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转载 域名查询地址大全

域名查询地址大全,其中 token_0 用来匹配服务器响应[com]count=1whois_0=whois.crsnic.nettoken_0=No match for[net]count=1whois_0=whois.crsnic.nettoken_0=No match for  [org]count=1whois_0=whois

2015-12-28 13:14:34 18331

转载 英语数学词汇大全

abbreviation 简写符号;简写 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute value 绝对值 accuracy 准确度 acute angle  锐角 acute-angled triangle 锐角三角形 add 加 addition 加法 addition formula 加法公式 addition law 加法定律 addit

2015-11-28 21:37:31 9151 1

原创 Windows下CRF++ 分词实践及Python分词效果评测

实践参照博文:中文分词入门之字标注法4步骤如下: 1. 下载 CRF++-0.58.tar.gz, 解压到 C:\path\crf++-0.58 下 2. 用 SWIG 工具得到 _CRFPP.pyd,CRFPP.py 两个文件。参见本博:Windows 7 x64系统安装CRFsuite给Python使用 3. 创建 模板文件如下:# UnigramU00:%x[-2,0]U01:%x[

2015-05-07 00:42:00 11781 4

原创 Windows 7 x64系统安装CRFsuite给Python使用

CRFsuite 是一个实现 Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) 条件随机场用来标注序列数据的工具,用在中文分词具有比 crf++更快的训练速度。 系统环境:windows 7 x64,Microsoft Visual Studio 2010,Python 2.7.9 CRFsuite:从 http://www.chokkan.org/software/crfsui

2015-04-30 21:21:43 7039 18

原创 Python 的性能测试及用C扩展Python的基本例子

看到网上有性能测试 Python 和 node.js,用的斐波那契数列计算,Python 被 nodejs 甩了70多倍,自己用 蒙特卡洛打点计算圆周率测了一遍test.py 如下: ``` python import time import math from random import random from multiprocessing import Pool def

2015-04-29 21:51:13 664

转载 一个轻量级的JavaScript库:Reactor.js

http://www.csdn.net/article/2013-05-20/2815349-reactor.js https://github.com/fynyky/reactor.js

2015-04-25 20:22:18 966

转载 前端设计资源

Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and more...http://thecodeplayer.com/ 设计师网址导航http://hao.uisdc.com/ http://topcoat.io/Topcoat是一个用来构建干净快速Web App的CSS框架。内含大量的实用部件,可以设置主题,还带有一个包含代码

2015-04-25 20:20:51 403

转载 值得开发者关注的8个HTML5 API

话说,JavaScript+CSS+HTML一直都是前端开发者的秘密武器,开发者利用它们可以开发出任何想要的东西,比如使用JavaScript访问硬件(摄像头、麦克风、游戏手柄、GPU)、访问文件系统和WebSocket。1.Battery Status API电池状态API,顾名思义,该API的主要用途是检查设备(笔记本电脑、手机、平板电脑)的电池状态。 

2015-04-25 20:20:27 552

转载 用Eclipse调试Node.js代码

原文:http://cnodejs.org/topic/4f16442ccae1f4aa270011051、安装Eclipse debugger for V82、怎样调试Nodejs?

2015-04-25 20:19:05 484

转载 配置 WMI SNMP 环境

Setting up the WMI SNMP Environmenthttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa393621(v=vs.85).aspx

2015-04-25 20:17:34 1551

转载 开发者不容错过的免费资源库

Flatilicious icons:毫不掩饰的说,这里的icon数量是最多的,最多的,最多的。Slider:这是一个很有用的、免费的滑块,带有流畅的滑动背景。FastCache:很明显,这曾经是最快的PHP对象缓存系统。Beag:这是一套高效实用的移动App UI组件。Pricing table:它是一个为设计师和开发者准备的定价表

2015-04-25 20:15:42 435

转载 自动审核js代码,合并,压缩,跑单元测试 —— grunt.js

http://gruntjs.com/getting-started  Grunt.js是基于Node.js的自动化任务运行器。Grunt.js结合NPM的包依赖管理,完全可以媲美Maven。Grunt.js天然适合前端应用程序的构建——不仅限于JavaScript项目,同样可以用于其他语言的应用程序构建。越来越多的JavaScript项目已经在使用Grunt,其中最大的使用者包括

2015-04-25 20:15:13 1033

转载 高端大气上档次的管理后台模板


2015-04-25 20:13:54 809

转载 实用代码片段(包括jquery,php)


2015-04-25 20:13:37 477

转载 cheerio - 服务端的 jQuery

快速,灵活,精简,专为 node.js 服务端设计的 jQuery 核心 var cheerio = require('cheerio'), $ = cheerio.load('Hello world');$('h2.title').text('Hello there!');$('h2').addClass('welcome');$.html();//=> Hell

2015-04-25 20:09:46 466

原创 windows 下使用 elasticsearch 扩展 mongodb 检索能力

共有五个步骤:1. 第一步,搭建 mongodb 单机 replicSet  本次安装是在 mongodb 2.0.0 下进行,将原来的服务命令行从     "X:\mongodb\bin\mongod" --service  --logpath  "X:\mongodb\log.txt" --bind_ip --dbpath  "x:\data"  更

2015-04-25 20:06:38 578

转载 如何提高nodejs程序的稳定性(转)

在网上看到一些帖子,吐糟,质疑nodejs 程序的稳定性,为什么呢?其一,可能这个和javascript有关吧,node是拿javascript去实现的,而javascript又被称为是“世界上误解最深的语言”,我们可以去看看nodejs 创始人的说法,可以去看看知乎的这篇文章,为什么node 用javascript去实现,其二,nodejs 毕竟还年轻,而且官网在部分模块也标注了此模块的目前的状

2015-04-25 20:05:50 577

转载 五种开源协议的比较(BSD,Apache,GPL,LGPL,MIT) – 整理

当Adobe、Microsoft、Sun等一系列巨头开始表现出对”开源”的青睐时,”开源”的时代即将到来! 最初来自:sinoprise.com/read.php?tid-662-page-e-fpage-1.html(遗憾的是这个链接已经打不开了),我基本未改动,只是进行了一些排版和整理。参考文献:http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses

2015-04-25 20:05:07 379

转载 前端 css 合并精简神器

前端 css 合并精简神器: https://github.com/addyosmani/grunt-uncss使用 nodejs 的 grunt 前端构建工具,安装:npm install grunt-uncss --save-dev写个 Gruntfile.jsmodule.exports = function(grunt) { // Project config

2015-04-25 20:02:49 836

转载 node.js 共享内存


2015-04-24 15:03:35 3853

增强学习算法 Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning

Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning PDF+PPT


Knockout.js Succinctly

Knockout.js 入门书籍 Knockout 是轻量级客户端 MVC 首选框架,核心能力为客户端数据绑定


MongoDB 终极指南

The NoSQL Database for Cloud and Desktop Computing. 本书是 MongoDB 入门和提高必看书籍


HTML5 jQuery 图形编程

HTML5 jQuery 图形编程 With HTML5 and improved web browser support, JavaScript has become the tool of choice for creating high-performance web graphics. This faced-paced book shows you how to use JavaScript, jQuery, DHTML, and HTML5's Canvas element to create rich web applications for computers and mobile devices.



VisualSVN v1.7 for Visual Studio With Keygen



Microsoft Windows is a complex operating system. It offers so many features and does so much that it's impossible for any one person to fully understand the entire system. This complexity also makes it difficult for someone to decide where to start concentrating the learning effort. Well, I always like to start at the lowest level by gaining a solid understanding of the system's basic building blocks. Once you understand the basics, it's easy to incrementally add any higher-level aspects of the system to your knowledge. So this book focuses on Windows' basic building blocks and the fundamental concepts that you must know when architecting and implementing software targeting the Windows operating system. In short, this book teaches the reader about various Windows features and how to access them via the C and C++ programming languages. Although this book does not cover some Windows concepts—such as the Component Object Model (COM)—COM is built on top of basic building blocks such as processes, threads, memory management, DLLs, thread local storage, Unicode, and so on. If you know these basic building blocks, understanding COM is just a matter of understanding how the building blocks are used. I have great sympathy for people who attempt to jump ahead in learning COM's architecture. They have a long road ahead and are bound to have gaping holes in their knowledge, which is bound to negatively affect their code and their software development schedules. The Microsoft .NET Framework's common language runtime (CLR) is another technology not specifically addressed in this book. (However, it is addressed in my other book: CLR via C#, Jeffrey Richter, Microsoft Press, 2006). However, the CLR is implemented as a COM object in a dynamic-link library (DLL) that loads in a process and uses threads to execute code that manipulates Unicode strings that are managed in memory. So again, the basic building blocks presented in this book will help developers writing managed code. In addition, by way of the CLR's Platform Invocation (P/Invoke) technology, you can call into the various Windows' APIs presented throughout this book. So that's what this book is all about: the basic Windows building blocks that every Windows developer (at least in my opinion) should be intimately aware of. As each block is discussed, I also describe how the system uses these blocks and how your own applications can best take advantage of these blocks. In many chapters, I show you how to create building blocks of your own. These building blocks, typically implemented as generic functions or C++ classes, group a set of Windows building blocks together to create a whole that is much greater than the sum of its parts.



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