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<span style="font-size:18px;">package date;

class Lunar {
	public boolean isleap;
	public int lunarDay;
	public int lunarMonth;
	public int lunarYear;

class Solar {
	public int solarDay;
	public int solarMonth;
	public int solarYear;

public class LunarSolarConverter {
	 * |----4位闰月|-------------13位1为30天,0为29天|

	private static int[] lunar_month_days = { 1887, 0x1694, 0x16aa, 0x4ad5, 0xab6, 0xc4b7, 0x4ae, 0xa56, 0xb52a, 0x1d2a,
			0xd54, 0x75aa, 0x156a, 0x1096d, 0x95c, 0x14ae, 0xaa4d, 0x1a4c, 0x1b2a, 0x8d55, 0xad4, 0x135a, 0x495d, 0x95c,
			0xd49b, 0x149a, 0x1a4a, 0xbaa5, 0x16a8, 0x1ad4, 0x52da, 0x12b6, 0xe937, 0x92e, 0x1496, 0xb64b, 0xd4a, 0xda8,
			0x95b5, 0x56c, 0x12ae, 0x492f, 0x92e, 0xcc96, 0x1a94, 0x1d4a, 0xada9, 0xb5a, 0x56c, 0x726e, 0x125c, 0xf92d,
			0x192a, 0x1a94, 0xdb4a, 0x16aa, 0xad4, 0x955b, 0x4ba, 0x125a, 0x592b, 0x152a, 0xf695, 0xd94, 0x16aa, 0xaab5,
			0x9b4, 0x14b6, 0x6a57, 0xa56, 0x1152a, 0x1d2a, 0xd54, 0xd5aa, 0x156a, 0x96c, 0x94ae, 0x14ae, 0xa4c, 0x7d26,
			0x1b2a, 0xeb55, 0xad4, 0x12da, 0xa95d, 0x95a, 0x149a, 0x9a4d, 0x1a4a, 0x11aa5, 0x16a8, 0x16d4, 0xd2da,
			0x12b6, 0x936, 0x9497, 0x1496, 0x1564b, 0xd4a, 0xda8, 0xd5b4, 0x156c, 0x12ae, 0xa92f, 0x92e, 0xc96, 0x6d4a,
			0x1d4a, 0x10d65, 0xb58, 0x156c, 0xb26d, 0x125c, 0x192c, 0x9a95, 0x1a94, 0x1b4a, 0x4b55, 0xad4, 0xf55b,
			0x4ba, 0x125a, 0xb92b, 0x152a, 0x1694, 0x96aa, 0x15aa, 0x12ab5, 0x974, 0x14b6, 0xca57, 0xa56, 0x1526,
			0x8e95, 0xd54, 0x15aa, 0x49b5, 0x96c, 0xd4ae, 0x149c, 0x1a4c, 0xbd26, 0x1aa6, 0xb54, 0x6d6a, 0x12da,
			0x1695d, 0x95a, 0x149a, 0xda4b, 0x1a4a, 0x1aa4, 0xbb54, 0x16b4, 0xada, 0x495b, 0x936, 0xf497, 0x1496,
			0x154a, 0xb6a5, 0xda4, 0x15b4, 0x6ab6, 0x126e, 0x1092f, 0x92e, 0xc96, 0xcd4a, 0x1d4a, 0xd64, 0x956c, 0x155c,
			0x125c, 0x792e, 0x192c, 0xfa95, 0x1a94, 0x1b4a, 0xab55, 0xad4, 0x14da, 0x8a5d, 0xa5a, 0x1152b, 0x152a,
			0x1694, 0xd6aa, 0x15aa, 0xab4, 0x94ba, 0x14b6, 0xa56, 0x7527, 0xd26, 0xee53, 0xd54, 0x15aa, 0xa9b5, 0x96c,
			0x14ae, 0x8a4e, 0x1a4c, 0x11d26, 0x1aa4, 0x1b54, 0xcd6a, 0xada, 0x95c, 0x949d, 0x149a, 0x1a2a, 0x5b25,
			0x1aa4, 0xfb52, 0x16b4, 0xaba, 0xa95b, 0x936, 0x1496, 0x9a4b, 0x154a, 0x136a5, 0xda4, 0x15ac };

	private static int[] solar_1_1 = { 1887, 0xec04c, 0xec23f, 0xec435, 0xec649, 0xec83e, 0xeca51, 0xecc46, 0xece3a,
			0xed04d, 0xed242, 0xed436, 0xed64a, 0xed83f, 0xeda53, 0xedc48, 0xede3d, 0xee050, 0xee244, 0xee439, 0xee64d,
			0xee842, 0xeea36, 0xeec4a, 0xeee3e, 0xef052, 0xef246, 0xef43a, 0xef64e, 0xef843, 0xefa37, 0xefc4b, 0xefe41,
			0xf0054, 0xf0248, 0xf043c, 0xf0650, 0xf0845, 0xf0a38, 0xf0c4d, 0xf0e42, 0xf1037, 0xf124a, 0xf143e, 0xf1651,
			0xf1846, 0xf1a3a, 0xf1c4e, 0xf1e44, 0xf2038, 0xf224b, 0xf243f, 0xf2653, 0xf2848, 0xf2a3b, 0xf2c4f, 0xf2e45,
			0xf3039, 0xf324d, 0xf3442, 0xf3636, 0xf384a, 0xf3a3d, 0xf3c51, 0xf3e46, 0xf403b, 0xf424e, 0xf4443, 0xf4638,
			0xf484c, 0xf4a3f, 0xf4c52, 0xf4e48, 0xf503c, 0xf524f, 0xf5445, 0xf5639, 0xf584d, 0xf5a42, 0xf5c35, 0xf5e49,
			0xf603e, 0xf6251, 0xf6446, 0xf663b, 0xf684f, 0xf6a43, 0xf6c37, 0xf6e4b, 0xf703f, 0xf7252, 0xf7447, 0xf763c,
			0xf7850, 0xf7a45, 0xf7c39, 0xf7e4d, 0xf8042, 0xf8254, 0xf8449, 0xf863d, 0xf8851, 0xf8a46, 0xf8c3b, 0xf8e4f,
			0xf9044, 0xf9237, 0xf944a, 0xf963f, 0xf9853, 0xf9a47, 0xf9c3c, 0xf9e50, 0xfa045, 0xfa238, 0xfa44c, 0xfa641,
			0xfa836, 0xfaa49, 0xfac3d, 0xfae52, 0xfb047, 0xfb23a, 0xfb44e, 0xfb643, 0xfb837, 0xfba4a, 0xfbc3f, 0xfbe53,
			0xfc048, 0xfc23c, 0xfc450, 0xfc645, 0xfc839, 0xfca4c, 0xfcc41, 0xfce36, 0xfd04a, 0xfd23d, 0xfd451, 0xfd646,
			0xfd83a, 0xfda4d, 0xfdc43, 0xfde37, 0xfe04b, 0xfe23f, 0xfe453, 0xfe648, 0xfe83c, 0xfea4f, 0xfec44, 0xfee38,
			0xff04c, 0xff241, 0xff436, 0xff64a, 0xff83e, 0xffa51, 0xffc46, 0xffe3a, 0x10004e, 0x100242, 0x100437,
			0x10064b, 0x100841, 0x100a53, 0x100c48, 0x100e3c, 0x10104f, 0x101244, 0x101438, 0x10164c, 0x101842,
			0x101a35, 0x101c49, 0x101e3d, 0x102051, 0x102245, 0x10243a, 0x10264e, 0x102843, 0x102a37, 0x102c4b,
			0x102e3f, 0x103053, 0x103247, 0x10343b, 0x10364f, 0x103845, 0x103a38, 0x103c4c, 0x103e42, 0x104036,
			0x104249, 0x10443d, 0x104651, 0x104846, 0x104a3a, 0x104c4e, 0x104e43, 0x105038, 0x10524a, 0x10543e,
			0x105652, 0x105847, 0x105a3b, 0x105c4f, 0x105e45, 0x106039, 0x10624c, 0x106441, 0x106635, 0x106849,
			0x106a3d, 0x106c51, 0x106e47, 0x10703c, 0x10724f, 0x107444, 0x107638, 0x10784c, 0x107a3f, 0x107c53,
			0x107e48 };

	private static int GetBitInt(int data, int length, int shift) {
		return (data & (((1 << length) - 1) << shift)) >> shift;

	// WARNING: Dates before Oct. 1582 are inaccurate
	private static long SolarToInt(int y, int m, int d) {
		m = (m + 9) % 12;
		y = y - m / 10;
		return 365 * y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400 + (m * 306 + 5) / 10 + (d - 1);

	 * @param lunarYear
	 *            农历年份
	 * @return String of Ganzhi: 甲子年 Tiangan:甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸<br/>
	 *         Dizhi: 子丑寅卯辰巳无为申酉戌亥
	public static String lunarYearToGanZhi(int lunarYear) {
		final String[] tianGan = { "甲", "乙", "丙", "丁", "戊", "己", "庚", "辛", "壬", "癸" };
		final String[] diZhi = { "子", "丑", "寅", "卯", "辰", "巳", "午", "未", "申", "酉", "戌", "亥" };
		return tianGan[(lunarYear - 4) % 10] + diZhi[(lunarYear - 4) % 12] + "年";

	private static Solar SolarFromInt(long g) {
		long y = (10000 * g + 14780) / 3652425;
		long ddd = g - (365 * y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400);
		if (ddd < 0) {
			ddd = g - (365 * y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400);
		long mi = (100 * ddd + 52) / 3060;
		long mm = (mi + 2) % 12 + 1;
		y = y + (mi + 2) / 12;
		long dd = ddd - (mi * 306 + 5) / 10 + 1;
		Solar solar = new Solar();
		solar.solarYear = (int) y;
		solar.solarMonth = (int) mm;
		solar.solarDay = (int) dd;
		return solar;

	 * 农历转公历
	public static Solar LunarToSolar(Lunar lunar) {
		int days = lunar_month_days[lunar.lunarYear - lunar_month_days[0]];
		int leap = GetBitInt(days, 4, 13);
		int offset = 0;
		int loopend = leap;
		if (!lunar.isleap) {
			if (lunar.lunarMonth <= leap || leap == 0) {
				loopend = lunar.lunarMonth - 1;
			} else {
				loopend = lunar.lunarMonth;
		for (int i = 0; i < loopend; i++) {
			offset += GetBitInt(days, 1, 12 - i) == 1 ? 30 : 29;
		offset += lunar.lunarDay;

		int solar11 = solar_1_1[lunar.lunarYear - solar_1_1[0]];

		int y = GetBitInt(solar11, 12, 9);
		int m = GetBitInt(solar11, 4, 5);
		int d = GetBitInt(solar11, 5, 0);

		return SolarFromInt(SolarToInt(y, m, d) + offset - 1);

	 * 公历转农历
	public static Lunar SolarToLunar(Solar solar) {
		Lunar lunar = new Lunar();
		int index = solar.solarYear - solar_1_1[0];
		int data = (solar.solarYear << 9) | (solar.solarMonth << 5) | (solar.solarDay);
		int solar11 = 0;
		if (solar_1_1[index] > data) {
		solar11 = solar_1_1[index];
		int y = GetBitInt(solar11, 12, 9);
		int m = GetBitInt(solar11, 4, 5);
		int d = GetBitInt(solar11, 5, 0);
		long offset = SolarToInt(solar.solarYear, solar.solarMonth, solar.solarDay) - SolarToInt(y, m, d);

		int days = lunar_month_days[index];
		int leap = GetBitInt(days, 4, 13);

		int lunarY = index + solar_1_1[0];
		int lunarM = 1;
		int lunarD = 1;
		offset += 1;

		for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
			int dm = GetBitInt(days, 1, 12 - i) == 1 ? 30 : 29;
			if (offset > dm) {
				offset -= dm;
			} else {
		lunarD = (int) (offset);
		lunar.lunarYear = lunarY;
		lunar.lunarMonth = lunarM;
		lunar.isleap = false;
		if (leap != 0 && lunarM > leap) {
			lunar.lunarMonth = lunarM - 1;
			if (lunarM == leap + 1) {
				lunar.isleap = true;

		lunar.lunarDay = lunarD;
		return lunar;


<span style="font-size:18px;">package date;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class Demo {
	private static String dump(Object o) {
		StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
		Class<?> oClass = o.getClass();
		if (oClass.isArray()) {
			for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(o); i++) {
				if (i > 0)
				Object value = Array.get(o, i);
				buffer.append(value.getClass().isArray() ? dump(value) : value);
		} else {
			while (oClass != null) {
				Field[] fields = oClass.getDeclaredFields();
				for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
					if (buffer.length() > 1)
					try {
						Object value = fields[i].get(o);
						if (value != null) {
							buffer.append(value.getClass().isArray() ? dump(value)
									: value);
					} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
				oClass = oClass.getSuperclass();
		return buffer.toString();

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Solar solar = new Solar();
		solar.solarYear = 2100;
		solar.solarMonth = 8;
		solar.solarDay = 17;
		Lunar l= new Lunar();
		Lunar lunar = LunarSolarConverter.SolarToLunar(solar);
		solar = LunarSolarConverter.LunarToSolar(l);

日历转换阳历阴历 下载文件可以使用 package com.action.entity; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class Lunar { private int year; private int month; private int day; private boolean leap; private Calendar clendar; final static String chineseNumber[] = { "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "十二" }; static SimpleDateFormat chineseDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy年MM月dd日"); final static long[] lunarInfo = new long[] { 0x04bd8, 0x04ae0, 0x0a570, 0x054d5, 0x0d260, 0x0d950, 0x16554, 0x056a0, 0x09ad0, 0x055d2, 0x04ae0, 0x0a5b6, 0x0a4d0, 0x0d250, 0x1d255, 0x0b540, 0x0d6a0, 0x0ada2, 0x095b0, 0x14977, 0x04970, 0x0a4b0, 0x0b4b5, 0x06a50, 0x06d40, 0x1ab54, 0x02b60, 0x09570, 0x052f2, 0x04970, 0x06566, 0x0d4a0, 0x0ea50, 0x06e95, 0x05ad0, 0x02b60, 0x186e3, 0x092e0, 0x1c8d7, 0x0c950, 0x0d4a0, 0x1d8a6, 0x0b550, 0x056a0, 0x1a5b4, 0x025d0, 0x092d0, 0x0d2b2, 0x0a950, 0x0b557, 0x06ca0, 0x0b550, 0x15355, 0x04da0, 0x0a5d0, 0x14573, 0x052d0, 0x0a9a8, 0x0e950, 0x06aa0, 0x0aea6, 0x0ab50, 0x04b60, 0x0aae4, 0x0a570, 0x05260, 0x0f263, 0x0d950, 0x05b57, 0x056a0, 0x096d0, 0x04dd5, 0x04ad0, 0x0a4d0, 0x0d4d4, 0x0d250, 0x0d558, 0x0b540, 0x0b5a0, 0x195a6, 0x095b0, 0x049b0, 0x0a974, 0x0a4b0, 0x0b27a, 0x06a50, 0x06d40, 0x0af46, 0x0ab60, 0x09570, 0x04af5, 0x04970, 0x064b0, 0x074a3, 0x0ea50, 0x06b58, 0x055c0, 0x0ab60, 0x096d5, 0x092e0, 0x0c960, 0x0d954, 0x0d4a0, 0x0da50, 0x07552, 0x056a0, 0x0abb7, 0x025d0, 0x092d0, 0x0cab5, 0x0a950, 0x0b4a0, 0x0baa4, 0x0ad50, 0x055d9, 0x04ba0, 0x0a5b0, 0x15176, 0x052b0, 0x0a930, 0x07954, 0x06aa0, 0x0ad50, 0x05b52, 0x04b60, 0x0a6e6, 0x0a4e0, 0x0d260, 0x0ea65, 0x0d530, 0x05aa0, 0x076a3, 0x096d0, 0x04bd7, 0x04ad0, 0x0a4d0, 0x1d0b6, 0x0d250, 0x0d520, 0x0dd45, 0x0b5a0, 0x056d0, 0x055b2, 0x049b0, 0x0a577, 0x0a4b0, 0x0aa50, 0x1b255, 0x06d20, 0x0ada0 }; // Array lIntLunarDay is stored in the monthly day information in every year from 1901 to 2100 of the lunar calendar, // The lunar calendar can only be 29 or 30 days every month, express with 12(or 13) pieces of binary bit in one year, // it is 30 days for 1 form in the corresponding location , otherwise it is 29 days private static final int [] iLunarMonthDaysTable = { 0x4ae0 , 0xa570 , 0x5268 , 0xd260 , 0xd950 , 0x6aa8 , 0x56a0 , 0x9ad0 , 0x4ae8 , 0x4ae0 , // 1910 0xa4d8 , 0xa4d0 , 0xd250 , 0xd548 , 0xb550 , 0x56a0 , 0x96d0 , 0x95b0 , 0x49b8 , 0x49b0 , // 1920 0xa4b0 , 0xb258 , 0x6a50 , 0x6d40 , 0xada8 , 0x2b60 , 0x9570 , 0x4978 , 0x4970 , 0x64b0 , // 1930 0xd4a0 , 0xea50 , 0x6d48 , 0x5ad0 , 0x2b60 , 0x9370 , 0x92e0 , 0xc968 , 0xc950 , 0xd4a0 , // 1940 0xda50 , 0xb550 , 0x56a0 , 0xaad8 , 0x25d0 , 0x92d0 , 0xc958 , 0xa950 , 0xb4a8 , 0x6ca0 , // 1950 0xb550 , 0x55a8 , 0x4da0 , 0xa5b0 , 0x52b8 , 0x52b0 , 0xa950 , 0xe950 , 0x6aa0 , 0xad50 , // 1960 0xab50 , 0x4b60 , 0xa570 , 0xa570 , 0x5260 , 0xe930 , 0xd950 , 0x5aa8 , 0x56a0 , 0x96d0 , // 1970 0x4ae8 , 0x4ad0 , 0xa4d0 , 0xd268 , 0xd250 , 0xd528 , 0xb540 , 0xb6a0 , 0x96d0 , 0x95b0 , // 1980 0x49b0 , 0xa4b8 , 0xa4b0 , 0xb258 , 0x6a50 , 0x6d40 , 0xada0 , 0xab60 , 0x9370 , 0x4978 , // 1990 0x4970 , 0x64b0 , 0x6a50 , 0xea50 , 0x6b28 , 0x5ac0 , 0xab60 , 0x9368 , 0x92e0 , 0xc960 , // 2000 0xd4a8 , 0xd4a0 , 0xda50 , 0x5aa8 , 0x56a0 , 0xaad8 , 0x25d0 , 0x92d0 , 0xc958 , 0xa950 , // 2010 0xb4a0 , 0xb550 , 0xb550 , 0x55a8 , 0x4ba0 , 0xa5b0 , 0x52b8 , 0x52b0 , 0xa930 , 0x74a8 , // 2020 0x6aa0 , 0xad50 , 0x4da8 , 0x4b60 , 0x9570 , 0xa4e0 , 0xd260 , 0xe930 , 0xd530 , 0x5aa0 , // 2030 0x6b50 , 0x96d0 , 0x4ae8 , 0x4ad0 , 0xa4d0 , 0xd258 , 0xd250 , 0xd520 , 0xdaa0 , 0xb5a0 , // 2040 0x56d0 , 0x4ad8 , 0x49b0 , 0xa4b8 , 0xa4b0 , 0xaa50 , 0xb528 , 0x6d20 , 0xada0 , 0x55b0 // 2050 } ; // Array iLunarLeapMonthTable preserves the lunar calendar leap month from // 1901 to 2050, // if it is 0 express not to have , every byte was stored for two years private static final char[] iLunarLeapMonthTable = { 0x00, 0x50, 0x04, 0x00, 0x20, // 1910 0x60, 0x05, 0x00, 0x20, 0x70, // 1920 0x05, 0x00, 0x40, 0x02, 0x06, // 1930 0x00, 0x50, 0x03, 0x07, 0x00, // 1940 0x60, 0x04, 0x00, 0x20, 0x70, // 1950 0x05, 0x00, 0x30, 0x80, 0x06, // 1960 0x00, 0x40, 0x03, 0x07, 0x00, // 1970 0x50, 0x04, 0x08, 0x00, 0x60, // 1980 0x04, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x60, 0x05, // 1990 0x00, 0x30, 0x80, 0x05, 0x00, // 2000 0x40, 0x02, 0x07, 0x00, 0x50, // 2010 0x04, 0x09, 0x00, 0x60, 0x04, // 2020 0x00, 0x20, 0x60, 0x05, 0x00, // 2030 0x30, 0xb0, 0x06, 0x00, 0x50, // 2040 0x02, 0x07, 0x00, 0x50, 0x03 // 2050 }; // Array iSolarLunarTable stored the offset days // in New Year of solar calendar and lunar calendar from 1901 to 2050; private static final char[] iSolarLunarOffsetTable = { 49, 38, 28, 46, 34, 24, 43, 32, 21, 40, // 1910 29, 48, 36, 25, 44, 34, 22, 41, 31, 50, // 1920 38, 27, 46, 35, 23, 43, 32, 22, 40, 29, // 1930 47, 36, 25, 44, 34, 23, 41, 30, 49, 38, // 1940 26, 45, 35, 24, 43, 32, 21, 40, 28, 47, // 1950 36, 26, 44, 33, 23, 42, 30, 48, 38, 27, // 1960 45, 35, 24, 43, 32, 20, 39, 29, 47, 36, // 1970 26, 45, 33, 22, 41, 30, 48, 37, 27, 46, // 1980 35, 24, 43, 32, 50, 39, 28, 47, 36, 26, // 1990 45, 34, 22, 40, 30, 49, 37, 27, 46, 35, // 2000 23, 42, 31, 21, 39, 28, 48, 37, 25, 44, // 2010 33, 23, 41, 31, 50, 39, 28, 47, 35, 24, // 2020 42, 30, 21, 40, 28, 47, 36, 25, 43, 33, // 2030 22, 41, 30, 49, 37, 26, 44, 33, 23, 42, // 2040 31, 21, 40, 29, 47, 36, 25, 44, 32, 22, // 2050 }; // ====== 传回农历 y年的总天数 final private static int yearDays(int y) { int i, sum = 348; for (i = 0x8000; i > 0x8; i >>= 1) { if ((lunarInfo[y - 1900] & i) != 0) sum += 1; } return (sum + leapDays(y)); } // ====== 传回农历 y年闰月的天数 final private static int leapDays(int y) { if (leapMonth(y) != 0) { if ((lunarInfo[y - 1900] & 0x10000) != 0) return 30; else return 29; } else return 0; } // ====== 传回农历 y年闰哪个月 1-12 , 没闰传回 0 final private static int leapMonth(int y) { return (int) (lunarInfo[y - 1900] & 0xf); } // ====== 传回农历 y年m月的总天数 final private static int monthDays(int y, int m) { if ((lunarInfo[y - 1900] & (0x10000 >> m)) == 0) return 29; else return 30; } // ====== 传回农历 y年的生肖 final public String animalsYear() { final String[] Animals = new String[] { "鼠", "牛", "虎", "兔", "龙", "蛇", "马", "羊", "猴", "鸡", "狗", "猪" }; return Animals[(year - 4) % 12]; } // ====== 传入 月日的offset 传回干支, 0=甲子 final private static String cyclicalm(int num) { final String[] Gan = new String[] { "甲", "乙", "丙", "丁", "戊", "己", "庚", "辛", "壬", "癸" }; final String[] Zhi = new String[] { "子", "丑", "寅", "卯", "辰", "巳", "午", "未", "申", "酉", "戌", "亥" }; return (Gan[num % 10] + Zhi[num % 12]); } // ====== 传入 offset 传回干支, 0=甲子 final public String cyclical() { int num = year - 1900 + 36; return (cyclicalm(num)); } /** */ /** *   * 传出y年m月d日对应的农历.   * yearCyl3:农历年与1864的相差数 ?   * * monCyl4:从1900年1月31日以来,闰月数   * dayCyl5:与1900年1月31日相差的天数,再加40 ?   * @param * cal   * @return    */ public Lunar(Calendar cal) { this.clendar = cal; @SuppressWarnings("unused") int yearCyl, monCyl, dayCyl; int leapMonth = 0; Date baseDate = null; try { baseDate = chineseDateFormat.parse("1900年1月31日"); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use // Options | File Templates. } // 求出和1900年1月31日相差的天数 int offset = (int) ((cal.getTime().getTime() - baseDate.getTime()) / 86400000L); dayCyl = offset + 40; monCyl = 14; // 用offset减去每农历年的天数 // 计算当天是农历第几天 // i最终结果是农历的年份 // offset是当年的第几天 int iYear, daysOfYear = 0; for (iYear = 1900; iYear 0; iYear++) { daysOfYear = yearDays(iYear); offset -= daysOfYear; monCyl += 12; } if (offset < 0) { offset += daysOfYear; iYear--; monCyl -= 12; } // 农历年份 year = iYear; yearCyl = iYear - 1864; leapMonth = leapMonth(iYear); // 闰哪个月,1-12 leap = false; // 用当年的天数offset,逐个减去每月(农历)的天数,求出当天是本月的第几天 int iMonth, daysOfMonth = 0; for (iMonth = 1; iMonth 0; iMonth++) { // 闰月 if (leapMonth > 0 && iMonth == (leapMonth + 1) && !leap) { --iMonth; leap = true; daysOfMonth = leapDays(year); } else daysOfMonth = monthDays(year, iMonth); offset -= daysOfMonth; // 解除闰月 if (leap && iMonth == (leapMonth + 1)) leap = false; if (!leap) monCyl++; } // offset为0时,并且刚才计算的月份是闰月,要校正 if (offset == 0 && leapMonth > 0 && iMonth == leapMonth + 1) { if (leap) { leap = false; } else { leap = true; --iMonth; --monCyl; } } // offset小于0时,也要校正 if (offset 0) { this.leap = true; } String dateStr =sCalendarLundarToSolar(year,month,day); try { Date d = chineseDateFormat.parse(dateStr); clendar = new GregorianCalendar(); clendar.setTime(d); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String sCalendarLundarToSolar(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) { int iSYear, iSMonth, iSDay; int iOffsetDays = iGetLNewYearOffsetDays(iYear, iMonth, iDay)+ iSolarLunarOffsetTable[iYear - 1901]; int iYearDays = bIsSolarLeapYear(iYear) ? 366 : 365; if (iOffsetDays >= iYearDays) { iSYear = iYear + 1; iOffsetDays -= iYearDays; } else { iSYear = iYear; } iSDay = iOffsetDays; for (iSMonth = 1; iOffsetDays >= 0; iSMonth++) { iSDay = iOffsetDays; iOffsetDays -= iGetSYearMonthDays(iSYear, iSMonth); } iSMonth--; return iSYear +"年"+iSMonth + "月"+ iSDay + "日"; } public static int iGetLNewYearOffsetDays(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) { int iOffsetDays = 0; int iLeapMonth = iGetLLeapMonth(iYear); if ((iLeapMonth > 0) && (iLeapMonth == iMonth - 12)) { iMonth = iLeapMonth; iOffsetDays += iGetLMonthDays(iYear, iMonth); } for (int i = 1; i < iMonth; i++) { iOffsetDays += iGetLMonthDays(iYear, i); if (i == iLeapMonth) iOffsetDays += iGetLMonthDays(iYear, iLeapMonth + 12); } iOffsetDays += iDay - 1; return iOffsetDays; } public static boolean bIsSolarLeapYear(int iYear) { return ((iYear % 4 == 0) && (iYear % 100 != 0) || iYear % 400 == 0); } // The days in the month of solar calendar static int iGetSYearMonthDays(int iYear, int iMonth) { if ((iMonth == 1) || (iMonth == 3) || (iMonth == 5) || (iMonth == 7) || (iMonth == 8) || (iMonth == 10) || (iMonth == 12)) return 31; else if ((iMonth == 4) || (iMonth == 6) || (iMonth == 9) || (iMonth == 11)) return 30; else if (iMonth == 2) { if (bIsSolarLeapYear(iYear)) return 29; else return 28; } else return 0; } // The offset days from New Year and the day when point out in solar // calendar public static int iGetSNewYearOffsetDays(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) { int iOffsetDays = 0; for (int i = 1; i > 4; } public static int iGetLMonthDays(int iYear, int iMonth) { int iLeapMonth = iGetLLeapMonth(iYear); if ((iMonth > 12) && (iMonth - 12 != iLeapMonth) || (iMonth > iLeapMonth)) == 0) return 29; else return 30; } if ((iLeapMonth > 0) && (iMonth > iLeapMonth)) iMonth++; if ((iLunarMonthDaysTable[iYear - 1901] & (0x8000 >> (iMonth - 1))) == 0) return 29; else return 30; } // Days in this year of lunar calendar public static int iGetLYearDays(int iYear) { int iYearDays = 0; int iLeapMonth = iGetLLeapMonth(iYear); for (int i = 1; i 0) iYearDays += iGetLMonthDays(iYear, iLeapMonth + 12); return iYearDays; } public static String getChinaDayString(int day) { String chineseTen[] = { "初", "十", "廿", "卅" }; int n = day % 10 == 0 ? 9 : day % 10 - 1; if (day > 30) return ""; if (day == 10) return "初十"; else return chineseTen[day / 10] + chineseNumber[n]; } public int getYear() { return year; } public void setYear(int year) {
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