• AMI BIOS Post Procedures
  • AMI BIOS Text Error Messages
  • AMIT BIOS Post Codes (Prior to April 1990)
  • AMI BIOS Post Codes (After April 1990)
  • AMI 2.2 BIOS Post Codes
  • AMI Plus BIOS Post Codes
  • AMI Color BIOS Post Codes
  • AMI Win BIOS Post Codes
  • AMI Ez-Flex BIOS Post Codes

AMI BIOS Post Procedures - For BIOS's of Feb 1991:

NMI DisableNMI interrupt line to the CPU is disabled by setting bit 7 I?O port 70h (CMOS)
Power On DelayOnce the keyboard controller gets power, it sets the hard and soft reset bits.  Check the keyboard controller or clock generator if a failure occurs
Initialize ChipsetsCheck the BIOS, CLOCK and chipsets
Reset DeterminationThe BIOS reads the bits in the keyboard controller to see if a hard or soft reset is required (a soft reset will not test memory above 64K).  Failure could be the BIOS or keyboard controller
ROM BIOS ChecksumThe BIOS performs a checksum on itself and adds a preset factory value that should make it equal to 00.  If a failure occurs, check the BIOS chips
Keyboard TestA command is sent to the 8042 keyboard controller which performs a test and sets a buffer space for commands.  After the buffer is defined the BIOS sends a command byte, writes data to the buffer, checks the high order bits of the internal keyboard controller and issues a No Operation (NOP) command
CMOSShutdown byte in CMOS RAM offset 0F is tested, the BIOS checksum calculated and diagnostic byte 0E updated before the CMOS RAM area is initialized and updated for date and time.  Check the RTC and CMOS chip or battery if a failure occurs
DMA (8237) and PIC (8259) DisableThe DMA and Programmable Interrupt Controller are disabled before the POST proceeds and further.  Check the 8237 or 8259 chips if a failure occurs
Video DisableThe video controller is disabled and port B initialized.  Check the video adapter if a failure occurs
Chipset Initialized and Memory DetectedMemory addressed in 64K blocks.   Failure would be in the chipset.  If all memory is not seen, failure could be in a chip in the block after the last one seen
PIT TestThe timing functions of the 8254 Programmable Interrupt Timer are tested.  The PIT and RTC chips normally cause errors here
Memory RefreshPIT's ability to refresh memory is tested.  If an XT, DMA controller #1 handles this.  Failure is normally the PIT (8254) in AT's or the 8237, DMA #1, in XT's
Address LineTest the address lines in the first 64K of RAM.  If a failure occurs, an address line may be the problem
Base 64KData patterns are written to the first 64K of RAM, unless there is a bad RAM chip in which case you will get a failure
Chipset InitializationThe PIT, PIC and DMA controllers are initialized
Set Interrupt TableInterrupt vector table used by PIC is installed in low memory, the first 2K
8042 Keyboard Controller CheckThe BIOS reads the buffer area in the keyboard controller I/O port 60.  Failure here is normally the keyboard controller
Video TestsThe type of video adapter is checked for, then a series of tests are performed on the adapter and monitor
BIOS Data AreaThe vector table is checked for proper operation and video memory verified before protected mode tests are entered into.   This is done so that any errors found are displayed on the monitor
Protected Mode TestsPerform reads and writes to all memory locations below 1MB.  Failure at this point indicate a bad RAM chip, the 8042 Keyboard Controller or a data line
DMA ChipsThe DMA registers are tested using a data pattern
Final Initializationthese differ with each version.   Typically, the floppy and hard drives are tested and initialized and a check is made for serial and parallel devices.  The information gathered is then compared against the contents of the CMOS and you will see the results of any failures on the monitor
BOOTThe BIOS hands over control to the Int 19 bootloader.  This is where you would see error messages such as non-system disk

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AMI BIOS Text Error Messages:

Bad PnP Serial ID ChecksumThe Serial ID checksum of a PnP card is invalid
Floppy Disk Controller Resource ConflictThe floppy drive controller had requested a resource that is already in use
NVRAM Checksum Error - NVRAM ClearedThe extended system configuration data (ESCD) was reinitialized because of an NVRAM checksum error.  Clear CMOS and ESCD RAM and reboot
NVRAM Cleared By JumperThe Clear CMOS jumper has been moved to the Clear position.  CMOS RAM and ESCD have been cleared
NVRAM Data Invalid - NVRAM ClearedInvalid data found in the ESCD, which might mean that you have changed devices in the system.  When this message is displayed, the BIOS has already rewritten the ESCD with current configuration data
Parallel Port Resource ConflictThe parallel port requested a resource that is already in use
PCI Error Log is FullMore than 15 PCI conflict errors have been detected and no additional PCI errors can be logged
PCI I/O Port ConflictTwo devices requested the same I/O address, resulting in a conflict
PCI IRQ ConflictTwo devices requested the same IRQ, resulting in a conflict
PCI Memory ConflictTwo devices requested the same memory resource, resulting in a conflict
Primary Boot Device Not FoundTwo designated primary boot device (hard disk, floppy disk drive, CD-ROM drive) could not be found
Primary IDE Controller Resource ConflictThe primary IDE controller has requested a resource that is already in use
Primary Input Device Not FoundThe designated primary input device (keyboard, mouse, or other device if input is redirected) could not be found
Secondary IDE Controller Resource ConflictThe secondary IDE controller has requested a resource that is already in use
Serial Port 1 Resource ConflictSerial port 1 has requested a resource that is already in use
Serial Port 2 Resource ConflictSerial port 2 has requested a resource that is already in use
Static Device Resource ConflictA card that is not Plug-and-Play ISA has requested a resource that is already in use
System Board Device Resource ConflictA card that is not Plug-and-Play ISA has requested a resource that is already in use
A20 ErrorGate A20 on the keyboard controller is not working
Address line ShortError in the address decoding circuitry on the motherboard
CMOS Battery State LowThe battery power is low; replace the battery
CMOS Checksum InvalidAfter CMOS RAM values are saved, a checksum value is generated for error checking.  The previous value is different from the current value
Run SetupCMOS system options not set.  The values stored in CMOS RAM are either corrupt or nonexistent.  Run Setup
CMOS Display Type MismatchThe video type in CMOS RAM does not match the type detected by the BIOS. Run Setup
CMOS Memory Size MismatchThe amount of memory on the motherboard is different from the amount indicated in CMOS RAM.  Run Setup
CMOS Time and Date Not Set run Setup to set the time and date in the CMOS RAM
Diskette Boot FailureThe boot disk in drive A: is corrupt.  It cannot be used to boot the system.  Use another boot disk and follow the screen instructions
DMA ErrorError in the DMA controller
DMA #1 ErrorError in the first DMA controller
DMA #2 ErrorError in the second DMA controller
FDD Controller FailureThe BIOS cannot communicate with the floppy disk drive controller.   Check all appropriate cables and connections
HDD Controller FailureThe BIOS cannot communicate with the hard disk drive controller.   Check all appropriate cables and connections
Insert Bootable MediaThe BIOS cannot find a bootable medium.  Insert a bootable floppy disk or CD-ROM
INTR #1 ErrorInterrupt controller 1 failed POST
INTR #2 ErrorInterrupt controller 2 failed POST
Invalid Boot DisketteThe BIOS can read the disk in floppy drive A:, but cannot boot the system from it.  Use another boot disk
KB/Interface ErrorThere is an error in the keyboard connector
Keyboard ErrorThere is a timing problem with the keyboard
Keyboard Stuck Key DetectedA stuck keyboard key was detected
Off Board Parity ErrorParity error in memory installed in an expansion slot.  The format is: OFF BOARD PARITY ERROR ADDR (HEX) = (XXXX), where XXXX is the hex address where the error occurred
On Board Parity ErrorParity error in memory installed on the motherboard.  The format is: ON BOARD PARITY ERROR ADDR (HEX) = (XXXX), where XXXX is the hex address where the error occurred
Parity ErrorParity error in system memory at an unknown address
System haltedAn error caused the computer to halt
Timer Channel 2 ErrorThere is an error in counter/timer 2
Uncorrectable ECC ErrorAn uncorrectable ECC memory error was detected
Undetermined NMIAn undetermined NMI was detected
Memory parity Error at xxxxxMemory failed.  If the memory location can be determined, it is displayed as xxxxx.  If not, the message is Memory Parity Error ????.
I/O Card Parity Error at xxxxxAn expansion card failed.  If the address can be determined, it is displayed as xxxxx.  if not, the message is I/O Card Parity error ????
DMA Bus TimeoutA device has driven the bus signal for more than 7.8 microseconds

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AMIT BIOS Post Codes (Prior to April 1990):

01NMI is disabled and the i286 register test is about to start
02i286 register test has passed
03ROM BIOS checksum test (32Kb from F8000h) passed OK
048259 programmable interrupt controller has initialized OK
05CMOS interrupt disabled
06Video system disabled and the system timer checks OK
078253/4 programmable-interval timer test OK
08Delta counter channel 2 OK
09Delta counter channel 1 OK
0ADelta counter channel 0 OK
0BParity status cleared
0CThe refresh and system timer check OK
0DRefresh check OK
0ERefresh period checks OK
10Ready to start 64KB base memory test
11Address line test OK
1264KB base memory test OK
13System-interrupt vectors initialized
148042 keyboard controller checks OK
15CMOS read/write test OK
16CMOS checksum and battery OK
17Monochrome video mode OK
18CGA color mode set OK
19Attempting to pass control to video ROM at C0000h
1AReturned from video ROM
1BDisplay memory read/write test OK
1CDisplay memory read/write alternative test OK
1DVideo retrace test OK
1EGlobal equipment byte set for proper video operation
1FReady to initialize video system
20Video test OK
21Video display OK
22The power-on message is displayed
30Ready to start the virtual-mode memory test
31virtual memory mode test started
32CPU has switched to virtual mode
33Testing the memory address lines
34Testing the memory address lines
35Lower 1MB of RAM found
36Memory size computation checks OK
37Memory test in progress
38Memory below 1MB is initialized
39Memory above 1MB is initialized
3AMemory size is displayed
3BReady to test the lower 1MB of RAM
3CMemory test of lower 1MB OK
3DMemory test above 1MB OK
3EReady to shutdown for real-mode testing
3FShutdown OK- now in real mode
40Ready to disable gate A20
41A20 line disabled successfully
42Ready to start DMA controller test
4EAddress line test OK
4FSystem still in real mode
50DMA page register test OK
51Starting DMA controller 1 register test
52DMA controller 1 test passed, starting DMA controller 2 register test
53DMA controller 2 test passed
54Ready to test latch on DMA controller 1 and 2
55DMA controller 1 and 2 latch test OK
56DMA controller 1 and 2 configured OK
578259 programmable interrupt controller initialized OK
588259 programmable interrupt controller mask register OK
59Master 8259 programmable interrupt controller mask register OK
5AReady to check timer interrupts
5BTimer interrupt check OK
5CReady to test keyboard interrupt
5DError detected in timer or keyboard interrupt
5E8259 programmable interrupt controller error
5F8259 programmable interrupt controller OK
70Start of keyboard test
71Keyboard controller Ok
72Keyboard tested OK
73Keyboard global initialization OK
74Floppy setup ready to start
75Floppy controller setup OK
76Hard disk setup ready to start
77Hard disk controller setup OK
79Ready to initialize timer data
7AVerifying CMOS battery power
7BCMOS battery verified OK
7DAnalyzing CMOS RAM size
7ECMOS memory size updated
7FSend control to adapter ROM
80Enable the setup routine if <Delete> is pressed
82Printer data initialization is OK
83RS-232 data initialization is OK
8480x87 check and test OK
85Display any soft-error message
86Give control to ROM E0000h
87Return from system ROM
00Call the Int19 boot loader

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AMI BIOS Post Codes (After April 1990):

01NMI is disabled and the i286 register test is about to start
02i286 register test has passed
03ROM BIOS checksum test (32KB from E8000h) passed OK
04Passed keyboard controller test with and without mouse
05Chipset initialized...DMA and interrupt controller disabled
06Video system disabled and the system timer checks OK
078254 programmable interval timer initialized
08Delta counter channel 2 initialization complete
09Delta counter channel 1 initialization complete
0ADelta counter channel 0 initialization complete
0BRefresh started
0CSystem timer started
0DRefresh check OK
10Ready to start 64KB base memory test
11Address line test OK
1264KB base memory test OK
15ISA BIOS interrupt vectors initialized
17Monochrome video mode OK
18CGA color mode set OK
19Attempting to pass control to video ROM at C0000h
1AReturned from video ROM
1BShadow RAM enabled
1CDisplay memory read/write test OK
1DAlternate display memory read/write test OK
1EGlobal equipment byte set for proper
1FReady to initialize video system
20Finished setting video mode
21ROM type 27256 verified
22The power-on message is displayed
30Ready to start the virtual mode memory test
31Virtual memory mode test started
32CPU has switched to virtual mode
33Testing the memory address lines
34Testing the memory address lines
35Lower 1MB of RAM found
36Memory size computation checks OK
37Memory test in progress
38Memory below 1MB is initialized
39Memory above 1MB is initialized
3AMemory size is displayed
3BReady to test the lower 1MB of RAM
3CMemory test of lower 1MB OK
3DMemory test above 1MB OK
3EReady to shutdown for real-mode testing
3FShutdown Ok - now in real mode
40Cache memory now on...Ready to disable gate A 20
41A20 line disabled successfully
42i486 internal cache turned on
43Ready to start DMA controller test
50DMA page register test OK
51Starting DMA controller 1 register test
52DMA controller 1 test passed, starting DMA controller 2 register test
53DMA controller 2 test passed
54Ready to test latch on DMA controller 1 and 2
55DMA controller 1 and 2 latch test OK
56DMA controller 1 and 2 configured OK
578259 programmable interrupt controller initialized Ok
70Start of keyboard test
71Keyboard controller OK
72Keyboard test OK...Starting mouse interface test
73Keyboard and mouse global initialization OK
74Display setup prompt.. Floppy setup ready to start
75Floppy controller setup OK
76hard disk setup ready to start
77Hard disk controller setup OK
79Ready to initialize timer data
7ATimer data area initialized
7BCMOS battery verified OK
7ECMOS memory size updated
7FEnable setup routine if <Delete> is pressed
80Send control to adapter ROM at C800h to DE00h
81Return from adapter ROM
82Printer data initialization is OK
83RS-232 data initialization is OK
8480x87 check and test OK
85Display any soft error message
86Give control to ROM at E0000h
A0Program the cache SRAM
A1Check for external cache
A2initialize EISA adapter card slots
A3Test extended NMI in EISA system
00Call the INT19 boot loader

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00Flag test; Testing of the CPU
03Register test
06Chipset test; System hardware initialized
09BIOS checksum tested
0CPage register tested
0F8254 timer tested
12Memory refresh initialization
158237 DMA controllers tested
188237 DMA initialization
1B8259 PIC initialization
1E8259 PIC chips tested
21Memory refresh tested
24Base 64 address tested
27Base 64 memory tested
2A8742 keyboard tested
30Protected mode started
33Memory sizing test
36First protected mode test passed
39First protected mode test failed
3CCPU speed calculation
3FRead 8742 hardware switches
42Initialize interrupt vector area
45Verify CMOS configuration
48Test and initialize video system
4BUnexpected interrupt tested
4EStart second protected mode test
51Verify LDT instruction
54Verify TR instruction
57Verify LSL instruction
5AVerify LAR instruction
5DVerify VERR instruction
60Address line A20 test
63Unexpected exception tested
66Start third protected mode test
69Address line tested
6AScan DDNIL bits for null pattern
6CSystem memory tested
6FShadow memory tested
72Extended memory tested
75Verify memory configuration
78Display CMOS error messages
7BCopy system BIOS shadow memory
7E8254 clock tested
81MC146818 RTC tested
84Keyboard test
87Determine keyboard type
8AStuck key test
8DInitialize hardware Interrupt vectors
90Math co-processor tested
93Determine COM ports available
96Determine LPT ports available
99Initialize BIOS data area
9CFixed/floppy controller tested
9FFloppy disk tested
A2Fixed disk tested
A5External ROM screen; Check for external ROM's
A8System key lock test
AEF1 error message test
AFSystem boot initialization
B1Call to Interrupt 19 boot loader

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00Control to Interrupt 19
01NMI disabled (Bit 7 of I/O port 70h)
02286 register test over
03ROM checksum OK
048259 PIC initialization disabled
05CMOS Interrupt disabled
06System timer (PIT) counting OK
07Channel 0 of 8259 PIC test OK
08DMA channel 2 of delta count test OK
09DMA channel 1 of delta count test OK
0ADMA channel 0 of delta test count OK
0BParity status cleared (DMA/PIT)
0CRefresh and system time check OK (DMA/PIT)
0DRefresh link toggling OK (DMA/PIT)
0ERefresh period ON/OFF 50% OK
10About to start 64K memory
11Address line tested OK
1264K base memory tested OK
13Interrupt vectors initialized
148042 keyboard controller tested
15CMOS Read/Write test OK
16CMOS checksum/battery tested
17Monochrome mode set OK (6845)
18Color (CGA) mode set OK (6845)
19Video ROM search
1AOptional video ROM OK
1BDisplay memory Read/Write test OK
1CAlternate display memory OK
1DVideo retrace check Ok
1EGlobal byte set for video Ok
1FMode set for mono/color OK
20Video test OK
21Video display OK
22Power on message display OK
30Readying virtual mode memory test
31Virtual mode memory test started
32Processor in virtual mode
33Memory address line test
34Memory address line test
35Memory below 1MB calculated
36Memory size computation OK
37Memory test in progress
38 Memory initialization  below 1MB
39Memory initialization  above 1MB
3ADisplay memory size
3BReady to start memory below 1MB
3CMemory test below 1MB OK
3DMemory test above 1MB OK
3EReady to switch to real mode
3FShutdown successful
40Ready to disable gate A-20 (8042)
41Gate A-20 disabled (8042)
42About to test DMA controller (8237)
4EAddress line test OK
4FProcessor in real mode
50DMA page register test OK
51DMA unit-1 base register OK
52DMA unit-1 channel register OK
53DMA channel-2 base register test OK
54About to test both units OK
55 F/F latch tests both units OK
56DMA units 1 & 2 programmed OK
578259 PIC initialization OK
58 8259 PIC mask register check OK
59Master 8259 PIC mask register OK
5ACheck timer and keyboard Interrupt
5BPIT timer Interrupt OK
5CAbout to test keyboard Interrupt
5DERROR! Timer/keyboard Interrupt
5E8259 PIC Interrupt controller error
5F8259 PIC Interrupt controller test OK
70Start of keyboard test
71Keyboard test OK
72Keyboard test OK
73Keyboard global data initialize (8042)
74Floppy controller setup about to start
75Floppy controller setup OK
76Hard disk controller setup about to start
77Hard disk controller setup OK
79About to initialize timer data
7AVerify CMOS battery power
7BCMOS battery verification done
7DAnalyze test results for memory
7ECMOS memory size update OK
7FCheck optional ROM C0000h
80Keyboard sensed to enable setup
81Optional ROM control OK
82Printer global data init OK
83RS-232 global data init OK
8480287 check/test OK
85About to display soft error
86Give control to system ROM E0000h
87System ROM E0000h check over
00Call to Interrupt 19 for boot loader

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AMI Color:

00Control to Int 19 boor loader
01CPU flag test
02Power-on delay
03Chipset initialization
04Soft/hard reset
05ROM enable
06ROM BIOS checksum
078042 keyboard controller tested
088042 keyboard controller tested
098042 keyboard controller tested
0A8042 keyboard controller tested
0B8042 protected mode tested
0C8042 keyboard controller tested
0D8042 keyboard controller tested, CMOS
0ECMOS checksum tested
0FCMOS initialization
10CMOS/RTC status OK
11DMA/PIC disable
12DMA/PIC initialization
13Chipset/memory initialization
148254 PIT timer tested
158254 PIT channel 2 timer tested
168254 PIT channel 1 timer tested
178254 PIT channel 0 timer tested
18Memory refresh test (PIC)
19Memory refresh test (PIC)
1ACheck 15-microsecond refresh (PIT)
1BCheck 30-microsecond refresh (PIT)
20Base 64K memory tested
21Base 64K memory parity tested
22Memory Read/Write
23BIOS vector table initialization
24BIOS vector table initialization
25Turbo check of 8042 keyboard controller
26Global data table for keyboard controller; turbo
27Video mode tested
28Monochrome tested
29Color (CGA) tested
2AParity-enable tested
2BOptional system ROM's check start
2CVideo ROM check
2DReinitialize main chipset
2EVideo memory tested
2FVideo memory tested
30Video adapter tested
31Alternate video adapter tested
32Alternate video adapter tested
33Video mode tested
34Video mode tested
35Initialize BIOS ROM data area
36Power-on message display
37Power-on message display
38Read cursor position
39Display cursor reference
3ADisplay BIOS setup message
40Start protected mode tested
41Build mode entry
42CPU enters protected mode
43Protected mode Interrupt enable
44Check descriptor tables
45Check memory size
46Memory Read/Write tested
47Base 640K memory tested
48Check 640K memory size
49Check extended memory size
4AVerify CMOS extended memory
4BCheck for soft/hard reset
4CClear extended memory locations
4DUpdate CMOS memory size
4EBase RAM size displayed
4FMemory Read/Write test on 640K
50Update CMOS on RAM size
51Extended memory tested
52Re-size extended memory
53Return CPU to real mode
54Restore CPU registers
55A-20 gate disabled
56BIOS vector recheck
57 BIOS vector check complete
58Clear BIOS display setup message
59DMA, PIT tested
60DMA page register tested
61DMA #1 tested
62DMA #2 tested
63BIOS data area check
64BIOS data area checked
65Initialize DMA chips
668259 PIC initialization
67Keyboard tested
80Keyboard reset
81Stuck key and batch test
828042 keyboard controller tested
83Lock key check
83Compare memory size with CMOS
85Password/soft error check
86XCMOS/CMOS equipment check
87CMOS setup entered
88Reinitialize chipset
89Display power-on message
8ADisplay wait and mouse check
8BShadow any option ROM's
8CInitialize XCMOS settings
8DReset hard/floppy drives
8EFloppy compare to CMOS
8FFloppy disk controller initialization
90Hard disk compare to CMOS
91Hard disk controller initialization
92BIOS data table check
93BIOS data check hat halfway
94Set memory size
95Verify display memory
96Clear all Interrupts
97Optional ROM's check
98Clear all Interrupts
99Setup timer data/RS232 base
9ARS232 test; Locate and test serial ports
9BClear all Interrupts
9CNPU test
9DClear all Interrupts
9EExtended keyboard check
9FSet numlock
A0Keyboard reset
A1Cache memory test
A2Display any soft errors
A3Set typematic rate
A4Set memory wait states
A5Clear screen
A6Enable parity/NMI
A7Clear all Interrupts
A8Control to ROM at E0000
A9Clear all Interrupts
AADisplay configuration
00Call to Interrupt 19 boot loader

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00Control to Int 19 boot loader
01Disable NMI
02Power-on delay
03Soft reset power-on
05Disable cache
06Uncompressed POST code
08CMOS checksum
08CMOS initialization
0ACMOS initialization for date and time
0BInitialization before keyboard batch
0CBatch command to keyboard controller
0DVerify batch command
0EInitialize after KB controller batch
0FWrite KB command byte
10Pin 23/24 block/unblock command
11Check for <INS> key command
12DMA/PIC disable
13Chipset initialization
148254 timer test
19Memory refresh test
20Base 64K memory test
23Set BIOS stack, setup before int. vector init
24Interrupt vector initialization
25Read input port of 9042 chip, clear password
26Initialize global data for turbo switch
27Initialize before setting video mode
28Set video mode
2AInitialize BUS
2BSetup before operational video check
2CControl to optional video ROM
2DProc. after optional video ROM routine
2EDisplay memory Read/Write test if no EGA/VGA
2FDisplay memory Read/Write test
30Retrace check
31Display alternate memory Read/Write check
32Alternate display retrace check
34Set display mode
37Display power-on message
38Initialize BUS types
39Display BUS initialization error messages
3ADisplay the hit <DEL> message
3BVirtual modem memory test
40Prepare descriptor tables
42Enter virtual mode for memory test
43Enable Interrupts for diagnostic mode
44Initialize data to check memory wrap at 0:0
45Check memory wrap, find total memory amount
46Memory write test
47640K base memory write test
48Determine memory below 1MB
49Determine memory above 1MB
4BCheck for soft reset, clear memory below 1MB
4CClear memory above 1MB
4DSave memory size
4EDisplay first 64K memory size
4FSequential and random memory test
50Displayed memory size
51Above 1MB memory test
52Save memory size information
53Enter real mode
54Disable gate A-20 line
57Adjust memory size
58Clear hit <DEL> message
59DMA/PIC test
60DMA #1 base register test
62DMA #2 base register test
65Program DMA unit 1 and 2
66Initialize 8259 Interrupt controller
67Keyboard test
7FEnable extended NMI sources
80Stuck key and batch test
81Keyboard controller test
82Write command byte, initialize circular buffer
83Lock key check
84Compare memory size with CMOS
85Password/soft error check
86Programming before check
87Execute CMOS setup
88Programming after setup
89Power-on display
8BShadow main and video BIOS
8CSetup options after CMOS setup
8DInitialize mouse
8EReset hard disk controller
8FFloppy setup
91Hard disk setup
94Base/extended memory size
95Init. PCI/VLB BUS optional ROM's from C800
96Initialize before C800 optional ROM control
97Control to optional ROM
98Processing after optional ROM control
99Setup timer data area/printer base address
9ASet RS-232 base address
9BInitialize before NPU test
9CNPU initialization
9DInitialization after NPU test
9ECheck extended KB, KB ID and num-lock
9FIssue keyboard ID command
A0Reset keyboard ID flag
A1Cache memory test
A2Display and soft errors
A4Program memory wait states
A5Clear screen, enable parity NMI
A7Init. needed before control to E000 ROM
A8Control to E000 ROM
A9Init. needed after control to E000 ROM
AADisplay system configuration
B0Uncompressed SETUP code for hot-key
B1Copy any code to specific area
C2Disable NMI, power-on delay
C5Enable ROM, disable cache
C6ROM BIOS checksum
C7CMOS shutdown register test
C8CMOS shutdown
CAInitialize CMOS date and time
CBInitialization before keyboard batch
CDBAT command to keyboard controller
CEInstallation after keyboard controller batch
CFWrite keyboard command byte
D1Check for <INS> key command
D2Disable DMA and Interrupt controllers
D3Chipset initialization/auto detect memory
D4Uncompressed RUNTIME code
D5RUNTIME code uncompressed
DDControl to shadow RAM at F000:F000

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01NMI disabled; Start CPU flag test
02Power on delay
03Initialize system chipset
04Check keyboard for soft/hard reset
05Enable ROM
06ROM BIOS checksum tested
078042 keyboard controller tested
088042 keyboard controller tested
098042 keyboard controller tested
0A8042 keyboard controller tested
0B8042 protected mode tested
0C8042 keyboard controller tested
0DCMOS RAM shutdown register tested
0ECMOS checksum tested
0FCMOS initialization
10CMOS/RTC status OK
11Disable DMA and PIC
12Video display disabled
13Chipset and memory initialized
148254 PIT tested
15PIT channel 2 tested
16PIT channel 1 tested
17PIT channel 0 tested
18PIT memory refresh tested
19PIT memory refresh tested
1ACheck 15 microsecond refresh (PIT)
1BBase 64K memory tested
20Address lines tested
21Base 64K parity memory tested
22Memory Read/Write tested
23Perform setup's prior to initialization of the vector table
24Initialize BIOS vector table in lower 1KB of system RAM
258042 keyboard controller tested
26Global for keyboard controller tested
27Perform setups for vector table initialization
28Monochrome video mode tested
29Video (CGA) color mode tested
2AParity enable tested
2BCheck for optional ROM's
2CCheck for video ROM
2DDetermine if EGA/VGA is installed
2EVideo memory is tested if non EGA/VGA
2FVideo memory tested
30Video adapter tested
31Alternate video memory tested
32Alternate video adapter tested
33Video mode tested
34Video mode tested
35BIOS ROM data area initialized
36Power on display cursor set
37Power on message displayed
38Cursor position read
39Display cursor reference
3ADisplay Setup message
40Protected mode tested
41Build descriptor tables
42CPU enters protected mode
43Protected mode interrupt enabled
44Descriptor tables checked
45Memory size checked
46Memory read/Write tested
47Base 640K memory tested
48Memory below 1MB checked for
49Memory above 1MB checked for
4AROM BIOS data area checked
4BMemory below 1MB cleared for soft reset
4CMemory above 1MB cleared for soft reset
4DUpdate CMOS memory size
4EDisplay base 64K memory test
4FMemory test on base 640K performed
50RAM size updated for shadow operation
51Extended memory test performed
52System is prepared for real mode
53CPU is returned to real mode
54CPU registers are returned to real mode
55A20 gate disabled
56BIOS data area rechecked
57BIOS data area check complete
58Setup message displayed
59DMA register page tested
60Display memory verified
61DMA #1 tested
62DMA #2 tested
63Perform BIOS data area check
64BIOS data area checked
65DMA initialized
668259 PIC initialized
67Keyboard tested
80Keyboard reset
81Check for stuck key and batch test
828042 keyboard controller tested
83Lock key checked
84Memory size compared to CMOS
85Password and soft error checked
86CMOS equipment checked performed
87CMOS setup performed if selected
88Main chipset reinitialized after CMOS setup
89Power on message displayed
8AMouse check and wait message displayed
8BAny ROM's attempted to be shadowed
8CSystem initialized through CMOS settings
8DHard drives and floppy drives reset
8EFloppy disk setup compared to CMOS settings
8FFloppy controller initialized
90Hard disks setup compared to CMOS settings
91Hard disk controller initialized
92BIOS data table checked
93BIOS data table check complete
94Memory size set
95Display memory verified
96All Interrupts cleared
97Optional ROM's checked for
98All Interrupts cleared
99Timer data setup
9ASerial ports checked for
9BAll Interrupts cleared
9CMath coprocessor checked
9DAll Interrupts cleared
9EExtended keyboard checked
9FNumLock set on keyboard
A0Keyboard reset
A1Cache memory size tested
A2Display any soft errors
A3Typematic rate set
A4Memory wait states set
A5Display is cleared
A6Parity and NMI enabled
A7All Interrupts cleared
A8System control is turned over to ROM at E0000
A9All Interrupts cleared
AADisplayed configuration
00Call to Interrupt 19 for boot loader

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All information has been gathered with permission of the respective BIOS providers. Although Bios Central has used reasonable effort to ensure accuracy we are unable to verify all codes posted. Use at your own risk. Bios Central, or any person associated with Bios Central takes no responsibility for any dmage resulting from the use of this information.

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Component Name : AMIBIOS ROM Utilities Component Type : eModule Release Date : September, 2009 Source Control Label : 8.00.11_ROMUTILS_14 AMIMMDOS.EXE 1-1 1.20 Module Manipulation utility for DOS. AMIMMWIN.EXE 1-1 1.20 Module Manipulation utility for Windows command mode. It is base on AMIMMDOS. AMIOLDOS.EXE 1-2 1.18 Change OEM Logo utility for DOS. AMIOLWIN.EXE 1-2 1.18 Change OEM Logo utility for Windows command mode. It is base on AMIOLDOS. ROMSETUP.EXE 1-3 1.03 SETUP screen capture utility. AMIDEDOS.EXE 1-4 1.21 DMI Editor for DOS. AMIDEWIN.EXE 1-5 1.31 DMI Editor for Windows command mode. AMIDEWINx64.EXE 1-5 1.31 DMI Editor for Windows PE 2.0 x64bit command mode. AFUDOS.EXE 1-6 4.28 AMI Firmware Update utility for DOS. AFULNX2.TGZ 1-7 4.24 AMI Firmware Update utility for Linux. AFUBSD.TGZ 1-7 3.10 AMI Firmware Update utility for FreeBSD. AFUWIN.EXE 1-8 4.37 AMI Firmware Update utility for Windows command mode & GUI Mode. AFUWINx64.EXE 1-8 4.36 AMI Firmware Update utility for Windows PE 2.0 x64bit command mode & GUI Mode. AMISCE.EXE 1-9 2.20 AMI abstract CMOS Editor for DOS. AMISCEW.EXE 1-10 2.20 AMI abstract CMOS Editor for Windows command mode. AMISCEWx64.EXE 1-10 2.20 AMI abstract CMOS Editor for Windows PE 2.0 x64bit command mode. AMICMOS.EXE 1-11 2.02 Display, save and restore CMOS RAM. AMIPWD.EXE 1-12 1.03 Change ROM password utility for DOS. AMIPWDW.EXE 1-13 1.03 Change ROM password utility for Windows command mode. TXTBCPD.EXE 1-14 1.10 TEXT BIOS Configuration Program for DOS. TXTBCPW.EXE 1-14 1.10 TEXT BIOS Configuration Program for Windows command mode. OEMLOGO.EXE 2-1 3.19 Change OEM Logo utility for Windows GUI mode. MMTOOL.EXE 2-2 3.23 Module Manipulation utility for Windows GUI mode. AMIBCP.EXE 2-3 3.46 AMIBIOS Configuration Program for Windows GUI mode. DMIEDIT.EXE 2-4 1.25 DMI Editor for Windows GUI mode. AMIDELNX.EXE 1-15 1.19 DMI Editor for Linux command mode. AMIUCP.EXE 2-5 1.04 ROM Utilities Configuration Tool for Windows GUI mode.


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