javatools -java工具集

a-jar-stdio-terminalA Console (Standard-I/O) Terminal for JARs
a-visual-llk-parser-generatorA Visual IDE-style LL(k) Parser Generator
actExtensible Dynamic GUI based tool for common desktop tasks
advancenative2asciitoolAdvance Native to ASCII Tool, an alternative tool.
agentsmithAgentSmith enables hotswap without debug mode
algebraicmathGeneral Purpose Mathematical System Manipulation
ammentosa lightweight persistence framework for JDK5
amorpha simple but flexible data transformation library
antmodAntmod - modular Ant-based Build, Versioning and Release System
appcomposerApplication assembly environment based on component integration.
args4jJava command line options parser
babaxpSoftware development manager for XP
bajanRapid Application Development for Network Based Computing
beanmapperUtility for mapping JavaBeans
cacardCommon Access Card
campeclipsePlug-ins for Eclipse developed around CampEclipse code camps.
copypastehistoryNetBeans Plugin for maintain Copy action history.
coyoteDynamic/scripting language support in NetBeans
crawlerSmart and Simple Web Crawler
crrNetBeans plugin for code review
csseditorA css editor plugin for jEdit
dalmaDalma Workflow Engine
dao-generatorDAO(Data Access Object) Generator is a Java code generator
dbbackupDatabase Backup and Restore Tool
dbclientSimple Yet Powerful Jdbc Tool for Browsing/Querying Databases
djenericRAD and Prototyping tool for Java
docwebdoclet implemented as a servlet
dotnetfromjavaAccess .NET assemblies from Java
downrushSVN Based Installer/Updater/Launcher
dpsadapterDisplay PostScript adapter (DPS adapter)
dynaopAspect-oriented programming framework.
easydevApplication development framework
eclipsebmspluginEclipse Plugin to aid Blue Martini 6 development
eclipseutilpluginsCollections util-plugins for Eclipse
eclipseworkCode generation plugin for Eclipse
epascalInterpreter of pascal programming language
excelbundleTool for converting resource bundles into Excel spreadsheets
federateddatabasemanagementsystemDataBase Component for Distributed Environment
fengguiGUI with OpenGL
flexiprefsjBuild GUI preferences dialog window dynamically
flikAnt build.xml conversion to SVG
formdefStruts plugin for working with DynaActionForms
gen4jGen4J is a code generator that is pluggable, ala Log4J.
ghaticaVisual Ant build files editor
gjarGraphical Jar builder
gluegenJava/JNI glue code generator to call out to ANSI C
gravityA dependency and configuration management framework.
greenboxCode Generator Framework based on Jakarta Velocity and Metamodel
guibindingModel-GUI Binding Framework
gwt4nbGWT Support Plugin for NetBeans
hatHeap Analysis Tool
hqeAn editor for the HQL query language.
htmlcolorsutility methods to handle HTML and Color objects
htmlentitiesHTML entities conversion utilities
htmlstringsMethods to manipulate and convert HTML strings
htmlurlsMethods to manipulate and convert URL
htsHibernate Tools Suite
hudsonAutomated build monitoring system
imagescalerA Tool for Easily Scaling Down Photos for Digital Picture Frames
intellij-idea-pluginsIntelliJ IDEA Plugins
jabstractJava Abstract Syntax
jaimsterJava based AIM client with a Swing Interface
jargpReflection-based command line argument processing library
jarvisJasperReports Visual Designer
java-app-verificationJava Application Verification Commons
java-synapticsSynaptics TouchPad library
javaccJavaCC is a parser/scanner generator for java
javacheckerStatic analyzer of Java source code.
javahmiJava Human Machine Interface
javapasteJava-oriented pastebin with highlighting, diff and image uploads
javarelationalObject-Relational and Object-Based SQL syntax API
javatools-incubatorIncubation Area For Java Tools
jbclipseEclipse plugins adding basic support for JavaBeans in the IDE
jboximjBoxim aka Amber - a smart multimedia container
jbuilder-opentoolsA federative project for opensourced JBuilder OpenTool projects
jchainsCustom security manager implementation for analysis and audit
jdbadminWeb based database administration tool
jeasytestAn Eclipse plugin for testing code that uses legacy code
jeetLightweight, dynamic AOP framework
jenJen is a high-level Class transformation and generation library
jepiJelly tag library and container builder for Pico/NanoContainer
jetnukeA Content Management System based on PHP-Nuke
jets3tToolkit for Amazon's S3 online storage service
jevaluateA mathematical expression evaluator
jfeatureOpen Source Java Feature/Requirement Coverage tool.
jflashJava Flash Player
jfmjFM - File manager web application
jforumA powerful, database-independent, multi-threaded forum software.
jhighlightSmall embeddable pure Java library for syntax highlighting
jlabA scientific open-source programming environment coded in Java
jlanguagechooserJava language manager tool based on XML language files pattern
jmockitA Java class library for developer testing with "mock methods".
jmodJava Sound MODules Player
jmxremoteRemote JMX Server
jnimakerNetbeans module for make .h for JNI
jnitlJava Native Interface Template Library
jrefactoryRefactoring & pretty printing
jtadTool to development J2EE applications.
jtharnessJT harness is a general purpose test harness
jtracJTrac - a generic issue-tracking web-application
junoJuno is a constraints library - no more, no less.
jvyamlJava YAML 1.1 parser and emitter.
kifkifFile and Folder Duplicates Finder
leafcutterAn API which allows you to execute Ant tasks from Java code.
liboktiva-swing-iterator-javaIterator-based Swing Components for Large data models
linorXP Planning Tool
log-bridgeAllows the abstraction of logging from a particular framework.
lognA mask-based logging framework for Java
macroshmacroEclipse plugin for recording keystrokes
magplotChart and plot program
maven-javanet-pluginMaven plug-in for projects on
maven-javanet-skinMaven2 site skin for
maven-xmlvalidate-pluginMaven 2 XML Validation Plugin
maven2-repositoryMaven 2 repository
mnemosLight Weight OO Persistence
mocquerMock Object Creator
modelframeworkDevelopment framework for MVC model tier, integrated with Struts
msgGenerate MessageFormat helper classes, and extend formatting.
nbitextsupportiText API integration for NetBeans IDE
nbjfuguesupportSwing application that uses JFugue API for MIDI files.
nbplayerMP3 Player for NetBeans
niceeNhanced Integrated Class Editor
noexceptionsPainlessly catch and report exceptions.
ofbizThe Apache Open For Business Project (OFBiz)
ojoxSimple construction of websites. oJoX brings all in one XML/Jar
open-language-toolsA set of translation tools, using standards such as XLIFF & TMX
opentoolsCollection of tools/simulators or anything for automation
osqtoolsA set of tools to process Ingres OSQ files
packaleA NetBeans plugin for domain driven code generation.
panaseamJava for VB/VBA projects
parallel-junitRuns JUnit tests in parallel
parse-dot-classpathSet CLASSPATH env var from Eclipse .classpath files
parse-iprSet CLASSPATH env var by parsing IntelliJ's .ipr file
patchexpertPatch Expert
pencilPencil - a log-message-compiler for java.
perstPerst: an open source, object-oriented Java embedded database
pingsweeperIP Scanner
privateaccessorProvide access to private fields and members in java classes
projectbrowserA columnar view to manage and run of projects.
propertiessynchronizerProperties synchronization/translation tool
qseventQsevent is a testing server for QA/QC team members daily duties
quickr-flickrA simple Java API for accessing the Flickr REST services
rename-packagesAnt Task to rename packages.
resourcebundleeditorA stand-alone Java resource bundle editor
revengeReverse your DB and generate java classes and OR mappings
revgenDatabase-to-Java Code Generator
rfidconferencetoolsRFID fun for conferences
rmic-eclipse-pluginA plugin to compile RMI Stubs in eclipse build automatically
safari-netbeansSafari Plugin to NetBeans
savantSavant build system
sfx4jpacks a jar file to a single class file
simple-logA logging anti-framework.
simpledbmSimpleDBM - A Java Database Manager
sjtoolsSJTools - SysVision Java Tools
slamdSLAMD Distributed Load Generation Engine
smi4jSMI4Js, Structure for Management Information for Java
somnifugijmsSomnifugiJMS is JMS within a single JVM.
sorcererJava source code cross reference generator
sptwebmailAJAX web mail application
sqlexplorerA visual database query tool for Eclipse
stripperA tool to make class files smaller
subscriptioncycleSubscriber Base Publishing Software
superenvironmentliteSuperEnvironmentLite is a Swing tool for GlobalEnvironment
swafswaf - simple web application framework
swingunitUnit test automation toolkit for Swing application.
swtcodegeneratorJava/SWT GUI Code generator
tassTest Application Signature Safety - analyze static references
tcpmonA Tool to Monitor Traffic on TCP Connections
testalgo2A basic programation language
thinletGUI toolkit for Personal Java
tracetestSimple, powerful test tool. Compares test output with a baseline
transcoderChecks multingual resources for completeness.
truefilterPowerful, easy to use filter for JList elements
truelicenseSecure application license management made easy
truesettingImport/export/parse application settings in a versatile manner
truezipAccess ZIP, TAR, ... files using File|File(Input|Output)Stream
uml4allUml editor done in DHTML
unitcoverCode Coverage Netbeans plugin for test coverage visualization
utf-xUnit Testing Framework - XSLT
vraptorA Web MVC and IoC Framework
webappsecuritySecure Servlet Filter to prevent application level attacks
webleafWebLEAF, a web development servlet framework.
webstarted-installerInstall your application using JavaWebStart without changing it
which4jFind occurrences of a class in your classpath or any ClassLoader
whirlycacheWhirlycache is a fast, flexible in-process object cache.
worldclock-pluginWorld Clock plugin for JBuilder, Netbeans and Eclipse
ww2validatorwebwork2 validator extension.
xlsqlxlSQL Excel JDBC Driver
xpxAn alternative preferences management utility for Java.
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