















Kaden Chow's Steps


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原创 PKU 2352 Stars

 DescriptionAstronomersoften examine star maps where stars are represented by points on aplane and each star has Cartesian coordinates. Let the level of a starbe an amount of the stars that

2009-09-07 16:31:00 617

原创 PKU 1325 Machine Schedule

DescriptionAs we allknow, machine scheduling is a very classical problem in computerscience and has been studied for a very long history. Schedulingproblems differ widely in the nature of the

2009-08-31 16:55:00 488

原创 PKU 1152 An Easy Problem!

DescriptionHave youheard the fact "The base of every normal number system is 10" ? Ofcourse, I am not talking about number systems like Stern Brockot NumberSystem. This problem has nothing to

2009-08-27 20:47:00 486

原创 PKU 3702 Chessman

DescriptionTheres an n × 1 chessboard filled with some chessman, where n is infinity. For each chessman, you can make any move of the following:1.Jump to the 4th grid on the right or left

2009-08-27 13:48:00 476

原创 PKU 2564 Edit Step Ladders

DescriptionAn edit step is a transformation from one word x to another word y such that x and y are words in the dictionary, and x can be transformed to y by adding, deleting, or changing one letter

2009-08-24 16:09:00 803

原创 PKU 1873 The Fortified Forest

DescriptionOnce upon atime, in a faraway land, there lived a king. This king owned a smallcollection of rare and valuable trees, which had been gathered by hisancestors on their travels. To pr

2009-08-20 11:22:00 397

原创 PKU 3159 Candies

DescriptionDuringthe kindergarten days, flymouse was the monitor of his class.Occasionally the head-teacher brought the kids of flymouse’s class alarge bag of candies and had flymouse distri

2009-08-16 11:11:00 577

原创 PKU 3700 Missile Defence System

DescriptionTo play against the threats of malicious countries nearby, Country R has updated their missile defence system. The new type system can bring down a series of missiles as long as they ar

2009-07-04 20:14:00 536 1

原创 PKU 3111 K Best

DescriptionDemy has n jewels. Each of her jewels has some value vi and weight wi.Sinceher husband John got broke after recent financial crises, Demy hasdecided to sell some jewels.

2009-07-02 14:32:00 404

原创 PKU 1947 Rebuilding Roads

 DescriptionThe cowshave reconstructed Farmer Johns farm, with its N barns (1 <= N<= 150, number 1..N) after the terrible earthquake last May. Thecows didnt have time to rebuild any extra

2009-07-01 09:28:00 625

原创 PKU 3436 ACM Computer Factory

DescriptionAs you know, all the computers used for ACM contests must be identical, so the participants compete on equal terms. That is why all these computers are historically produced at the same

2009-06-25 09:30:00 812

原创 PKU 2774 Long Long Message

DescriptionThe little cat is majoring in physics in the capital of Byterland. A piece of sad news comes to him these days: his mother is getting ill. Being worried about spending so much on railway

2009-06-24 14:40:00 666

原创 PKU 3320 Jessica's Reading Problem

DescriptionJessicas a very lovely girl wooed by lots of boys. Recently she has a problem. The final exam is coming, yet she has spent little time on it. If she wants to pass it, she has to master

2009-06-24 14:27:00 749

原创 来迟

对了csdn,从来都是以拜大牛的心态来膜拜的。 开始写自己的,纯粹的是想写一些解题报告,以对抗我的遗忘曲线。 那就开始吧。

2009-06-24 14:02:00 214



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