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2014 7 28 最新版本, 好处就不多说了 序号 短名称 长名称 许可证名称 版本 1 S7PROF55 SIFLS7PROF0505 STEP 7 V5.5 Professional v5.5 2 S7PROF54 SIFLS7PROF0504 STEP 7 V5.4 Professional v5.4 3 S7PROF53 SIFLS7PROF0503 STEP 7 V5.3 Professional v5.3 4 RTASS561 SIFLRTASSA0601 Asset RT unlimited v6.1 5 RTASS461 SIFLRTASS40601 Asset RT 2048 Tags v6.1 6 RTASS361 SIFLRTASS30601 Asset RT 1024 Tags v6.1 7 RTASS261 SIFLRTASS20601 Asset RT 512 Tags v6.1 8 RTASS161 SIFLRTASS10601 Asset RT (128) v6.1 9 PCS7TT61 SIFLPCS7TT0601 PCS7 6.1 SP1 RC 150K PTg 512 ATg v6.1 10 P7WSV461 SIFLP7WSV40601 PCS 7 - Web Server 50 clients v6.1 11 P7WSV361 SIFLP7WSV30601 PCS 7 - Web Server 25 clients v6.1 12 P7WSV261 SIFLP7WSV20601 PCS 7 - Web Server 10 clients v6.1 13 P7WSV161 SIFLP7WSV10601 PCS 7 - Web Server (3) v6.1 14 IXLS0061 SIFLIXLS000601 IT Excel Add-in v6.1 15 ITFC0061 SIFLITFC000601 IT SAP Connector tRFC v6.1 16 ISVCP061 SIFLISVCP00601 IT Services for Production Suite v6.1 17 ISFC0061 SIFLISFC000601 IT SAP Connector sRFC v6.1 18 ISCM0061 SIFLISCM000601 IT Scanner Manager (100) v6.1 19 IRDS0061 SIFLIRDS000601 IT Real Time Data Server v6.1 20 IRDE0061 SIFLIRDE000601 IT Real Time Data Engine v6.1 21 IPRM0061 SIFLIPRM000601 IT Personnel Manager v6.1 22 IPPA0661 SIFLIPPA060601 IT Plant Performance Analyzer (30000) v6.1 23 IPOM0061 SIFLIPOM000601 IT Production Orders Manager v6.1 24 IPMT0061 SIFLIPMT000601 IT Production Modeler Engineering Client (4) v6.1 25 IPMS0861 SIFLIPMS080601 IT Production Modeler (800) v6.1 26 IPDA0661 SIFLIPDA060601 IT Plant Data Archive (10000) v6.1 27 IOEE0861 SIFLIOEE080601 IT OEE/DTM (800) v6.1 28 IODS0061 SIFLIODS000601 IT On Line Debugging Support v6.1 29 IMQS0061 SIFLIMQS000601 IT MQ Series Connector v6.1 30 IMMQ0061 SIFLIMMQ000601 IT Microsoft Message Queue Connector v6.1 31 IMAM0061 SIFLIMAM000601 IT Material Manager v6.1 32 IHDD0061 SIFLIHDD000601 IT Historian Data Display v6.1 33 IGUR0061 SIFLIGUR000601 IT GUI Run-Time v6.1 34 IGUD0061 SIFLIGUD000601 IT GUI Development v6.1 35 IFNDP061 SIFLIFNDP00601 IT Backup Foundation for Production Suite v6.1 36 IDR30061 SIFLIDR3000601 IT Driver OPC Client v6.1 37 IDOC0061 SIFLIDOC000601 IT SAP Connector iDOC v6.1 38 IDIS0061 SIFLIDIS000601 IT Data Integration Service v6.1 39 IDFM0061 SIFLIDFM000601 IT Product Definition Manager v6.1 40 IDEM0061 SIFLIDEM000601 IT Real Time Data Engine Manager v6.1 41 ICSV0061 SIFLICSV000601 IT Compliance Services v6.1 42 ICLIP761 SIFLICLIP70601 IT Production Suite Client (25) v6.1 43 ICBE0061 SIFLICBE000601 IT CAB Engineering v6.1 44 IAMG0661 SIFLIAMG060601 IT Alarm Manager (30000) v6.1 45 IAMD0061 SIFLIAMD000601 IT Alarm Manager Display v6.1 46 ESVP0001 SICAM Valpro/Recpro V5.x v1.x 47 ESP53001 SICAM plusTOOLS for eRTU v1.x 48 ESNR0001 SICAM PAS CC Runtime V5.x v1.x 49 A9XEP111 SIFLA9XEP10101 WinCC flexible 2005 Advanced v1.1 50 A9XES111 SIFLA9XES10101 WinCC flexible 2005 Standard v1.1 51 A9XEC111 SIFLA9XEC10101 WinCC flexible 2005 Compact v1.1 52 A9XRP311 SIFLA9XRP30101 WinCC flexible 2005 Runtime (2048) v1.1 53 A9XRP211 SIFLA9XRP20101 WinCC flexible 2005 Runtime (512) v1.1 54 A9XRP111 SIFLA9XRP10101 WinCC flexible 2005 Runtime (128) v1.1 55 A9XAU311 SIFLA9XAU30101 WinCC flexible 2005 /Audit for PC v1.1 56 A9XAU211 SIFLA9XAU20101 WinCC flexible 2005 /Audit for Panels v1.1 57 A9XEP110 WinCC flexible 2004 Advanced v1.0 58 A9XES110 WinCC flexible 2004 Standard v1.0 59 A9XEC110 WinCC flexible Compact V1.0 v1.0 60 A9XSS310 SIFLA9XSS30100 WinCC flexible /Sm@rtService for PC v1.0 61 A9XSS210 SIFLA9XSS20100 WinCC flexible /Sm@rtService for Panel v1.0 62 A9XSA310 SIFLA9XSA30100 WinCC flexible /Sm@rtAccess for PC v1.0 63 A9XSA210 SIFLA9XSA20100 WinCC flexible /Sm@rtAccess for Panel v1.0 64 A9XRP310 WinCC flexible RT prof. 2048 Tags V1 v1.0 65 A9XRP210 WinCC flexible 2004 Runtime, 512 v1.0 66 A9XRP110 WinCC flexible 2004 Runtime, 128 v1.0 67 A9XPA310 SIFLA9XPA30100 WinCC flexible /ProAgent for PC v1.0 68 A9XPA210 SIFLA9XPA20100 WinCC flexible /ProAgent for Panel v1.0 69 A9XOP310 SIFLA9XOP30100 WinCC flexible /OPC-Server for PC v1.0 70 A9XOP210 SIFLA9XOP20100 WinCC flexible /OPC-Server for MP v1.0 71 A9XCI310 SIFLA9XCI30100 WinCC flexible/Recipes V1.0 for PC-RT v1.0 72 A9XCC110 SIFLA9XCC10100 WinCC flexible/ChangeControl V1.0 Advanced v1.0 73 A9XAR310 SIFLA9XAR30100 WinCC flexible/Archives V1.0 for PC-RT v1.0 74 A9WVC660 SIFLA9WVC60601 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.150 Clients v6.1 75 A9WVC560 SIFLA9WVC50601 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.100 Clients v6.1 76 A9WVC460 SIFLA9WVC40601 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.50 Clients v6.1 77 A9WVC360 SIFLA9WVC30601 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.25 Clients v6.1 78 A9WVC260 SIFLA9WVC20601 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.10 Clients v6.1 79 A9WVC160 SIFLA9WVC10601 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.3 Clients v6.1 80 A9WTG460 SIFLA9WTG40600 WINCC-V6 Arch 4G ATg UNLIM v6.0 81 A9WTG360 SIFLA9WTG30600 WINCC-V6 Arch 30000 ATg v6.0 82 A9WTG260 SIFLA9WTG20600 WINCC-V6 Arch 5000 ATg v6.0 83 A9WTG160 SIFLA9WTG10600 WINCC-V6 Arch 1500 ATg v6.0 84 A9WSRD60 SIFLA9WSRD0600 WINCC Redundancy v6.0 85 A9WSRD40 WINCC Redundancy v4.0 86 A9WSPA60 SIFLA9WSPA0600 WINCC ProAgent WinCC v6.0 87 A9WSP360 SIFLA9WSP30601 WINCC ProAgent 16 Clients v6.1 88 A9WSP260 SIFLA9WSP20601 WINCC ProAgent 8 Clients v6.1 89 A9WSP160 SIFLA9WSP10601 WINCC ProAgent 4 Clients v6.1 90 A9WSPA40 WINCC ProAgent WinCC v4.0 91 A9WSP351 WINCC ProAgent 16 Clients v5.1 92 A9WSP251 WINCC ProAgent 8 Clients v5.1 93 A9WSP151 WINCC ProAgent 4 Clients v5.1 94 A9WSN661 SIFLA9WSN60601 WINCC-V6.1 WebNavigator 150 Clients v6.1 95 A9WSN561 SIFLA9WSN50601 WINCC-V6.1 WebNavigator 100 Clients v6.1 96 A9WSN461 SIFLA9WSN40601 WINCC-V6.1 WebNavigator 50 Clients v6.1 97 A9WSN361 SIFLA9WSN30601 WINCC-V6.1 WebNavigator 25 Clients v6.1 98 A9WSN261 SIFLA9WSN20601 WINCC-V6.1 WebNavigator 10 Clients v6.1 99 A9WSN161 SIFLA9WSN10601 WINCC-V6.1 WebNavigator 3 Clients v6.1 100 A9WSN660 SIFLA9WSN60600 WINCC-V6 WebNavigator 150 Clients v6.0 101 A9WSN560 SIFLA9WSN50600 WINCC-V6 WebNavigator 100 Clients v6.0 102 A9WSN460 SIFLA9WSN40600 WINCC-V6 WebNavigator 50 Clients v6.0 103 A9WSN360 SIFLA9WSN30600 WINCC-V6 WebNavigator 25 Clients v6.0 104 A9WSN260 SIFLA9WSN20600 WINCC-V6 WebNavigator 10 Clients v6.0 105 A9WSN160 SIFLA9WSN10600 WINCC-V6 WebNavigator 3 Clients v6.0 106 A9WSN410 WINCC WebNavigator 50 Clients v1.0 107 A9WSN310 WINCC WebNavigator 25 Clients v1.0 108 A9WSN210 WINCC WebNavigator 10 Clients v1.0 109 A9WSN110 WINCC WebNavigator 3 Clients v1.0 110 A9WSEC61 SIFLA9WSEC0601 WINCC Server v6.1 111 A9WSEC60 SIFLA9WSEC0600 WINCC Server v6.0 112 A9WSEC30 WINCC Server v3.0 113 A9WRT861 SIFLA9WRT80601 WINCC-V6 RT 150K PTg 512 ATg v6.1 114 A9WRT761 SIFLA9WRT70601 WINCC-V6 RT 256K PTg 512 ATg v6.1 115 A9WRT661 SIFLA9WRT60601 WINCC-V6 RT 100K PTg 512 ATg v6.1 116 A9WRT561 SIFLA9WRT50601 WINCC-V6 RT 8000 PTg 512 ATg v6.1 117 A9WRT461 SIFLA9WRT40601 WINCC-V6 RT 64K PTg 512 ATg v6.1 118 A9WRT361 SIFLA9WRT30601 WINCC-V6 RT 1024 PTg 512 ATg v6.1 119 A9WRT261 SIFLA9WRT20601 WINCC-V6 RT 256 PTg 512 ATg v6.1 120 A9WRT161 SIFLA9WRT10601 WINCC-V6 RT 128 PTg 512 ATg v6.1 121 A9WRT860 SIFLA9WRT80600 WINCC-V6 RT 150K PTg 512 ATg v6.0 122 A9WRT760 SIFLA9WRT70600 WINCC-V6 RT 256K PTg 512 ATg v6.0 123 A9WRT660 SIFLA9WRT60600 WINCC-V6 RT 100K PTg 512 ATg v6.0 124 A9WRT560 SIFLA9WRT50600 WINCC-V6 RT 8000 PTg 512 ATg v6.0 125 A9WRT460 SIFLA9WRT40600 WINCC-V6 RT 64K PTg 512 ATg v6.0 126 A9WRT360 SIFLA9WRT30600 WINCC-V6 RT 1024 PTg 512 ATg v6.0 127 A9WRT260 SIFLA9WRT20600 WINCC-V6 RT 256 PTg 512 ATg v6.0 128 A9WRT160 SIFLA9WRT10600 WINCC-V6 RT 128 PTg 512 ATg v6.0 129 A9WRT830 WINCC RT 150K PowerTags v3.0 130 A9WRT730 WINCC RT 256K PowerTags v3.0 131 A9WRT430 WINCC RT 64K PowerTags v3.0 132 A9WRT330 WINCC RT 1024 Tags v3.0 133 A9WRT230 WINCC RT 256 Tags v3.0 134 A9WRT130 WINCC RT 128 Tags v3.0 135 A9WRC861 SIFLA9WRC80601 WINCC-V6 RC 150K PTg 512 ATg v6.1 136 A9WRC761 SIFLA9WRC70601 WINCC-V6 RC 256K PTg 512 ATg v6.1 137 A9WRC661 SIFLA9WRC60601 WINCC-V6 RC 100K PTg 512 ATg v6.1 138 A9WRC561 SIFLA9WRC50601 WINCC-V6 RC 8000 PTg 512 ATg v6.1 139 A9WRC461 SIFLA9WRC40601 WINCC-V6 RC 64K PTg 512 ATg v6.1 140 A9WRC361 SIFLA9WRC30601 WINCC-V6 RC 1024 PTg 512 ATg v6.1 141 A9WRC261 SIFLA9WRC20601 WINCC-V6 RC 256 PTg 512 ATg v6.1 142 A9WRC161 SIFLA9WRC10601 WINCC-V6 RC 128 PTg 512 ATg v6.1 143 A9WRC860 SIFLA9WRC80600 WINCC-V6 RC 150K PTg 512 ATg v6.0 144 A9WRC760 SIFLA9WRC70600 WINCC-V6 RC 256K PTg 512 ATg v6.0 145 A9WRC660 SIFLA9WRC60600 WINCC-V6 RC 100K PTg 512 ATg v6.0 146 A9WRC560 SIFLA9WRC50600 WINCC-V6 RC 8000 PTg 512 ATg v6.0 147 A9WRC460 SIFLA9WRC40600 WINCC-V6 RC 64K PTg 512 ATg v6.0 148 A9WRC360 SIFLA9WRC30600 WINCC-V6 RC 1024 PTg 512 ATg v6.0 149 A9WRC260 SIFLA9WRC20600 WINCC-V6 RC 256 PTg 512 ATg v6.0 150 A9WRC160 SIFLA9WRC10600 WINCC-V6 RC 128 PTg 512 ATg v6.0 151 A9WRC130 WINCC RC 128 Tags v3.0 152 A9WRC830 WINCC RC 150K PowerTags v3.0 153 A9WRC730 WINCC RC 256K PowerTags v3.0 154 A9WRC530 WINCC RC 8000 PowerTags v3.0 155 A9WRC430 WINCC RC 64K Tags V3.0 v3.0 156 A9WRC330 WINCC RC 1024 Tags v3.0 157 A9WRC230 WINCC RC 256 Tags v3.0 158 A9WOP161 SIFLA9WOP10601 WINCC-V6 Connectivity Pack v6.1 159 A9WOP160 SIFLA9WOP10600 WINCC-V6 Connectivity Pack v6.0 160 A9WOIC60 SIFLA9WOIC0600 WINCC Internet Conn. v6.0 161 A9WNC160 SIFLA9WNC10600 WINCC-V6 NetCC Client v6.0 162 A9WLB160 SIFLA9WLB10600 WINCC-V6 Load Balancing v6.0 163 A9WDS160 SIFLA9WDS10600 WINCC WebDiag Server v6.0 164 A9WDC160 SIFLA9WDC10600 WINCC WebDiag Client v6.0 165 A1WPC560 SIFLA1WPC50600 WINCC Video v6.0 166 A1WPC460 SIFLA1WPC40600 WINCC Chipcard v6.0 167 A1WPC360 SIFLA1WPC30600 WINCC Storage v6.0 168 A1WPC260 SIFLA1WPC20600 WINCC Advanced Process Ctrl v6.0 169 A1WPC160 SIFLA1WPC10600 WINCC Basic Process Ctrl v6.0 170 A9WCL660 SIFLA9WCL60600 WINCC Interf. Pro. FMS v6.0 171 A9WCL560 SIFLA9WCL50600 WINCC Interf. AB/DF1 v6.0 172 A9WCL661 SIFLA9WCL60601 WINCC Interf. Pro. FMS v6.1 173 A9WC2561 SIFLA9WC250601 WINCC Interf. 505 TCP/IP v6.1 174 A9WC1961 SIFLA9WC190601 WINCC Interf. 505/Eth v6.1 175 A9WC1861 SIFLA9WC180601 WINCC Interf. S5SR/Eth v6.1 176 A9WC1761 SIFLA9WC170601 WINCC Interf. S5TF/Eth v6.1 177 A9WARC60 SIFLA9WARC0600 WINCC User Archives v6.0 178 A9WC2560 SIFLA9WC250600 WINCC Interf. 505 TCP/IP v6.0 179 A9WC1960 SIFLA9WC190600 WINCC Interf. 505/Eth v6.0 180 A9WC1860 SIFLA9WC180600 WINCC Interf. S5SR/Eth v6.0 181 A9WC1760 SIFLA9WC170600 WINCC Interf. S5TF/Eth v6.0 182 A9WCL960 SIFLA9WCL90600 WINCC Interf. S5-PMCL2 v6.0 183 A9WCL860 SIFLA9WCL80600 WINCC Interf. Mod ser. v6.0 184 A9WCL760 SIFLA9WCL70600 WINCC Interf. S7-PMC v6.0 185 A9WC2460 SIFLA9WC240600 WINCC Profibus-DP v6.0 186 A9WC2360 SIFLA9WC230600 WINCC OMRON C-Series Host Link v6.0 187 A9WC2260 SIFLA9WC220600 WINCC SIMADYN D-PMC Eth v6.0 188 A9WC2160 SIFLA9WC210600 WINCC Mitsubishi MELSEC-A serial v6.0 189 A9WC2060 SIFLA9WC200600 WINCC Mitsubishi FX serial v6.0 190 A9WC1660 SIFLA9WC160600 WINCC Reserve #2 v6.0 191 A9WC1560 SIFLA9WC150600 WINCC Reserve #1 v6.0 192 A9WC1460 SIFLA9WC140600 WINCC Interf. AB/DH v6.0 193 A9WC1360 SIFLA9WC130600 WINCC Interf. GE/Eth v6.0 194 A9WC1260 SIFLA9WC120600 WINCC Interf. GE/SNP v6.0 195 A9WC1160 SIFLA9WC110600 WINCC Interf. Applicom v6.0 196 A9WC1060 SIFLA9WC100600 WINCC Interf. S5-PMCH1 v6.0 197 A9WCL512 WINCC Interf. AB/DF1 v1.2 198 A1WPC512 WINCC Video v1.2 199 A1WPC412 WINCC Chipcard v1.2 200 A1WPC312 WINCC Storage v1.2 201 A1WPC230 WINCC Advanced Process Ctrl v3.0 202 A1WPC112 WINCC Basic Process Ctrl v1.2 203 A9WDS110 WINCC WebDiag Server v1.0 204 A9WDC110 WINCC WebDiag Client v1.0 205 A9WOIC40 WINCC Internet Conn. v4.0 206 A9WC2540 WINCC Interf. 505 TCP/IP v4.0 207 A9WC2440 WINCC Profibus-DP v4.0 208 A9WC2340 WINCC OMRON C-Series Host Link v4.0 209 A9WCL730 WINCC Interf. S7-PMC v3.0 210 A9WC2230 WINCC SIMADYN D-PMC Eth v3.0 211 A9WC2130 WINCC Mitsubishi MELSEC-A serial v3.0 212 A9WC2030 WINCC Mitsubishi FX serial v3.0 213 A9WCL912 WINCC Interf. S5-PMCL2 v1.2 214 A9WCL812 WINCC Interf. Mod ser. v1.2 215 A9WCL612 WINCC Interf. Pro. FMS v1.2 216 A9WC1912 WINCC Interf. 505/Eth v1.2 217 A9WC1812 WINCC Interf. S5SR/Eth v1.2 218 A9WC1712 WINCC Interf. S5TF/Eth v1.2 219 A9WC1612 WINCC Reserve #2 v1.2 220 A9WC1512 WINCC Reserve #1 v1.2 221 A9WC1412 WINCC Interf. AB/DH v1.2 222 A9WC1312 WINCC Interf. GE/Eth v1.2 223 A9WC1212 WINCC Interf. GE/SNP v1.2 224 A9WC1112 WINCC Interf. Applicom v1.2 225 A9WC1012 WINCC Interf. S5-PMCH1 v1.2 226 A9WARC12 WINCC User Archives v1.2 227 A9TCMP10 ThinClient/MP v1.0 228 A9SSSCN0 NET Ind. Ethernet SOFTNET-Security Client V1.0 vN.0 229 A9SSPIN0 S7/SR Ind. Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 V6.3 vN.0 230 A9SS52N0 S7-5412/Windows NT vN.0 231 A9SS5290 NET PROFIBUS-S7 v9.0 232 A9SS13N0 S7/SR Ind.Ethernet Windows NT vN.0 233 A9SS1390 SIFLA0SS130601 NET Industrial Ethernet-S7 v6.1 234 A9SPIE60 SD-PMS Industrial ETHERNET v6.0 235 A9SP5290 NET PROFIBUS-PG v9.0 236 A9S5IE60 S5-PMS v6.0 237 A9SOPCN0 NET OPC-Server-DP vN.0 238 A9SOP7N0 NET OPC-Server-S7 vN.0 239 A9SOLD90 DP/OLE-Manager/Windows v9.0 240 A9SODXN0 DX OPC-Server V6.3 vN.0 241 A9SNMXN0 SIFLA0SNMX0601 NET OPC-Server-S7 Extended v6.1 242 A9SNMUN0 NET OPC-Server-S7 PowerPack V6.3 vN.0 243 A9SNMPN0 NET OPC-Server-S7 Basis vN.0 244 A9SNEX90 NET IE SOFTNET-S7 v9.0 245 A9SNEP90 NET SOFTNET IE PG v9.0 246 A9SNEL90 NET IE SOFTNET-S7 Lean v9.0 247 A9SNEM90 SIFLA0SNEM0601 NET BCE/Windows 2000 v6.1 248 A9SHLA90 SIFLA0SHLA0601 NET S7-REDCONNECT v6.1 249 A0SHLA61 SIFLA0SHLA0601 NET S7-REDCONNECT v6.1 250 A9SF5290 NET PG-5412 v9.0 251 A9SDPS90 NET SOFTNET DP Slave v9.0 252 A9SD52N0 DP-5412/Windows NT vN.0 253 A9SD5290 NET PROFIBUS-DP v9.0 254 A9SCBAN0 Ind. Ethernet PN CBA OPC-Server V6.3 vN.0 255 A9SC7P93 SIN/NCMS7 - PROFIBUS V4.x WINDOWS NT v9.3 256 A9SC7E93 SIN/NCMS7 - Ind. Ethernet V4.x WINDOWS NT v9.3 257 A9PROP50 ProAgent/PC v5.0 258 A9PROM50 ProAgent/MP v5.0 259 A9PRO450 ProTool/Pro RT 2048 Tags v5.0 260 A9PRO350 ProTool/Pro RT 512 Tags v5.0 261 A9PRO250 ProTool/Pro RT 256 Tags v5.0 262 A9PRO150 ProTool/Pro RT 128 Tags v5.0 263 A9LB1061 SIFLA9LB100601 WINCC-V6 Load Balancing Step Up v6.1 264 A9LB1060 SIFLA9LB100600 WINCC-V6 Load Balancing Step Up v6.0 265 A9IDB361 SIFLA9IDB30601 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 2048 Tg v6.1 266 A9IDB261 SIFLA9IDB20601 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 512 Tg v6.1 267 A9IDB161 SIFLA9IDB10601 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 128 Tg v6.1 268 A9IDB360 SIFLA9IDB30600 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 2048 Tg v6.0 269 A9IDB260 SIFLA9IDB20600 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 1024 Tg v6.0 270 A9IDB160 SIFLA9IDB10600 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 512 Tg v6.0 271 A7TMFP50 PCS7/TM Faceplates v5.0 272 A7TMCS50 PCS7/TM AS23x v5.0 273 A7TACS50 PCS7/TM AS220/23x v5.0 274 A7T2CS50 PCS7/TM AS220 v5.0 275 A7RCS361 SIFLA7RCS30601 Route Control Server 300 simultaneous v6.1 276 A7RCS261 SIFLA7RCS20601 Route Control Server (100) v6.1 277 A7RCS161 SIFLA7RCS10601 Route Control Server 30 simultaneous v6.1 278 A7RCEN61 SIFLA7RCEN0601 Route Control Engineering v6.1 279 A7RCCX61 SIFLA7RCCX0601 Route Control Center v6.1 280 A6TAGC10 IP-Connect @PCS7 TagConvert v1.0 281 A6ICON10 IP-Connect @PCS7 IP21Feeder v1.0 282 A5ADS340 ADDM Server 200 Users v4.0 283 A5ADS240 ADDM Server 50 Users v4.0 284 A5ADS150 Data Management Server V5 v5.0 285 A5ADS140 ADDM Server Base v4.0 286 A5ADC150 Data Management Single User V5 v5.0 287 A5ADC140 ADDM Single User v4.0 288 A3WCL160 WINCC Interf. SIPART v6.0 289 A3WCL112 WINCC Interf. SIPART v1.2 290. A3SPT901 PDM Tag Count unlimited v1.x 291 A3SPT801 PDM max. 16384 Tags v1.x 292 A3SPT701 PDM max. 8192 Tags v1.x 293 A3SPT601 PDM max. 4096 Tags v1.x 294 A3SPT501 PDM up to 2048 TAGs v1.x 295 A3SPT401 PDM up to 1024 TAGs v1.x 296 A3SPT301 PDM max. 512 Tags v1.x 297 A3SPT101 PDM max. 128 Tags v1.x 298 A3SPR401 PDM RS 485 v1.x 299 A3SPR201 PDM RS 232 v1.x 300 A3SPIE01 PDM Routing v1.x 301 A3SPHX01 PDM HART Mux v1.x 302 A3SPHM01 PDM HART Modem v1.x 303 A3SPHB01 PDM ET200 HART v1.x 304 A3SPDP01 PDM Profibus DP/PA v1.x 305 A3SPD101 PDM Diagnosis v1.x 306 A3SPT960 SIFLA3SPT90600 PDM Tag Count unlimited v6.0 307 A3SPT860 SIFLA3SPT80600 PDM up to 16384 TAGs v6.0 308 A3SPT760 SIFLA3SPT70600 PDM up to 8192 TAGs v6.0 309 A3SPT660 SIFLA3SPT60600 PDM up to 4096 TAGs v6.0 310 A3SPT560 SIFLA3SPT50600 PDM up to 2048 TAGs v6.0 311 A3SPT460 SIFLA3SPT40600 PDM up to 1024 TAGs v6.0 312 A3SPT360 SIFLA3SPT30600 PDM max. 512 Tags v6.0 313 A3SPT160 SIFLA3SPT10600 PDM max. 128 Tags v6.0 314 A3SPSP60 SIFLA3SPSP0600 PDM Routing v6.0 315 A3SPR460 SIFLA3SPR40600 PDM RS 485 v6.0 316 A3SPR260 SIFLA3SPR20600 PDM RS 232 v6.0 317 A3SPIE60 SIFLA3SPIE0600 PDM Routing v6.0 318 A3SPHX60 SIFLA3SPHX0600 PDM HART Mux v6.0 319 A3SPHM60 SIFLA3SPHM0600 PDM HART Modem v6.0 320 A3SPHB60 SIFLA3SPHB0600 PDM ET200 HART v6.0 321 A3SPDP60 SIFLA3SPDP0600 PDM Profibus DP/PA v6.0 322 A3SPD160 SIFLA3SPD10600 PDM Diagnosis v6.0 323 A3SPBI60 SIFLA3SPBI0600 PDM Basis Integrated v6.0 v6.0 324 A3SPBS60 SIFLA3SPBS0600 PDM Basis Software V6.0 v6.0 325 A3SPBE60 SIFLA3SPBE0600 PDM Basis Evaluation v6.0 v6.0 326 A3SPBS04 PDM Basis Software V5.2 v4.x 327 A3SPBS03 PDM Basis Standalone V5.1 v3.x 328 A3SPBS02 PDM Basis Standalone V5 v2.x 329 A3SPBS01 PDM Basis Standalone v1.x 330 A3SPBI01 PDM Basis Integrated v1.x 331 A3SPBE01 PDM Basis Evaluation v1.x 332 A3SI0002 SIPROM v2.x 333 A3SI0001 SIPROM v1.x 334 A2SCOU40 SIFLA2SCOU0400 SIMOTION Scout V4.0 v4.0 335 A2SCOU32 SIFLA2SCOU0302 SIMOTION Scout V3.2 v3.2 336 A2SCOU31 SIMOTION Scout V3.1 v3.1 337 A2SCOU30 SIMOTION Scout V3.0 v3.0 338 A2SCOU20 SIMOTION Scout V2.0 v2.0 339 A2CAMT21 SIMOTION CamTool V2.1 v2.1 340 A2CAMT20 SIMOTION CamTool V2.0 v2.0 341 A1WRTX42 SIFLA1WRTX0402 WinAC RTX 4.2 (2005) v4.2 342 A1WRTX41 WinAC RTX 4.1 v4.1 343 A1WRTX40 WinAC RTX V4.0 v4.0 344 A1WRTX30 WinAC RTX V3.x v3.0 345 A1WIPN42 SIFLA1WIPN0402 WinAC PN V4.2 v4.2 346 A1WIPN11 WinAC PN V1.1 v1.1 347 A1WINA42 SIFLA1WINA0402 WinAC Basis V4.2 v4.2 348 A1S7TS61 SIFLA1S7TS0601 TeleService V6.1 v6.1 349 A1WINA40 WinAC Basis V4.0 v4.0 350 A1WINA30 WinAC Basis V3.x v3.0 351 A1WINA10 WinAC Basis V1.x / V2.x v1.0 352 A1WIMP30 WinAC MP V3.0 v3.0 353 A1VERT61 SIFLA1VERT0601 Version Trail v6.1 354 A1VERS05 S7-VersionStore V5.x v5.x 355 A1VCCH61 SIFLA1VCCH0601 Version Cross Checker V6.1 v6.1 356 A1VCCH60 SIFLA1VCCH0600 Version Cross Checker V6.0 v6.0 357 A1THPO61 SIFLA1THPO0601 TH-PO V6.1 v6.1 358 A1SVLB02 SERVICE LAB V2.0/FUL v2.x 359 A1STOV11 SIFLA1STOV0101 StoragePlus-Viewer v1.1 360 A1STOP11 SIFLA1STOP0101 StoragePlus v1.1 361 A1STDC05 S7 Standard PID Tool V5.x v5.x 362 A1SLAB20 S7-Smartlabel V2 v2.0 363 A1SFCV61 SIFLA1SFCV0601 SFC-Visualization V6.1 v6.1 364 A1SFCV60 SIFLA1SFCV0600 SFC-Visualization V6.0 v6.0 365 A1SFCV05 SFC-Visualization V5.0 v5.x 366 A1SFCV04 SFC VISUAL V4 v4.x 367 A1SFCV03 SFC VISUAL V3 v3.x 368 A1SFCT61 SIFLA1SFCT0601 SFC for D7-SYS v6.1 369 A1SFC_61 SIFLA1SFC_0601 SFC V6.1 v6.1 370 A1SFC_60 SIFLA1SFC_0600 SFC V6.0 v6.0 371 A1SFC_05 SFC V5.0 v5.x 372 A1SFC_04 PCS7-Engineering Options V4.x v4.x 373 A1SFC_03 SFC V3.x v3.x 374 A1SCL_54 SIFLA1SCL_0504 S7-SCL V5.4 v5.4 375 A1SCL_53 SIFLA1SCL_0503 S7-SCL V5.3 v5.3 376 A1SCL_51 S7-SCL V5.1 v5.1 377 A1SCL_05 S7-SCL V5.0 v5.x 378 A1SCL_04 S7-SCL V4.x v4.x 379 A1SCL_03 S7-SCL V3.x v3.x 380 A1SAFV60 SIFLA1SAFV0600 Safety Matrix Viewer V6.0 v6.0 381 A1SAFM60 SIFLA1SAFM0600 Safety Matrix Tool V6.0 v6.0 382 A1SAFE60 SIFLA1SAFE0600 Safety Matrix Editor V6.0 v6.0 383 A1SAFV52 Safety Matrix Viewer V5.2 v5.2 384 A1SAFM52 Safety Matrix Tool V5.2 v5.2 385 A1SAFE52 Safety Matrix Editor V5.2 v5.2 386 A1S7ZG54 SIFLA1S7ZG0504 S7-HIGRAPH V5.4 v5.4 387 A1S7ZG53 SIFLA1S7ZG0503 S7-HIGRAPH V5.3 v5.3 388 A1S7ZG52 S7-HIGRAPH V5.2 v5.2 389 A1S7ZG40 S7-HIGRAPH V4.x v4.0 390 A1S7ZG25 STEP 7-HIGRAPH V2.5 v2.5 391 A1S7ZG05 S7-HIGRAPH V5.x v5.x 392 A1S7TS60 SIFLA1S7TS0600 TeleService V6.0 v6.0 393 A1S7TS52 TeleService V5.2 v5.2 394 A1S7TS51 TeleService V5.1 v5.1 395 A1S7TS05 TeleService V5.x v5.x 396 A1S7TS03 TeleService V3.x v3.x 397 A1S7NP60 NetPro V6.0 v6.0 398 A1S7NP02 NetPro V2.1 v2.x 399 A1S7M703 M7-ProC/C++ V3.x v3.x 400 A1S7GR54 SIFLA1S7GR0504 S7-GRAPH V5.4 v5.4 401 A1S7GR53 SIFLA1S7GR0503 S7-GRAPH V5.3 v5.3 402 A1S7GR52 S7-GRAPH V5.2 v5.2 403 A1S7GR51 S7-GRAPH V5.1 v5.1 404 A1S7GR05 S7-GRAPH V5.x v5.x 405 A1S7GR04 S7-GRAPH V4.x v4.x 406 A1S7GR03 S7-GRAPH V3.x v3.x 407 A1S5BP70 STEP 5/ST BASIS V7.0 v7.0 408 A1S5BP66 STEP5/ST-BASIS PC V6.6 v6.6 409 A1PRSV21 ProVision V2.1 C v2.1 410 A1PRSV20 ProVision V2 C v2.0 411 A1PROV21 ProVision V2.1 v2.1 412 A1PROV20 ProVision V2 v2.0 413 A1PROV10 ProVision V1 v1.0 414 A1PLCS54 SIFLA1PLCS0504 S7-PLCSIM V5.4 v5.4 415 A1PLCS53 SIFLA1PLCS0503 S7-PLCSIM V5.3 v5.3 416 A1PLCS51 S7-PLCSIM V5.2 v5.1 417 A1PLCS05 S7-PLCSIM V5.x v5.x 418 A1PLCS04 S7-PLCSIM V4.x v4.x 419 A1PLCS03 S7-PLCSIM V3.x v3.x 420 A1PLCS01 S7-PLCSIM V1.x v1.x 421 A1PIDT61 SIFLA1PIDT0601 PCS7 PID-Tuner V6.1 v6.1 422 A1PIDT51 PCS7 PID-Tuner V5.1 v5.1 423 A1PDIA54 SIFLA1PDIA0504 S7-PDIAG V5.4 v5.4 424 A1PDIA53 SIFLA1PDIA0503 S7-PDIAG V5.3 v5.3 425 A1PDIA52 S7-PDIAG V5.2 v5.2 426 A1PDIA51 S7-PDIAG V5.1 v5.1 427 A1PDIA05 S7-PDIAG V5.x v5.x 428 A1PDIA04 S7-PDIAG V4.x v4.x 429 A1PDIA03 S7-PDIAG V3.x v3.x 430 A1PCS704 PCS 7 R3i-PI v4.x 431 A1P7P361 SIFLA1P7P30601 @PCS7 Server to Server Communication v6.1 432 A1P7P261 SIFLA1P7P20601 @PCS7 Full Client Access v6.1 433 A1P7P161 SIFLA1P7P10601 @PCS7 Web Right Access v6.1 434 A1P7P350 @PCS7 Server to Server Communication v5.0 435 A1P7P250 @PCS7 Full Client Access v5.0 436 A1P7P150 @PCS7 Web Right Access v5.0 437 A1ODCP10 OPC Data Ctrl prof. V1.0 v1.0 438 A1ODCE10 OPC Data Ctrl enterp. V1.0 v1.0 439 A1MOPC30 MicroOPC 3.0 v3.0 440 A1MCOU30 MicroComputing 1.0 (unlimited) v3.0 441 A1MCOL30 MicroComputing 3.0 (limited) v3.0 442 A1IEA_61 SIFLA1IEA_0601 IEA PCS 7 6.1 v6.1 443 A1ESIG13 SIFLA1ESIG0103 Electronic Signature 1.3 v1.3 444 A1ESIG12 SIFLA1ESIG0102 Electronic Signature 1.2 v1.2 445 A1ESIG10 Electronic Signature v1.0 446 A1LOGS13 SIFLA1LOGS0103 Logon - Logon Service 1.3 v1.3 447 A1LOGS12 SIFLA1LOGS0102 Logon - Logon Service 1.2 v1.2 448 A1LOGS10 Logon - Logon Service v1.0 449 A1LCMP10 WinLC/MP V1.x v1.0 450 A1K70030 SIFLA1K7000300 STEP 7 Lite V3.0 v3.0 451 A1K70020 STEP 7 Lite V2.0 v2.0 452 A1K70010 STEP 7 Lite V1.0 v1.0 453 A1HSYS54 S7 H Systems V5.4 v5.4 454 A1HSYS53 S7 H Systems V5.3 v5.3 455 A1HSYS52 S7 H Systems V5.2 v5.2 456 A1HSYS05 S7 H Systems V5.x v5.x 457 A1G5II70 GRAPH 5/II V7.x v7.0 458 A1FSYS53 S7 F Systems V5.3 v5.3 459 A1FSYS05 S7 F Systems V5.x v5.x 460 A1ESAS61 SIFLA1ESAS0601 Asset ES v6.1 461 A1DSYS62 SIFLA1DSYS0602 D7-SYS v6.2 v6.2 462 A1DSYS61 D7-SYS v6.1 v6.1 463 A1DSUP03 WAREHOUSE DECISION SUPPORT v3.x 464 A1DSAV54 SIFLA1DSAV0504 S7 Distributed Safety v5.4 v5.4 465 A1DSAV53 SIFLA1DSAV0503 S7 Distributed Safety v5.3 v5.3 466 A1DSAV50 S7 Distributed Safety v5.0 467 A1DRVB54 Driver Blocks V5.4 v5.4 468 A1DRVB53 Driver Blocks V5.3 v5.3 469 A1DRVB52 Driver Blocks V5.2 v5.2 470 A1DRVB51 Driver Blocks V5.1 v5.1 471 A1DOCP51 SIFLA1DOCP0501 DOCPRO V5.1 v5.1 472 A1DOCP05 DOCPRO V5.x v5.x 473 A1DOCP03 DOCPRO V3.x v3.x 474 A1COMP30 Computing V3.x v3.0 475 A1CHAR60 S7 Charts V6.0 v6.0 476 A1CHAR50 S7 Charts V5.0 v5.0 477 A1CFCS61 SIFLA1CFCS0601 CFC V6.1 STEP 7 - Option v6.1 478 A1CFCU61 SIFLA1CFCU0601 CFC Unlimited Tags v6.1 479 A1CFCD61 SIFLA1CFCD0601 CFC V6.1 (5000) v6.1 480 A1CFC961 SIFLA1CFC90601 CFC V6.1 (3000) v6.1 481 A1CFC761 SIFLA1CFC70601 CFC V6.1 (2000) v6.1 482 A1CFC561 SIFLA1CFC50601 CFC V6.1 (1000) v6.1 483 A1CFC361 SIFLA1CFC30601 CFC V6.1 (500) v6.1 484 A1CFC161 SIFLA1CFC10601 CFC V6.1 (250) v6.1 485 A1CFCA60 CFC V6.0 v6.0 486 A1CFC560 CFC V6.0 (5000) v6.0 487 A1CFC460 CFC V6.0 (3000) v6.0 488 A1CFC360 CFC V6.0 (2000) v6.0 489 A1CFC160 CFC V6.0 (250) v6.0 490 A1CFCA52 CFC V5.2 v5.2 491 A1CFC452 CFC V5.2 (3000) v5.2 492 A1CFC352 CFC V5.2 (1500) v5.2 493 A1CFC252 CFC V5.2 (750) v5.2 494 A1CFC152 CFC V5.2 (250) v5.2 495 A1CFCA51 CFC V5.1 v5.1 496 A1CFC451 CFC V5.1 (3000) v5.1 497 A1CFC351 CFC V5.1 (1500) v5.1 498 A1CFC251 CFC V5.1 (750) v5.1 499 A1CFC151 CFC V5.1 (250) v5.1 500 A1CFCA05 CFC V5.x v5.x 501 A1CFCA04 CFC V4.x v4.x 502 A1CFCA03 CFC V3.x v3.x 503 CESVR961 SIFLCESVR90601 CEMAT Server Redundancy Unlimited Clients v6.1 504 CESVR361 SIFLCESVR30601 CEMAT Server Redundancy 9 Clients v6.1 505 CESVR261 SIFLCESVR20601 CEMAT Server Redundancy 6 Clients v6.1 506 CESVR161 SIFLCESVR10601 CEMAT Server Redundancy 3 Clients v6.1 507 CESST261 SIFLCESST20601 CEMAT Single Station 6 Clients v6.1 508 CESST161 SIFLCESST10601 CEMAT Single Station 3 Clients v6.1 509 CEENG161 SIFLCEENG10601 CEMAT Engineering v6.1 510 CECLT161 SIFLCECLT10601 CEMAT Client v6.1 511 A1CERT52 CEMAT OS Software Runtime v5.2 512 A1CEMC52 CEMAT OS Software Multiclient v5.2 513 SCOESP20 SIFLSCOESP0200 SIMOCODE ES 2007 Premium v2.0 514 SCOESS20 SIFLSCOESS0200 SIMOCODE ES 2007 Standard v2.0 515 SCOESB20 SIFLSCOESB0200 SIMOCODE ES 2007 Basic v2.0 516 SCOEST20 SIFLSCOEST0200 SIMOCODE ES 2007 Premium Trial v2.0 517 A1BSP961 SIFLA1BSP90601 BATCH Server9 unlim V6.1 v6.1 518 A1BSP661 SIFLA1BSP60601 BATCH Server2 1800 Obj V6.1 v6.1 519 A1BSP461 SIFLA1BSP40601 BATCH Server1 600 Obj V6.1 v6.1 520 A1BSP261 SIFLA1BSP20601 BF Server0 300 Obj V6.1 v6.1 521 A1BSP061 SIFLA1BSP00601 BF Server0 150 Obj V6.1 v6.1 522 A1BROP61 SIFLA1BROP0601 BF ROP Lib V6.1 v6.1 523 A1BREC61 SIFLA1BREC0601 BF Recipe System V6.1 v6.1 524 A1BPLA61 SIFLA1BPLA0601 BF Batch Planning V6.1 v6.1 525 A1BFOR61 SIFLA1BFOR0601 BF Formulas V6.1 v6.1 526 A1BBCC61 SIFLA1BBCC0601 BF BatchCC V6.1 v6.1 527 A1BAPS61 SIFLA1BAPS0601 BF API (Server) V6.1 v6.1 528 A1BAPI61 SIFLA1BAPI0601 BF API V6.1 v6.1 529 A1BHIE61 SIFLA1BHIE0601 BF Multi level Recipe V6.1 v6.1 530 A1BROP60 BF ROP Lib V6.0 v6.0 531 A1BSP960 BATCH Server9 unlim V6.0 v6.0 532 A1BSP260 BATCH Server1 1800 Obj V6.0 v6.0 533 A1BSP160 BATCH Server1 600 Obj V6.0 v6.0 534 A1BSP060 BF Server0 150 Obj V6.0 v6.0 535 A1BREC60 BF Recipe System V6.0 v6.0 536 A1BFOR60 BF Formulas V6.0 v6.0 537 A1BPLA60 BF Batch Planning V6.0 v6.0 538 A1BFCV60 BATCH flexible CV v6.0 539 A1BFCS60 BATCH flexible CS v6.0 540 A1BFCP60 BATCH flexible CP v6.0 541 A1BAPS60 BF API (Server) V6.0 v6.0 542 A1BBCC60 BF BatchCC V6.0 v6.0 543 A1BAPI60 BF API V6.0 v6.0 544 A1BHIE60 BF Multi level Recipe V6.0 v6.0 545 A1BSER05 BF Server System v5.x 546 A1BREC05 BF Recipe System (Client) v5.x 547 A1BPRO05 BF Reports (Server) v5.x 548 A1BFOR05 BF Formulas (Server) v5.x 549 A1BPLA05 BF Batch Planing (Client) v5.x 550 A1BCON05 BF Batch Control (Client) v5.x 551 A1BCLA05 BF Unit Classes (Server) v5.x 552 A1BAPS05 BF API (Server) v5.x 553 A1BAPC05 BF API (Client) v5.x 554 A1BHIE05 BF Multi-level Recipe (Server) v5.x 555 A1BFCV03 BATCH flexible CV v3.x 556 A1BFCS03 BATCH flexible CS v3.x 557 A1BFCP03 BATCH flexible CP v3.x 558 A1BFRS03 BATCH flexible RS v3.x 559 A1ADMT13 SIFLA1ADMT0103 Logon - Admin Tool 1.3 v1.3 560 A1ADMT12 SIFLA1ADMT0102 Logon - Admin Tool 1.2 v1.2 561 A1ADMT10 Logon - Admin Tool v1.0 562 A1731002 S7 Fuzzy Tool V2.x, V4.0 v2.x 563 A1730202 S7 Standard PID Tool V2.x, V4.0 v2.x 564 A1730105 Modular PID Control 5.x v5.x 565 A1730103 S7 Modular PID Tool V3.x, V4.0 v3.x 566 A1710454 SIFLA171040504 STEP 7-BASIS V5.4 v5.4 567 A1710453 SIFLA171040503 STEP 7-BASIS V5.3 v5.3 568 A1710452 STEP 7-BASIS V5.2 v5.2 569 A1710451 STEP 7-BASIS V5.1 v5.1 570 A1710405 STEP 7-BASIS V5.0 v5.x 571 A1710404 STEP 7-BASIS V4.x v4.x 572 A1710403 STEP 7-BASIS V3.x v3.x 573 A1710402 STEP 7-BASIS V2.x v2.x 574 A1710304 STEP 7-MINI V4.x v4.x 575 A1581A03 GRAPH 5/II V6.x v3.x 576 PCS7TT70 SIFLPCS7TT0700 PCS7 7.0 RC 150K PTg 512 ATg v7.0 577 P7WSV470 SIFLP7WSV40700 PCS 7 - Web Server 50 clients v7.0 578 P7WSV370 SIFLP7WSV30700 PCS 7 - Web Server 25 clients v7.0 579 P7WSV270 SIFLP7WSV20700 PCS 7 - Web Server 10 clients v7.0 580 P7WSV170 SIFLP7WSV10700 PCS 7 - Web Server (3) v7.0 581 RTASS570 SIFLRTASSA0700 Asset RT unlimited v7.0 582 RTASS470 SIFLRTASS40700 Asset RT 2048 Tags v7.0 583 RTASS370 SIFLRTASS30700 Asset RT 1024 Tags v7.0 584 RTASS270 SIFLRTASS20700 Asset RT 512 Tags v7.0 585 RTASS170 SIFLRTASS10700 Asset RT (128) v7.0 586 A1BSP970 SIFLA1BSP90700 BATCH Server9 unlim V7.0 v7.0 587 A1BSP670 SIFLA1BSP60700 BATCH Server2 1800 Obj V7.0 v7.0 588 A1BSP470 SIFLA1BSP40700 BATCH Server1 600 Obj V7.0 v7.0 589 A1BSP270 SIFLA1BSP20700 BF Server0 300 Obj V7.0 v7.0 590 A1BSP070 SIFLA1BSP00700 BF Server0 150 Obj V7.0 v7.0 591 A1BROP70 SIFLA1BROP0700 BF ROP Lib V7.0 v7.0 592 A1BREC70 SIFLA1BREC0700 BF Recipe System V7.0 v7.0 593 A1BPLA70 SIFLA1BPLA0700 BF Batch Planning V7.0 v7.0 594 A1BFOR70 SIFLA1BFOR0700 BF Formulas V7.0 v7.0 595 A1BBCC70 SIFLA1BBCC0700 BF BatchCC V7.0 v7.0 596 A1BAPS70 SIFLA1BAPS0700 BF API (Server) V7.0 v7.0 597 A1BAPI70 SIFLA1BAPI0700 BF API V7.0 v7.0 598 A1BHIE70 SIFLA1BHIE0700 BF Multi level Recipe V7.0 v7.0 599 A1CFCS70 SIFLA1CFCS0700 CFC V7.0 STEP 7 Option v7.0 600 A1CFCU70 SIFLA1CFCU0700 CFC Unlimited Tags v7.0 601 A1CFCD70 SIFLA1CFCD0700 CFC V7.0 (5000) v7.0 602 A1CFC970 SIFLA1CFC90700 CFC V7.0 (3000) v7.0 603 A1CFC770 SIFLA1CFC70700 CFC V7.0 (2000) v7.0 604 A1CFC570 SIFLA1CFC50700 CFC V7.0 (1000) v7.0 605 A1CFC370 SIFLA1CFC30700 CFC V7.0 (500) v7.0 606 A1CFC170 SIFLA1CFC10700 CFC V7.0 (250) v7.0 607 A1VCCH70 SIFLA1VCCH0700 Version Cross Checker V7.0 v7.0 608 A1VERT70 SIFLA1VERT0700 Version Trail v7.0 609 A1IEA_70 SIFLA1IEA_0700 IEA PCS 7 7.0 v7.0 610 A7RCS370 SIFLA7RCS30700 Route Control Server 300 simultaneous v7.0 611 A7RCS270 SIFLA7RCS20700 Route Control Server (100) v7.0 612 A7RCS170 SIFLA7RCS10700 Route Control Server 30 simultaneous v7.0 613 A7RCEN70 SIFLA7RCEN0700 Route Control Engineering v7.0 614 A7RCCX70 SIFLA7RCCX0700 Route Control Center v7.0 615 A1SFCV70 SIFLA1SFCV0700 SFC-Visualization V7.0 v7.0 616 A1SFC_70 SIFLA1SFC_0700 SFC V7.0 v7.0 617 A1SFCT70 SIFLA1SFCT0700 SFC for TDC v7.0 618 A1ESAS70 SIFLA1ESAS0700 Asset ES v7.0 619 A1SAFV70 SIFLA1SAFV0700 Safety Matrix Viewer V7.0 v7.0 620 A1SAFM70 SIFLA1SAFM0700 Safety Matrix Engineering V7.0 v7.0 621 A1SAFE70 SIFLA1SAFE0700 Safety Matrix Editor V7.0 v7.0 622 A9WARC62 SIFLA9WARC0602 WINCC User Archives v6.2 623 SIFCY9WTGX06026 WINCC-V6 Arch 80000 ATg v6.2 624 SIFCY9WTGX06025 WINCC-V6 Arch 10000 ATg v6.2 625 SIFCY9WTGX06024 WINCC-V6 Arch 4G ATg UNLIM v6.2 626 SIFCY9WTGX06023 WINCC-V6 Arch 30000 ATg v6.2 627 SIFCY9WTGX06022 WINCC-V6 Arch 5000 ATg v6.2 628 SIFCY9WTGX06021 WINCC-V6 Arch 1500 ATg v6.2 629 A9WSRD62 SIFLA9WSRD0602 WINCC Redundancy v6.2 630 A9WDS162 SIFLA9WDS10602 WINCC WebDiag Server v6.2 631 A9WDC162 SIFLA9WDC10602 WINCC WebDiag Client v6.2 632 A9WSN662 SIFLA9WSN60602 WINCC-V6.2 WebNavigator 150 Clients v6.2 633 A9WSN562 SIFLA9WSN50602 WINCC-V6.2 WebNavigator 100 Clients v6.2 634 A9WSN462 SIFLA9WSN40602 WINCC-V6.2 WebNavigator 50 Clients v6.2 635 A9WSN362 SIFLA9WSN30602 WINCC-V6.2 WebNavigator 25 Clients v6.2 636 A9WSN262 SIFLA9WSN20602 WINCC-V6.2 WebNavigator 10 Clients v6.2 637 A9WSN162 SIFLA9WSN10602 WINCC-V6.2 WebNavigator 3 Clients v6.2 638 A9WRT862 SIFLA9WRT80602 WINCC-V6 RT 150K PTg 512 ATg v6.2 639 A9WRT762 SIFLA9WRT70602 WINCC-V6 RT 256K PTg 512 ATg v6.2 640 A9WRT662 SIFLA9WRT60602 WINCC-V6 RT 100K PTg 512 ATg v6.2 641 A9WRT562 SIFLA9WRT50602 WINCC-V6 RT 8000 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 642 A9WRT462 SIFLA9WRT40602 WINCC-V6 RT 64K PTg 512 ATg v6.2 643 A9WRT362 SIFLA9WRT30602 WINCC-V6 RT 1024 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 644 A9WRT262 SIFLA9WRT20602 WINCC-V6 RT 256 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 645 A9WRT162 SIFLA9WRT10602 WINCC-V6 RT 128 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 646 A9WRC862 SIFLA9WRC80602 WINCC-V6 RC 150K PTg 512 ATg v6.2 647 A9WRC762 SIFLA9WRC70602 WINCC-V6 RC 256K PTg 512 ATg v6.2 648 A9WRC662 SIFLA9WRC60602 WINCC-V6 RC 100K PTg 512 ATg v6.2 649 A9WRC562 SIFLA9WRC50602 WINCC-V6 RC 8000 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 650 A9WRC462 SIFLA9WRC40602 WINCC-V6 RC 64K PTg 512 ATg v6.2 651 A9WRC362 SIFLA9WRC30602 WINCC-V6 RC 1024 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 652 A9WRC262 SIFLA9WRC20602 WINCC-V6 RC 256 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 653 A9WRC162 SIFLA9WRC10602 WINCC-V6 RC 128 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 654 A9WVC662 SIFLA9WVC60602 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.150 Clients v6.2 655 A9WVC562 SIFLA9WVC50602 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.100 Clients v6.2 656 A9WVC462 SIFLA9WVC40602 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.50 Clients v6.2 657 A9WVC362 SIFLA9WVC30602 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.25 Clients v6.2 658 A9WVC262 SIFLA9WVC20602 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.10 Clients v6.2 659 A9WVC162 SIFLA9WVC10602 WINCC-V6 WinCC Dat@M.3 Clients v6.2 660 A9WSPA62 SIFLA9WSPA0602 WINCC ProAgent WinCC v6.2 661 A9WSP362 SIFLA9WSP30602 WINCC ProAgent 16 Clients v6.2 662 A9WSP262 SIFLA9WSP20602 WINCC ProAgent 8 Clients v6.2 663 A9WSP162 SIFLA9WSP10602 WINCC ProAgent 4 Clients v6.2 664 A9WSEC62 SIFLA9WSEC0602 WINCC Server v6.2 665 A9WOP162 SIFLA9WOP10602 WINCC-V6 Connectivity Pack v6.2 666 A1ADMT14 SIFLA1ADMT0104 Logon - Admin Tool 1.4 v1.4 667 A1LOGS14 SIFLA1LOGS0104 Logon - Logon Service 1.4 v1.4 668 A9IDB461 SIFLA9IDB40601 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 10000 Tg v6.1 669 A9IDB460 SIFLA9IDB40600 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 10000 Tg v6.0 670 A9ARC161 SIFLA9ARC10601 WINCC-V6 Audit RC v6.1 671 A9ART161 SIFLA9ART10601 WINCC-V6 Audit RT v6.1 672 A9WLB161 SIFLA9WLB10601 WINCC-V6 Load Balancing v6.1 673 A9WDS161 SIFLA9WDS10601 WINCC WebDiag Server v6.1 674 A9WDC161 SIFLA9WDC10601 WINCC WebDiag Client v6.1 675 A9PRO550 ProTool/Pro RT 8000 Tags v5.0 676 SINUTR63 SIFLSINUTR0603 SINUMERIK SinuTrain v6.3 677 A1IMAP30 SIFLA1IMAP0300 iMap v3.0 678 A1IMAP20 iMap v2.0 679 NIERCN64 SIFLNIERCN0604 NET Industrial Ethernet S7-REDCONNECT v6.4 680 NHIES764 SIFLNHIES70604 NET Industrial Ethernet S7-1613 v6.4 681 NHPBDP64 SIFLNHPBDP0604 NET PROFIBUS DP-5613 v6.4 682 NHPBFM64 SIFLNHPBFM0604 NET PROFIBUS FMS-5613 v6.4 683 NHPBS764 SIFLNHPBS70604 NET PROFIBUS S7-5613 v6.4 684 NOPCCB64 SIFLNOPCCB0604 NET Industrial Ethernet PN CBA OPC-Server v6.4 685 NOPCDX64 SIFLNOPCDX0604 NET DX OPC-Server v6.4 686 NOPCSB64 SIFLNOPCSB0604 NET SNMP-OPC-Server Basic v6.4 687 NOPCSE64 SIFLNOPCSE0604 NET SNMP-OPC-Server Power Pack v6.4 688 NSIEPG64 SIFLNSIEPG0604 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 Basis v6.4 689 NSIEPN64 SIFLNSIEPN0604 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET PN IO v6.4 690 NSIESE64 SIFLNSIESE0604 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 Power Pack v6.4 691 NSIESL64 SIFLNSIESL0604 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 Lean v6.4 692 NSPBDP64 SIFLNSPBDP0604 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-DP v6.4 693 NSPBDS64 SIFLNSPBDS0604 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-DP Slave v6.4 694 NSPBS764 SIFLNSPBS70604 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-S7 v6.4 695 A9WC1062 SIFLA9WC100602 WINCC Interf. S5-PMCH1 v6.2 696 A9WC1162 SIFLA9WC110602 WINCC Interf. Applicom v6.2 697 A9WC1262 SIFLA9WC120602 WINCC Interf. GE/SNP v6.2 698 A9WC1362 SIFLA9WC130602 WINCC Interf. GE/Eth v6.2 699 A9WC1462 SIFLA9WC140602 WINCC Interf. AB/DH v6.2 700 A9WC1562 SIFLA9WC150602 WINCC Reserve #1 v6.2 701 A9WC1662 SIFLA9WC160602 WINCC Reserve #2 v6.2 702 A9WC1762 SIFLA9WC170602 WINCC Interf. S5TF/Eth v6.2 703 A9WC1862 SIFLA9WC180602 WINCC Interf. S5SR/Eth v6.2 704 A9WC1962 SIFLA9WC190602 WINCC Interf. 505/Eth v6.2 705 A9WC2062 SIFLA9WC200602 WINCC Mitsubishi FX serial v6.2 706 A9WC2162 SIFLA9WC210602 WINCC Mitsubishi MELSEC-A serial v6.2 707 A9WC2262 SIFLA9WC220602 WINCC SIMADYN D-PMC Eth v6.2 708 A9WC2362 SIFLA9WC230602 WINCC OMRON C-Series Host Link v6.2 709 A9WC2462 SIFLA9WC240602 WINCC Profibus-DP v6.2 710 A9WC2562 SIFLA9WC250602 WINCC Interf. 505 TCP/IP v6.2 711 A9WCL562 SIFLA9WCL50602 WINCC Interf. AB/DF1 v6.2 712 A9WCL662 SIFLA9WCL60602 WINCC Interf. Pro. FMS v6.2 713 A9WCL762 SIFLA9WCL70602 WINCC Interf. S7-PMC v6.2 714 A9WCL862 SIFLA9WCL80602 WINCC Interf. Mod ser. v6.2 715 A9WCL962 SIFLA9WCL90602 WINCC Interf. S5-PMCL2 v6.2 716 A1WPC162 SIFLA1WPC10602 WINCC Basic Process Ctrl v6.2 717 A1WPC262 SIFLA1WPC20602 WINCC Advanced Process Ctrl v6.2 718 A1WPC362 SIFLA1WPC30602 WINCC Storage v6.2 719 A1WPC462 SIFLA1WPC40602 WINCC Chipcard v6.2 720 A1WPC562 SIFLA1WPC50602 WINCC Video v6.2 721 A9WOIC62 SIFLA9WOIC0602 WINCC Internet Conn. v6.2 722 A9WLB162 SIFLA9WLB10602 WINCC-V6 Load Balancing v6.2 723 A9LB1062 SIFLA9LB100602 WINCC-V6 Load Balancing Step Up v6.2 724 A9ARC162 SIFLA9ARC10602 WINCC-V6 Audit RC v6.2 725 A9ART162 SIFLA9ART10602 WINCC-V6 Audit RT v6.2 726 A9IDB462 SIFLA9IDB40602 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 10000 Tg v6.2 727 A9IDB362 SIFLA9IDB30602 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 2048 Tg v6.2 728 A9IDB262 SIFLA9IDB20602 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 512 Tg v6.2 729 A9IDB162 SIFLA9IDB10602 WINCC-V6 Ind.DataBridge 128 Tg v6.2 730 A1PIDT70 SIFLA1PIDT0700 PCS7 PID-Tuner V7.0 v7.0 731 A9SDC140 SIFLA9SDC10400 System Diagnostics - CPUs 400 v4.0 732 A9SDPB40 SIFLA9SDPB0400 System Diagnostics - PB Slave v4.0 733 A9SDPN40 SIFLA9SDPN0400 System Diagnostics - PN Devices v4.0 734 A1CFCM70 SIFLA1CFCM0700 CFC V7.0 Simotion v7.0 735 A1CFCN70 SIFLA1CFCN0700 CFC V7.0 Sinamics v7.0 736 A1VXME70 SIFLA1VXME0700 Version Cross Manager V7.0 v7.0 737 A1VXMI70 SIFLA1VXMI0700 Version Cross Manager (Import) V7.0 v7.0 738 A1THPO70 SIFLA1THPO0700 TH-PO V7.0 v7.0 739 MAINES70 SIFLMAINES0700 Maintenance ES V7.0 v7.0 740 YMAINR70 SIFLYMAINR0700 Maintenance RT V7.0 (unlimited) v7.0 741 SIFCYMAINR07001 Maintenance RT V7.0 (10) v7.0 742 SIFCYMAINR07004 Maintenance RT V7.0 (100) v7.0 743 SIFCYMAINR07007 Maintenance RT V7.0 (1000) v7.0 744 ESRC0001 SICAM PAS CC Config. V5.x v1.x 745 SDM53001 SICAM Diamond Base V2.x v1.x 746 SDM53002 SICAM Diamond for PAS V5.1 v2.x 747 SDM53003 SICAM Diamond for SLD V1.x v3.x 748 A9ACC162 SIFLA9ACC10602 WINCC /ChangeControl RC v6.2 749 A1STOV12 SIFLA1STOV0102 StoragePlus-Viewer v1.2 750 A1STOP12 SIFLA1STOP0102 StoragePlus v1.2 751 A1BUN070 SIFLA1BUN00700 BATCH 10 UNITs v7.0 752 A1BUN270 SIFLA1BUN20700 BATCH 20 UNITs v7.0 753 A1BUN470 SIFLA1BUN40700 BATCH 40 UNITs v7.0 754 A1BUN670 SIFLA1BUN60700 BATCH 100 UNITs v7.0 755 A1BUN970 SIFLA1BUN90700 BATCH unlimited v7.0 756 SS7DOS70 SIFLSS7DOS0700 Device Drivers S7DOS v7.0 757 YSMSR070 SIFLYSMSR00700 Maintenance Station Runtime v7.0 758 A9WOP262 SIFLA9WOP20602 WinCC Option Connectivity Station v6.2 759 A9WOP462 SIFLA9WOP40602 WinCC Option Connectivity Station v6.2 760 A9WOP362 SIFLA9WOP30602 OpenPCS 7 Station / WinCC v6.2 761 A9WOP361 SIFLA9WOP30601 OpenPCS 7 Station / WinCC v6.1 762 A7RCIS70 SIFLA7RCIS0700 Route Control Interface Server v7.0 763 A9WRP062 SIFLA9WRP00602 WinCC RT PO Client v6.2 764 A2SCOU42 SIFLA2SCOU0402 SIMOTION Scout V4.2 v4.2 765 A2CAMT22 SIFLA2CAMT0202 SIMOTION CamTool v2.2 v2.2 766 A2SCOU41 SIFLA2SCOU0401 SIMOTION Scout V4.1 v4.1 767 SIFCYMAINR07006 Maintenance RT V7.0 (500) v7.0 768 A9XEP112 SIFLA9XEP10102 WinCC flexible 2007 Advanced v1.2 769 A9XES112 SIFLA9XES10102 WinCC flexible 2007 Standard v1.2 770 A9XEC112 SIFLA9XEC10101 WinCC flexible 2007 Compact v1.2 771 A9XEP212 SIFLA9XEP20102 WinCC flexible 2007 ASIA Advanced v1.2 772 A9XES212 SIFLA9XES20102 WinCC flexible 2007 ASIA Standard v1.2 773 A9XEC212 SIFLA9XEC20102 WinCC flexible 2007 ASIA Compact v1.2 774 A9XRP312 SIFLA9XRP30102 WinCC flexible 2007 Runtime (2048) v1.2 775 A9XRP212 SIFLA9XRP20102 WinCC flexible 2007 Runtime (512) v1.2 776 A9XRP112 SIFLA9XRP10102 WinCC flexible 2007 Runtime (128) v1.2 777 A9XCC112 SIFLA9XCC10102 WinCC flexible/ChangeControl V1.2 v1.2 778 A1WIPN41 WinAC PN V4.1 v4.1 779 A1WIPN40 WinAC PN V4.0 v4.0 780 A9XEP211 SIFLA9XEP20101 WinCC flexible 2005 ASIA Advanced v1.1 781 A9XES211 SIFLA9XES20101 WinCC flexible 2005 ASIA Standard v1.1 782 A9XEC211 SIFLA9XEC20101 WinCC flexible 2005 ASIA Compact v1.1 783 A9WCP862 SIFLA9WCP80602 WINCC-V6 RC PO 20000 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 784 A9WCP762 SIFLA9WCP70602 WINCC-V6 RC PO 10000 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 785 A9WCP662 SIFLA9WCP60602 WINCC-V6 RC PO 8500 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 786 A9WCP562 SIFLA9WCP50602 WINCC-V6 RC PO 5000 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 787 A9WCP462 SIFLA9WCP40601 WINCC-V6 RC PO 2000 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 788 A9WCP362 SIFLA9WCP30602 WinCC RC PO (2000) v6.2 789 A9WCP262 SIFLA9WCP20602 WINCC-V6 RC PO 1000 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 790 A9WCP162 SIFLA9WCP10602 WINCC-V6 RC PO 250 PTg 512 ATg v6.2 791 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX0700A PCS7 AS RT PO 10000 v7.0 792 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX07009 PCS7 AS RT PO 8500 v7.0 793 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX07008 PCS7 AS RT PO 5000 v7.0 794 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX07007 PCS7 AS RT PO 3000 v7.0 795 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX07006 PCS7 AS RT PO 2000 v7.0 796 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX07005 PCS7 AS RT PO 1000 v7.0 797 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX07004 PCS7 AS RT PO 750 v7.0 798 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX07003 PCS7 AS RT PO 500 v7.0 799 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX07002 PCS7 AS RT PO 250 v7.0 800 ZASRPX70 SIFPZASRPX07001 PCS7 AS RT PO 100 v7.0 801 SIFCYASRPX0700A PCS7 AS RT PO 10000 v7.0 802 SIFCYASRPX07009 PCS7 AS RT PO 8500 v7.0 803 SIFCYASRPX07008 PCS7 AS RT PO 5000 v7.0 804 SIFCYASRPX07007 PCS7 AS RT PO 3000 v7.0 805 SIFCYASRPX07006 PCS7 AS RT PO 2000 v7.0 806 SIFCYASRPX07005 PCS7 AS RT PO 1000 v7.0 807 SIFCYASRPX07004 PCS7 AS RT PO 750 v7.0 808 SIFCYASRPX07003 PCS7 AS RT PO 500 v7.0 809 SIFCYASRPX07002 PCS7 AS RT PO 250 v7.0 810 SIFCYASRPX07001 PCS7 AS RT PO 100 v7.0 811 SIFCY9WTGX06027 WINCC-V6 Arch 120000 ATg v6.2 812 ZASRPX70 SIFLZASRPX0700 PCS7 AS RT PO 10000 v7.0 813 A1WRTX43 SIFLA1WRTX0403 WinAC RTX 4.3 (2005 SP3) v4.3 814 A1WINA43 SIFLA1WINA0403 WinAC Basis V4.3 v4.3 815 A1WIPN43 SIFLA1WIPN0403 WinAC PN V4.3 v4.3 816 A1SLAB30 SIFLA1SLAB0300 S7-Smartlabel V3 v3.0 817 A1FSYS60 SIFLA1FSYS0600 S7 F Systems V6.0 v6.0 818 A1SAFV62 SIFLA1SAFV0602 Safety Matrix Viewer V6.2 v6.2 819 A1SAFM62 SIFLA1SAFM0602 Safety Matrix Engineering V6.2 v6.2 820 A1SAFE62 SIFLA1SAFE0602 Safety Matrix Editor V6.2 v6.2 821 MSTESP40 SIFLMSTESP0400 Motor Starter ES 2007 Premium v4.0 822 MSTESS40 SIFLMSTESS0400 Motor Starter ES 2007 Standard v4.0 823 MSTESB40 SIFLMSTESB0400 Motor Starter ES 2007 Basic v4.0 824 NIERCN70 SIFLNIERCN0700 NET Industrial Ethernet S7-REDCONNECT v7.0 825 NHIES770 SIFLNHIES70700 NET Industrial Ethernet S7-1613 v7.0 826 NHPBDP70 SIFLNHPBDP0700 NET PROFIBUS DP-5613 v7.0 827 NHPBFM70 SIFLNHPBFM0700 NET PROFIBUS FMS-5613 v7.0 828 NHPBS770 SIFLNHPBS70700 NET PROFIBUS S7-5613 v7.0 829 NOPCCB70 SIFLNOPCCB0700 NET Industrial Ethernet PN CBA OPC-Server v7.0 830 NOPCDX70 SIFLNOPCDX0700 NET DX OPC-Server v7.0 831 NOPCSB70 SIFLNOPCSB0700 NET SNMP-OPC-Server Basic v7.0 832 NOPCSE70 SIFLNOPCSE0700 NET SNMP-OPC-Server Power Pack v7.0 833 NSIEPG70 SIFLNSIEPG0700 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 Basis v7.0 834 NSIEPN70 SIFLNSIEPN0700 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET PN IO v7.0 835 NSIESE70 SIFLNSIESE0700 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 Power Pack v7.0 836 NSIESL70 SIFLNSIESL0700 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 Lean v7.0 837 NSPBDP70 SIFLNSPBDP0700 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-DP v7.0 838 NSPBDS70 SIFLNSPBDS0700 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-DP Slave v7.0 839 NSPBS770 SIFLNSPBS70700 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-S7 v7.0 840 SINUTR73 SIFLSINUTR0703 SINUMERIK SinuTrain v7.3 841 SNSIEL10 SIFLSNSIEL0100 NET SINEMA E Lean 2006 v1.0 842 SNSIES10 SIFLSNSIES0100 NET SINEMA E Standard 2006 v1.0 843 A1DOCP54 SIFLA1DOCP0504 DOCPRO v5.4 v5.4 844 WMP27740 SIFLWMP2770400 WinAC MP 2007 (MP 277) v4.0 845 WMP37740 SIFLWMP3770400 WinAC MP 2007 (MP 377) v4.0 846 SSTESP20 SIFLSSTESP0200 Soft Starter ES 2007 Premium v2.0 847 SSTESS20 SIFLSSTESS0200 Soft Starter ES 2007 Standard v2.0 848 SSTESB20 SIFLSSTESB0200 Soft Starter ES 2007 Basic v2.0 849 SSTEST20 SIFLSSTEST0200 Soft Starter ES 2007 Premium Trial v2.0 850 A9WRP962 SIFLA9WRP90602 WinCC RT PO (unlimited) v6.2 851 A9WRP862 SIFLA9WRP80602 WinCC RT PO (20000) v6.2 852 A9WRP762 SIFLA9WRP70602 WinCC RT PO (10000) v6.2 853 A9WRP662 SIFLA9WRP60602 WinCC RT PO (8500) v6.2 854 A9WRP562 SIFLA9WRP50602 WinCC RT PO (5000) v6.2 855 A9WRP462 SIFLA9WRP40602 WinCC RT PO (3000) v6.2 856 A9WRP362 SIFLA9WRP30602 WinCC RT PO (2000) v6.2 857 A9WRP262 SIFLA9WRP20602 WinCC RT PO (1000) v6.2 858 A9WRP162 SIFLA9WRP10602 WinCC RT PO (250) v6.2 859 A9WCP962 SIFLA9WCP90602 WinCC ES PO (unlimited) v6.2 860 ICFR0061 SIFLICFR000601 IT 21cfr11 v6.1 861 ICRE0461 SIFLICRE040601 IT 200000 Credits v6.1 862 IDR10061 SIFLIDR1000601 IT Driver 3964R v6.1 863 IDR20061 SIFLIDR2000601 IT Driver Modbus RTU v6.1 864 IHBU0061 SIFLIHBU000601 IT Hot Backup for Process Tags v6.1 865 IIMC0061 SIFLIIMC000601 IT IMC v6.1 866 IISCI761 SIFLIISCI70601 IT Interspec Client (25) v6.1 867 IISSI061 SIFLIISSI00601 IT Interspec Standard Server v6.1 868 IISSI361 SIFLIISSI30601 IT Interspec Advanced Server v6.1 869 IOEE0061 SIFLIOEE000601 IT OEE/DTM v6.1 870 IOEE8061 SIFLIOEE800601 IT OEE/DTM (800) v6.1 871 IPDE0061 SIFLIPDE000601 IT PDE v6.1 872 IRMSR061 SIFLIRMSR00601 IT Report Manager Server v6.1 873 ISQMS0061 SIFLISQMS00601 IT SAP QM Interface v6.1 874 ISVCH061 SIFLISVCH00601 IT Services for Historian Standard v6.1 875 IULCU761 SIFLIULCU70601 IT Unilab Client (25) v6.1 876 IULSU361 SIFLIULSU30601 IT Unilab Standard Server v6.1 877 IULSU661 SIFLIULSU60601 IT Unilab Advanced Server v6.1 878 IUPPU061 SIFLIUPPU00601 IT Unilab Pocket PC v6.1 879 IUUCU061 SIFLIUUCU00601 IT Unilab Uniconnect v6.1 880 IRMC0261 SIFLIRMC020601 IT Report Manager 25 concurrent client v6.1 881 ITFC0063 SIFLITFC000603 IT SAP Connector tRFC v6.3 882 ISVCP063 SIFLISVCP00603 IT Services for Production Suite v6.3 883 ISFC0063 SIFLISFC000603 IT SAP Connector sRFC v6.3 884 ISCM0063 SIFLISCM000603 IT Scanner Manager (100) v6.3 885 IRDS0063 SIFLIRDS000603 IT Real Time Data Server v6.3 886 IRDE0063 SIFLIRDE000603 IT Real Time Data Engine v6.3 887 IPRM0063 SIFLIPRM000603 IT Personnel Manager v6.3 888 IPPA0663 SIFLIPPA060603 IT Plant Performance Analyzer (30000) v6.3 889 IPOM0063 SIFLIPOM000603 IT Production Orders Manager v6.3 890 IPMT0063 SIFLIPMT000603 IT Production Modeler Engineering Client (4) v6.3 891 IPMS0863 SIFLIPMS080603 IT Production Modeler (800) v6.3 892 IPDA0663 SIFLIPDA060603 IT Plant Data Archive (10000) v6.3 893 IOEE0863 SIFLIOEE080603 IT OEE/DTM (800) v6.3 894 IODS0063 SIFLIODS000603 IT On Line Debugging Support v6.3 895 IMQS0063 SIFLIMQS000603 IT MQ Series Connector v6.3 896 IMMQ0063 SIFLIMMQ000603 IT Microsoft Message Queue Connector v6.3 897 IMAM0063 SIFLIMAM000603 IT Material Manager v6.3 898 IHDD0063 SIFLIHDD000603 IT Historian Data Display v6.3 899 IGUR0063 SIFLIGUR000603 IT GUI Run-Time v6.3 900 IGUD0063 SIFLIGUD000603 IT GUI Development v6.3 901 IFNDP063 SIFLIFNDP00603 IT Backup Foundation for Production Suite v6.3 902 IDR30063 SIFLIDR3000603 IT Driver OPC Client v6.3 903 IDOC0063 SIFLIDOC000603 IT SAP Connector iDOC v6.3 904 IDIS0063 SIFLIDIS000603 IT Data Integration Service v6.3 905 IDFM0063 SIFLIDFM000603 IT Product Definition Manager v6.3 906 IDEM0063 SIFLIDEM000603 IT Real Time Data Engine Manager v6.3 907 ICSV0063 SIFLICSV000603 IT Compliance Services v6.3 908 ICLIP763 SIFLICLIP70603 IT Production Suite Client (25) v6.3 909 ICBE0063 SIFLICBE000603 IT CAB Engineering v6.3 910 IAMG0663 SIFLIAMG060603 IT Alarm Manager (30000) v6.3 911 IAMD0063 SIFLIAMD000603 IT Alarm Manager Display v6.3 912 ICFR0063 SIFLICFR000603 IT 21cfr11 v6.3 913 ICRE0463 SIFLICRE040603 IT 200000 Credits v6.3 914 IDR10063 SIFLIDR1000603 IT Driver 3964R v6.3 915 IDR20063 SIFLIDR2000603 IT Driver Modbus RTU v6.3 916 IHBU0063 SIFLIHBU000603 IT Hot Backup for Process Tags v6.3 917 IIMC0063 SIFLIIMC000603 IT IMC v6.3 918 IISCI763 SIFLIISCI70603 IT Interspec Client (25) v6.3 919 IISSI063 SIFLIISSI00603 IT Interspec Standard Server v6.3 920 IISSI363 SIFLIISSI30603 IT Interspec Advanced Server v6.3 921 IOEE0063 SIFLIOEE000603 IT OEE/DTM v6.3 922 IOEE8063 SIFLIOEE800603 IT OEE/DTM (800) v6.3 923 IPDE0063 SIFLIPDE000603 IT PDE v6.3 924 IRMSR063 SIFLIRMSR00603 IT Report Manager Server v6.3 925 ISQMS0063 SIFLISQMS00603 IT SAP QM Interface v6.3 926 ISVCH063 SIFLISVCH00603 IT Services for Historian Standard v6.3 927 IULCU763 SIFLIULCU70603 IT Unilab Client (25) v6.3 928 IULSU363 SIFLIULSU30603 IT Unilab Standard Server v6.3 929 IULSU663 SIFLIULSU60603 IT Unilab Advanced Server v6.3 930 IUPPU063 SIFLIUPPU00603 IT Unilab Pocket PC v6.3 931 IUUCU063 SIFLIUUCU00603 IT Unilab Uniconnect v6.3 932 IRMC0263 SIFLIRMC020603 IT Report Manager 25 concurrent client v6.3 933 IXLS0063 SIFLIXLS000603 IT Excel Add-in v6.3 934 SRC00320 SIFLSRC0030200 powercontrol max. 3 Clients v2.0 935 SRC01020 SIFLSRC0100200 powercontrol max. 10 Clients v2.0 936 SRCG10020 SIFLSRCG100200 powercontrol > 10 Clients v2.0 937 SRMAAD20 SIFLSRMAAD0200 powercontrol Advanced Version v2.0 938 SRMALE20 SIFLSRMALE0200 powercontrol Lean Version v2.0 939 SRMAST20 SIFLSRMAST0200 powercontrol Standard Version v2.0 940 SRMATR20 SIFLSRMATR0200 powercontrol Trial Version v2.0 941 SRMAUN20 SIFLSRMAUN0200 powercontrol Unlimited Version v2.0 942 SPCOST20 SIFLSPCOST0200 powercost v2.0 943 A1STDC52 SIFLA1STDC0502 Standard PID Control Tool V5.2 v5.2 944 A1DSYS70 SIFLA1DSYS0700 D7-SYS v7.0 v7.0 945 SRFMES10 SIFLSRFMES0100 RF-MANAGER 2007 v1.0 946 SIFCYRFMRT01005 RF-MANAGER 2007 Runtime (50) v1.0 947 SIFCYRFMRT01003 RF-MANAGER 2007 Runtime (20) v1.0 948 SIFCYRFMRT01001 RF-MANAGER 2007 Runtime (5) v1.0 949 SIFCYRFMRT01000 RF-MANAGER 2007 Runtime (1) v1.0 950 SRFMES11 SIFLSRFMES0101 RF-MANAGER 2008 v1.1 951 SIFCYRFMRT01015 RF-MANAGER 2008 Runtime (50) v1.1 952 SIFCYRFMRT01013 RF-MANAGER 2008 Runtime (20) v1.1 953 SIFCYRFMRT01011 RF-MANAGER 2008 Runtime (5) v1.1 954 SIFCYRFMRT01010 RF-MANAGER 2008 Runtime (1) v1.1 955 A1730151 SIFLA173010501 Modular PID Control 5.1 v5.1 956 SRC00321 SIFLSRC0030201 powercontrol max. 3 Clients v2.1 957 SRC01021 SIFLSRC0100201 powercontrol max. 10 Clients v2.1 958 SRCG10021 SIFLSRCG100201 powercontrol > 10 Clients v2.1 959 SRMAAD21 SIFLSRMAAD0201 powercontrol Advanced Version v2.1 960 SRMALE21 SIFLSRMALE0201 powercontrol Lean Version v2.1 961 SRMAST21 SIFLSRMAST0201 powercontrol Standard Version v2.1 962 SRMATR21 SIFLSRMATR0201 powercontrol Trial Version v2.1 963 SRMAUN21 SIFLSRMAUN0201 powercontrol Unlimited Version v2.1 964 SPCOST21 SIFLSPCOST0201 powercost v2.1 965 A9ACC170 SIFLA9ACC10700 WinCC Audit ChangeControl RC v7.0 966 A9WRP970 SIFLA9WRP90700 WinCC RT PO (unlimited) v7.0 967 A9WRP870 SIFLA9WRP80700 WinCC RT PO (20000) v7.0 968 A9WRP770 SIFLA9WRP70700 WinCC RT PO (10000) v7.0 969 A9WRP670 SIFLA9WRP60700 WinCC RT PO (8500) v7.0 970 A9WRP570 SIFLA9WRP50700 WinCC RT PO (5000) v7.0 971 A9WRP470 SIFLA9WRP40700 WinCC RT PO (3000) v7.0 972 A9WRP370 SIFLA9WRP30700 WinCC RT PO (2000) v7.0 973 A9WRP270 SIFLA9WRP20700 WinCC RT PO (1000) v7.0 974 A9WRP170 SIFLA9WRP10700 WinCC RT PO (250) v7.0 975 A9WCP970 SIFLA9WCP90700 WinCC ES PO (unlimited) v7.0 976 A9WRP070 SIFLA9WRP00700 WinCC RT PO Client v7.0 977 A9WARC70 SIFLA9WARC0700 WINCC User Archives v7.0 978 Y9WTG670 SIFCY9WTGX07006 WINCC-V7 Arch 80000 ATg v7.0 979 SIFCY9WTGX99995 WINCC-V7 Arch 10000 ATg v99.9 980 SIFCY9WTGX07004 WINCC-V7 Arch 4G ATg UNLIM v7.0 981 SIFCY9WTGX99993 WINCC-V7 Arch 30000 ATg v99.9 982 SIFCY9WTGX99992 WINCC-V7 Arch 5000 ATg v99.9 983 SIFCY9WTGX99991 WINCC-V7 Arch 1500 ATg v99.9 984 A9WSRD70 SIFLA9WSRD0700 WINCC Redundancy v7.0 985 A9WDS170 SIFLA9WDS10700 WINCC WebDiag Server v7.0 986 A9WDC170 SIFLA9WDC10700 WINCC WebDiag Client v7.0 987 A9WSN670 SIFLA9WSN60700 WINCC-V7 WebNavigator 150 Clients v7.0 988 A9WSN570 SIFLA9WSN50700 WINCC-V7 WebNavigator 100 Clients v7.0 989 A9WSN470 SIFLA9WSN40700 WINCC-V7 WebNavigator 50 Clients v7.0 990 A9WSN370 SIFLA9WSN30700 WINCC-V7 WebNavigator 25 Clients v7.0 991 A9WSN270 SIFLA9WSN20700 WINCC-V7 WebNavigator 10 Clients v7.0 992 A9WSN170 SIFLA9WSN10700 WINCC-V7 WebNavigator 3 Clients v7.0 993 A9WRT870 SIFLA9WRT80700 WINCC-V7 RT 150K PTg 512 ATg v7.0 994 A9WRT770 SIFLA9WRT70700 WINCC-V7 RT 256K PTg 512 ATg v7.0 995 A9WRT670 SIFLA9WRT60700 WINCC-V7 RT 100K PTg 512 ATg v7.0 996 A9WRT570 SIFLA9WRT50700 WINCC-V7 RT 8000 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 997 A9WRT470 SIFLA9WRT40700 WINCC-V7 RT 64K PTg 512 ATg v7.0 998 A9WRT370 SIFLA9WRT30700 WINCC-V7 RT 1024 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 999 A9WRT270 SIFLA9WRT20700 WINCC-V7 RT 256 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1000 A9WRT170 SIFLA9WRT10700 WINCC-V7 RT 128 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1001 A9WRC870 SIFLA9WRC80700 WINCC-V7 RC 150K PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1002 A9WRC770 SIFLA9WRC70700 WINCC-V7 RC 256K PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1003 A9WRC670 SIFLA9WRC60700 WINCC-V7 RC 100K PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1004 A9WRC570 SIFLA9WRC50700 WINCC-V7 RC 8000 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1005 A9WRC470 SIFLA9WRC40700 WINCC-V7 RC 64K PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1006 A9WRC370 SIFLA9WRC30700 WINCC-V7 RC 1024 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1007 A9WRC270 SIFLA9WRC20700 WINCC-V7 RC 256 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1008 A9WRC170 SIFLA9WRC10700 WINCC-V7 RC 128 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1009 A9WVC670 SIFLA9WVC60700 WINCC-V7 WinCC Dat@M.150 Clients v7.0 1010 A9WVC570 SIFLA9WVC50700 WINCC-V7 WinCC Dat@M.100 Clients v7.0 1011 A9WVC470 SIFLA9WVC40700 WINCC-V7 WinCC Dat@M.50 Clients v7.0 1012 A9WVC370 SIFLA9WVC30700 WINCC-V7 WinCC Dat@M.25 Clients v7.0 1013 A9WVC270 SIFLA9WVC20700 WINCC-V7 WinCC Dat@M.10 Clients v7.0 1014 A9WVC170 SIFLA9WVC10700 WINCC-V7 WinCC Dat@M.3 Clients v7.0 1015 A9WSPA70 SIFLA9WSPA0700 WINCC ProAgent WinCC v7.0 1016 A9WSP370 SIFLA9WSP30700 WINCC ProAgent 16 Clients v7.0 1017 A9WSP270 SIFLA9WSP20700 WINCC ProAgent 8 Clients v7.0 1018 A9WSP170 SIFLA9WSP10700 WINCC ProAgent 4 Clients v7.0 1019 A9WSEC70 SIFLA9WSEC0700 WINCC Server v7.0 1020 A9WOP170 SIFLA9WOP10700 WINCC-V7 Connectivity Pack v7.0 1021 A9IDB470 SIFLA9IDB40700 WINCC-V7 Ind.DataBridge 10000 Tg v7.0 1022 A9ARC700 SIFLA9ARC10700 WINCC-V7 Audit RC v7.0 1023 A9ART170 SIFLA9ART10700 WINCC-V7 Audit RT v7.0 1024 SIFCY9WTGX07007 WINCC-V7 Arch 120000 ATg v7.0 1025 A9WC1070 SIFLA9WC100700 WINCC Interf. S5-PMCH1 v7.0 1026 A9WC1170 SIFLA9WC110700 WINCC Interf. Applicom v7.0 1027 A9WC1270 SIFLA9WC120700 WINCC Interf. GE/SNP v7.0 1028 A9WC1370 SIFLA9WC130700 WINCC Interf. GE/Eth v7.0 1029 A9WC1470 SIFLA9WC140700 WINCC Interf. AB/DH v7.0 1030 A9WC1570 SIFLA9WC150700 WINCC Reserve #1 v7.0 1031 A9WC1670 SIFLA9WC160700 WINCC Reserve #2 v7.0 1032 A9WC1770 SIFLA9WC170700 WINCC Interf. S5TF/Eth v7.0 1033 A9WC1870 SIFLA9WC180700 WINCC Interf. S5SR/Eth v7.0 1034 A9WC1970 SIFLA9WC190700 WINCC Interf. 505/Eth v7.0 1035 A9WC2070 SIFLA9WC200700 WINCC Mitsubishi FX serial v7.0 1036 A9WC2170 SIFLA9WC210700 WINCC Mitsubishi MELSEC-A serial v7.0 1037 A9WC2270 SIFLA9WC220700 WINCC SIMADYN D-PMC Eth v7.0 1038 A9WC2370 SIFLA9WC230700 WINCC OMRON C-Series Host Link v7.0 1039 A9WC2470 SIFLA9WC240700 WINCC Profibus-DP v7.0 1040 A9WC2570 SIFLA9WC250700 WINCC Interf. 505 TCP/IP v7.0 1041 A9WCL570 SIFLA9WCL50700 WINCC Interf. AB/DF1 v7.0 1042 A9WCL670 SIFLA9WCL60700 WINCC Interf. Pro. FMS v7.0 1043 A9WCL770 SIFLA9WCL70700 WINCC Interf. S7-PMC v7.0 1044 A9WCL870 SIFLA9WCL80700 WINCC Interf. Mod ser. v7.0 1045 A9WCL970 SIFLA9WCL90700 WINCC Interf. S5-PMCL2 v7.0 1046 A1WPC170 SIFLA1WPC10700 WINCC Basic Process Ctrl v7.0 1047 A1WPC270 SIFLA1WPC20700 WINCC Advanced Process Ctrl v7.0 1048 A1WPC370 SIFLA1WPC30700 WINCC Storage v7.0 1049 A1WPC470 SIFLA1WPC40700 WINCC Chipcard v7.0 1050 A1WPC570 SIFLA1WPC50700 WINCC Video v7.0 1051 A9WOIC70 SIFLA9WOIC0700 WINCC Internet Conn. v7.0 1052 A9WLB170 SIFLA9WLB10700 WINCC-V7 Load Balancing v7.0 1053 A9LB1070 SIFLA9LB100700 WINCC-V7 Load Balancing Step Up v7.0 1054 A9IDB370 SIFLA9IDB30700 WINCC-V7 Ind.DataBridge 2048 Tg v7.0 1055 A9IDB270 SIFLA9IDB20700 WINCC-V7 Ind.DataBridge 512 Tg v7.0 1056 A9IDB170 SIFLA9IDB10700 WINCC-V7 Ind.DataBridge 128 Tg v7.0 1057 A9WCP870 SIFLA9WCP80700 WINCC-V7 RC PO 20000 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1058 A9WCP770 SIFLA9WCP70700 WINCC-V7 RC PO 10000 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1059 A9WCP670 SIFLA9WCP60700 WINCC-V7 RC PO 8500 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1060 A9WCP570 SIFLA9WCP50700 WINCC-V7 RC PO 5000 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1061 A9WCP470 SIFLA9WCP40700 WINCC-V7 RC PO 2000 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1062 A9WCP370 SIFLA9WCP30700 WinCC RC PO (2000) v7.0 1063 A9WCP270 SIFLA9WCP20700 WINCC-V7 RC PO 1000 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1064 A9WCP170 SIFLA9WCP10700 WINCC-V7 RC PO 250 PTg 512 ATg v7.0 1065 A9WOP270 SIFLA9WOP20700 WinCC Option Connectivity Station v7.0 1066 A9WOP470 SIFLA9WOP40700 WinCC Option Connectivity Station v7.0 1067 A9WOP370 SIFLA9WOP30700 OpenPCS 7 Station / WinCC v7.0 1068 A9WOP261 SIFLA9WOP20601 WinCC Option Connectivity Station v6.1 1069 A9WOP462 SIFLA9WOP40601 WinCC Option Connectivity Station v6.1 1070 MSSESS10 SIFLMSSESS0100 Modular Safety System ES 2008 Standard v1.0 1071 A9XEP113 SIFLA9XEP10103 WinCC flexible 2008 Advanced v1.3 1072 A9XES113 SIFLA9XES10103 WinCC flexible 2008 Standard v1.3 1073 A9XEC113 SIFLA9XEC10103 WinCC flexible 2008 Compact v1.3 1074 A9XEP213 SIFLA9XEP20103 WinCC flexible 2008 ASIA Advanced v1.3 1075 A9XES213 SIFLA9XES20103 WinCC flexible 2008 ASIA Standard v1.3 1076 A9XEC213 SIFLA9XEC20103 WinCC flexible 2008 ASIA Compact v1.3 1077 A9XRP413 SIFLA9XRP40103 WinCC flexible 2008 Runtime (4096) v1.3 1078 A9XRP313 SIFLA9XRP30103 WinCC flexible 2008 Runtime (2048) v1.3 1079 A9XRP213 SIFLA9XRP20103 WinCC flexible 2008 Runtime (512) v1.3 1080 A9XRP113 SIFLA9XRP10103 WinCC flexible 2008 Runtime (128) v1.3 1081 A9XCC113 SIFLA9XCC10103 WinCC flexible/ChangeControl 2008 v1.3 1082 A1IEA_60 IEA PCS 7 6.0 v6.0 1083 A9FCBA50 FuzzyControl++ Base v5.0 1084 A9FCCF50 FuzzyControl++ CFC v5.0 1085 A9FCIE50 FuzzyControl++ Industrial Ethernet v5.0 1086 A9FCPB50 FuzzyControl++ PROFIBUS v5.0 1087 A9SCC6N0 SINAUT SW ST7CC S vN.0 1088 A9SSC6N0 SINAUT SW ST7SC S vN.0 1089 ICLIH761 SIFLICLIH70601 Historian Standard Client (25) v6.1 1090 IFNDH061 SIFLICLIH70601 Backup Foundation for Historian Standard v6.1 1091 ICLIP061 SIFLICLIP00601 Production Suite Client (1) v6.1 1092 ICLIP461 SIFLICLIP40601 Production Suite Client (10) v6.1 1093 IPDA0361 SIFLIPDA030601 Plant Data Archive (1500) v6.1 1094 IPMS0361 SIFLIPMS030601 Production Modeler (100) v6.1 1095 IPMSL361 SIFLIPMSL30601 Production Modeler Lite (100) v6.1 1096 IPPA0061 SIFLIPPA000601 Plant Performance Analyzer (1500) v6.1 1097 ICRU0063 SIFLICRU000603 850 Credits Upgrade v6.3 1098 IFNDH063 SIFLICLIH70603 Backup Foundation for Historian Standard v6.3 1099 ICLIP063 SIFLICLIP00603 Production Suite Client (1) v6.3 1100 ICLIP463 SIFLICLIP40603 Production Suite Client (10) v6.3 1101 IPDA0363 SIFLIPDA030603 Plant Data Archive (1500) v6.3 1102 IPMS0363 SIFLIPMS030603 Production Modeler (100) v6.3 1103 IPMSL363 SIFLIPMSL30603 Production Modeler Lite (100) v6.3 1104 IPPA0063 SIFLIPPA000603 Plant Performance Analyzer (1500) v6.3 1105 ICRU0063 SIFLICRU000603 850 Credits Upgrade v6.3 1106 ICLIH763 SIFLICLIH70603 Historian Standard Client (25) v6.3 1107 SIFCYMAINR07005 Maintenance RT V7.0 (250) v7.0 1108 A1WRTX44 SIFLA1WRTX0404 WinAC RTX 4.4 (2008) v4.4 1109 A1WINA44 SIFLA1WINA0404 WinAC Basis 4.4 (2008) v4.4 1110 A1WINA44 SIFLA1WIPN0404 WinAC PN 4.4 (2008) v4.4 1111 NIERCN71 SIFLNIERCN0701 NET Industrial Ethernet S7-REDCONNECT v7.1 1112 NHIES771 SIFLNHIES70701 NET Industrial Ethernet S7-1613 v7.1 1113 NHPBDP71 SIFLNHPBDP0701 NET PROFIBUS DP-5613 v7.1 1114 NHPBFM71 SIFLNHPBFM0701 NET PROFIBUS FMS-5613 v7.1 1115 NHPBS771 SIFLNHPBS70701 NET PROFIBUS S7-5613 v7.1 1116 NOPCCB71 SIFLNOPCCB0701 NET Industrial Ethernet PN CBA OPC-Server v7.1 1117 NOPCDX71 SIFLNOPCDX0701 NET DX OPC-Server v7.1 1118 NOPCSB71 SIFLNOPCSB0701 NET SNMP-OPC-Server Basic v7.1 1119 NOPCSE71 SIFLNOPCSE0701 NET SNMP-OPC-Server Power Pack v7.1 1120 NSIEPG71 SIFLNSIEPG0701 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 Basis v7.1 1121 NSIEPN71 SIFLNSIEPN0701 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET PN IO v7.1 1122 NSIESE71 SIFLNSIESE0701 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 Power Pack v7.1 1123 NSIESL71 SIFLNSIESL0701 NET Industrial Ethernet SOFTNET-S7 Lean v7.1 1124 NSPBDP71 SIFLNSPBDP0701 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-DP v7.1 1125 NSPBDS71 SIFLNSPBDS0701 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-DP Slave v7.1 1126 NSPBS771 SIFLNSPBS70701 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-S7 v7.1 1127 NSIEL771 SIFLSNSIEL0701 NET PROFIBUS SOFTNET-S7 v7.1 1128 WMP17741 SIFLWMP1770401 WinAC MP 2008 (MP 177) v4.1 1129 WMP27741 SIFLWMP2770401 WinAC MP 2008 (MP 277) v4.1 1130 WMP37741 SIFLWMP3770401 WinAC MP 2008 (MP 377) v4.1 1131 A9WSPA70 SIFLA9WSPA0700 WINCC ProAgent WinCC v7.0 1132 A9WSP370 SIFLA9WSP30700 WINCC ProAgent 16 Clients v7.0 1133 A9WSP270 SIFLA9WSP20700 WINCC ProAgent 8 Clients v7.0 1134 A9WSP170 SIFLA9WSP10700 WINCC ProAgent 4 Clients v7.0 1135 A1ESAS71 SIFLA1ESAS0701 Asset ES v7.1 1136 PCS7TT71 SIFLPCS7TT0701 PCS7 7.1 RC 150K PTg 512 ATg v7.1 1137 P7WSV471 SIFLP7WSV40701 PCS 7 - Web Server 50 clients v7.1 1138 P7WSV371 SIFLP7WSV30701 PCS 7 - Web Server 25 clients v7.1 1139 P7WSV271 SIFLP7WSV20701 PCS 7 - Web Server 10 clients v7.1 1140 P7WSV171 SIFLP7WSV10701 PCS 7 - Web Server (3) v7.1 1141 RTASS571 SIFLRTASSA0701 Asset RT unlimited v7.1 1142 RTASS471 SIFLRTASS40701 Asset RT 2048 Tags v7.1 1143 RTASS371 SIFLRTASS30701 Asset RT 1024 Tags v7.1 1144 RTASS271 SIFLRTASS20701 Asset RT 512 Tags v7.1 1145 RTASS171 SIFLRTASS10701 Asset RT (128) v7.1 1146 A1BSP971 SIFLA1BSP90701 BATCH Server9 unlim V7.1 v7.1 1147 A1BSP671 SIFLA1BSP60701 BATCH Server2 1800 Obj V7.1 v7.1 1148 A1BSP471 SIFLA1BSP40701 BATCH Server1 600 Obj V7.1 v7.1 1149 A1BSP271 SIFLA1BSP20701 BF Server0 300 Obj V7.1 v7.1 1150 A1BSP071 SIFLA1BSP00701 BF Server0 150 Obj V7.1 v7.1 1151 A1BROP71 SIFLA1BROP0701 BF ROP Lib V7.1 v7.1 1152 A1BREC71 SIFLA1BREC0701 BF Recipe System V7.1 v7.1 1153 A1BPLA71 SIFLA1BPLA0701 BF Batch Planning V7.1 v7.1 1154 A1BFOR71 SIFLA1BFOR0701 BF Formulas V7.1 v7.1 1155 A1BBCC71 SIFLA1BBCC0701 BF BatchCC V7.1 v7.1 1156 A1BAPS71 SIFLA1BAPS0701 BF API (Server) V7.1 v7.1 1157 A1BAPI71 SIFLA1BAPI0701 BF API V7.1 v7.1 1158 A1BHIE71 SIFLA1BHIE0701 BF Multi level Recipe V7.1 v7.1 1159 A1CFCS71 SIFLA1CFCS0701 CFC V7.1 STEP 7 Option v7.1 1160 A1CFCU71 SIFLA1CFCU0701 CFC Unlimited Tags v7.1 1161 A1CFCD71 SIFLA1CFCD0701 CFC V7.1 (5000) v7.1 1162 A1CFC971 SIFLA1CFC90701 CFC V7.1 (3000) v7.1 1163 A1CFC771 SIFLA1CFC70701 CFC V7.1 (2000) v7.1 1164 A1CFC571 SIFLA1CFC50701 CFC V7.1 (1000) v7.1 1165 A1CFC371 SIFLA1CFC30701 CFC V7.1 (500) v7.1 1166 A1CFC171 SIFLA1CFC10701 CFC V7.1 (250) v7.1 1167 A1VCCH71 SIFLA1VCCH0701 Version Cross Checker V7.1 v7.1 1168 A1VERT71 SIFLA1VERT0701 Version Trail v7.1 1169 A1IEA_71 SIFLA1IEA_0701 IEA PCS 7 7.1 v7.1 1170 A7RCS371 SIFLA7RCS30701 Route Control Server 300 simultaneous v7.1 1171 A7RCS271 SIFLA7RCS20701 Route Control Server (10


[磁盘整理] O&O Defrag Professional 16.0 Build 345

About O&O Defrag 16 Thank you for choosing O&O Defrag! O&O Defrag activates the hidden performance of your computer and packs file fragments efficiently and securely together. O&O Defrag gives you everything from fully automated defragmentation to a professional set up: everything a good defragmentation software should give you. An increasingly fragmented hard disk compromises the performance of your computer. This occurs as a result of frequent write and read access, during your daily routines, while surfing or gaming, or due to frequent user access on Server. For a lasting maximum speed while accessing files, it is important that your data is organized systematically. Windows disperses single file fragments all over the entire hard disk, which increases the time for its access. The defragmentation packs file fragments coherently together on the hard disk and files the data into separate zones. Windows as well as other programs will start and run faster. O&O Defrag includes a clever scheduling function, which allows you to schedule regular automated defragmentations if you wish. In addition, the permanent and automatic optimization in the background is key to prevent a loss in performance of your computer as well as a renewed fragmentation. This will allow you to save time compared to running a manual defragmentation. We sincerely hope you are satisfied with our new O&O Defrag and that you will be able to maintain your optimal system performance like million other users worldwide. Your O&O Software Team http://www.oo-software.com More: Overview of new and known functions Getting started with O&O Defrag The various defragmentation methods Scheduled automatic optimization How to determine the state of your computer using the status reports O&O Defrag user interface System requirements The system requirement of each operating system have to be fulfilled 50 MB free hard disk space 32/64-bit Support (from Windows XP/Server 2003) Windows® XP till Windows® Server 2012 (all editions): Supported operating systems Operating system Professional Edition Workstation Edition Server Edition Windows 8 yes yes yes Windows 7 yes yes yes Windows Server 2008 no no yes* Windows Vista yes yes yes Windows XP yes yes yes Windows Server 2003 no no yes* Windows Server 2008 R2 no no yes* Windows Server 2012 no no yes* * All variants of this server operating system are supported, except Core-Installations If you wish to use the network functionality, you must also have the following available: Network card and connection Access permissions You need local administrator permissions for the installation and for its later use. This is usually the case, if you were able to install other programs before. In a network, you must be the domain administrator if you wish to install and control O&O Defrag locally as well as on the network computers. Microsoft Windows Installer The installation takes place with the help of the Microsoft Windows Installer. It is a Windows integrated component which controls all installation and uninstallation.


[水晶报表] SAP Crystal Reports Developer for VS2013 (7-7)

7-7 共7个压缩包(只有50M上传权限) Create rich reports within the familiarity of your Visual Studio development environment – for free Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports. Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality Download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio now › Share 2 Features and Functionality Collapse All Features and Functionality Learn more about the features and functions of SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. Powerful designer features for creating rich reports Flexible Windows and Web application features support development ASP.NET features support your ASP development efforts Broad data access enables multiple sources and dynamic data output Platform features provide support and management for SAP Crystal Reports projects Get all the details on SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio features › Less Technical & License Resources Discover if SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio is right for you. Get started by reviewing the technical, data access and license details. Access virtually any data sources via ODBC, OLE DB or native connections Licensed for report design, runtime distribution and report viewer distribution Add reporting to thick client and internal server based .NET applications Learn more about data access, licensing and technical requirements › Less Report design options Make the most of the SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio runtime by designing your reports in SAP Crystal Reports 2011 software. Utilize Crystal Reports 2011 and spend less time creating and integrating reports Use an editable preview panel and edit reports while viewing them Use RPTR files to protect your report designs from downstream modifications Leverage an object repository for component reuse Utilize a workbench tool to help manage projects Learn more about upgrading to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 › Less Discover Managed BI Extend your existing .NET reporting solutions with SAP Crystal Server for report object, user, and user group management. Utilize APIs for customizing server logon, user management and report scheduling Create data-driven publications, and extend publications with custom processing Add monitoring probes that help ensure the server is behaving as expected Use Web services to perform report scheduling, storing: querying and more Extend your reporting solutions with managed BI


[水晶报表] SAP Crystal Reports Developer for VS2013 (7-6)

7-6 共7个压缩包(只有50M上传权限) Create rich reports within the familiarity of your Visual Studio development environment – for free Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports. Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality Download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio now › Share 2 Features and Functionality Collapse All Features and Functionality Learn more about the features and functions of SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. Powerful designer features for creating rich reports Flexible Windows and Web application features support development ASP.NET features support your ASP development efforts Broad data access enables multiple sources and dynamic data output Platform features provide support and management for SAP Crystal Reports projects Get all the details on SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio features › Less Technical & License Resources Discover if SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio is right for you. Get started by reviewing the technical, data access and license details. Access virtually any data sources via ODBC, OLE DB or native connections Licensed for report design, runtime distribution and report viewer distribution Add reporting to thick client and internal server based .NET applications Learn more about data access, licensing and technical requirements › Less Report design options Make the most of the SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio runtime by designing your reports in SAP Crystal Reports 2011 software. Utilize Crystal Reports 2011 and spend less time creating and integrating reports Use an editable preview panel and edit reports while viewing them Use RPTR files to protect your report designs from downstream modifications Leverage an object repository for component reuse Utilize a workbench tool to help manage projects Learn more about upgrading to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 › Less Discover Managed BI Extend your existing .NET reporting solutions with SAP Crystal Server for report object, user, and user group management. Utilize APIs for customizing server logon, user management and report scheduling Create data-driven publications, and extend publications with custom processing Add monitoring probes that help ensure the server is behaving as expected Use Web services to perform report scheduling, storing: querying and more Extend your reporting solutions with managed BI


[水晶报表] SAP Crystal Reports Developer for VS2013 (7-5)

7-5 共7个压缩包(只有50M上传权限) Create rich reports within the familiarity of your Visual Studio development environment – for free Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports. Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality Download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio now › Share 2 Features and Functionality Collapse All Features and Functionality Learn more about the features and functions of SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. Powerful designer features for creating rich reports Flexible Windows and Web application features support development ASP.NET features support your ASP development efforts Broad data access enables multiple sources and dynamic data output Platform features provide support and management for SAP Crystal Reports projects Get all the details on SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio features › Less Technical & License Resources Discover if SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio is right for you. Get started by reviewing the technical, data access and license details. Access virtually any data sources via ODBC, OLE DB or native connections Licensed for report design, runtime distribution and report viewer distribution Add reporting to thick client and intern


[水晶报表] SAP Crystal Reports Developer for VS2013 (6-4)

6-4 Create rich reports within the familiarity of your Visual Studio development environment – for free Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports. Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality Download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio now › Share 2 Features and Functionality Collapse All Features and Functionality Learn more about the features and functions of SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. Powerful designer features for creating rich reports Flexible Windows and Web application features support development ASP.NET features support your ASP development efforts Broad data access enables multiple sources and dynamic data output Platform features provide support and management for SAP Crystal Reports projects Get all the details on SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio features › Less Technical & License Resources Discover if SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio is right for you. Get started by reviewing the technical, data access and license details. Access virtually any data sources via ODBC, OLE DB or native connections Licensed for report design, runtime distribution and report viewer distribution Add reporting to thick client and internal server based .NET applications Learn more about data access, licensing and technical requirements › Less Report design options Make the most of the SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio runtime by designing your reports in SAP Crystal Reports 2011 software. Utilize Crystal Reports 2011 and spend less time creating and integrating reports Use an editable preview panel and edit reports while viewing them Use RPTR files to protect your report designs from downstream modifications Leverage an object repository for component reuse Utilize a workbench tool to help manage projects Learn more about upgrading to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 › Less Discover Managed BI Extend your existing .NET reporting solutions with SAP Crystal Server for report object, user, and user group management. Utilize APIs for customizing server logon, user management and report scheduling Create data-driven publications, and extend publications with custom processing Add monitoring probes that help ensure the server is behaving as expected Use Web services to perform report scheduling, storing: querying and more Extend your reporting solutions with managed BI


[水晶报表] SAP Crystal Reports Developer for VS2013 (6-3)

6-3 Create rich reports within the familiarity of your Visual Studio development environment – for free Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports. Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality Download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio now › Share 2 Features and Functionality Collapse All Features and Functionality Learn more about the features and functions of SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. Powerful designer features for creating rich reports Flexible Windows and Web application features support development ASP.NET features support your ASP development efforts Broad data access enables multiple sources and dynamic data output Platform features provide support and management for SAP Crystal Reports projects Get all the details on SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio features › Less Technical & License Resources Discover if SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio is right for you. Get started by reviewing the technical, data access and license details. Access virtually any data sources via ODBC, OLE DB or native connections Licensed for report design, runtime distribution and report viewer distribution Add reporting to thick client and internal server based .N


[水晶报表] SAP Crystal Reports Developer for VS2013 (6-2)

6-2 Create rich reports within the familiarity of your Visual Studio development environment – for free Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports. Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality Download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio now › Share 2 Features and Functionality Collapse All Features and Functionality Learn more about the features and functions of SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. Powerful designer features for creating rich reports Flexible Windows and Web application features support development ASP.NET features support your ASP development efforts Broad data access enables multiple sources and dynamic data output Platform features provide support and management for SAP Crystal Reports projects Get all the details on SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio features › Less Technical & License Resources Discover if SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio is right for you. Get started by reviewing the technical, data access and license details. Access virtually any data sources via ODBC, OLE DB or native connections Licensed for report design, runtime distribution and report viewer distribution Add reporting to thick client and internal server based .NET applications Learn more about data access, licensing and technical requirements › Less Report design options Make the most of the SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio runtime by designing your reports in SAP Crystal Reports 2011 software. Utilize Crystal Reports 2011 and spend less time creating and integrating reports Use an editable preview panel and edit reports while viewing them Use RPTR files to protect your report designs from downstream modifications Leverage an object repository for component reuse Utilize a workbench tool to help manage projects Learn more about upgrading to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 › Less Discover Managed BI Extend your existing .NET reporting solutions with SAP Crystal Server for report object, user, and user group management. Utilize APIs for customizing server logon, user management and report scheduling Create data-driven publications, and extend publications with custom processing Add monitoring probes that help ensure the server is behaving as expected Use Web services to perform report scheduling, storing: querying and more Extend your reporting solutions with managed BI – learn more ›


[水晶报表] SAP Crystal Reports DEVELOPER VERSION For VS2013(6-1)

6-1 Create rich reports within the familiarity of your Visual Studio development environment – for free Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports. Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality Download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio now › Colleague reviewing a report created with powerful report design software Share Tweet this Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Google+ Email 2 Features and Functionality Collapse All Features and Functionality Learn more about the features and functions of SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. Powerful designer features for creating rich reports Flexible Windows and Web application features support development ASP.NET features support your ASP development efforts Broad data access enables multiple sources and dynamic data output Platform features provide support and management for SAP Crystal Reports projects Get all the details on SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio features › Less Technical & License Resources Discover if SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio is right for you. Get started by reviewing the technical, data access and license details. Access virtually any data sources via ODBC, OLE DB or native connections Licensed for report design, runtime distribution and report viewer distribution Add reporting to thick client and internal server based .NET applications Learn more about data access, licensing and technical requirements › Less Report design options Make the most of the SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio runtime by designing your reports in SAP Crystal Reports 2011 software. Utilize Crystal Reports 2011 and spend less time creating and integrating reports Use an editable preview panel and edit reports while viewing them Use RPTR files to protect your report designs from downstream modifications Leverage an object repository for component reuse Utilize a workbench tool to help manage projects Learn more about upgrading to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 › Less Discover Managed BI Extend your existing .NET reporting solutions with SAP Crystal Server for report object, user, and user group management. Utilize APIs for customizing server logon, user management and report scheduling Create data-driven publications, and extend publications with custom processing Add monitoring probes that help ensure the server is behaving as expected Use Web services to perform report scheduling, storing: querying and more Extend your reporting solutions with managed BI – learn more ›


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免费开源最新版FileZilla Client

FileZilla FileZilla是一个免费开源的FTP客户端软件,分为客户端版本和服务器版本,具备所有的FTP软件功能。可控性、有条理的界面和管理多站点的简化方式使得Filezilla客户端版成为一个方便高效的FTP客户端工具,而FileZilla Server则是一个小巧并且可靠的支持FTP&SFTP的FTP服务器软件。 目录 简介 基本信息 功能 使用说明 更新日志 编辑本段简介FileZilla是一种快速、可信赖的FTP客户端以及服务器端开放源代码程式,具有多种特色、直觉的接口。FileZilla图标 FileZilla图标 可控性、有条理的界面和管理多站点的简化方式使得Filezilla客户端版成为一个方便高效的FTP客户端工具,而FileZilla Server则是一个小巧并且可靠的支持FTP&SFTP的FTP服务器软件。FileZilla在2002年11月获选为当月最佳推荐专案。 编辑本段基本信息开发 Tim Kosse, et al. 软件版本:V3.6.0.1  开发语言 C 最近版本 FileZilla Server 0.9.41(2012-5-20) ; FileZilla Client 3.5.3(2012-5-20) 操作系统 跨平台 类型 FTP客户端 许可协议 GPL 客户端(client)可运行其上的操作系统(operating system)。 编辑本段功能可以断点续传进行上传、下载(需要服务器支持); 自定义命令; 可进行站点管理; 防发呆功能(有的FTP服务器会将发呆过久的用户赶出,这样发呆的用户就得重复登录); 超时侦测; 支持防火墙; 支持SOCKS4/5、HTTP1.1代理; 可进行SSL加密连接; 支持SFTP(Secure FTP); 可以排队进行上传、下载; 支持拖放; 多国语言支持,包括简体、繁体中文(Linux平台需额外安装“filezilla-locales”套件); 可通过Kerberos进行GSS验证与加密。 编辑本段使用说明 先双击打开软件,点击站点管理-新建站点-把空间提供商或者你自己创建的FTP的主机名,用户名,密码输入上去,并且点击连接即可进入【默认保存密码下次直接点击连接即可】,进入后左边是本地目录和文件列表,右边为FTP的目录文件列表,你把FTP看作自己的U盘一样管理即可,FTP上,选中文件拖动到...的目录可以把文件移动上一层,拖动相应的文件名为移动到相应目录,一般主机目录如图所示,db是给你传压缩包和下载压缩包的,log是日志文件存储地方,有的主机不提供日志,web就是你的web空间了,一般路径为/xx/web/,其中xx代表你的用户名 编辑本段更新日志v3.6.0.1(2012-11-18)- 修正问题,包括选择TLS密码,GnuTLS bug修复- 修正了在关闭时的奔溃- 添加日志信息的服务器不使用UTF-8- 小的性能和内存优化得到的文件类型- 提高传输速度的格式 3.6.0(2012年11月10号)- 修正了崩溃介绍,自3.5.3- 仅使用IPv6的主机不再会导致崩溃,在网络配置向导 v3.6.0.2(2012年11月30日)-修复了使用 TLS 上传时停滞的问题和MSW: 列表本地文件时的性能提升


最好的下载软件含注册机Internet Download Manager 6.15.7

  提升你的下载速度最多达5倍,安排下载时程,或续传一半的软件。Internet Download Manager的续传功能可以恢复因为断线、网络问题、计算机当机甚至无预警的停电导致下传到一半的软件。此程序具有动态档案分割、多重下载点技术,而且它会重复使用现有的联机,而不需再重新联机登入一遍。聪明的in-speed技术会动态地将所有设定应用到某种联机类型,以充分利用下载速度。   Internet Download Manager支持下载队列、防火墙、代理服务器和映射服务器、重新导向、cookies、需要验证的目录,以及各种不同的服务器平台。此程序紧密地与Internet Explorer和Firefox、Opera结合,自动地处理你的下载需求。此程序还具有下载逻辑最佳化功能、检查病毒,以及多种偏好设定。 注意:先安装原版,再下载语言包idm_chn.zip,将里面的文件解压到安装目录的Languages目录下,然后启动便成为简体中文版了。将破解补丁放置到安装目录中进行破解,V6.08build8更新了新的破解补丁!破解补丁有些杀毒软件会误报病毒,其实是没有任何问题的,放心使用!点击PATCH即可。破解补丁适用于6.15正式版。



(以管理员执行) Windows Enabler Overview: Windows Enabler is a program that runs on Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000. It allows the user to enable disabled windows and controls such as buttons and tick boxes and choose menu options that would normally be disabled. This is obviously a very dangerous practice if used recklessly but having said that, you’d be surprised at how often it comes in handy. Windows Enabler has a very simple user interface; it appears as an icon in the system tray and can be turned on and off simply by clicking on it. Windows enabler may be freely distributed as long as the entire package (or a superset) is distributed unaltered. Installing: Windows Enabler is a very simple utility and does not ship with an install program. The installation process is simple; just copy the two files (“Windows Enabler.exe” and “EnablerDLL.dll”) somewhere on your system and run “Windows Enabler.exe” to run the program. I normally place a shortcut to “Windows Enabler.exe” in my “Startup” program group so Windows Enabler is always available! Windows enabler does not make any registry entries or use any data files so uninstalling is accomplished by simply deleting its files (“Windows Enabler.exe” and “EnablerDLL.dll”). Using Windows Enabler: To run Windows Enabler execute the file “Windows Enabler.exe”; the simplest way to do this is to place a shortcut to it somewhere on your system such as the desktop, the start menu or the “Startup” program group. When Windows Enabler is running you should see one of the following icons in the system tray: or . To exit the Windows Enabler right click on the icon and choose “Quit” from the popup menu. An about box can be displayed by right clicking on the icon and choosing “About” from the popup menu. Left clicking on the icon toggles the Windows Enabler on and off. When the Windows Enabler is active the word “On” is superimposed on the icon as seen in the second icon above. For example here is a dialog box from an application on our test machine. As you can see most of the controls on this dialog box are disabled and therefore can not be pressed or edited: Here is the same dialog but we have used the “Windows Enabler” to enable some of the controls. We can now use these controls but how the software will react can vary greatly. Sometimes the results are disastrous, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! Here is another application from our test machine. Notice that all of the items in the “Actions” menu are disabled and cannot be selected; Here is the same application but now the menu items are all selectable. When the “Windows Enabler” is active all menu items are enabled; Although the “Windows Enabler” works on many applications it is obviously impossible and impractical to make an app that works 100% of the time. For example on some applications if you enable a button and press it the app is smart enough to ignore the command. In other cases the button is disabled almost immediately after being enabled. Windows enabler may be freely distributed as long as the entire package (or a superset) is distributed unaltered. If you have any questions, comments or wish to report a bug EMAIL me. THE “WINDOWS ENABLER” IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Copyright © 2000 - 2001 Stephen Hewitt.



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