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Liquid Volume 2

Liquid Volume 2 is a powerful and highly customizable shader that simulates realistic and animated liquid containers. Can be used in 3D scenes and 2D UI (demos included). Liquid Volume is super easy and fun to use: just add the main script to any gameobject with a mesh to convert it into a liquid container! Liquid Volume works with cylinders, cubes, spheres and since v3 also with irregular shapes (like potions, bottles and similar flasks). Includes the following ready to use prefabs:


Amplify Shader Editor v1.9.3.3

内置渲染器、HD、URP 和轻量级 SRP 支持 最新推出!HDRP 矢量移位样本 最新推出!URP 和 HDRP 的镶嵌选项 最新推出!URP 的半透明和透射选项 最新推出!新的启动屏幕窗口 最新推出!轻松的图形共享和画布截图按钮 最新推出!SRP 资源包自动导入器 最新推出!Unity 2019 兼容性 最新推出!支持后处理栈着色器 最新推出!兼容 Unity 插件中的物质 最新推出!支持自定义渲染纹理 最新推出!支持 HD、URP 和轻量级 SRP 最新推出!模板上多次传递 最新推出!支持 Xbox One/PS4/Switch 最新推出!地形支持 最新推出!着色器模板 • 通用 PBR /无光照 SRP • 通用 2D 光照/无光照 SRP • 高清的光照/无光照/毛发/织物 SRP • 轻量级 PBR /无光照 SRP • 自定义 RT 初始化/更新 • 后期处理特效,包括后处理堆栈 • Alpha 混合粒子 • 精灵 • 光照/无光照 • 无光照的光照贴图 • UI 新工具 • 后期处理堆栈工具 新样本 • HDRP 矢量移位 • 缩放独立瓦片 • Raphael


Amplify Shader Editor

Built-in Renderer, HD, URP, and Lightweight SRP Support IMPORTANT! Break To Components node renamed to Split NEW! HDRP/URP templates compatible with v10.x.x. NEW! Normal From Texture NEW! Bicubic Precompute Sample NEW! Procedural Sample NEW! Plane Clip NEW! HDRP Vector Displacement Sample NEW! Tes


unity快速动态衣服布料仿真物理模拟游戏插件Magica Cloth 1.8.0

Magica Cloth 1.8.0是革命性的高速布料服饰模拟系统插件游戏素材,区别于Obi Cloth之类的旧插件,这是完全由Jobs+Burst驱动的高速实现方式(支持除WebGL之外的全平台),解决了布料模拟系统性能沉重的最大弊端,因此在同样的性能开销下可提供更逼真、生动的模拟效果。 Added Surface Penetration / Collider Penetration system! Added Delayed execution system! Added Dress up system! Added Wind control! Support for Unity2018


Amplify Shader Editor1.8.1

最新的1.8.1版本,目前Unity里最好用的shader可视化编辑插件。 Built-in Renderer, HD, URP, and Lightweight SRP Support Latest release date May 12, 2020 Support Unity versions 5.4.6 or higher


MTE v3.5.zip

Unity5,2017,2018,2019都有对应版本。 MTE是基于模型的地形编辑器,包含3个主要功能: * 创建MTE可编辑的模型 * 将MTE的地形对象、模型转换为MTE可编辑的模型 * 编辑MTE可编辑的模型 MTE可编辑的模型(简称mesh-terrain)的渲染仅占用1个DrawCall,可用2~5张贴图。 主要功能: 创建工具 - 直接创建mesh-terrain - 同时创建多个平铺的mesh-terrain 转换器 - 将Unity地形对象转换为mesh-terrain - 将一般模型转换为mesh-terrain 编辑器 - 提升/降低高度 - 压平高度 - 平滑高度 - 绘制地形贴图 - 绘制顶点颜色 其他特性: * 转换API * 所有编辑操作都可以撤销/重做 * 详细的用户手册 * 历史浏览器 * 不要求Unity3D pro * 直接编辑一般模型


Amplify Shader Editor1.6.4

Amplify Shader Editor1.64。 NEW! Support for Post-Processing Stack shaders NEW! Compatible with Substance in Unity plugin NEW! Support for Custom Render Textures NEW! Support for both HD and Lightweight SRP NEW! Multi-Pass on Templates NEW! Compatibility with Unity 2018 NEW! Xbox One/PS4/Switch Support NEW! Terrain support NEW! Shader Templates Amplify Shader Editor is an award-winning node-based shader creation tool inspired by industry leading editors. An open and tightly integrated solution, it provides a familiar and consistent development environment that seamlessly blends with Unity’s UI conventions and Shader use. AAA quality and flexibility at an indie affordable cost with the responsive customer support and short iteration times that you can always expect from Amplify Creations.


Toony Colors Pro 2 v2.3.55

Toony Colors Pro 2是一系列风格化的着色器和工具,让我们的Unity游戏风格化从未如此简单! 特征 统一材质检查器 着色器生成器工具 着色器的桌面/移动版本 支持Metallic和Specular工作流的着色器的PBS版本 平滑的普通工具 纹理渐变工具 水模板 Toony Colors Pro 2 v2.3.55 所支持的Unity版本:5.3.0 及以上版本 Toony Colors Pro 2 is a collection of stylized shaders and tools. Making your Unity game stylized has never been so easy! Includes: ● Unified Material Inspector: selects the correct shader based on your settings ● Shader Generator Tool: create your own custom shader choosing among dozens of features ● Desktop/Mobile Versions of the Shaders ● PBS Version of the Shaders supporting me tallic and Specular workflows ● Smoothed Normal Tool: fixes broken hard-edge outlines ● Texture Ramp Tool: easily create ramp textures and see the changes in real-time on your materials ● Water Template: generate your own stylized water shader with depth-based effects, reflections, and more Toony Colors Pro 2 v2.3.55 Toony Colors Pro 2 v2.3.55 Toony Colors Pro 2 v2.3.55 Toony Colors Pro 2 v2.3.55 Toony Colors Pro 2 v2.3.55


Terrain To Mesh2018.3



Amplify Impostors BETA 0.9.1

Amplify Impostors 是一个非常简单的即时优化工具,允许开发者通过使用下一代Billboard Impostors来轻松优化项目,快速优化任意大小的资源。使用多角度图片替代原始模型的LOD生成工具,可以优化远景



康玉之所著的《GPU编程与CG语言之阳春白雪下里巴人》,英文译名为《GPU Programming And Cg Language Primer 1rd Edition》,对GPU图形渲染管线做了深入浅出的总结概括,对于我初次接触GPU编程和CG语言的新手帮助很大。


Manga Style water v1.1

Water Shader is an animated water material. This package includes: - Shader/Material and texture - customizable material - landscape material with foam movement - demo scene - tesselated wave Made with Shader Forge


Amplify Shader Editor v1.6.2

NEW! Compatible with Substance in Unity plugin NEW! Support for Custom Render Textures NEW! Support for both HD and Lightweight SRP NEW! Multi-Pass on Templates NEW! Compatibility with Unity 2018 NEW! Xbox One/PS4/Switch Support NEW! Terrain support NEW! Shader Templates • HD PBR/Unlit SRP • Lightweight PBR/Unlit SRP • Custom RT Init/Update SRP • Post-Process effects • Alpha-Blended particles • Sprite • Unlit • Unlit Lightmap • UI New Samples • Unlit With Lightmap • Substance 2018 • Custom Render Texture Rain • SRP HD Material Types • SRP Lightweight Terrain • Multi Pass Distortion • Projectors


unity动态昼夜天气系统UniStorm Mobile v2.4.1.2

unity动态昼夜天气系统UniStorm Mobile v2.4.1.2 所支持的Unity版本:5.2.2 及以上版本 UniStorm supports all versions of Unity from version 5.2+ to Unity 2017+.


UniStorm - Dynamic Modular Weather v3.0.1.1

unity当前效果最好最棒的天气插件。UniStorm 3.0 is a complete rewrite from the ground up. UniStorm 3.0 fully supports Unity 5.6+, Unity 2017+, and Unity 2018+.


Shader Forge 1.37

New in Shader Forge 1.37: (Unity 5.6 or later required) • The 3D preview now runs much faster and is no longer capped at 40 fps (it is now 60) • Fixed a bug that prevented SF from opening in Unity 2017.x • Fixed a bug causing errors in the shader inspector in Unity 5.6+ • The post effect preset is now properly constructed to match Unity's OnRenderImage post-process system • Fixed a bug that added unnecessary view reflection code to shaders • Shader code is now using UnityObjectToClipPos(x) instead of mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,x)


Amplify Color1.66

Amplify Color is one of the best Unity Extensions for Industry Level Color Grading. Extremely easy to use and to integrate in your project, no coding required. The standard version is open to everyone, it includes all the required source files in order to develop new functionalities or to expand existing ones



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