<?php // Plug-in 37: Spam Catch
// This is an executable example with additional code supplied
// To obtain just the plug-ins please click on the Download link
$words = array('rolex', 'replica', 'loan', 'mortgaqe', 'viagra',
'cialis', 'acai', 'free', 'stock', 'guaranteed',
'refinancing', 'cartier', 'manhood', 'drugs');
$text = "Hi there. I enjoyed reading your website and will " .
"be back for more. Keep up the good work!";
$result = PIPHP_SpamCatch($text, $words);
echo "The text <i>'$text'</i> is ";
echo $result == 0 ? "spam free." : "suspected spam " .
"(score = $result).";
$text = "Brand new replica rolex. Guaranteed quality. " .
$result = PIPHP_SpamCatch($text, $words);
echo "<br /><br />The text <i>'$text'</i> is ";
echo $result == 0 ? "spam free." : "suspected spam " .
"(score = $result).";
function PIPHP_SpamCatch($text, $words)
// Plug-in 37: Spam Catch
// This plug-in takes a string of text and compares it
// against a set of known spam keywords. It returns 0
// if no keywords are encountered or an integer indicating
// how likely the text is spam: 0-10 = slightly worrying,
// 10-20 = possibly spam, 20-30 = likely spam, 30-40 =
// probably spam, 40+ almost definitely spam. The
// arguments required are:
// $text: The text to spam check
// $words: An array of commonly used spam keywords
return strlen($text) -
strlen(PIPHP_WordSelector($text, $words, ''));
// The function below is there to ensure that the above function
// (which relies on it) has access it it.
function PIPHP_WordSelector($text, $matches, $replace)
// Plug-in 5: Word Selector
// This plug-in takes a string variable containing any
// text and then matches and selects words within the
// text, highlighting or removing them.
// The arguments are:
// $text: Text to be modified
// $matches: Array of words to match
// $replace: String to replace matches with, or if
// one of these the text is highlighted:
// "u", "b", "i" = underline, bold or italic.
foreach($matches as $match)
case "u":
case "b":
case "i":
$text = preg_replace("/([^\w]+)($match)([^\w]+)/i",
"$1<$replace>$2</$replace>$3", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/([^\w]+)$match([^\w]+)/i",
"$1$replace$2", $text);
return $text;
$text 需要验证的email地址
$words 用于验证的关键字数组