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转载 Skywiper – Fanning the ‘Flames’ of Cyberwarfare

http://blogs.mcafee.com/enterprise/security-perspectives/skywiper-fanning-the-flames-of-cyber-warfareA few weeks ago, Iran reported intensified cyberattacks on its energy sector that they observed a

2012-08-27 11:01:36 437

转载 学习PYTHON 之 松散正则表达式

PYTHON允许用户利用所谓的松散正则表达式来完成任务,一个松散正则表达式和一个紧凑正则表达式主要区别表现在两个方面:·忽略空白符。空格符、制表符、回车符不匹配自身,不参与匹配。·忽略注释。在松散正则表达式中的注释和put陪你过Python代码中一样:开始于一个#符号,结束于行尾。这种情况下,采用在一个多行字符串中注释,而不是在源代码中注释,以相同的方式工作。>>> patte

2012-08-16 16:04:11 602

原创 学习PYTHON 之 文件


2012-08-16 15:24:20 241

原创 学习PYTHON 之 类

1、尽量少用 from module import *,因为判定一个特殊的函数或者属性从哪儿来的有困难,并且会造成调试和重构都更困难;2、类名通常第一个字母大写,这是一个习惯;3、pass是一个python保留字,表示“向前走,什么都不做”,是一个占位符号;4、类的继承,例子:class FileInfo(UserDict):"store file metadata" de

2012-08-16 09:18:46 215

原创 学习python 之 内置的函数

Python 有小部分相当用的内置函数。除这些之外,其它所有的函数都被分到了各个模块中个。这是一个明智的设计策略,避免了核心语言变的臃肿。1.type函数 返回任意对象的数据类型2.str函数 将数据强制转换为字符串3.dir函数 返回任意对象的属性和方法列表,包括模块对象、函数对象、字符串对象、列表对象、字典对象4.callable 接收任何对象作为参数,如果对象是可调用的,返回

2012-08-15 15:31:08 296

原创 学习Python 之 数据类型

首先,python程序,要严格注意代码缩进,在C中所有需要括号的地方,都要缩进,不然程序会报错.IndentationError: expected an indented block数据类型:1.Dictionary形式:>>> d = {"server":"mpilgrim", "database":"master"}(1) 在一个 dictionary 中不能有重复的

2012-08-15 09:36:26 280

原创 PYTHON教程中“编写一个Python脚本”版本一的windows版本

其有效的windows版本为 #!/usr/bin/python# Filename: backup_ver1.pyimport osimport time# 1. The files and directories to be backed up are specified in a list.source = [r'C:\123', r'C:\24']#

2012-08-14 10:38:02 732

原创 Apanta + PYDEV 环境的搭建

按照网上的教程,安装环境,在自动网上搜素安装上,总也找不到pydev的安装网址,网上贴的网址,都搜不到,只有pydev for eclipse的。1.首先下载python安装包,安装;2.下载apanta安装包,安装;3.在apanta中点击windows->Prefereneces->Pydev->Interpreter-Python->中有Auto Config按键,点击自动搜索就

2012-08-14 10:32:16 403

转载 Introduction to Windows Metro Style

Every time that Microsoft announces a new technology or product many people are very interested in test the new product or technology. Years ago, Microsoft always presented Alpha, Beta & RC (Release C

2012-08-07 11:13:30 635

转载 fatal error C1083: 无法打开包括文件:“atlapp.h”解决方法

今天卸载了VS2010,安装了VS2008,VS2003.net我倒是一直用的,很喜欢。用2008调试一个貌似的2005的挤房器源码 QuickRoom(这好东西可是GDRoom,VSxRoom的鼻祖哦)。发现错误:错误 1 fatal error C1083: 无法打开包括文件:“atlapp.h”: No such file or dir1。 下载WTL 8.0并解压缩,如

2012-08-06 16:13:06 22350

转载 用 VC++ 2008 编写 Windows Service(系统服务)

http://blog.csdn.net/ljz888666555/article/details/4777331现在许多 Windows Service 应用都可以用 c# 很好的完成,不过毕竟是托管代码,性能上不及非托管的 VC。网上能找到的 VC 写系统服务的例子,多数都用的 VC6(ATL3.0)。ATL3.0 写系统服务也很不错,只是封装的不很完善,还需要用户写不少代码。ATL7

2012-08-06 15:50:02 878

转载 Retrieve the Windows 7 Password Hash on the Fly

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/332942/Retrieve-the-Windows-7-Password-Hash-on-the-FlyWhen it comes to getting access to the Windows password, there are a couple of tools available, like the w

2012-08-06 15:07:21 2544

转载 Subverting Vista UAC in Both 32 and 64 bit Architectures

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/35773/Subverting-Vista-UAC-in-Both-32-and-64-bit-ArchiteIntroductionThe purpose of this article is to illustrate how to correctly launch an interactive proc

2012-08-06 15:00:16 759

转载 wininet异步代理的编程

// testwinInet.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include #include #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib,"wininet.lib")usi

2012-08-06 14:41:17 2310 3

转载 Using WinInet HTTP functions in Full Asynchronous Mode

Detailhttp://www.codeproject.com/Articles/822/Using-WinInet-HTTP-functions-in-Full-AsynchronousAfter the theory, let’s look at some code for some of the points:1&2: Create the connection u

2012-08-06 14:41:02 707

转载 Simplest Window Service

I found a need for a class that could convert my app into a service without much of an effort. After going through many of the MSDN and CG articles, and lots of searching and postings in the VC++ disc

2012-08-06 14:40:11 308

转载 使用NOP过卡巴(2009)

http://huaidan.org/archives/3440.html一个最简单的Downloader是:#include "stdafx.h"#include #include #pragma comment (lib,"Urlmon.lib")int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,

2012-08-03 17:15:16 342

转载 关于虚拟机检测

Virtualization and Sandbox Detectionhttp://www.aspfree.com/c/a/BrainDump/Virtualization-and-Sandbox-Detection/We are going to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 IDE, but 2008/2010 also works. The pr

2012-08-03 17:15:06 937

转载 simple code to detect the sandbox used by BitDefender

simple code to detect the sandbox used by BitDefenderhttp://hi.baidu.com/sec_/blog/item/a7ede81f2856a60c304e15c2.htmlsince everyone else is posting anti sandbox code, I figured I'd post this.s

2012-08-03 17:14:53 420





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