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原创 非典型敏捷管理


2022-01-06 23:03:02 411

原创 运维的边界


2021-11-18 05:29:34 819

原创 敏捷运维的实操 -- 迭代内工作量

好了,现在我们做好准备,即将进入敏捷运维的世界了。敏捷运维的一个很明显的特色就是我们需要随时根据实际的需求变化来调整运维工作的内容。这个时候,计划好迭代内工作量就显得十分重要。在前面的章节里,我们说过,敏捷运维的过程中,我们将日常工作分为三大类:重复性任务 -- 确定性的重复性工作,例如数据备份,定期系统安全检查,固定的系统运维报告 可计划任务 -- 根据各类要求对系统进行操作,例如计划性补丁,系统增强 突发性任务 -- 突然发生的系统故障,临时提交的系统变更请求这种区分的目的是为了解决迭代内

2021-08-26 21:50:44 644

原创 敏捷运维的实操 - 你准备好了吗?

我在IBM工作的最后几年,IBM正在大力的推广敏捷管理。但是,其主要关注于敏捷开发方面。我参加过一些大牛的敏捷课程,我是认证的scrum master, product owner, 同时我参加过两次美国顶级敏捷专家讲述的敏捷教练的课程。因为我当时是从事运维相关工作的,所以我从自身实际出发,问了一些运维相关的内容,但是,不幸的是,所有人都只能给我一些似是而非的说法。 作...

2021-08-25 14:23:26 338

原创 敏捷运维的实操 - 总述


2020-04-09 00:03:17 1674 2

Tivoli Storage Manager AIX

Tivoli Storage Manager AIX


RACF Security Administrator's Guide

This document is intended for security administrators, group administrators, and other administrators responsible for system data security and integrity on VM systems. In general, security administrators have the system-SPECIAL attribute, which allows them to issue any RACF command (except those that require the AUDITOR attribute). Group administrators have been granted specific authority (not usually granted to users) to perform security-related tasks related to a RACF group, or a RACF group's resources. Note: This document should be read by RACF auditors, but is not the primary reference for them. RACF auditors should see RACF Auditor's Guide. Readers must be familiar with the RACF concepts and terminology described in RACF General Information. The readers of this document should also be familiar with VM systems.


Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 days

Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 Days went through many versions before it was right for the job. Several adventurous volunteers agreed to learn COBOL from scratch by doing each lesson as I completed it, and I installed revisions based on their feedback. For the second edition, each day\'s text incorporated suggestions from the first edition users and then underwent multiple revisions to ensure that it could be easily understood and that the correct gradient approach was used. Concepts are introduced slowly and repeated many times. The first edition included four Bonus Day lessons. This new edition has been extended to include two additional Bonus Day lessons, with emphasis on the year 2000 problem.In many cases, it is difficult to illustrate a programming point by using a full program. The point being highlighted gets lost against the background of all the other things going on in the program.The answer to this is to write short programs just to show how something works. The problem with this approach is that some examples are silly or trivial programs. One of my more determined volunteers frequently showed up at my desk looking perplexed and asking, \"I understand what the program is doing, but why would anyone ever want a program like this?\"The answer always is, \"No one would; the example is only to illustrate how that part of the language works.\" I have revised each chapter and added specific comments indicating which examples aren\'t \"real\" programs. If I\'ve missed any of these, and you see a program that seems to do something silly, irrelevant, or useless, be tolerant. Review the program as an example of how the language works and not as a program that you might use for some purpose.Lots of code is used. COBOL experience comes from writing, reading, and understanding lots of code. Sometimes one point is illustrated by repeating a whole program with only that one point changed.



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