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原创 Udp数据接收端实现

Udp数据接收端实现----Delphi实现Lanno Ckeeke        LC2005052202概要此程序本想与上一篇实现的功能相同,代码是在delphi6编写。与C++程序相比,其发送端发送数据太快,在一个for循环中连续调用sendto20次,则此程序将不能完全接收到数据。若在for循环中每发送一次数据后 sleep(200),则此程序可以接收全部的数据。这就是UD

2006-05-22 22:06:00 3249 1

原创 Udp数据接收端实现

Udp数据接收端实现Lanno Ckeeke        LC2005052201概要Udp协议为非面向连接的协议,数据的发送与接收并不需要像TCP/IP协议那样事先建立连接,因此在数据发送速度及资源消耗表现上都胜于TCP/IP;但UDP为非可靠协议其发送(接收)数据并不一定能够保证对方能够正确的接收(发送),其可靠性需要另外的机制来实现。 发送端的实现用到的几个函数1.

2006-05-22 21:40:00 1999

原创 www.369.com篡改主页

系统:           Windows 2000 Server Family经其修改后的IE现象:1。主页被设置为www dot 369 dot com2。注册表中StartPage被改为www dot 369 dot com3。每次手动将主页设置为其它主页确定后,再次打开又被设置为www dot 369 dot com4。进程中有一个msxml4r.exe进程,结束此进行后,以上三种现象便可

2006-05-18 20:57:00 10083

原创 ZSChatServer线程设计模型---客户端测试程序

ZSChatServer线程设计模型------客户端测试程序Lanno Ckeeke                      LC2006051501功能:       此客户程序与《ZSChatServer线程设计模型》一文中实现的服务器程序建立连接,对其进行简单的数据传输正确性进行验证。此程序发送的数据为如下:

2006-05-15 23:11:00 1176

原创 ZSChatServer线程设计模型

ZSChatServer线程设计模型Lanno Ckeeke LC2006061401Server与Client交互方式Server启动后进入监听状态,等待Client的连接。所有Client的请求都必经过Server,再由Server发送给指定的Server。 完成功能       建立服务器的线程模型,并能够接收来自客户端的请求(包含端口5005和5006的数据)。

2006-05-15 22:26:00 1085

原创 Delphi中多线程用Synchronize实现VCL数据同步显示

Delphi中多线程用Synchronize实现VCL数据同步显示Lanno Ckeeke 2006-5-12概述:       VCL实现同步的另一种方法就是调用线程类的Synchronize的过程,此过程需要一个无参数的procedure,故在此procedure中无法传递参数值,但可以通过类的成员来实现。在类的Execute中只须调用Synchronize就可以了。实

2006-05-12 23:14:00 10562

原创 Delphi中多线程用消息实现VCL数据同步显示

Delphi中多线程用消息实现VCL数据同步显示Lanno Ckeeke 2006-5-12概述:delphi中严格区分主线程和子主线程,主线程负责GUI的更新,子线程负责数据运算,当数据运行完毕后,子线程可以向主线程式发送消息,以便通知其将VCL中的数据更新。实现:关键在于消息的发送及接收。在消息结构Tmessage中wParam和lParam类型为Longint,而指针

2006-05-12 22:43:00 4310

原创 基于WinSocket的单线程Client的实现

基于WinSocket的单线程Client的实现 功能描述:      建立与Socket服务器之间的连接,向服务器端发送数据,并接收来自服务器端的数据。分别以C++和Pascal语言实现。并利用Winsock实现不同编程语言之间的通讯。调用顺序:l         WSAStartup:开始对WS2_32.dll的使用l         socket:创建一个socket

2006-05-10 23:43:00 1543

原创 基于WinSocket的单线程Server的实现

基于WinSocket的单线程Server的实现功能描述:程序实现一个Server监听端口的功能,运行后,其处于监听状态。当有Client连接到此Server,它停止监听,接收到自此client的数据,并将从Client收到数据反射给Client。 调用顺序:1.         WSAStartup:开始对WS2_32.dll的使用。2.         socket:创

2006-05-10 07:56:00 1699 1

翻译 WinMain中的Console与main中的Window

WinMain中的Console与main中的WindowLanno ckeeke2006-5-91.如何在WinMain中创建一个Console。调用AllocConsole分配一个Console资源;调用GetStdHandle获得OS的标准设备(输入,输出或错误),此函数返回一个句柄,若要使用标准C库函数,则需要根据获得的句柄转化为文件描述符;将此描述符与输出绑定就可以将它视

2006-05-09 00:28:00 3996 1

原创 划词搜索被ewido视为高风险Adware.wSerarch

划词搜索被ewido视为高风险Adware.wSerarchLanno Ckeeke2006-5-7划词搜索安装程序名称:PHCSetup.exe若在上网时不小心安装了此程序,它会在系统盘的生成X:/Program Files/huaci目录,其下包含划词的可执行程序。此安装程序可能会在/Winnt/System32/PHCSetup.exe。造成风险的程序如下图

2006-05-07 10:45:00 992

原创 利用Windows重定向器实现对网络计算机的读写

利用Windows重定向器实现对网络计算机的读写功能:实现对某个文件的监视,当被监视的文件大小改变时,利用Windows重定向器向目的机写入数据。当发现被监视的文件大小改变时,程序将读取本地机上被监视的文件内容,将其内容重新写入目的机子上。注意事项:    UNC路径格式://[服务器]//[共享名]//[路径]    安全:对远程的计算机指定的路径应该有访问权。    被

2006-05-06 20:25:00 1465

原创 一个简单用C语言实现的日志函数

一个简单用C语言实现的日志函数名称:zLog 功能:实现对程序中函数,变量及自定义消息的记录功能。此函数仅为单线程调用,没有添加同步控制。若要在多线程中调用,可以修改日志函数或自己在程序中添加同步条件。需要的文件:time.h,timeb.h,stdio.h主要函数:       void WriteLog(int Priority,const char* Fmt,

2006-05-05 17:19:00 6399

原创 删除Webacc.exe


2006-05-02 15:51:00 2325


<br> Copyright <br> Praise for Visual Studio Tools for Office <br> Microsoft .NET Development Series <br> Titles in the Series <br> About the Authors <br> Foreword <br> Preface <br> Acknowledgments <br> Part One. An Introduction to VSTO <br> Chapter 1. An Introduction to Office Programming <br> Why Office Programming? <br> Office Object Models <br> Properties, Methods, and Events <br> The Office Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs) <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 2. Introduction to Office Solutions <br> The Three Basic Patterns of Office Solutions <br> Office Automation Executables <br> Office Add-Ins <br> Code Behind a Document <br> Conclusion <br> Part Two. Office Programming in .NET <br> Chapter 3. Programming Excel <br> Ways to Customize Excel <br> Programming User-Defined Functions <br> Introduction to the Excel Object Model <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 4. Working with Excel Events <br> Events in the Excel Object Model <br> Events in Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 5. Working with Excel Objects <br> Working with the Application Object <br> Working with the Workbooks Collection <br> Working with the Workbook Object <br> Working with the Worksheets, Charts, and Sheets Collections <br> Working with Document Properties <br> Working with the Windows Collections <br> Working with the Window Object <br> Working with the Names Collection and Name Object <br> Working with the Worksheet Object <br> Working with the Range Object <br> Special Excel Issues <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 6. Programming Word <br> Ways to Customize Word <br> Programming Research Services <br> Introduction to the Word Object Model <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 7. Working with Word Events <br> Events in the Word Object Model <br> Events in Visual Studio Tools for Office <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 8. Working with Word Objects <br> Working with the Application Object <br> Working with the Dialog Object <br> Working with Windows <br> Working with Templates <br> Working with Documents <br> Working with a Document <br> Working with the Range Object <br> Working with Bookmarks <br> Working with Tables <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 9. Programming Outlook <br> Ways to Customize Outlook <br> Introduction to the Outlook Object Model <br> Introduction to the Collaboration Data Objects <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 10. Working with Outlook Events <br> Events in the Outlook Object Model <br> Application-Level Events <br> Outlook Item Events <br> Other Events <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 11. Working with Outlook Objects <br> Working with the Application Object <br> Working with the Explorers and Inspectors Collections <br> Working with the Explorer Object <br> Working with the Inspector Object <br> Working with the NameSpace Object <br> Working with the MAPIFolder Object <br> Working with the Items Collection <br> Properties and Methods Common to Outlook Items <br> Outlook Issues <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 12. Introduction to InfoPath <br> What Is InfoPath? <br> Getting Started <br> Form Security <br> Programming InfoPath <br> Data Source Events <br> Form Events, Properties, and Methods <br> Conclusion <br> Part Three. Office Programming in VSTO <br> Chapter 13. The VSTO Programming Model <br> The VSTO Programming Model <br> VSTO Extensions to Word and Excel Objects <br> Dynamic Controls <br> Advanced Topic: Dynamic Host Items <br> Advanced Topic: Inspecting the Generated Code <br> VSTO Extensions to the Word and Excel Object Models <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 14. Using Windows Forms in VSTO <br> Introduction <br> Adding Windows Forms Controls to Your Document <br> Writing Code Behind a Control <br> The Windows Forms Control Hosting Architecture <br> Properties Merged from OLEObject or OLEControl <br> Adding Controls at Runtime <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 15. Working with Actions Pane <br> Introduction to the Actions Pane <br> Working with the ActionsPane Control <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 16. Working with Smart Tags in VSTO <br> Introduction to Smart Tags <br> Creating Document-Level Smart Tags with VSTO <br> Creating Application-Level Smart Tags <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 17. VSTO Data Programming <br> Creating a Data-Bound Customized Spreadsheet with VSTO <br> Creating a Data-Bound Customized Word Document with VSTO <br> Datasets, Adapters, and Sources <br> Another Technique for Creating Data-Bound Spreadsheets <br> Caching Data in the Data Island <br> Advanced ADO.NET Data Binding: Looking Behind the Scenes <br> Binding-Related Extensions to Host Items and Host Controls <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 18. Server Data Scenarios <br> Populating a Document with Data on the Server <br> Using ServerDocument and ASP.NET <br> A Handy Client-Side ServerDocument Utility <br> The ServerDocument Object Model <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 19. .NET Code Security <br> Code Access Security Versus Role-Based Security <br> Code Access Security in .NET <br> Location, Location, Location <br> Strong Names <br> Publisher Certificates <br> Trusting the Document <br> Deploying Policy to User Machines <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 20. Deployment <br> VSTO Prerequisites <br> Deploying to an Intranet Shared Directory or Web Site <br> Local Machine Deployment Without a Deployment Manifest <br> Editing Manifests <br> Creating Setup Packages <br> Advanced Topic: Deploying Network Solutions to Be Cached Locally <br> Conclusion <br> Part Four. Advanced Office Programming <br> Chapter 21. Working with XML in Excel <br> Introduction to Excel's XML Features <br> Introduction to XML Schema Creation in Visual Studio <br> An End-to-End Scenario <br> Advanced XML Features in Excel <br> Excel-Friendly XML Schemas <br> VSTO Support for Excel Schema Mapping <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 22. Working with XML in Word <br> Introduction to Word's XML Features <br> An End-to-End Scenario: Creating a Schema and Mapping It into a Word Document <br> Exporting the Mapped XML in the Document to an XML Data File <br> Importing an XML Data File into the Mapped Document <br> The XML Options Dialog <br> VSTO Support for Word Schema Mapping <br> VSTO Support for the WordML File Format <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 23. Developing COM Add-Ins for Word and Excel <br> Introduction to Add-Ins <br> Scenarios for Using Add-Ins <br> How a COM Add-In Is Registered <br> Implementing IDTExtensibility2 <br> Writing a COM Add-In Using Visual Studio <br> The Pitfalls of MsCoree.dll <br> COM Interop and Regasm.exe <br> Shimming: A Solution to the Problems with MsCoree.dll <br> Conclusion <br> Chapter 24. Creating Outlook Add-Ins with VSTO <br> Moving Away from COM Add-Ins <br> Creating an Outlook Add-In in VSTO <br> Conclusion <br>



Copyright Praise for Visual Studio Tools for Office Microsoft .NET Development Series Titles in the Series About the Authors Foreword Preface Acknowledgments Part One. An Introduction to VSTO Chapter 1. An Introduction to Office Programming Why Office Programming? Office Object Models Properties, Methods, and Events The Office Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs) Conclusion Chapter 2. Introduction to Office Solutions The Three Basic Patterns of Office Solutions Office Automation Executables Office Add-Ins Code Behind a Document Conclusion Part Two. Office Programming in .NET Chapter 3. Programming Excel Ways to Customize Excel Programming User-Defined Functions Introduction to the Excel Object Model Conclusion Chapter 4. Working with Excel Events Events in the Excel Object Model Events in Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Conclusion Chapter 5. Working with Excel Objects Working with the Application Object Working with the Workbooks Collection Working with the Workbook Object Working with the Worksheets, Charts, and Sheets Collections Working with Document Properties Working with the Windows Collections Working with the Window Object Working with the Names Collection and Name Object Working with the Worksheet Object Working with the Range Object Special Excel Issues Conclusion Chapter 6. Programming Word Ways to Customize Word Programming Research Services Introduction to the Word Object Model



Contents ix <br>7.5 Symbian OS and Bluetooth Facilities 189 <br>7.5.1 Bluetooth Introduction 189 <br>7.5.2 Bluetooth in Symbian 191 <br>7.6 Summary 194 <br>7.7 Exercises 194 <br>8 Security 197 <br>8.1 Overview 197 <br>8.2 Secure Coding and Design 198 <br>8.2.1 Mindset for Secure Design 198 <br>8.2.2 Sample Security-Related Design Patterns 199 <br>8.3 Infrastructure for Enabling Secured Execution 201 <br>8.3.1 Goals for Security Features 201 <br>8.3.2 Supporting Hardware and Software Facilities 203 <br>8.4 Security Features in MIDP Java 205 <br>8.4.1 Low-Level Security 205 <br>8.4.2 Application-Level Security 206 <br>8.4.3 End-to-End Security 208 <br>8.4.4 Problems 208 <br>8.5 Symbian OS Security Features 208 <br>8.5.1 Low-Level Security 209 <br>8.5.2 Application-Level Security 209 <br>8.5.3 End-to-End Security 211 <br>8.5.4 Problems with Symbian OS Security Features 212 <br>8.6 Summary 212 <br>8.7 Exercises 213 <br>References 215 <br>Index 219 <br>



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