
#ifndef Assignm3_H
#define Assignm3_H

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <pthread.h>

#include "Path.h"
#include "Maze.h"
#include "ProgramLog.h"
#include "Assignm3_Utils.h"

#include "SubmitMazeSoln.h"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace Assignm3

	const int MAX_NO_OF_THREADS			= 3;
	const std::string THREAD_NAMES []	= {"POOH", "TIGGER", "ROO", "GOLPHER", "KANGA", "LUMPY", "OWL", "RABBIT", "PIGLET",
										   "POOH0", "TIGGER0", "ROO0", "GOLPHER0", "KANGA0", "LUMPY0", "OWL0", "RABBIT0", "PIGLET0",
										   "POOH1", "TIGGER1", "ROO1", "GOLPHER1", "KANGA1", "LUMPY1", "OWL1", "RABBIT1", "PIGLET1",
										   "POOH2", "TIGGER2", "ROO2", "GOLPHER2", "KANGA2", "LUMPY2", "OWL2", "RABBIT2", "PIGLET2",
										   "POOH3", "TIGGER3", "ROO3", "GOLPHER3", "KANGA3", "LUMPY3", "OWL3", "RABBIT3", "PIGLET3",
										   "POOH4", "TIGGER4", "ROO4", "GOLPHER4", "KANGA4", "LUMPY4", "OWL4", "RABBIT4", "PIGLET4",
										   "POOH5", "TIGGER5", "ROO5", "GOLPHER5", "KANGA5", "LUMPY5", "OWL5", "RABBIT5", "PIGLET5"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	struct PathFinderParameterInfo
		int						threadIDArrayIndex;
		bool					exitThisThreadNow;
		Point					currentLocation;
		std::string				threadName;
		VectorOfPointStructType	travelledPath;

		PathFinderParameterInfo (void)
			currentLocation.x	= -1;
			currentLocation.y	= -1;
			threadIDArrayIndex	= -1;
			exitThisThreadNow	= false;
			travelledPath		= VectorOfPointStructType ();

		~PathFinderParameterInfo (void)
			travelledPath.clear ();

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    struct PathFinderResource
		pthread_t						activeThreadArray 		[MAX_NO_OF_THREADS];
		PathFinderParameterInfo *		activeThreadParamArray	[MAX_NO_OF_THREADS];

		VectorOfPointStructType			solutionPath;
		VectorOfPointStructType			discoveredDangerAreas;
		int								usedThreadNameIndex;
		int								noOfDeadEndPathsFound;
		int								noOfBarriersDiscovered;
		int								noOfDangerAreaDiscovered;
		PathFinderResource (void)
			usedThreadNameIndex			= 0;
			noOfDeadEndPathsFound		= 0;
			noOfBarriersDiscovered		= 0;
			noOfDangerAreaDiscovered	= 0;
			solutionPath				= VectorOfPointStructType ();
			discoveredDangerAreas		= VectorOfPointStructType ();

		~PathFinderResource (void)
			solutionPath.clear ();
			discoveredDangerAreas.clear ();
	PathFinderResource globalPathFinderResource;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	static Maze * mazeObj;
	static Path * pathObj;
	static SubmitMazeSoln * submitMazeSolnObj;

	static std::fstream logFileStream;
	static std::string DefaultLogFilename = "Assignm3Log.txt";

	static pthread_mutex_t	thread_mutex		= PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
	static pthread_cond_t   thread_condition	= PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;

	static bool mainThreadReportUpdateNow		= false;
	static bool discoveredASolutionPath			= false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	static void AllocateProgramsVariableMemory (void)
		mazeObj				= new Maze ();
		pathObj				= new Path ();
		submitMazeSolnObj	= new SubmitMazeSoln ();
		logFileStream.open (DefaultLogFilename.c_str(), std::fstream::out);

	}	// end allocateProgramsVariableMemory () ...

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	static void DeallocateProgramsVariableMemory (void)
		delete mazeObj;
		delete pathObj;
		delete submitMazeSolnObj;
		logFileStream.close ();
		pthread_mutex_destroy ( &thread_mutex );
		pthread_cond_destroy  ( &thread_condition );

	}	// end deallocateProgramsVariableMemory () ...

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	static void HandleThreadOperationResult (std::ostream & outputStream, const std::string message, const int status)
		if (status)
			std::string msg = "Error on : " + message + ", ERROR CODE = " + IntToString (status) + "\n";

			// below function 'WriteLogMessage' is defined in 'ProgramLog.h' ...
			WriteLogMessage (std::cout, msg);
			WriteLogMessage (outputStream, msg);
			DeallocateProgramsVariableMemory ();
			exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
	}	// end handleThreadOperationResult () ...

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

}	// end namespace Assignm3

#endif // Assignm3_H


#ifndef Assignm3_UTILS_H
#define Assignm3_UTILS_H

#include <time.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>		// cout, endl
#include <sstream>		// ostringstream
#include <cstdlib>		// srand, rand

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    struct Point
		int x;
		int y;

		Point ()				{	x = NULL;	y = NULL;	}
		Point (int x1, int y1)	{	x = x1;		y = y1;		}
		~Point (void)			{	}

		Point & operator= (const Point &p)
		{	x = p.x;	y = p.y;	return (*this);		}

		bool operator== (const Point &p)
		{	return ( (x == p.x) && (y == p.y) );		}

		bool operator!= (const Point &p)
		{	return ( (x != p.x) || (y != p.y) );		}

		// 2 points are 'connected' but 'different' if they :
		// i)  share the same 'x' but adjacent 'y' values, OR
		// ii) share the same 'y' but adjacent 'x' values!!
		bool isConnected (Point &p)
			return (	((x == p.x) && ( ((y-1) == p.y) || ((y+1) == p.y) )) ||
						((y == p.y) && ( ((x-1) == p.x) || ((x+1) == p.x) ))

		void display (std::ostream &outputStream=std::cout)
		{	outputStream << "[" << x << ", " << y << "]";	}

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	// type define a vector of Point structs ...
	typedef std::vector<Point> VectorOfPointStructType;

	// type define a vector of VectorOfPointStructType ...
	typedef std::vector<VectorOfPointStructType> VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	static std::string IntToString (const int intValue)
		std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
		oss << intValue;
		return ( oss.str() );

	}	// end intToString () ...

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	static int GenerateRandomInteger (const int lowerLimit, const int upperLimit)
		time_t secs;
		time (&secs);
		std::srand ( (unsigned int) secs );
		return ( std::rand () % (upperLimit - lowerLimit + 1) + lowerLimit );

	}	// end GenerateRandomInteger () ...

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#endif // Assignm3_UTILS_H

#ifndef MAZE_H
#define MAZE_H

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <iomanip>			// setw

#include <string>			// for string manipulation ...
#include <iostream>			// cout, endl
#include <fstream>			// for file i/o ...

#include "Assignm3_Utils.h"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace Assignm3
	const char DANGER_CHAR		= 'X';
	const char BARRIER_CHAR		= '#';
	const char END_POS_CHAR		= 'E';
	const char START_POS_CHAR	= 'S';
	const int DANGER_INT			= -10;
	const int BARRIER_INT			= -11;
	const int END_POS_INT			= -22;
	const int START_POS_INT			= -33;
	const int UNINITIALIZED_VALUE	= -99;

	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "mazedata.txt";

	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "High_Casualties.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Freedom.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "My_Only_Way.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Horizontals.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Verticals.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Diagonals.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Horizontals1.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Verticals1.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Frustration.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Checkered.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Choices.txt";
	const std::string DefaultMazeFilename = "Checkered_Upsize.txt";

	const std::string MAZE_LENGTH_KEYWORD = "Length : ";
	const std::string MAZE_BREADTH_KEYWORD = "Breadth : ";
	class Maze
			// Constructor ...
			Maze (int length=0, int breadth=0);
			Maze (int length, int breadth, Point startLocation, Point endLocation);

			// Destructor ...			
			~Maze (void);
			void LoadMaze (const std::string filename=DefaultMazeFilename);
			void SaveMaze (const std::string filename=DefaultMazeFilename) const;

			VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType getPathVector (void) const;
			VectorOfPointStructType getShortestPath (void) const;
			int getLength  (void) const;
			int getBreadth (void) const;

			void setStartLocation (Point p);
			void setEndLocation   (Point p);

			Point getStartLocation (void) const;
			Point getEndLocation   (void) const;

			int getNoOfDangerChar  (void) const;
			int getNoOfBarrierChar (void) const;

			void updateMaze (Point p, int data);

			bool IsThereDanger  (int x, int y) const;
			bool IsThereBarrier (int x, int y) const;
			bool IsThereDanger  (Point aLocation) const;
			bool IsThereBarrier (Point aLocation) const;
			void AddNewPath (VectorOfPointStructType newPath);
			void DisplayInfo (std::ostream &outputStream=std::cout) const;
			void DisplayMaze (void) const;
			void DisplayMaze (int * mazeArray, std::ostream &outputStream=std::cout, int field_width=1) const;

			// display path as graphically via an array of '2D maze' data
			void ShowPathGraphically (VectorOfPointStructType & pointStructVector, std::ostream &outputStream=std::cout);
			int _length;
			int _breadth;
			Point _startLocation;
			Point _endLocation;
			// 1D array representing a 2D maze of chars ...
			int * _mazeArray;
			// A 'path' consists of a series of Point structs plotting
			// a course from _startLocation to _endLocation
			// Below data structure is used to store all valid paths
			// discovered in _mazeArray
			VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType _pathVector;
			void InitMazeArray (void);
			void ReadLengthData (std::string aLine);
			void ReadBreadthData (std::string aLine);
			void ReadMazeData (std::string aLine, int & currRowIndex);
			void SaveMazeArray (int * mazeArray, std::ostream &outputStream) const;

	};	// end class Maze ...

}	// end namespace Assignm3 ...

#endif // MAZE_H

#ifndef PATH_H
#define PATH_H

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <iostream>			// cout, endl

#include "Assignm3_Utils.h"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace Assignm3
	class Path
			// Constructor ...
			Path (void);

			// Destructor ...			
			~Path (void);
			// returns true of a Point is found in a vector of Points ...
			bool isLocationInPath (Point & location, VectorOfPointStructType & pointStructVector) const;

			// display path as series of [x, y] coordinates
			void displayPath (VectorOfPointStructType & pointStructVector, 
							  std::ostream &outputStream=std::cout, 
							  int maxDataPerLine=8) const;

			// check if 2 paths are identical ...
			bool arePathsIdentical (VectorOfPointStructType & firstPath, VectorOfPointStructType & secondPath) const;

	};	// end class Path ...

}	// end namespace Assignm3 ...

#endif // PATH_H


#include <string>
#include <iostream>

#include <errno.h>

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	static void WriteLogMessage (std::ostream & outputStream, std::string message)
		if (outputStream.good())
			outputStream << message << std::endl;
			std::cout << std::endl;
			std::cout << "WriteLogMessage Error! outputStream.good() fails! Re-direct Log Msg to screen!" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Log Msg : " << message << std::endl;
			std::cout << std::endl;

	}	// end WriteLogMessage () ...

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#endif	// PROGRAM_LOG_H ...


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>			// cout, endl
#include <pthread.h>		// pthread_t

#include "Path.h"
#include "Maze.h"
#include "ProgramLog.h"
#include "Assignm3_Utils.h"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// How to compile : 
// E.g. Assume your main program is called "MyProg.cpp", and you want your executable to be called "MyProg" ...
// g++ MyProg.cpp SubmitMazeSoln.o Path.o Maze.o -o MyProg -lpthread
// Note : the compiled versions of Path.o, Maze.o and SubmitMazeSoln.o are made available to you!
//		  In addition, the headers Path.h, Maze.h and SubmitMazeSoln.h are also made available to you!
// Your task is to concentrate on implementing a multi-threaded program to discover paths
// to barrier, danger area and a solution to travel from Start to End locations !!!
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace Assignm3

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	const std::string DefaultSolutionFilename = "mazesoln.txt";

	struct ThreadStatisticsInfo
		pthread_t								threadID;

		VectorOfPointStructType					solutionPath;

		// A vector of ALL UNIQUE paths to barriers discovered by this thread
		VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType			submittedPathsToBarriers;

		// To check if student follows instructions. By right a thread should only discover
		// ONE path to danger area before being destroyed !
		VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType			submittedPathsToDangerAreas;

		// Below var will be incremented, if same path to barrier is submitted again and again
		// by this thread!
		int										noOfDuplicatedPathsToBarrier;

		// Below var will be incremented, if same path to danger area is submitted again and again
		// by this thread!
		int										noOfDuplicatedPathsToDangerArea;

		ThreadStatisticsInfo (void)
			noOfDuplicatedPathsToBarrier	= 0;
			noOfDuplicatedPathsToDangerArea	= 0;

			solutionPath					= VectorOfPointStructType ();
			submittedPathsToBarriers		= VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType ();
			submittedPathsToDangerAreas		= VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType ();

		~ThreadStatisticsInfo (void)
			solutionPath.clear ();
			submittedPathsToBarriers.clear ();
			submittedPathsToDangerAreas.clear ();


	// type define a vector of 'ThreadStatisticsInfo' ...
	typedef std::vector<ThreadStatisticsInfo> VectorOfThreadStatisticsInfoType;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	class SubmitMazeSoln
			// Constructor ...
			SubmitMazeSoln (void);

			// Destructor ...			
			~SubmitMazeSoln (void);

			// Student should call this method to 'submit' an EXPLORED PATH to danger area 'X'
			// discovered by one of his/her generated thread!
			// Parameter 1 : pthread_t => refers to the id of the thread that explored the path to discover the Danger Area
			// Parameter 2 : VectorOfPointStructType => refers to a vector of (x, y) Points, containing the path explored by the thread
			// 				 						    from start location to Danger Area's location!
			// Note : Parameter 2 must contain start location Point at the beginning of the vector (i.e. pathToDangerArea [0]) , AND 
			//		  the Danger Area Point at the end of the vector (i.e. pathToDangerArea [size-1] !!)
			// returns 'true'  if the submitted discovery is UNIQUE
			// returns 'false' if : 
			// 		a) first Point in 'pathToDangerArea' does NOT contain the start location of the maze				OR
			//		b) submitted Danger Area's location is wrong														OR
			//		c) same path has been submitted before																OR
			//      e) threadID is invalid																				OR
			//		f) 'pathToDangerArea' is empty
			bool submitPathToDangerArea (pthread_t threadID, VectorOfPointStructType & pathToDangerArea);

			// Student should call this method to 'submit' an EXPLORED PATH to barrier '#'
			// discovered by one of his/her generated thread!
			// Parameter 1 : pthread_t => refers to the id of the thread that explored the path to discover the Barrier
			// Parameter 2 : VectorOfPointStructType => refers to a vector of (x, y) Points, containing the path explored by the thread
			// 				 						    from start location to Barrier's location!
			// Note : Parameter 2 must contain start location Point at the beginning of the vector (i.e. pathToBarrier [0]) , AND 
			//		  the Barrier Point at the end of the vector (i.e. pathToBarrier [size-1] !!)
			// returns 'true'  if the submitted discovery is UNIQUE
			// returns 'false' if : 
			// 		a) first Point in 'pathToBarrier' does NOT contain the start location of the maze					OR
			//		b) submitted Barrier's location is wrong															OR
			//		c) same path has been submitted before																OR
			//      e) threadID is invalid																				OR
			//		f) 'pathToBarrier' is empty
			bool submitPathToBarrier (pthread_t threadID, VectorOfPointStructType & pathToBarrier);

			// Student should call this method to 'submit' a SOLUTION PATH to end location 'E'
			// discovered by one of his/her generated thread!
			// Parameter 1 : pthread_t => refers to the id of the thread that explored the path to discover the solution
			// Parameter 2 : VectorOfPointStructType => refers to a vector of (x, y) Points, containing the path explored by the thread
			// 				 						    from start location to end location!
			// returns 'true'  if the submitted solution is VALID
			// returns 'false' if the submitted solution is INVALID ...
			// A student's solution is valid if his submitted solution : 	
			// i)   beginning of the 'pathToEndLocation' vector contains the Start Location
			// ii)  end of the 'pathToEndLocation' vector contains the End Location
			// iii) contains a series of 'connected' points from start to end location
			// iv)  there are no 'barriers' or 'danger' locations in his submitted path
			// v)   each point in his submitted path is unique (i.e. the path must not travel in loops/circles) ...
			// vi)  the BEGINNING point must be 'Start Location' and the END point must be 'End Location' ...
			bool submitSolutionPath (pthread_t threadID, VectorOfPointStructType & pathToEndLocation);

			// Once ALL explored paths and solution are submitted, student MUST call below method, 
			// to print the details of their solution on screen!
			// Parameter 1 : 'studentName' => the full name of the student, (without spaces)
			//				 E.g. 'Tan Ah Beng' should be changed to 'TanAhBeng' (without spaces) !!
			// Parameter 2 : 'studentID'   => the admin. or matric. no. of the student
			//				 E.g. '1234567'
			void printSubmittedSolution (std::string studentName, std::string studentID, std::ostream &outputStream=std::cout);

			// Once ALL explored paths and solution are submitted, student MUST call below method, 
			// to save the details of their solution to a text file!
			// Parameter 1 : 'studentName' => the full name of the student, (without spaces)
			//				 E.g. 'Tan Ah Beng' should be changed to 'TanAhBeng' (without spaces) !!
			// Parameter 2 : 'studentID'   => the admin. or matric. no. of the student
			//				 E.g. '1234567'
			void saveSubmittedSolution (std::string studentName, std::string studentID);

			Maze * _problemMaze;
			Maze * _studentSolnMaze;

			int _noOfDuplicatedPathsToBarrierSubmitted;
			int _noOfDuplicatedPathsToDangerAreaSubmitted;

			VectorOfPointStructType _finalSolutionPath;
			VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType _discoveredPathsToBarrier;
			VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType _discoveredPathsToDangerArea;
			VectorOfThreadStatisticsInfoType _generatedThreadsVector;

			int findThreadIndex (pthread_t threadID) const;

			// a helper function invoked by other functions (e.g. 'isSolutionValid ()') to check path validity ...
			bool checkPathValidity (VectorOfPointStructType aPath) const;

			bool isPathUnique (VectorOfPointStructType submittedNewPath, VectorOfVectorOfPointStructType discoveredPaths) const;

			void storeThreadInfo ( pthread_t threadID, VectorOfPointStructType & aPath, int typeOfPath );

	};	// end class SubmitMazeSoln ...

}	// end namespace Assignm3 ...


// Statistics to report ...
// 1) No. of unique threads generated
// 2) No. of danger areas discovered
// 3) Count of duplicated paths (to danger areas) submitted
// E.g. of threadID ... '3079273328'

// To compile this program into an executable named 'testmaze', ...
// 1) Ensure all downloaded files are in the SAME folder
// 2) Use the following command : 
//    g++ testmaze.cpp Maze.o -o testmaze

#include "Maze.h"
#include "Assignm3_Utils.h"

const std::string filename = "mazedata.txt";

int main (void)

	Assignm3::Maze *maze = new Assignm3::Maze ();

	maze->LoadMaze (filename);

	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Length  of maze in '" << filename << "' : " << maze->getLength();
	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Breadth of maze in '" << filename << "' : " << maze->getBreadth();
	std::cout << std::endl;

	Point startLoc = maze->getStartLocation();
	Point endLoc   = maze->getEndLocation();

	std::cout << "Start Location of maze in '" << filename << "' : ";
	std::cout << std::endl;

	std::cout << "End   Location of maze in '" << filename << "' : ";
	std::cout << std::endl;

	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Displaying Maze contents ...";
	std::cout << std::endl;
	maze->DisplayMaze ();

	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl;


#include <pthread.h>

#include "Path.h"
#include "Maze.h"
#include "SubmitMazeSoln.h"
#include "Assignm3_Utils.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// To compile,
// 1) Ensure all the necessary header files (see above) are in the same directory
// 2) g++ Path.o Maze.o SubmitMazeSoln.o TestSubmitMazeSoln.cpp -o TestSubmitMazeSoln.exe -lpthread

// #######################################################################################

int main ()
	Assignm3::Path path;
	Assignm3::SubmitMazeSoln sms;

	VectorOfPointStructType pathToBarrier1 = VectorOfPointStructType ();
	VectorOfPointStructType pathToBarrier2 = VectorOfPointStructType ();
	VectorOfPointStructType pathToBarrier3 = VectorOfPointStructType ();
	VectorOfPointStructType pathToBarrier4 = VectorOfPointStructType ();
	VectorOfPointStructType pathToBarrier5 = VectorOfPointStructType ();

	pathToBarrier1.push_back (Point (1,1));
	pathToBarrier1.push_back (Point (0,1));

	pathToBarrier2.push_back (Point (1,1));
	pathToBarrier2.push_back (Point (1,0));

	pathToBarrier3.push_back (Point (1,1));
	pathToBarrier3.push_back (Point (1,2));
	pathToBarrier3.push_back (Point (0,2));

	pathToBarrier4.push_back (Point (1,1));
	pathToBarrier4.push_back (Point (1,2));
	pathToBarrier4.push_back (Point (1,3));
	pathToBarrier4.push_back (Point (1,4));

	pathToBarrier5.push_back (Point (1,1));
	pathToBarrier5.push_back (Point (1,2));
	pathToBarrier5.push_back (Point (1,4));

//	path.displayPath (pathToBarrier1);
//	path.displayPath (pathToBarrier2);
//	path.displayPath (pathToBarrier3);
//	path.displayPath (pathToBarrier4);
//	path.displayPath (pathToBarrier5);

	sms.submitPathToBarrier ((pthread_t) 1234567, pathToBarrier1);
	sms.submitPathToBarrier ((pthread_t) 1234567, pathToBarrier2);
	sms.submitPathToBarrier ((pthread_t) 1234567, pathToBarrier3);
	sms.submitPathToBarrier ((pthread_t) 1234567, pathToBarrier4);
	sms.submitPathToBarrier ((pthread_t) 1234567, pathToBarrier5);

	VectorOfPointStructType pathToDangerArea1 = VectorOfPointStructType ();
	VectorOfPointStructType pathToDangerArea2 = VectorOfPointStructType ();
	VectorOfPointStructType pathToDangerArea3 = VectorOfPointStructType ();
	VectorOfPointStructType pathToDangerArea4 = VectorOfPointStructType ();
	VectorOfPointStructType pathToDangerArea5 = VectorOfPointStructType ();

	pathToDangerArea1.push_back (Point (1,1));
	pathToDangerArea1.push_back (Point (2,1));
	pathToDangerArea1.push_back (Point (3,1));
	pathToDangerArea1.push_back (Point (4,1));

	pathToDangerArea2.push_back (Point (1,1));
	pathToDangerArea2.push_back (Point (2,1));
	pathToDangerArea2.push_back (Point (2,2));
	pathToDangerArea2.push_back (Point (2,3));
	pathToDangerArea2.push_back (Point (3,3));
	pathToDangerArea2.push_back (Point (4,3));
	pathToDangerArea2.push_back (Point (4,2));
	pathToDangerArea2.push_back (Point (4,1));
//	pathToDangerArea2.push_back (Point (4,0));

	sms.submitPathToDangerArea ((pthread_t) 1234567, pathToDangerArea1);
	sms.submitPathToDangerArea ((pthread_t) 1234567, pathToDangerArea2);

	VectorOfPointStructType solutionPath = VectorOfPointStructType ();
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (1,1));
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (1,2));
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (1,3));
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (2,3));
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (2,4));
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (2,5));
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (3,5));
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (4,5));
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (4,4));
	solutionPath.push_back (Point (4,3));

	sms.submitSolutionPath ((pthread_t) 1234567, solutionPath);

	sms.printSubmittedSolution ("Tan Ah Beng", "1001001");

	sms.saveSubmittedSolution ("Tan Ah Beng", "1001001");

}	// end main () ...

// #######################################################################################

TESTED!! -> Point struct '==' and '=' operator overloading ...

	Point p (3, 8);

	Point p1 (3, 8);

	Point p2 (8, 8);

	if (p == p1)
		std::cout << "p ";	p.display ();
		std::cout << " is EQUAL to p1 ";	p1.display ();
		std::cout << " !!" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "p ";	p.display ();
		std::cout << " is NOT EQUAL to p1 ";	p1.display ();
		std::cout << " !!" << std::endl;

	if (p == p2)
		std::cout << "p ";	p.display ();
		std::cout << " is EQUAL to p2 ";	p2.display ();
		std::cout << " !!" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "p ";	p.display ();
		std::cout << " is NOT EQUAL to p2 ";	p2.display ();
		std::cout << " !!" << std::endl;

	Point p3 (8, 8);

	Point p4, p5;

	p4 = p5 = p3;
//	p5 = p4;

	std::cout << "p3 is "; p3.display (); std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "p4 is "; p4.display (); std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "p5 is "; p5.display (); std::cout << std::endl;


// #######################################################################################

TESTED !! -> isConnected() in struct Point ...

	Point p (3, 8);
	Point pLeft (2, 8);
	Point pRight (4, 8);
	Point pUp (3, 9);
	Point pDown (3, 7);

	if (p.isConnected (pLeft))
		std::cout << "p is connected to pLeft !!" << std::endl;

	if (p.isConnected (pRight))
		std::cout << "p is connected to pRight !!" << std::endl;

	if (p.isConnected (pUp))
		std::cout << "p is connected to pUp !!" << std::endl;

	if (p.isConnected (pDown))
		std::cout << "p is connected to pDown !!" << std::endl;

	if (pLeft.isConnected (pRight))
		std::cout << "pLeft is connected to pRight !!" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "pLeft is NOT connected to pRight !!" << std::endl;

	if (pUp.isConnected (pDown))
		std::cout << "pUp is connected to pDown !!" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "pUp is NOT connected to pDown !!" << std::endl;

// #######################################################################################

TESTED!! -> new method in Path.h 'arePathsIdentical ()' ...
	Point p (3, 8);
	Point p1 (3, 8);
	Point p2 (8, 8);

	VectorOfPointStructType path1;
	path1.push_back (p);	path1.push_back (p1);	path1.push_back (p2);

	VectorOfPointStructType path2;
	path2.push_back (p);	path2.push_back (p1);	path2.push_back (p2);

	Assignm3::Path path;

	if (path.arePathsIdentical (path1, path2))
		std::cout << "path1 is identical to path2 !!" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "path1 is different from path2 !!" << std::endl;


// #######################################################################################

TESTED !! -> Maze constructor, and new methods () ...

	Assignm3::Maze * probMaze = new Assignm3::Maze ();
	probMaze->LoadMaze ();

	Assignm3::Maze * solnMaze = new Assignm3::Maze (probMaze->getLength(), probMaze->getBreadth(),
													probMaze->getStartLocation(), probMaze->getEndLocation());

	probMaze->DisplayMaze ();
	probMaze->DisplayInfo ();

	solnMaze->updateMaze (Point (0,0), Assignm3::BARRIER_INT);
	solnMaze->updateMaze (Point (0,1), Assignm3::BARRIER_INT);
	solnMaze->updateMaze (Point (1,0), Assignm3::BARRIER_INT);

	solnMaze->DisplayMaze ();
	solnMaze->DisplayInfo ();


// #######################################################################################

TESTED !! ->


// #######################################################################################

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