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原创 career cup:3.4 tower of hanoi
1. represent of hanoi: choice between LinkedList, Stack, ArrayList, Array(1) one tower can be represented by LinkedList or Stack. LinkedList has more function and it's easier to copy the tower. We n
2014-07-18 11:43:31 536
转载 inner class, static nested class
Nested classes are divided into two categories: static and non-static. Nested classes that are declared static are simply called static nested classes. Non-static nested classes are called inner class
2014-07-18 05:35:54 480
原创 java tips
1. if(find = true) // this sentence is always true, if(find = = true) is the right way2. ArrayList uses size(), not length() Array uses length(field, not method length()) String uses leng
2014-07-16 01:17:54 424
原创 career cup1.1 unique char
1. Hash map initialization is like this:HashMap map = new HashMap();K,V can only be class type, not primitive. So when you want to use int or char, use Integer and Character instead.Converting f
2014-07-15 14:11:47 399
原创 array of LinkedList
1. you can not create an array of ArrayList, because array can not hold any generic type. You can only use primitev
2014-07-13 05:33:09 533
转载 Java Details: mod and %
Careful with the terms mod and modular because n (mod m) IS ALWAYS >= 0 but not n % m. n % m is in the range > -m and < m. Although Java has a remainder operator for int and long types, it has no mo
2014-07-12 03:00:02 412
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