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原创 linux commands and corresponding windows commands

linux and windows commandslinuxWindowsDescriptiondudu.exedisk usagetimetimeit.exeprocess execution time and other performance informationexportsetset environmen

2011-11-26 11:21:35 543

原创 build qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0

Use the following batch file to build qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0 on Windows Xp via VC++ 2010@ECHO OFF set DEV=D:\srcset QTDIR=%DEV%\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0set PATH=%System

2011-12-19 19:14:52 4555 1

原创 时间不对导致不能登陆Windows

Windows XP登陆是报错说电脑的时间和网络时间不对,要求联系系统管理员。我的帐户本身有Administrator权限,问题的原因是昨天改了时区,那时候时间还是对的。后来机器过热,重启动机器可能导致时间错了。没有找到管理员,仔细看看出错信息-本机时间和网络时间不匹配,那禁用网络不就行了!所以,解决方案就是禁用无线网络,拔下网线,登陆成功。

2011-11-30 15:35:17 1245 3

原创 4GB RAM on 32bit OS

Today I inserted 4GB DDR2 RAM into my hp8510p laptop. BIOS and CPU-Z can detect 4GB physical RAM.Windows XP SP3 can only recognize 3GB.Someone explained the reason in a post - 4 GB RAM

2011-11-24 23:56:27 757

原创 build boost_1_48 on ubuntu and windows

onega@ub-laptop:~$ tar xvjf Downloads/boost_1_48_0.tar.bz2onega@ub-laptop:~/boost_1_48_0$ du -sh419M onega@ub-laptop:~/boost_1_48_0$./bootstrap.shonega@ub-laptop:~/boost_1_48_0$ time./b2 v

2011-11-24 23:05:53 1575

原创 Update-manager error on Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric

Update manager reported the following error:W:Failed to fetchhttp://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-backports/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found, W:Failed to fetchhttp://cn.archive.ubun

2011-11-19 19:59:39 645

原创 TAO naming service

My environment: ACE TAO 6.0.5, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit, g++ (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3)There are two different ways to start NameService:tao_cosnaming -ORBEndPointiiop://

2011-11-12 22:37:10 1725 1

原创 Build ACE+TAO-6.0.5

<!--@page {margin:0.79in}p {margin-bottom:0.08in}-->Build ACE+TAO+CIAO-6.0.5.tar.bz2 on Windows XP via VC++ 2008Download timeit.exe, or remove it from the following batch file.

2011-11-08 14:19:31 2645

原创 apt-get proxy on Ubuntu oneiric 11.10

A temporary proxy does not work:export http_proxy=http://myproxyaddress:proxyportI have to create a filegksudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.confwith the following content:Acquire::http::Proxy "http:

2011-11-08 12:43:12 813

原创 xdm issue on Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric

when xdm is the default-display-manager, my computer can't display login window when boot with 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.0.0-12-generic'. I have to choose 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.0.0-12-generic (recovery mo

2011-11-05 01:44:01 586

原创 read UTF-8 text file in C++

#include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {     if (argc>1)     {         char* f

2011-10-09 08:41:55 1281

原创 logitech bluetooth mouse on Ubuntu 11.04

run command "bluethooth-properties", add new device, turn on the mouse, press "Connect" button.Mouse is not connected after power off

2011-10-01 20:59:07 1048

原创 VC++ build qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.4

webkit 不能编译成静态链接库call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%/../../vc/bin/vcvars32.bat"configure -debug-and-release -qt-sql-odbc -opensource -confirm-license -static -ltcg -no-fast -exceptions -accessibility -stl -q

2011-09-28 20:34:38 2071

原创 Ubuntu power management

I can find "Power Profiles - System Settings" which allow me to choose action for "When laptop lid closed", but this is not in effect. gnome

2011-09-04 08:07:55 904

原创 fatrat, wxdfast and openesb

Open-ESB download page is broken for a long time. Fortunately I found one link here - https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-

2011-07-16 22:01:42 687

原创 Odyssey Access Client


2011-07-03 22:53:59 1694

原创 resource leakage detection on Windows

Time frame: May 2011Subject: Investigate resource leakage of a VC++ 2008 native application on Windows XP SP3.DevPartner 10.5 - cause debuggee crash due to 0x80080003. After disabling certain features so that it only logs memory leaks, the debuggee does no

2011-05-05 22:55:00 1166

原创 Display _RecordsetPtr via ListView control

<br />The following is some code snippet I posted to http://topic.csdn.net/t/20020724/16/899090.html.<br /> <br />LRESULT   CMyDlg::OnInitDialog(UINT   uMsg,   WPARAM   wParam,   LPARAM   lParam,   BOOL&   bHandled) <br /> { <br /> int   pathlen   =  

2011-04-21 00:42:00 642

原创 Video resource

MiroVideoConverter is an open source tool that is able to convert various format to mp4/webM.VLC 1.1.8 supports VP8/WebM video.

2011-04-14 21:54:00 664

原创 pass blob to oracle stored procedure

<br />//pass   blob   to   oracle   stored   procedure   <br />//build   by   masterz   20050227   with   VC2003,   Windows   2003,   Oracle   10g. <br />//The   tip:   user   oledb   provider   string! <br />#include   "stdafx.h " <br />#import   "C:/PROG

2011-04-06 10:41:00 630

原创 ControlDecorationSupport

<br />Eclipse 3.5.2 <br />import org.eclipse.jface.internal.databinding.provisional.fieldassist.ControlDecorationSupport;<br />Eclipse 3.6.2<br />import org.eclipse.jface.databinding.fieldassist.ControlDecorationSupport;<br /> <br />ControlDecorationSuppor

2011-04-02 18:16:00 717

原创 Use XSLT 2.0 functions in Eclipse WTP Helios

For a simple xml file (onega.xml)18140I am using the following xslt file (onega.xsl) to get the sum of all "num" elements    xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions"

2011-04-01 10:20:00 2382

原创 Line counter

<br />Line counter plug-in for Visual Studio<br />Line Counter - Writing a Visual Studio 2005 & 2008 Add-In <br />This one does not work properly with VC++ 2008 with large solution. Then are about 20 projects in a solution, but the plug-in only reported in

2011-03-29 16:56:00 1319

原创 VC++ make file

<br /> <br />Nmake Makefile Tutorial and Example<br /> 

2011-03-29 15:18:00 567

原创 DICOM libraries

<br />DICOM libraries for C++<br />dicomlib is not mature enough. User base is smaller.<br />ucdmc99 is out of date, easy to learn. The library is also used by Conquest DICOM software, which made some minor changes.<br />dcmtk is mature and feature rich, b

2011-03-27 20:10:00 852

原创 RESTful webservice

<br />C++ libraries for RESTful webservice<br />http://www.pion.org/<br />http://code.google.com/p/nanogear/<br />http://wso2.com/products/web-services-framework/cpp/<br />http://axis.apache.org/axis2/c/core/<br />http://www.gnu.org/software/libmicrohttpd/

2011-03-27 00:45:00 559

原创 Port microsoft Access database to PostgreSQL

prerequisite: Install Database BrowserInstall PostgreSQLInstall PostgreSQL OleDB ProviderAfter switched to PostgreSQL, the query operation failed, and some words in the exception description is unreadable. So I enabled log file of PostgreSQL OleDB Provider

2011-03-20 14:37:00 668

原创 QT and MFC

Download qtwinmigrate-2.8_1-opensource.zipD:/apps/Nokia/qtwinmigrate-2.8_1-opensource>configure.bat -libraryImport qtwinmigrate.pro via Qt plugin of VS 2010 and build. There are several build errors, but I get library and dll under D:/apps/Nokia/qtwinmigra

2011-03-12 22:12:00 1667

原创 Can't upgrade ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 Maverick

I have installed latest version of KDE, so I have to use the workaround post hereInstall bzr via Synaptic Package Manager      $ bzr get lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/maverick      $ cd maverick/DistUpgrade      $ sudo ./dist-upgrade.pyI saw a war

2011-03-11 23:46:00 607

原创 build boost 1.46 and python3.2

There is one build error when building boost 1.46 + python 3.2 via VC++ 2008: libs/python/src/converter/builtin_converters.cpp(436) : error C2664: 'PyUnicodeUCS2_AsWideChar' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'PyUnicodeObject *' to 'PyObject *'        Typ

2011-03-08 21:07:00 4512

原创 historical stock and exchange data

<br />http://freeserv.dukascopy.com/exp/<br />Dukascopy  CSV DATA Export <br />time interval 1 minute, up to 2000 records.<br /> <br />http://www.forexite.com/free_forex_quotes/forex_history_arhiv.html<br />Exchange data at 1 minute interval.<br /> 

2011-03-06 14:30:00 562

原创 Hex Editors

<br />One guy did some comparison among hex editors here - http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-hex-editor.htm. He complained that there is no way to change font of "Hexplorer", actually it can be done by "View"->"Options"->"Font: System Font". Its de

2011-03-03 15:21:00 412

原创 Module Definition File

<br />I am building a debug configuration dll, the dll name is food.dll, lib name is food.lib, and food.lib is linked by another dll - bb.dll. Foo project also uses Module Definition File. Then bb.dll always depends on Foo.dll although bb.dll linked with F

2011-02-25 00:15:00 1462

原创 Build CXImage with VC++ 2010

<br />Need to define the following preprocessors in project settings<br /><br />_WIN32_IE=0x0600<br />_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501<br />WINVER=0x0501<br />_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE

2011-02-24 19:31:00 591

原创 streams.h is not found

Install Microsoft SDK - GRMSDK_EN_DVD.iso, then the file is here - D:/apps/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.1/Samples/multimedia/directshow/baseclasses/streams.h

2011-02-24 01:28:00 770

原创 Install postgresql-9.0.3-1-windows.exe

<br />After installation, Stack Builder 3.0.0 wants to download additional software, but it failed to work behind proxy server - though proxy server setting is correct. psql Windows does not display Chinese correctly. Some Chinese string is readable, but o

2011-02-21 22:38:00 633

原创 Build ACE via VC++ 2010

<br /><br />VC++ 2010 buildACE+TAO+CIAO-6.0.1.tar.bz2<br />rename D:/src/ace601/ACE_wrappers/ace/config-win32.h  to config.h.<br /> <br />It seems hanging when processing 1>ast_provides.cpp file.<br />Devenv.exe used 50% cpu on a 2coresystem.<br />de

2011-02-20 21:11:00 629

原创 Build boost 1.45 with VC++ 2010

build ICU first - D:/src/icu4c-4_6-src/icu/source/allinone/allinone.slnthen create a batch file to build boost.call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%/../../vc/bin/vcvars32.bat"cd /d D:/src/boost_1_45_0call bootstrap.batset ICU_PATH=D:/src/icu4c-4_6-src/icuecho "build star

2011-02-20 01:40:00 463

原创 attributes of senior engineer and expert engineer

<br />Senior engineer can share his knowledge with the team, communicate his insights with others, give suggestions to PM. He can contribute more value by helping others. expert understands domain knowledge, provide the whole solution, is widely respected

2011-01-21 11:33:00 439

原创 Add line break to xml via MSXML

<br />Using XSLT : http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/xmlandnetfx/thread/6ff1d48f-7dcd-4dae-b4be-b345e46c7b95/<br />Add text node: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms766497(VS.85).aspx

2011-01-10 12:39:00 543

convert jpg/bmp to dicom image

Convert jpg/bitmap file to DICOM file using dicomlib and CxImage libraries within 80 lines of code. The converted dicom file can be displayed by ezDicom.exe.


VC++ Use WMI example

一个VC++ 2010开发的小工具,可以生成process dump 文件,执行WMI查询,调用WMI 方法(StdRegProv.GetDWORDValue和 Win32_OperatingSystem.Reboot 和Win32Shutdown方法)。


Windbg introduction




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