94. AWS Media Services

Amazon Elastic Transcoder

  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder lets you convert media files that you have stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) into media files in the formats required by consumer playback devices
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder integrates with Amazon S3 to store input and output files
  • Elastic Transcoder has four components:
    • Jobs do the work of transcoding.
      • Each job converts one file into up to 30 formats. For example, if you want to convert a media file into six different formats, you can create files in all six formats by creating a single job.
      • When you create a job, you specify the name of the file that you want to transcode, the names that you want Elastic Transcoder to give to the transcoded files, and several other settings.
      • For each format that you want to transcode into, you also specify a template, known as a preset (see below), that contains the audio and video settings that you want to use for the transcoded file or files.
    • Pipelines are queues that manage your transcoding jobs.
      • When you create a job, you specify which pipeline you want to add the job to.
      • Elastic Transcoder starts processing the jobs in a pipeline in the order in which you added them.
      • If you configure a job to transcode into more than one format, Elastic Transcoder creates the files for each format in the order in which you specify the formats in the job.
      • One common configuration is to create two pipelines—one for standard-priority jobs, and one for high-priority jobs
      • A pipeline can process more than one job simultaneously, and the time required to complete a job varies significantly based on the size of the file you're converting and the job specifications.
      • You can temporarily stop processing jobs by pausing the pipeline.
    • Presets are templates that contain most of the settings for transcoding media files from one format to another.
      • Elastic Transcoder includes some default presets for common formats
      • You can also create your own presets for formats that aren't included among the default presets.
      • You specify which preset you want to use when you create a job.
    • Notifications let you optionally configure Elastic Transcoder and Amazon Simple Notification Service to keep you apprised of the status of a job
      • Notifications eliminate the need for polling to determine when a job has finished.
      • You configure notifications when you create a pipeline.
  • Pipelines and jobs are closely associated with specific regions.
    • You create pipelines in a specific AWS region. You always send your Elastic Transcoder requests to a region-specific endpoint.
    • When you create pipelines and jobs, they're created in the current region.
    • When you create a new job, you must specify a pipeline in the current region.
    • You can specify Amazon S3 buckets in a different region than your Elastic Transcoder resources, but we don't recommend it because you'll incur additional charges for transferring files between AWS regions.
  • Clip Stitching
    • You can configure Elastic Transcoder to stitch together parts, or clips, from multiple input files to create a single output.
    • This allows you to create a single output from different inputs, such as separate recording sessions or highlights from a game.
    • To combine clips from multiple inputs, specify multiple inputs when you create a job. Elastic Transcoder stitches clips together in the order that you specify in the job request.
  • Watermarks
    • You can configure Elastic Transcoder to overlay up to four graphics, known as watermarks, over a video during transcoding.
    • Watermarks appear for the duration of the transcoded video in the size, position, scale, and opacity that you specify.

AWS Elemental MediaConnect

  • AWS Elemental MediaConnect is a service that makes it easy for broadcasters and other premium video providers to reliably ingest live video into the AWS Cloud and distribute it to multiple destinations inside or outside the AWS Cloud.
  • MediaConnect provides the reliability, security, and visibility that you are used to with existing distribution methods, combined with the flexibility and cost-effectiveness that internet-based transmission provides.
  • For ingest, you send content to AWS Elemental MediaConnect from an on-premises contribution encoder, which encodes your video into a single, high-quality mezzanine file for contribution into the cloud. After the video is in the AWS Cloud, MediaConnect sends it to outputs that you specify, such as a cloud encoder, another MediaConnect flow, or an on-premises destination.
  • In AWS Elemental MediaConnect, you create a flow to establish a transport between a source and one or more outputs.
    • You can also share content with other AWS accounts by creating entitlements.
    • This allows the receiving account to create a flow using your content as the source.
  • User cases
    • For contribution, use MediaConnect to ingest content from an on-premises encoder into the AWS Cloud. Depending on the type of content you are ingesting, you can create a transport stream flow or a CDI flow.
    • For distribution, use MediaConnect to deliver content to different geographical areas.
    • For entitlements, use MediaConnect to share your content with other AWS accounts.
    • For replication and monitoring, use MediaConnect to distribute video to multiple destinations and enable the monitoring of multiple video signals in real time.

AWS Elemental MediaConvert

  • AWS Elemental MediaConvert is a file-based video processing service that provides scalable video processing for content owners and distributors with media libraries of any size.
  • AWS Elemental MediaConvert offers support for various input formats and adaptive bitrate (ABR) packaging output formats for delivering high-quality content from a range of sources onto primary and multiscreen devices.
  • AWS Elemental MediaConvert transcodes your input files to generate output files.
    • MediaConvert can take in your input files from Amazon S3 or from a server through HTTP or HTTPS.
    • For your output locations, MediaConvert works with Amazon S3 buckets.
  • MediaConvert has the following components:
    • job does the work of transcoding.
      • Each job converts an input file into an output file or files.
      • Inputs and outputs can contain one or more of video, audio, and captions, either together or in separate files. 
      • When you create a job, you specify the name of the file that you want to transcode, the names that you want MediaConvert to give to the finished output files, and several other settings.
    • queue allows you to manage the resources that are available to your account for parallel processing of jobs.
    • preset is a saved group of encoding settings for a single output. 
    • job template specifies all the settings for a complete job, except for your IAM role and those settings that are likely to change for each job, such as the input file location and name, and user metadata that you might tag the job with. 
  • You can use MediaConvert for assembly workflows. An assembly workflow is a MediaConvert job that performs basic input clipping and stitching to assemble output assets from different sources without requiring separate editing software. 
  • AWS Elemental MediaConvert to create media assets that fall broadly into two categories:
    • ABR streaming packages.
      • You can create adaptive bitrate (ABR) packages to allow end viewers to download the asset a little at a time while they watch. 
      • ABR packages are also called ABR stacks, because they are made up of a "stack" of video, audio, and captions components.
      • Each component in the stack or package is called a rendition.
    • Standalone files. You might create these files and host them in a location where end viewers download the entire file all at once and then view it.

AWS Elemental MediaLive

  • AWS Elemental MediaLive is a real-time video service that lets you create live outputs for broadcast and streaming delivery.
  • You use MediaLive to transform live video content from one format and package into other formats and packages.
  • MediaLive involves three systems:
    • A MediaLive channel, which ingests and transcodes source content.
      • A channel can have several inputs attached to it, but it only ingests source content from one input at a time. 
      • The channel ingests the source content, transcodes it (decodes and encodes it), and packages it into output groups.
      • The channel contains one or more output groups. There are different types of output groups to handle the requirements of different downstream systems.
  • One or more upstream systems that provide the source content (the video) to MediaLive.
  • One or more downstream systems that are the destinations for the output that MediaLive produces.
  • How AWS Elemental MediaLive Works
    • To create a MediaLive workflow, you create one or more MediaLive inputs.
    • The inputs contain information about how MediaLive and the upstream system are connected.
    • You also create a MediaLive channel and attach the inputs to the channel.
    • The channel configuration data includes information about how MediaLive connects to the downstream systems.
    • To start processing the content, you start the channel.
    • When the channel is running, it ingests the source content from the upstream system that is identified by the input.
    • The channel then transcodes that video (and the related audio, captions, and metadata) and creates outputs.
    • MediaLive sends the outputs to the specified downstream systems.

AWS Elemental MediaPackage

  • MediaPackage is a just-in-time video packaging and origination service that runs in the AWS Cloud.
  • With MediaPackage, you can deliver highly secure, scalable, and reliable video streams to a wide variety of playback devices and content delivery networks (CDNs).
  • AWS Elemental MediaPackage includes the following components:
    • Just-in-time packaging
      • MediaPackage performs just-in-time packaging (JITP).
      • When a playback device requests content, MediaPackage dynamically customizes the live video streams and creates a manifest in a format that is compatible with the requesting device.
    • Origination service
      • MediaPackage is considered an origination service because it is the point of distribution for media content delivery.
    • Packager
      • A packager prepares output streams for access by different types of players.
      • The packager type specifies the streaming format that MediaPackage delivers from the endpoint (either DASH-ISO, Microsoft Smooth Streaming, CMAF, or Apple HLS).
      • A packager is a part of an endpoint.
      • Each endpoint must have one, and only one, packager.
      • To use different packager types for the same content, create multiple endpoints on the channel.
    • Source Content
      • Source contents are live streams and video files that MediaPackage ingests.
      • For live video, source content comes from an upstream encoder, such as AWS Elemental MediaLive. MediaPackage supports HLS source content.
      • For video on demand (VOD), source content resides in an Amazon S3 bucket in your AWS account. MediaPackage supports HLS and MP4 (.smil manifest format) content.
    • Stream
      • A stream refers to the content input and output of AWS Elemental MediaPackage.
      • For live workflows, an upstream encoder sends a live stream as an input to MediaPackage to the channel.
      • For VOD workflows, MediaPackage pulls file-based content from Amazon S3.
      • When a downstream device requests playback of the content, MediaPackage dynamically packages the stream and delivers it to the requesting device as an output of the asset resource.
    • Track
      • Tracks make up the output content stream.
      • MediaPackage includes selected video, audio, and subtitles or captions tracks in the output stream.
      • The stream delivers the tracks to the player (either directly or through a CDN), and the player plays back the tracks based on player logic or network conditions (such as available bandwidth).
  • Live content processing
    • In the processing flow for live content, encoders send live HLS streams to AWS Elemental MediaPackage.
    • MediaPackage then packages the content, formatting it in response to playback requests from downstream devices.
    • Here is the general processing flow for live content in MediaPackage:
      • An upstream encoder (such as AWS Elemental MediaLive) sends an HLS live stream with digest authentication over WebDAV to the MediaPackage channel input URL, and includes the channel's access credentials (as supplied in MediaPackage)
      • A downstream device requests content from MediaPackage through the endpoint output URL.
      • When MediaPackage receives the playback request from the downstream device, it dynamically packages the stream according to the settings that you specified on the endpoint. 
      • MediaPackage delivers the output stream over HTTPS to the requesting device.
      • MediaPackage logs activity through Amazon CloudWatch.
    • Achieve input redundancy in MediaPackage by sending two streams to separate input URLs on a channel in MediaPackage. 
  • VOD Content Processing
    • From the MediaPackage asset, you initiate ingest of the source content from an Amazon S3 bucket. 
    • A downstream device requests content from MediaPackage through the packaging configuration URL on the asset. 
    • When MediaPackage receives the playback request from the downstream device, it dynamically packages the stream according to the settings that you specified in the packaging configuration. 
    • MediaPackage delivers the output stream over HTTPS to the requesting device. As with input, AWS scales resources up and down to handle changes in traffic.
    • MediaPackage logs activity through Amazon CloudWatch. 

AWS Elemental MediaStore

  • AWS Elemental MediaStore is a video origination and storage service that offers the high performance and immediate consistency required for live origination.
  • With MediaStore, you can manage video assets as objects in containers to build dependable, cloud-based media workflows.
  • To use the service, you upload your objects from a source, such as an encoder or data feed, to a container that you create in MediaStore.
  • MediaStore is a great choice for storing fragmented video files when you need strong consistency, low-latency reads and writes, and the ability to handle high volumes of concurrent requests.
    • If you don't deliver live streaming videos, consider using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) instead.
  • Container is a namespace that holds objects.
    • You use containers in MediaStore to store your folders and objects.
    • Related objects can be grouped in containers in the same way that you use a directory to group files in a file system.
    • A container has an endpoint that you can use for writing and retrieving objects and attaching access policies.
    • You can create up to 100 containers for each AWS account.
    • You can create as many folders as you want, as long as they are not nested more than 10 levels within a container. 

AWS Elemental MediaTailor

  • AWS Elemental MediaTailor is a scalable ad insertion and channel assembly service that runs in the AWS Cloud.
  • With MediaTailor, you can serve targeted ad content to viewers and create linear streams while maintaining broadcast quality in over-the-top (OTT) video applications
  • AWS Elemental MediaTailor ad insertion supports Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) for video on demand (VOD) and live workflows.
    • MediaTailor simplifies your ad workflow by allowing all IP-connected devices to render ads in the same way as they render other content.
    • The service also offers advanced tracking of ad views, which further increases the monetization of content.
  • AWS Elemental MediaTailor channel assembly is a manifest-only service that allows you to create linear streaming channels using your existing video on demand (VOD) content.
    • MediaTailor never touches your content segments, which are served directly from your origin server.
    • Instead, MediaTailor fetches the manifests from your origin, and uses them to assemble a live sliding manifest window that references the underlying content segments.
    • MediaTailor channel assembly makes it easy to monetize your channel by inserting ad breaks into your stream without having to condition it with SCTE-35 markers. 
  • MediaTailor interacts between your content delivery network (CDN), origin server, and ad decision server (ADS) to stitch personalized ads into live and video on demand content.
  • How MediaTailor ad insertion works

AWS Elemental Live

  • AWS Elemental Live is a real-time video service that lets you create live outputs for broadcast and streaming delivery.
  • You use AWS Elemental Live to transform live video content from one format and package into other formats and packages. 
  • AWS Elemental Live involves three systems:
    • An AWS Elemental Live event, which ingests and transcodes source content.
    • One or more upstream systems that provide the source content (the video) to AWS Elemental Live.
    • One or more downstream systems that are the destinations for the output that AWS Elemental Live produces.
  • To create an AWS Elemental Live workflow, you create an event. Broadly speaking this event contains two sets of configuration information:
    • A list of inputs (sources) and information about how to ingest those sources.
    • A list of output groups that specifying packaging and encoding information.
  • Workflow
    • To start processing the content, you start the event.
    • When the event is running, it ingests the source content from the upstream system that is identified by the input.
    • The event then transcodes that video (and the related audio, captions, and metadata) and creates outputs.
    • AWS Elemental Live sends the outputs to the specified downstream systems.


What is Amazon Elastic Transcoder? - Amazon Elastic Transcoder

What is AWS Elemental MediaConnect? - AWS Elemental MediaConnect

What is AWS Elemental MediaConvert? - MediaConvert

What Is AWS Elemental MediaLive? - AWS Elemental MediaLive

What is AWS Elemental MediaPackage? - AWS Elemental MediaPackage

What is AWS Elemental MediaStore? - AWS Elemental MediaStore

What is AWS Elemental Live? - AWS Elemental Live

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