and defining the socket type as SOCK_RAW like this:

	int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, XXX);

where XXX is the *int protocol* that, as we shall discuss further on, is the
main source of confusion and problems, delving from the very fact that 
different combinations can apply here. Valid values are: IPPROTO_RAW, 
IPPROTO_ICMP, IPPOROTO_IGMP, IPPROTO_TCP, 0 (caution here - see below), 
IPPROTO_UDP etc. With a different combination arises a different behaviour. 
And this behaviour is critical to the way the kernel interacts with the 
application creating the raw socket.

Before getting into the specific combinations for each OS, let's first take a 
look at the actual meaning of the *protocol* value. For all protocols to work
concurrently, a specific common design approach has been used. According to it,
similar protocols are grouped into domains. A domain is usually defined by what
is known as Protocol Family or Address Family, (the latter being a most recent 
practice) and a number of constants are used to differentiate between them. The
most common ones are:

PF_INET / AF_INET 			--> Internet protocols (TCP, UDP etc)
PF_LOCAL, PF_UNIX / AF_LOCAL, AF_UNIX	--> Unix local IPC protocol
PF_ROUTE / AF_ROUTE 			--> routing tables 

Linux defines these constants in /usr/src/linux-2.6.*/include/linux/socket.h

/* Supported address families. */
#define AF_UNSPEC	0
#define AF_UNIX		1	/* Unix domain sockets 		*/
#define AF_LOCAL	1	/* POSIX name for AF_UNIX	*/
#define AF_INET		2	/* Internet IP Protocol 	*/
  	/* ... */

/* Protocol families, same as address families. */
#define PF_UNIX		AF_UNIX
#define PF_INET		AF_INET
 	/* ... */

FreeBSD defines the above values (nearly the same) in /usr/src/sys/sys/socket.h

As you might already have guessed we are going to occupy ourselves with the 
AF_INET family. The internet family breaks down its protocols into protocol 
types with each type having the possibility of consisting of more than one 

Linux defines the internet family protocol types in 

enum sock_type {
	SOCK_RAW	= 3,
	SOCK_RDM	= 4,

FreeBSD defines the AF_INET types in 

 * Types
#define	SOCK_STREAM	1		/* stream socket */
#define	SOCK_DGRAM	2		/* datagram socket */
#define	SOCK_RAW	3		/* raw-protocol interface */
#define	SOCK_RDM	4		/* reliably-delivered message */
#define	SOCK_SEQPACKET	5		/* sequenced packet stream */

If you have done some socket programming in the past, then you probably 
recognise some of the above. One of them has to be the 2nd argument of a 
socket(AF_INET, ..., ...) call. The 3rd argument is the IPPROTO_XXX value which
defines the actual protocol above IP. It is important to understand this 
implication. This value/number is what the IP layer will write to the 
protocol_type field in its header to define the upper level protocol. It is the
"Protocol" field as you see in the IP header below (RFC 791).

    0                   1                   2                   3   
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |Version|  IHL  |Type of Service|          Total Length         |
   |         Identification        |Flags|      Fragment Offset    |
   |  Time to Live |    Protocol   |         Header Checksum       |
   |                       Source Address                          |
   |                    Destination Address                        |
   |                    Options                    |    Padding    |

It is one of the most crucial fields since it is the one that will be used by
the IP layer on the receiver end to understand to which layer above it (for 
example TCP or UDP) the datagram has to be delivered.

Linux defines these protocols in /usr/src/linux-2.6.*/include/linux/in.h

/* Standard well-defined IP protocols.  */
enum {
	IPPROTO_IP = 0,			/* Dummy protocol for TCP		*/
	IPPROTO_ICMP = 1,		/* Internet Control Message Protocol	*/
	IPPROTO_IGMP = 2,		/* Internet Group Management Protocol	*/
	IPPROTO_IPIP = 4,		/* IPIP tunnels (older KA9Q tunnels use 94) */
	IPPROTO_TCP = 6,		/* Transmission Control Protocol	*/
	IPPROTO_EGP = 8,		/* Exterior Gateway Protocol		*/
	IPPROTO_PUP = 12,		/* PUP protocol				*/
	IPPROTO_UDP = 17,		/* User Datagram Protocol		*/
	IPPROTO_IDP = 22,		/* XNS IDP protocol			*/
	IPPROTO_DCCP = 33,		/* Datagram Congestion Control Protocol */
	IPPROTO_RSVP = 46,		/* RSVP protocol			*/
	IPPROTO_GRE = 47,		/* Cisco GRE tunnels (rfc 1701,1702)	*/
	IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41,		/* IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnelling		*/
	IPPROTO_ESP = 50,       	/* Encapsulation Security Payload protocol */
	IPPROTO_AH = 51,             	/* Authentication Header protocol       */
	IPPROTO_BEETPH = 94,	       	/* IP option pseudo header for BEET */
	IPPROTO_PIM    = 103,		/* Protocol Independent Multicast	*/
	IPPROTO_COMP   = 108,           /* Compression Header protocol */
	IPPROTO_SCTP   = 132,		/* Stream Control Transport Protocol	*/
	IPPROTO_UDPLITE = 136,		/* UDP-Lite (RFC 3828)			*/
	IPPROTO_RAW	 = 255,		/* Raw IP packets			*/

FreeBSD defines the IPPROTO_XXX values in 

Here's the example for IPPROTO_RAW:

#if __POSIX_VISIBLE >= 200112
#define	IPPROTO_RAW		255		/* raw IP packet */

With so many different combinations it is best to discuss things serially so 
let's begin with the much used *0* protocol value. Did you ever wonder how the
socket(2) system call magically finds which protocol to use even if it has been
called like socket(..., ..., 0)? 
For example when an application calls it like:

	socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

how does the kernel find out which protocol to associate the socket with?
Well the fact is that the kernel doesn't make any kind of guess - the kernel 
doesn't play dice with the userspace ( to quote a crazy physicist & great mind in a slightly different context ) - in most
cases that is ( see encryption & entropy for the opposite paradigm )
On FreeBSD all that it does is associate the first protocol to find in the 
domains linked list through the function pffindproto(dom, type).

Let's be more specific and see some POC code:

A socket is created using the kernel function socreate() which is defined like
this: (source code from FreeBSD 7.0 /usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_socket.c)

 * socreate returns a socket with a ref count of 1.  The socket should be
 * closed with soclose().
socreate(int dom, struct socket **aso, int type, int proto,
    struct ucred *cred, struct thread *td)
	struct protosw *prp;
	struct socket *so;
	int error;

	if (proto)
		prp = pffindproto(dom, proto, type);
		prp = pffindtype(dom, type); 

	/* .... */

The secret lies in the two functions pffindproto() and pffindtype(). If 
proto == 0 then pffindtype is called, which is less strict than pffindproto().
As we can see from the code, pffindtype() doesn't check the protocol value at
all and just returns the *first* protosw struct it finds, deducing it from 
just the pr_type (protocol type: SOCK_STREAM , SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW etc ) and
family/domain ( AF_INET, AF_LOCAL etc ).
Each protosw (protocol switch) struct is an association of a SOCK_XXX type and
IPPROTO_XXX protocol. All of the protosw structs are inside the inetsw[] table
which is pointed by the inetdomain entry in the global domains linked list. 
A graphical representation might clear things out a bit:

|	|			(domain linked list)
    |------------> 	isodomain:             	inetdomain:
			---------      		--------- 
		-------	|	| -----> -------|	| ------->    .....
		|	---------      	 |	---------
		|	               	 |	
		|		       	 |		
		|---> isosw[]:         	 |---> inetsw[]:
			---------      		---------
			|	|      		|  IP	|
			---------      		---------
			|	|      		|  UDP	|
			---------      		---------
			|	|      		|  TCP	|
			---------      		---------
			|	|      		|IP(raw)| (default entry)
			---------      		---------
			|	|      		| ICMP	|
			---------      		---------
				       		| IGMP	|	
						|  ...  |
						|  ...  |
				       		|IP(raw)| (wildcard entry)

Note: The place of IP(raw) in the 4th index (inetsw[3]) is mentioned for 
historical reasons and newer implementations of the FreeBSD stack differ in 
that regard. In particular, if SCTP support is defined in the kernel then 
IP(raw), ICMP and the rest are moved 3 places up the inetsw[] array 
effectively becoming inetsw[6], inetsw[7] etc. Of course, this doesn't have any
significant difference in kernel sources since inetsw[] is never accessed by 
index but by name. Throughout the whole text, we are going to use the 
convention referring to the default entry (inetsw[3]) as default_RAW and the 
wildcard RAW entry (the last member of inetsw[] and in the old times inetsw[6])
as wildcard_RAW for clarity reasons.

The raw wildcard entry (the one with .pr_protocol non assigned a value and thus
having a value of 0) is defined as the last member of the inetsw[] array in 

/* raw wildcard */
	.pr_type =		SOCK_RAW,
	.pr_domain =		&inetdomain,
	.pr_flags =		PR_ATOMIC|PR_ADDR,
	.pr_input =		rip_input,
	.pr_ctloutput =		rip_ctloutput,
	.pr_init =		rip_init,
	.pr_usrreqs =		&rip_usrreqs
};  /* end of inetsw[] */

Back to the search which goes like this: 

	pffindtype:  1. find corresponding domain through the *family* value
		     2. return the first entry of the corresponding protosw 
		     	table which matches the *type* value

	pffindproto: 1. find corresponding domain through the *family* value
		     2. return the first match of the pair *type* - *protocol*
		     3. if no pair is found and type is SOCK_RAW then return
		     	the default entry of raw IP - default_RAW (see below)

both functions return an inetsw[] entry (that is a protosw * pointer to the
corresponding array offset)


struct protosw *
pffindtype(int family, int type)
	struct domain *dp;
	struct protosw *pr;

	for (dp = domains; dp; dp = dp->dom_next)
		if (dp->dom_family == family)
			goto found;
	return (0);
	for (pr = dp->dom_protosw; pr < dp->dom_protoswNPROTOSW; pr++)
		if (pr->pr_type && pr->pr_type == type)
			return (pr);
	return (0);

struct protosw *
pffindproto(int family, int protocol, int type)
	struct domain *dp;
	struct protosw *pr;
	struct protosw *maybe = 0;

	if (family == 0)
		return (0);
	for (dp = domains; dp; dp = dp->dom_next)
		if (dp->dom_family == family)
			goto found;
	return (0);
	for (pr = dp->dom_protosw; pr < dp->dom_protoswNPROTOSW; pr++) {
		if ((pr->pr_protocol == protocol) && (pr->pr_type == type))
			return (pr);

		if (type == SOCK_RAW && pr->pr_type == SOCK_RAW &&
		    pr->pr_protocol == 0 && maybe == (struct protosw *)0)
			maybe = pr;
	return (maybe);

Inspecting the code above, we notice another great importance of SOCK_RAW.
Basically, what the last few lines of pffindproto() do, is use SOCK_RAW as a 
fallback default protocol. This means that if a user application calls 
socket(2) like this:

	socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 30);

where a protocol of value 30 is not specified in the kernel, then instead of
failing, the wildcard_RAW is used. This is because it is the only protosw
struct in the inetsw[] array containing a .pr_protocol of 0 and a pr_type of
The same goes for a call like this:


The SOCK_RAW type and IPPROTO_TCP don't match since SOCK_RAW only has entries 
for ICMP, IGMP and raw IP. However, it is a perfect valid call since the kernel
will return the wildcard entry of SOCK_RAW.

This goes for FreeBSD. As far as Linux is concerned, as you may already have 
noticed from the code snippet from above (in.h), the *0* value is actually
defined as another protocol type for TCP. This practice has some strong effect
in porting applications between *BSD and Linux. For example, for *BSD this is 

	socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0);

Note that by issuing a value of 0 will return the default_RAW entry and not the
wildcard entry, since pffindtype() will return the first protosw struct with 
type of SOCK_RAW inside the inetsw[] table and the first one is the default_RAW

On Linux you will get an EPROTONOSUPPORT error. See the kernel code below to 
understand why this happens.


/* Upon startup we insert all the elements in inetsw_array[] into
 * the linked list inetsw.
static struct inet_protosw inetsw_array[] =
		.type =       SOCK_STREAM,
		.protocol =   IPPROTO_TCP,
		.prot =       &tcp_prot,
		.ops =        &inet_stream_ops,
		.capability = -1,
		.no_check =   0,
		.flags =      INET_PROTOSW_PERMANENT |

		.type =       SOCK_DGRAM,
		.protocol =   IPPROTO_UDP,
		.prot =       &udp_prot,
		.ops =        &inet_dgram_ops,
		.capability = -1,
		.no_check =   UDP_CSUM_DEFAULT,

	       .type =       SOCK_RAW,
	       .protocol =   IPPROTO_IP,	/* wild card */
	       .prot =       &raw_prot,
	       .ops =        &inet_sockraw_ops,
	       .capability = CAP_NET_RAW,
	       .no_check =   UDP_CSUM_DEFAULT,
	       .flags =      INET_PROTOSW_REUSE,

static int inet_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int protocol)

	/* ... */

/* Look for the requested type/protocol pair. */
	answer = NULL;
	list_for_each_rcu(p, &inetsw[sock->type]) {
		answer = list_entry(p, struct inet_protosw, list);

		/* Check the non-wild match. */
		if (protocol == answer->protocol) {
			if (protocol != IPPROTO_IP)
		} else {
			/* Check for the two wild cases. */
			if (IPPROTO_IP == protocol) {
				protocol = answer->protocol;
			if (IPPROTO_IP == answer->protocol)
		answer = NULL;

	/* ... */


Remember from above that IPPROTO_IP = 0.
The above code can be broken down to the following cases: 

	protocol = 6
	answer = inet_protosw[0]
	protocol = answer->protocol  : first "if" TRUE

	protocol = 17 
	answer = inet_protosw[1]
	protocol = answer->protocol : first "if" TRUE

3) socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	protocol = 0
	answer = inet_protosw[0]
	if (protocol == answer->protocol) : FALSE
	check else : 
			/* Check for the two wild cases. */
			if (IPPROTO_IP == protocol) {
				protocol = answer->protocol;
			: TRUE
	note that protocol value 0 is substituted with the
	real value of IPPROTO_TCP in line:
		protocol = answer->protocol;

4) socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
	protocol = 0
	answer = inet_protosw[1]
	if (protocol == answer->protocol) : FALSE
	check else : 
			/* Check for the two wild cases. */
			if (IPPROTO_IP == protocol) {
				protocol = answer->protocol;
			: TRUE
	note that protocol value 0 is substituted with the
	real value of IPPROTO_UDP in line:
		protocol = answer->protocol;

5) socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0);
	protocol = 0
	answer = inet_protosw[2]
	protocol == IPPROTO_IP so : if (protocol != IPPROTO_IP)  is FALSE

6) socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 9); (where 9 can be any protocol 
				    except IPPROTO_TCP)
   	protocol = 9
	answer = inet_protosw[0]
	if (protocol == answer->protocol) : FALSE
	check else : 
			/* Check for the two wild cases. */
			if (IPPROTO_IP == protocol) {
				protocol = answer->protocol;
			if (IPPROTO_IP == answer->protocol)

	both are a FALSE

7) socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 9); (where 9 can be any protocol except 
	same as above

8) socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 9); (where 9 can be *any* protocol except 0)
	protocol = 9
	answer = inet_protosw[2]
	if (protocol == answer->protocol) : FALSE
	check else : 
			/* Check for the two wild cases. */
			if (IPPROTO_IP == protocol) {
				protocol = answer->protocol;
			: FALSE

			if (IPPROTO_IP == answer->protocol)
			: TRUE

Case 8 demonstrates how Linux uses SOCK_RAW as a fallback protocol just like 
we saw with FreeBSD above.

These are not the only differences between the two systems. We will discuss 
more of them further on.


One of the most serious decisions when writing low level network programs with
raw sockets, is if the application will construct along with the transport 
level protocol header, the IP header as well. It would be best to do some
historical flashback first, since many things have changed since the old days.
Nowadays, the obvious way to tell the IP layer not to prepend its own header 
is by calling the setsockopt(2) syscall and setting the IP_HDRINCL (Header 
Included) option. However, not always did this option exist. In releases before
Net/3, there was no IP_HDRINCL option and the only way to not have the kernel 
prepend its own header was to use specific kernel patches and set the protocol
as IPPROTO_RAW ( inetsw[3] -- wildcard entry ). These patches were first made 
for 4.3BSD and Net/1 to support Traceroute that needed to write its own 
complete IP datagrams, since it messed with the TTL field. The interesting part
is that since the arrival of IP_HDRINCL, Linux and FreeBSD chose different ways
to continue the "tradition". On Linux when setting the protocol as IPPROTO_RAW,
then by default the kernel sets the IP_HDRINCL option and thus does not prepend
its own IP header. The code below proves this.


static int inet_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int protocol)
	/* ... */
	if (SOCK_RAW == sock->type) {
		inet->num = protocol;
		if (IPPROTO_RAW == protocol)
			inet->hdrincl = 1;      /* set IP_HDRINCL */
	/* ... */

On FreeBSD however, the kernel never sets IP_HDRINCL by default, even if 
IPPROTO_RAW is used. This means that the application has to explicitly set the
option whenever it wants to hand-craft its own IP header. We will see below 
when we delve into more details of raw sockets input/output that some IP header
fields are/were always set by the kernel.

To sum up, to make portable raw sockets applications that need to construct 
their own IP header, it is best to set the IP_HDRINCL always, since it is the 
common way for both Linux and *BSD.

0x4. raw input

After initializing a raw socket in our application, we have to know in advance
which datagrams we are expecting to receive. The implementation approach taken
here is entirely different between Linux and FreeBSD and deserves our

a. Linux

Linux has chosen the less resource-savy approach. After the IP layer processes
a new incoming IP datagram, it calls ip_local_deliver_finish() kernel function
which is responsibe for calling a registered transport protocol handler by 
inspecting the protocol field of the IP header (remember from above). However 
before it delivers the datagram to the handler, it checks every time if an 
application has created a raw socket with the *same* protocol number. If there
is one or more such applications, it makes a copy of the datagram and delivers 
it to them as well.


static int ip_local_deliver_finish(struct sk_buff *skb)
	__skb_pull(skb, ip_hdrlen(skb));

	/* Point into the IP datagram, just past the header. */

		/* Note: See raw.c and net/raw.h, RAWV4_HTABLE_SIZE==MAX_INET_PROTOS */
		int protocol = ip_hdr(skb)->protocol;
		int hash;
		struct sock *raw_sk;
		struct net_protocol *ipprot;

		hash = protocol & (MAX_INET_PROTOS - 1);
		raw_sk = sk_head(&raw_v4_htable[hash]);

		/* If there maybe a raw socket we must check - if not we
		 * don't care less
		if (raw_sk && !raw_v4_input(skb, ip_hdr(skb), hash))
			raw_sk = NULL;

	/* ... */
	/* transport protocol handler calling */
	/* ... */


A question that arises here is what part of the datagram is passed to the raw
socket? The IP payload only or the whole IP datagram (along with the IP header
that is)? Paying a closer look at the code above we can deduce that the whole
IP datagram is passed. Let's see why:

First we have: 

__skb_pull(skb, ip_hdrlen(skb));

What this essentialy does is shift the data pointer of the sk_buff to point 
just below the IP header (although this sounds controversial to what we 
deduced above, wait until you have read the whole part before raising obvious
objections). It does that by adding a size of ip_hdrlen(skb) len to the 
skb->data member. This means that the skb_data now points to the IP payload - 
and since the packet travels upward the network stack the beginning of the IP 
payload is actually the beginning of the transport header (most likely the TCP

__skb_pull is defined in:

static inline unsigned char *__skb_pull(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int len)
	skb->len -= len;
	BUG_ON(skb->len < skb->data_len);
	return skb->data += len;

After __skb_pull we 've got another skb-relevant function being called:


which updates the skb->transport_header member of the skb struct
to point into the new place the skb->data pointed just before
- guess what - the transport header.

skb_reset_transport_header(skb) is defined in:

static inline void skb_reset_transport_header(struct sk_buff *skb)
	skb->transport_header = skb->data;

Our sk_buff struct will now look like this:

sk_buff {			    buffer
.skb_data                       |	     |
	|                       --------------
        |                       | IP header  | <----
        |                       --------------     |
        -----------------> ->	| IP payload |     |
	                   |    |	     |     |
.transport_header ---------|    |	     |     |
	                        --------------	   |	
.network_header ------------------------------------


So in what part do we actually see that the *whole* IP datagram (along with the
IP header) is sent to the user process having created a raw socket? 
Enter raw_v4_input(). 

As the name itself suggest this is the main raw socket handler and is called by
this line in ip_local_deliver_finish():

	if (raw_sk && !raw_v4_input(skb, ip_hdr(skb), hash))

Note the second argument ip_hdr(skb) to raw_v4_input. ip_hdr is defined in

static inline struct iphdr *ip_hdr(const struct sk_buff *skb)
	return (struct iphdr *)skb_network_header(skb);

and skb_network_header is defined in

static inline unsigned char *skb_network_header(const struct sk_buff *skb)
	return skb->network_header;

What the above basically does is pass the IP header of the current packet to 
the raw_v4_input function as a separate iphdr struct. This is done by casting
the skbuff data part where the skb->network_header member points (the beginning
of the IP header) into an iphdr struct.

Its time for the raw_v4_input analysis:


/* IP input processing comes here for RAW socket delivery.
 * Caller owns SKB, so we must make clones.
 * RFC 1122: SHOULD pass TOS value up to the transport layer.
 * -> It does. And not only TOS, but all IP header.
int raw_v4_input(struct sk_buff *skb, struct iphdr *iph, int hash)
	struct sock *sk;
	struct hlist_head *head;
	int delivered = 0;

	head = &raw_v4_htable[hash];
	if (hlist_empty(head))
		goto out;
	sk = __raw_v4_lookup(__sk_head(head), iph->protocol,
			     iph->saddr, iph->daddr,

	while (sk) {
		delivered = 1;
		if (iph->protocol != IPPROTO_ICMP || !icmp_filter(sk, skb)) {
			struct sk_buff *clone = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);

			/* Not releasing hash table! */
			if (clone)
				raw_rcv(sk, clone);
		sk = __raw_v4_lookup(sk_next(sk), iph->protocol,
				     iph->saddr, iph->daddr,
	return delivered;

Note that the __raw_v4_lookup() function which essentialy checks if an
application has created a raw socket with the specific protocol number 
mentioned in the IP header, takes into account the member iph->protocol as 
expected. One of the most important parts of the code above is the skb_clone()
function which is called as many times as the number of the applications that
need to receive a copy of the current datagram. This is implemented inside the
while loop. The next part is the raw_rcv() call:

int raw_rcv(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
	if (!xfrm4_policy_check(sk, XFRM_POLICY_IN, skb)) {
		return NET_RX_DROP;

	skb_push(skb, skb->data - skb_network_header(skb));

	raw_rcv_skb(sk, skb);
	return 0;

This function accomplishes two things: (its imperative that the below is 
understood as this is the part that solves the possible objections to our
sentence about the passing of the whole IP datagram to the raw socket)

1) Calls skb_push() to revert the skbuff into its old form.
skb_push() is the exact opposite of skb_pull():

 *	skb_push - add data to the start of a buffer
 *	@skb: buffer to use
 *	@len: amount of data to add
 *	This function extends the used data area of the buffer at the buffer
 *	start. If this would exceed the total buffer headroom the kernel will
 *	panic. A pointer to the first byte of the extra data is returned.
static inline unsigned char *skb_push(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int len)
	skb->data -= len;
	skb->len  += len;
	if (unlikely(skb->data<skb->head))
		skb_under_panic(skb, len, current_text_addr());
	return skb->data;

So now remember its arguments and how the skbuff was like from
the diagram above.

	skb_push(skb, skb->data - skb_network_header(skb));

The skbuff will now look like this:

sk_buff {			    buffer
.skb_data                       |	     |
	|                       --------------
        |------------------>    | IP header  | <----
                                --------------     |
                           ->	| IP payload |     |
	                   |    |	     |     |
.transport_header ---------|    |	     |     |
	                        --------------	   |	
.network_header ------------------------------------


You might be now wondering why do the skb_pull() part from above if we are 
going to turn back to this form anyway by calling skb_push() to do the exact
opposite operation? The answer to this question is that raw sockets is an 
intermediate place where datagrams go. In the usual case where no raw sockets 
are open for some IPPROTO_ protocol, then as the packet moves up the network 
stack skb_pull() is only natural since the packet is slowly stripped of the 
lower layer headers. However, this overhead could be avoided by perhaps 
calling skb_pull() after the raw sockets mechanism is served and thus avoiding
the extra skb_push() inside the raw_rcv(). (This needs to be tested though)

2) Calls raw_rcv_skb() which is responsible for calling the generic
function that passes the sk_buff to the application socket (and also
increment a not yet implemented raw drops counter in case this fails):

static int raw_rcv_skb(struct sock * sk, struct sk_buff * skb)
	/* Charge it to the socket. */

	if (sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, skb) < 0) {
		/* FIXME: increment a raw drops counter here */
		return NET_RX_DROP;


From all the above we conclude that not only is the IP payload passed to the
raw socket but the IP header as well. 

b. FreeBSD

FreeBSD takes another approach. It *never* passes TCP or UDP packets to raw
sockets. Such packets need to be read directly at the datalink layer by using
libraries like libpcap or the bpf API. It also *never* passes any fragmented 
datagram. Each datagram has to be completeley reassembled before it is passed
to a raw socket.
FreeBSD passes to a raw socket:
	a) every IP datagram with a protocol field that is not registered in
	the kernel
	b) all IGMP packets after kernel finishes processing them
	c) all ICMP packets (except echo request, timestamp request and address
	mask request) after kernel finishes processes them

We are going to study the first case which is of more interest. But before 
that, some introductory material on how the FreeBSD kernel registers the 
protocol handlers, has to be studied.

In part 0x2. Creation we mentioned a few things about the protosw structs which
are associations of a SOCK_XXX type with a IPPROTO_XXX protocol and reside in 
the global table inetsw[]. Apart from that, they have members which are 
function pointers to the corresponding protocol handlers (the so called hooks).
pr_input() is responsible for handling incoming data from a lower level protocol
while pr_output() handles outgoing data from a higher level protocol.


struct protosw {
	short	pr_type;		/* socket type used for */
	struct	domain *pr_domain;	/* domain protocol a member of */
	short	pr_protocol;		/* protocol number */
	short	pr_flags;		/* see below */
/* protocol-protocol hooks */
	pr_input_t *pr_input;		/* input to protocol (from below) */
	pr_output_t *pr_output;		/* output to protocol (from above) */
	pr_ctlinput_t *pr_ctlinput;	/* control input (from below) */
	pr_ctloutput_t *pr_ctloutput;	/* control output (from above) */
/* user-protocol hook */
	pr_usrreq_t	*pr_ousrreq;
/* utility hooks */
	pr_init_t *pr_init;
	pr_fasttimo_t *pr_fasttimo;	/* fast timeout (200ms) */
	pr_slowtimo_t *pr_slowtimo;	/* slow timeout (500ms) */
	pr_drain_t *pr_drain;		/* flush any excess space possible */

	struct	pr_usrreqs *pr_usrreqs;	/* supersedes pr_usrreq() */

So the IP layer will usually call the corresponding protocol handler-hook
pr_input() through this table when it receives a packet. To know which protocol
goes to which handler, an initialization phase is mandatory. First, all protosw
structures are initialized in /usr/src/sys/netinet/in_proto.c 

This resembles what we saw earlier on Linux at 


struct protosw inetsw[] = {
	.pr_type =		0,
	.pr_domain =		&inetdomain,
	.pr_protocol =		IPPROTO_IP,
	.pr_init =		ip_init,
	.pr_slowtimo =		ip_slowtimo,
	.pr_drain =		ip_drain,
	.pr_usrreqs =		&nousrreqs
	.pr_type =		SOCK_DGRAM,
	.pr_domain =		&inetdomain,
	.pr_protocol =		IPPROTO_UDP,
	.pr_flags =		PR_ATOMIC|PR_ADDR,
	.pr_input =		udp_input,
	.pr_ctlinput =		udp_ctlinput,
	.pr_ctloutput =		ip_ctloutput,
	.pr_init =		udp_init,
	.pr_usrreqs =		&udp_usrreqs
	.pr_type =		SOCK_STREAM,
	.pr_domain =		&inetdomain,
	.pr_protocol =		IPPROTO_TCP,
	.pr_input =		tcp_input,
	.pr_ctlinput =		tcp_ctlinput,
	.pr_ctloutput =		tcp_ctloutput,
	.pr_init =		tcp_init,
	.pr_slowtimo =		tcp_slowtimo,
	.pr_drain =		tcp_drain,
	.pr_usrreqs =		&tcp_usrreqs
/* #ifdef SCTP */
/* ... */
/* #endif */
	.pr_type =		SOCK_RAW,
	.pr_domain =		&inetdomain,
	.pr_protocol =		IPPROTO_RAW,
	.pr_flags =		PR_ATOMIC|PR_ADDR,
	.pr_input =		rip_input,
	.pr_ctlinput =		rip_ctlinput,
	.pr_ctloutput =		rip_ctloutput,
	.pr_usrreqs =		&rip_usrreqs
	.pr_type =		SOCK_RAW,
	.pr_domain =		&inetdomain,
	.pr_protocol =		IPPROTO_ICMP,
	.pr_input =		icmp_input,
	.pr_ctloutput =		rip_ctloutput,
	.pr_usrreqs =		&rip_usrreqs
	.pr_type =		SOCK_RAW,
	.pr_domain =		&inetdomain,
	.pr_protocol =		IPPROTO_IGMP,
	.pr_input =		igmp_input,
	.pr_ctloutput =		rip_ctloutput,
	.pr_init =		igmp_init,
	.pr_fasttimo =		igmp_fasttimo,
	.pr_slowtimo =		igmp_slowtimo,
	.pr_usrreqs =		&rip_usrreqs
	.pr_type =		SOCK_RAW,
	.pr_domain =		&inetdomain,
	.pr_protocol =		IPPROTO_RSVP,
	.pr_input =		rsvp_input,
	.pr_ctloutput =		rip_ctloutput,
	.pr_usrreqs =		&rip_usrreqs

The question is how does the IP layer understand to which protocol handler it
should hand the packet to? This is done by inspecting the Protocol field in the
IP header (we mentioned this above) and then looking up the ip_protox[] table 
which is initialized in function ip_init().


	struct protosw *pr;
	int i;

	in_ifaddrhashtbl = hashinit(INADDR_NHASH, M_IFADDR, &in_ifaddrhmask);
	pr = pffindproto(PF_INET, IPPROTO_RAW, SOCK_RAW);
	if (pr == NULL)
		panic("ip_init: PF_INET not found");

	/* Initialize the entire ip_protox[] array to IPPROTO_RAW. */
	for (i = 0; i < IPPROTO_MAX; i++)
		ip_protox[i] = pr - inetsw;
	 * Cycle through IP protocols and put them into the appropriate place
	 * in ip_protox[].
	for (pr = inetdomain.dom_protosw;
	    pr < inetdomain.dom_protoswNPROTOSW; pr++)
		if (pr->pr_domain->dom_family == PF_INET &&
		    pr->pr_protocol && pr->pr_protocol != IPPROTO_RAW) {
			/* Be careful to only index valid IP protocols. */
			if (pr->pr_protocol < IPPROTO_MAX)
				ip_protox[pr->pr_protocol] = pr - inetsw;
/* ... */


The ip_protox[] array is nothing else than a simple associative array which
is used by IP to demultiplex incoming datagrams based on the *real* transport
level protocol number. What do we mean by real? The actual number residing
in the IP header in the Protocol field - the standardised number by all RFCs.
The number defined in /usr/src/linux-2.6.*/include/linux/in.h for Linux and
/usr/src/sys/netinet/in.h for FreeBSD. IPPROTO_XXX. Most protocols have such 
a global common number.

The inetsw[] table doesn't have the protocol protosw structs arranged by this
number. For example TCP which is defined to be protocol number 6 is in 
inetsw[2]. So ip_protox[6] has to point at inetsw[2]. Fairly simple. The same 
logic goes for all protocols that IP may need to hand datagrams to.
Another diagram:

	ip_protox[]					inetsw[]

	---------					---------
0       |   3	|                               	|  IP	|
        ---------                               	---------
1       |   4	|-------------------------|           	|  UDP	|
        ---------                         |      	---------
2	|   5	|------|         |-------------------> 	|  TCP	|
        ---------      |         |        |      	---------
3	|   	|      |         |        |      	|IP(raw)| (default)
	---------      |         |        |      	---------
4	|	|      |         |        |---------> 	| ICMP	|
        ---------      |         |                	---------
5	|	|      |-----------------------------> 	| IGMP	| 
        ---------		 |                      ---------
6	|   3	|----------------|               	|  ...  | 
	---------                                       ---------
7	|	|					|  ...  |
	---------					---------
...	|  ...  |					|IP(raw)| (wildcard)
	---------					---------

(Not represented above, to avoid cluttering, are the pointers coming from the
unregistered protocols and going to the IP(raw) default entry.

Where do SOCK_RAW and IPPROTO_RAW come into play in this part?
To put it simply, if their protosw doesn't exist, the kernel panics! Why is 
that? Because every single entry in ip_protox[] has to be initialized to point
to the (first) IP(raw) protosw struct. And with a good reason: 
if the kernel doesn't know how to handle a protocol (there is no other 
registered handler for it) it passes it to the default entry handler that is 
Such is the importance of its existence in all contemporary kernels.
Of course, all ip_protox[] entries that *do* have a handler for the protocol 
number specified are defined to point to the actual inetsw[] entry, thus 
overwritting the pointing to the default entry. But all those who don't have,
base their (not official) existence on IP(raw).

Knowing this informantion, ip_input after doing all checks that have to be 
done, (for example, to see if the checksum of the datagram is correct) can
finally call the higher-level protocol handler.
Note: The higher level protocol doesn't necessarily have to be transport level,
since IP can hand datagrams to ICMP, IGMP which are *not* transport protocols
but are considered to be part of the network layer.


 * Ip input routine.  Checksum and byte swap header.  If fragmented
 * try to reassemble.  Process options.  Pass to next level.
ip_input(struct mbuf *m)
	struct ip *ip = NULL;
	struct in_ifaddr *ia = NULL;
	struct ifaddr *ifa;
	int    checkif, hlen = 0;
	u_short sum;
	int dchg = 0;				/* dest changed after fw */
	struct in_addr odst;			/* original dst address */

	/* ... */

	 * Switch out to protocol's input routine.

	(*inetsw[ip_protox[ip->ip_p]].pr_input)(m, hlen);

Suppose now that ip->ip_p  (the Protocol field in the ip header) is something
that *does not* have a registered handler in the kernel.
What will the following line from ip_input() call ?

	(*inetsw[ip_protox[ip->ip_p]].pr_input)(m, hlen);

You guessed right. pr_input of inetsw[default_RAW] (SOCK_RAW - IPPROTO_RAW).
Time to analyse rip_input().


 * Setup generic address and protocol structures
 * for raw_input routine, then pass them along with
 * mbuf chain.
rip_input(struct mbuf *m, int off)
	struct ip *ip = mtod(m, struct ip *);
	int proto = ip->ip_p;
	struct inpcb *inp, *last;

	ripsrc.sin_addr = ip->ip_src;
	last = NULL;
	LIST_FOREACH(inp, &ripcb, inp_list) {
		if (inp->inp_ip_p && inp->inp_ip_p != proto) {
#ifdef INET6
		if ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) == 0)
			goto docontinue;
		if (inp->inp_laddr.s_addr &&
		    inp->inp_laddr.s_addr != ip->ip_dst.s_addr)
			goto docontinue;
		if (inp->inp_faddr.s_addr &&
		    inp->inp_faddr.s_addr != ip->ip_src.s_addr)
			goto docontinue;
		if (jailed(inp->inp_socket->so_cred))
			if (htonl(prison_getip(inp->inp_socket->so_cred)) !=
				goto docontinue;
		if (last) {
			struct mbuf *n;

			n = m_copy(m, 0, (int)M_COPYALL);
			if (n != NULL)
				(void) raw_append(last, ip, n);
			/* XXX count dropped packet */
		last = inp;
	if (last != NULL) {
		if (raw_append(last, ip, m) != 0)
	} else {

Upon reading the above source code, we can discern the following points:

1) If a raw socket (type SOCK_RAW) is created with a protocol value of 0 then:

	a) if the process has called bind() and the address specified matches
	the destination address in the datagram then *ALL* such datagrams which
	the kernel doesn't know how to handle, are passed to its raw socket

	b) if the process has called connect() and the address specified
	matches the foreign address in the datagram then *ALL* such datagrams
	which the kernel doesn't know how to handle, are passed to its raw

	c) if the process hasn't called bind() and connect(), then *ALL* 
	datagrams which the kernel doesn't know how to handle, are passed
	to its raw socket.

	d) any combination from a or b that fails its check means that the
	datagram is not passed to the application.

2) If a raw socket (type SOCK_RAW) is created with a protocol value of non-
zero then we have the following cases:

	a) if the protocol value specified has a registered protocol handler
	in the kernel, the application does *not* receive any datagram
	(exception are ICMP, IGMP but follow another mechanism not discussed 

	b) if the protocol value specified doesn't have a registed protocol
	handler in the kernel, the application receives *only* the datagrams
	which have this protocol value specified in the IP header.

The above can be deduced from the following code snippet:

		if (inp->inp_ip_p && inp->inp_ip_p != proto) {
		if (inp->inp_laddr.s_addr &&
		    inp->inp_laddr.s_addr != ip->ip_dst.s_addr)
			goto docontinue;
		if (inp->inp_faddr.s_addr &&
		    inp->inp_faddr.s_addr != ip->ip_src.s_addr)
			goto docontinue;

Using reverse logic, the first check ignores any datagram that has a non-zero
protocol value and the raw socket that is checked doesn't have this protocol
specifed. This means that any raw socket that has specified a protocol value 
of 0 will pass this check and will not be ignored. The same goes for any raw
socket that has a non-zero protocol value but has the same protocol value as
the one in datagram checked. 
The same applies to the two checks that follow the first, that test the local
and foreign addresses (in case bind() or/and connect() was called).
Of course the case where the application does not receive any datagram although
it has created a raw socket (but with a protocol which is registered) comes
from the fact that rip_input() will not be called in that case at all.

A small parenthesis here to comment on something from the *BSD man pages.
In particular man 4 ip mentions that:
Raw IP sockets 
"If proto is 0, the default protocol IPPROTO_RAW is used for outgoing packets,
and only incoming destined for that protocol are received."

This is partially confusing, since it sounds like creating a raw socket with
a protocol value of 0 would result in only packets destined for IPPROTO_RAW 
(as in 255) received and nothing else. This is not true however, and the man
pages author wants to say that every IP datagram that has a protocol value that
*results in the IP demultiplexing done by ip_protox[] to point to a IPPROTO_RAW
entry* (remember that all unknown protocols point to that default entry) then 
the socket will receive these datagrams. By this definition, it is correct.

The funny thing is that specifying a protocol of IPPROTO_RAW when creating a 
raw socket will *normally* result in the socket not receiving *any* datagram 
based on the logic above. Normally, because datagrams with such a protocol
number do/shound not appear on the wire.
Of course this doesn't mean that a process can't forge a packet with such a 
protocol number and send it. It's another case of the fundamental difference 
between shouldn't and can't. In addition to that not all packet-forging 
programs have the desire to always communicate... (as in two-way communication)
On Linux, the same would happen, since raw_v4_input() is called every time and
will check if a raw socket with protocol number IPPROTO_RAW existed in the 
user space.

The following two small programs demonstrate the above functionality of 
IPPROTO_RAW on Linux. Remember from part 0x3. IP_HDRINCL that the Linux
kernel sets the IP_HDRINCL by default when creating a socket with IPPROTO_RAW
so we will have to create our own header lest we want to send garbage on the
wire. The demonstration uses the loopback device but will have the same effects
on any real ethernet device.
Both programs run on FreeBSD/OpenBSD too, although crafting our own IP header 
is not necessary (then netinet/in.h should be used in place of netinet/ip.h)

/*** IPPROTO_RAW receiver ***/
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
	int s;
	struct sockaddr_in saddr;
	char packet[50];

	if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) {

	memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
	socklen_t *len = (socklen_t *)sizeof(saddr);
	int fromlen = sizeof(saddr);

	while(1) {
		if (recvfrom(s, (char *)&packet, sizeof(packet), 0,
			(struct sockaddr *)&saddr, &fromlen) < 0)
			perror("packet receive error:");

		int i = sizeof(struct iphdr);	/* print the payload */
		while (i < sizeof(packet)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%c", packet[i]);

/*** IPPROTO_RAW sender ***/
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define DEST ""

int main(void)

	int s;
	struct sockaddr_in daddr;
	char packet[50];
	/* point the iphdr to the beginning of the packet */
	struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)packet;  

	if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) {

	daddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	daddr.sin_port = 0; /* not needed in SOCK_RAW */
	inet_pton(AF_INET, DEST, (struct in_addr *)&daddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
	memset(daddr.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(daddr.sin_zero));
	memset(packet, 'A', sizeof(packet));   /* payload will be all As */
	ip->ihl = 5;
	ip->version = 4;
	ip->tos = 0;
	ip->tot_len = htons(40);	/* 16 byte value */
	ip->frag_off = 0;		/* no fragment */
	ip->ttl = 64;			/* default value */
	ip->protocol = IPPROTO_RAW;	/* protocol at L4 */
	ip->check = 0;			/* not needed in iphdr */
	ip->saddr = daddr.sin_addr.s_addr;
	ip->daddr = daddr.sin_addr.s_addr;

	while(1) {
		if (sendto(s, (char *)packet, sizeof(packet), 0, 
			(struct sockaddr *)&daddr, (socklen_t)sizeof(daddr)) < 0)
			perror("packet send error:");

Running them will result in their perfect valid communication since no one
stops them from using IPPROTO_RAW(255) as an L4 protocol.


#tcpdump -i lo -X -vv

19:49:27.048431 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 16705, offset 0, flags [none], 
proto unknown (255), length 50) localhost.localdomain > localhost.localdomain:
ip-proto-255 30
        0x0000:  4500 0032 4141 0000 40ff 3a8a 7f00 0001  E..2AA..@.:.....
        0x0010:  7f00 0001 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141  ....AAAAAAAAAAAA
        0x0020:  4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
        0x0030:  4141                                     AA
19:49:28.048466 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 16705, offset 0, flags [none], 
proto unknown (255), length 50) localhost.localdomain > localhost.localdomain:
ip-proto-255 30
        0x0000:  4500 0032 4141 0000 40ff 3a8a 7f00 0001  E..2AA..@.:.....
        0x0010:  7f00 0001 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141  ....AAAAAAAAAAAA
        0x0020:  4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
        0x0030:  4141  


Further on with the rip_input() analysis:

Like Linux uses skb_clone to make a copy of the datagram, FreeBSD uses m_copy
( mbuf instead of sk_buff struct ). Of course, a copy is made only when deemed
necessary - that is a matching raw socket (that is not ignored for one of the
reasons mentioned above) is found during the for loop search. m_copy() is quite 
an expensive operation since it includes actual memory copying, not just moving
pointers around. For that reason, FreeBSD uses a smart way to avoid doing this
operation if only one application needs the datagram. This is accomplished
with the use of the last variable which points to the last socket found to need
the datagram. For completeness' sake we are going to discuss the logic:

last first points to NULL. If a socket is considered viable to have the current
datagram , which means it passed all the ignore-checks, on say iteration i, 
then last will point to it but the if condition will fail (the first time). On
iteration i+N, where N is the socket after socket i which was also deemed
viable to receive the datagram, the m_copy() will take place since the if
condition will now be true. Then raw_append() will be called, which will be
responsible to pass the datagram to the application by calling 
sbappendaddr_locked() (see raw_append() code). This mechanism will continue to
happen until the entire raw socket list is traversed. The if condition which
is outside the LIST_FOREACH loop, is needed to pass a copy of the datagram to
the last raw socket that needs it. If no socket needs it, then no copy is made.

	last = NULL;
	LIST_FOREACH(inp, &ripcb, inp_list) {

	/* which-sockets-to-ignore logic */
	/* ... */

		if (last) {
			struct mbuf *n;

			n = m_copy(m, 0, (int)M_COPYALL);
			if (n != NULL)
				(void) raw_append(last, ip, n);
			/* XXX count dropped packet */
		last = inp;
	if (last != NULL) {
		if (raw_append(last, ip, m) != 0)
	} else {

Note that Linux has to always make at least one copy even if only one raw 
socket needs the datagram. This happens because as we said before, Linux uses
the raw socket mechanism as a man-in-the-middle, meaning that it may have
to pass the datagram to a normal application along with a raw-sockets-using 
FreeBSD passes the whole IP datagram (along with the IP header) to the 
application like Linux.

0x5. raw output

Having analysed how incoming raw datagrams are processed, we are ready to move
on with the details of the raw output mechanism. What we are going to inspect
here is what values of the IP header are written by default by each kernel and
for which ones we have the responsibility to fill in our own. This of course 
only applies in case the IP_HDRINCL option is on (either set by us or the 
kernel by default [Linux - IPPROTO_RAW]).

a. Linux

The main raw socket output handler is raw_sendmsg() which is defined in

static int raw_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg,
		       size_t len)
	struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);
	struct ipcm_cookie ipc;
	struct rtable *rt = NULL;
	/* ... */
	if (inet->hdrincl)
		err = raw_send_hdrinc(sk, msg->msg_iov, len,
					rt, msg->msg_flags);

	/* ... */


If IP_HDRINCL has been set then raw_send_hdrinc() is called (defined in the
same file):

static int raw_send_hdrinc(struct sock *sk, void *from, size_t length,
			struct rtable *rt,
			unsigned int flags)
	/* ... */
	if (length > rt->>mtu) {
		ip_local_error(sk, EMSGSIZE, rt->rt_dst, inet->dport,
		return -EMSGSIZE;

	/* We don't modify invalid header */
	iphlen = iph->ihl * 4;
	if (iphlen >= sizeof(*iph) && iphlen <= length) {
		if (!iph->saddr)
			iph->saddr = rt->rt_src;
		iph->check   = 0;
		iph->tot_len = htons(length);
		if (!iph->id)
			ip_select_ident(iph, &rt->u.dst, NULL);

		iph->check = ip_fast_csum((unsigned char *)iph, iph->ihl);
	if (iph->protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP)
		icmp_out_count(((struct icmphdr *)

	err = NF_HOOK(PF_INET, NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT, skb, NULL, rt->,

	/* ... */

The code here is fairly obvious. If the application hasn't defined the IP
source address then it is filled in. The same goes for the IP identification
number. The two fields that are always filled in are: the IP checksum 
(hopefully for us - it saves us the trouble) and the total length, 
iph->tot_len, of the datagram (no corruption let here). The above are confirmed
by man 7 raw:

              |IP Header fields modified on sending by IP_HDRINCL |
              |IP Checksum           |Always filled in.           |
              |Source Address        |Filled in when zero.        |
              |Packet Id             |Filled in when zero.        |
              |Total Length          |Always filled in.           |

Notice that in the end, the function dst_output() is called and the IP layer
isn't involved at all. This has one negative effect in result (although in
performance it's better): no IP fragmentation will take place if needed. This
means that a raw packet larger than the MTU of the interface will probably
be discarded. Instead ip_local_error(), which does general sk_buff cleaning,
is called and an error EMSGSIZE is returned. On the other hand, normal raw
socket fragmentation takes place when we do not include our own IP header.

b. FreeBSD

Raw output on FreeBSD is handled by rip_output(). A chain of kernel functions
are called before we reach rip_output() however.

First sosend_generic() which is defined in /usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_socket.c 
accesses the pr_usrreqs (user request) struct and issues call like this:


where so is type struct socket *so.

so_proto is a struct protosw * pointer and points to the protocol of the
socket. pr_usrreqs is a struct whose members are pointers to functions
which are used by the protocol to service requests coming from the socket
layer (usually issued by system calls on the application level).

For the RAW protocol pr_usrreqs is called rip_usrreqs and is defined in
/usr/src/sys/kern/raw_ip.c just before the end of the file:

struct pr_usrreqs rip_usrreqs = {
	.pru_abort =		rip_abort,
	.pru_attach =		rip_attach,
	.pru_bind =		rip_bind,
	.pru_connect =		rip_connect,
	.pru_control =		in_control,
	.pru_detach =		rip_detach,
	.pru_disconnect =	rip_disconnect,
	.pru_peeraddr =		in_getpeeraddr,
	.pru_send =		rip_send,
	.pru_shutdown =		rip_shutdown,
	.pru_sockaddr =		in_getsockaddr,
	.pru_sosetlabel =	in_pcbsosetlabel,

This means that calling *so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_send(...) on a raw
socket, will call rip_send() which is defined in raw_ip.c and calls
rip_output() with which we are going to occupy ourselves now.

static int
rip_send(struct socket *so, int flags, struct mbuf *m, struct sockaddr *nam,
    struct mbuf *control, struct thread *td)
	struct inpcb *inp;
	u_long dst;

	/* ... */
	return rip_output(m, so, dst);

rip_output() will either partially construct the IP header before handing it
to the IP layer, or in case we have set the IP_HDRINCL option mark the packet
as not-to-be-altered by setting the IP_RAWOUTPUT flag. In the end, it calls
ip_output() and rests in peace(rip) for the moment.

 * Generate IP header and pass packet to ip_output.
 * Tack on options user may have setup with control call.
rip_output(struct mbuf *m, struct socket *so, u_long dst)
	struct ip *ip;
	int error;
	struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
	int flags = ((so->so_options & SO_DONTROUTE) ? IP_ROUTETOIF : 0) |

	 * If the user handed us a complete IP packet, use it.
	 * Otherwise, allocate an mbuf for a header and fill it in.
	if ((inp->inp_flags & INP_HDRINCL) == 0) {
		if (m->m_pkthdr.len + sizeof(struct ip) > IP_MAXPACKET) {
		M_PREPEND(m, sizeof(struct ip), M_DONTWAIT);
		if (m == NULL)

		ip = mtod(m, struct ip *);
		ip->ip_tos = inp->inp_ip_tos;
		if (inp->inp_flags & INP_DONTFRAG)
			ip->ip_off = IP_DF;
			ip->ip_off = 0;
		ip->ip_p = inp->inp_ip_p;	/* write XXX protocol value mentioned
						in socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW , XXX) */
		ip->ip_len = m->m_pkthdr.len;
		if (jailed(inp->inp_socket->so_cred))
			ip->ip_src.s_addr =
			ip->ip_src = inp->inp_laddr;
		ip->ip_dst.s_addr = dst;
		ip->ip_ttl = inp->inp_ip_ttl;
	} else {
		/* checks */
		/* ... */

		/* don't allow both user specified and setsockopt options,
		   and don't allow packet length sizes that will crash */
		if (((ip->ip_hl != (sizeof (*ip) >> 2))
		     && inp->inp_options)
		    || (ip->ip_len > m->m_pkthdr.len)
		    || (ip->ip_len < (ip->ip_hl << 2))) {
			return EINVAL;
		if (ip->ip_id == 0)
			ip->ip_id = ip_newid();
		/* XXX prevent ip_output from overwriting header fields */
		flags |= IP_RAWOUTPUT;

	/* ... */

	error = ip_output(m, inp->inp_options, NULL, flags,
	    inp->inp_moptions, inp);
	return error;

As far as the case when the kernel prepends its own header, it is worth our
time to mention that the Protocol field of the IP header is assigned the value
mentioned in the socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, XXX) and *not* IPPROTO_RAW even if
the default_RAW entry is actually its handler.
The case which interests us is the one shown below the else condition, (case
where user handed complete IP packet header included). Well, in the old days
a packet with a big length could potentially crash some things down since the
checks on ip_len (which is the total length of the datagram) weren't there.
Another interesting thing here is that the kernel will use a random value to
set the ip_id (identification number - used in fragmentation) if it has been
left with a 0 value. Next thing is the flag IP_RAWOUTPUT which we mentioned
just earlier. We are going to see how this is going to influence ip_output()
which is defined in the same name .c file in /usr/src/sys/netinet/ip_output.c:

ip_output(struct mbuf *m, struct mbuf *opt, struct route *ro, int flags,
    struct ip_moptions *imo, struct inpcb *inp)

	/* ... */

	if ((flags & (IP_FORWARDING|IP_RAWOUTPUT)) == 0) {
		ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
		ip->ip_hl = hlen >> 2;
		ip->ip_id = ip_newid();
	} else {
		hlen = ip->ip_hl << 2;

	/* ... */

	 * If small enough for interface, or the interface will take
	 * care of the fragmentation for us, we can just send directly.

	/* ... */
	ip->ip_sum = 0;
	if (sw_csum & CSUM_DELAY_IP)
		ip->ip_sum = in_cksum(m, hlen);

	/* ... */
	 * If the source address is not specified yet, use the address
	 * of the outoing interface.
	if (ip->ip_src.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) {
		/* Interface may have no addresses. */
		if (ia != NULL) {
			ip->ip_src = IA_SIN(ia)->sin_addr;
	/* ... */

As we can easily see here if the packet is marked with the flag IP_RAWOUTPUT
then (nearly) no field is taken care by the kernel. *Only* the IP checksum is 
always computed for us. In addition to that, if the application hasn't 
specified any source ip address, then the address of the outgoing interface is
used. In general, the user has full control over the IP header.
After ip_output() finishes processing the packet, it is handed out to the more
low level function if_output() whose internals is beyond the scope of this 
text. In contrast with Linux, raw packets on FreeBSD will always (even if we
include our own IP header that is) be fragmented if needed, giving the user 
more flexibility on crafting large packets.

0x6. Summary

The research results of the current paper can be summarized in the following

a. Linux


	|			|      	
	|               	|
     ---------	 	     ----------
     | input |               | output |
     ---------               ----------
    only datagrams	IP_HDRINCL  : protocol: (user specified)
    with a procotol	(it is by default set)
    field: 255

	|		|      	
	|               |
     ---------	     ----------
     | input |       | output |
     ---------       ----------
    only datagrams	IP_HDRINCL  : protocol: (user specified)
    with a procotol	!IP_HDRINCL : protocol: XXX
    field: XXX
    (whatever that
    may be)

b. FreeBSD

socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0);
	|			|      	
	|               	|
     ---------	 	     ----------
     | input |               | output |
     ---------               ----------
    all raw datagrams	IP_HDRINCL  : protocol: (user specified)
    			!IP_HDRINCL : 0

	|			|      	
	|               	|
     ---------	 	     ----------
     | input |               | output |
     ---------               ----------
    only datagrams	IP_HDRINCL: protocol: (user specified)
    with a procotol	!IP_HDRINCL : IPPROTO_RAW
    field: 255

	|		|      	
	|               |
     ---------	     ----------
     | input |       | output |
     ---------       ----------
    only datagrams	IP_HDRINCL  : protocol: (user specified)
    with a procotol	!IP_HDRINCL : protocol: XXX
    field: XXX
    and only

0x7. Conclusion

It is beyond doubt that SOCK_RAW is a powerful socket type that deserves 
anyone's, that is seriously interested in low level network programming,
attention. What we have discussed in this paper is just a glimpse at the
complex network internals that take place in two of the most popular network
stacks with regard to raw sockets. The raw sockets mechanism implementation may
sound complex but can actually provide a good starting point for anyone wishing
to delve into the details of what comprise of today's internet's foundations.
I hope this text will provide a comprehensible guide on it's own, but I
strongly advice anyone who has a keen interest on this stuff to get his hands
on all the books mentioned in References. They have been proven invaluable and
explain in detail many of the things that someone usually takes for granted. 

For the future, I hope to write a more security oriented text that goes far 
beyond the basic stuff discussed here and is going to deal with some of the
uncommon end cases that lurk in the corners of the net int sources.

0x8. References

1. TCP/IP Illustrated Vol.2 The Implementation 
2. Unix Network Programming - The Sockets Networking API 
3. Understanding Linux Network Internals
4. kernel sources of Linux.2.6.24 and FreeBSD-7.0





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