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Extreme Linux Performance Monitoring and Tuning

cpu和内存监控优化,简单深入。 Abstract: The purpose of this document is to describe how to monitor Linux operating systems for performance. This paper examines how to interpret common Linux performance tool output. After collecting this output, the paper describes how to make conclusions about performance bottlenecks. This paper does not cover how to performance tune the kernel. Such topics will be covered in part II of this series.


Extreme Linux Performance Monitoring Part II

介绍linux io 监控和优化,文字简单到位。 Disk IO subsystems are the slowest part of any Linux system. This is due mainly to their distance from the CPU and the fact that disks require the physics to work (rotation and seek). If the time taken to access disk as opposed to memory was converted into minutes and seconds, it is the difference between 7 days and 7 minutes. As a result, it is essential that the Linux kernel minimizes the amount of IO it generates on a disk. The following subsections describe the different ways the kernel processes data IO from disk to memory and back.


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