VB根据窗体自动调整窗体内控件大小 注:实用,可以直接引用



Option Explicit
Private ObjOldWidth     As Long       '保存窗体的原始宽度
Private ObjOldHeight     As Long     '保存窗体的原始高度
Private ObjOldFont     As Single     '保存窗体的原始字体比

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    Call ResizeForm(Me)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Call ResizeInit(Me)
End Sub


Public Sub ResizeInit(FormName As Form)
    Dim Obj     As Control
    ObjOldWidth = FormName.ScaleWidth
    ObjOldHeight = FormName.ScaleHeight
    ObjOldFont = FormName.Font.Size / ObjOldHeight
    On Error Resume Next

    For Each Obj In FormName
        Obj.Tag = Obj.Left & "   " & Obj.Top & "   " & Obj.Width & "   " & Obj.Height & "   "
    Next Obj

    On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Public Sub ResizeForm(FormName As Form)

    Dim Pos(4)     As Double
    Dim i     As Long, TempPos       As Long, StartPos       As Long
    Dim Obj     As Control
    Dim ScaleX     As Double, ScaleY       As Double

    ScaleX = FormName.ScaleWidth / ObjOldWidth
    ScaleY = FormName.ScaleHeight / ObjOldHeight
    On Error Resume Next

    For Each Obj In FormName
        StartPos = 1

        For i = 0 To 4
            TempPos = InStr(StartPos, Obj.Tag, "   ", vbTextCompare)

            If TempPos > 0 Then
                Pos(i) = Mid$(Obj.Tag, StartPos, TempPos - StartPos)
                StartPos = TempPos + 1
                Pos(i) = 0
            End If

            Obj.Move Pos(0) * ScaleX, Pos(1) * ScaleY, Pos(2) * ScaleX, Pos(3) * ScaleY
            Obj.Font.Size = ObjOldFont * FormName.ScaleHeight

        Next i

    Next Obj

    On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

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楼主辛苦开发的源码,0分放送。亲们只要评价五分就是对我的努力付出的最大回报! 此版本比v1.7的多增加了几个函数和方法,同时也修正了一些bug。 vb封装的一个控制窗口操作的类,使用非常简单!时刻更新。 clsWindow是VB6环境下使用的一个操作外部程序窗口的类,比如得到窗口句柄,得到窗口里某个文本框的内容。非常方便,使用它可以让您脱身于一堆api函数,功能强大使用简单! 这个类楼主很早就开始封装了,原本打算做成类似DOM对象那样,通过一堆getElmentByXXX等方法实现对桌面程序下各个窗口以及里面各个控件对象的自由访问,但是具体要做的工作太多,目前只实现了一部分,期待大家一起加入更新维护。 目前该类封装了绝大部分对windows窗口的常用操作,例如:获取窗口句柄,设置窗口为活动窗口,设置窗口内文本框内容,点击窗口内的某些按钮等。 这个类现在还在一直不断地扩充,功能已经很强大很广泛,使用它可以轻而易举地设置窗口标题栏文字,移动窗体等等。以前要实现这些操作常常需要一大堆api函数,现在只需要一点点代码就可以了,完全让您脱身于api函数的海洋。当然需要您需要研究每个方法实现原理的话可以看一看源代码。 使用范例: 1)关闭腾讯新闻窗口“腾讯网迷你版”。 Dim window As New clsWindow If window.GetWindowHwndByTitle("腾讯网迷你版") > 0 Then window.CloseWindow '关闭窗口 End If 以上是不是很简洁呢? 2)获取某个打开的记事本里面的内容。假设记事本标题为“测试.txt - 记事本”,通过SPY等工具查看得知记事本的文本框类名为:Edit,那么我们编写程序如下: Dim window As New clsWindow If window.GetWindowHwndByTitle("测试.txt - 记事本") > 0 Then MsgBox window.GetElementTextByClassName("Edit") End If 这个看起来也很简单,方法自由还可以使用正则匹配,可以写成下面这样: Dim window As New clsWindow If window.GetWindowHwndByTitleRegExp("测试\.txt.*?") > 0 Then MsgBox window.GetElementTextByClassName("Edi", , True)'第三个参数表示是否使用正则,默认为false End If 更多演示案例: 演示程序一(关闭包含“扫雷、蜘蛛纸牌”等系统自带游戏的窗口): http://files.cnblogs.com/sysdzw/clsWindow1.7_demo1.rar 演示程序二(调用系统计算器,点击里面的按钮进行计算): http://files.cnblogs.com/sysdzw/clsWindow1.7_demo2.rar 演示程序三(激活移动外部程序窗口): http://files.cnblogs.com/sysdzw/clsWindow1.7_demo3.rar 演示程序四(调用系统计算器,花样移动出现,效果很好): http://files.cnblogs.com/sysdzw/clsWindow1.7_demo4.rar clsWindow类最新版下载请关博客: http://blog.csdn.net/sysdzw/article/details/9083313 '=================================================================================== '描 述:一个操作windows窗口的类,可对窗口进行很多常用的操作(类名为clsWindow) '使用范例:Dim window As New clsWindow ' window.GetWindowHwndByTitle "计算器" ' window.closeWindow '编 程:sysdzw 原创开发,如果有需要对模块扩充或更新的话请邮箱发我一份,共同维护 '发布日期:2013/06/01 '博 客:http://hi.baidu.com/sysdzw ' http://blog.csdn.net/sysdzw 'Email :sysdzw@163.com 'QQ :171977759 '版 本:V1.0 初版 2012/12/03 ' V1.1 修正了几个正则相关的函数调整了部分类结构 2013/05/28 ' V1.2 增加属性Caption,可以获取或设置当前标题栏 2013/05/29 ' V1.3 增加了方法Focus,可以激活当前窗口 2013/06/01 ' 增加了方法Left,Top,Width,Height,Move,处理窗口位置等 ' V1.4 增加了窗口位置调整的几个函数 2013/06/04 ' 增加了得到应用程序路径的函数AppName ' 增加了得到应用程序启动参数的函数AppCommandLine ' V1.5 增加了窗口最大最小化,隐藏显示正常的几个函数 2013/06/06 ' 增加了获取控件相关函数是否使用正则的参数UseRegExp默认F ' V1.6 将Left,Top函数改为属性,可获得可设置 2013/06/10 ' V1.7 增加了CloseApp函数,可以结束进程 2013/06/13 ' 修正了部分跟正则匹配相关的函数 ' 增加函数:GetElementTextByText ' 增加函数:GetElementHwndByText ' V1.8 增加GetWindowHwndByClassName函数 2013/06/26 ' 增加GetWindowHwndByClassNameEx函数 ' 增加GetWindowHwndByAppName函数 ' 增加私有变量hWnd_ ' 增加属性hWnd,可设置,单设置时候会检查,非法则设置为0 ' 更新GetWindowHwndByTitleEx函数,使之可以选择性支持正则 ' 删除GetWindowHwndByTitleRegExp函数,合并到上面函数 ' 增加SetFocus函数,调用Focus实现,为了是兼容VB习惯 ' 扩了ProcessID、AppPath、AppName、AppCommandLine三个函数,可带参数 ' 网友wwb(wwbing@gmail.com)提供了一些函数和方法属性: ' CheckWindow, Load, WindowState, Visible, hDC, ZOrder ' AlphaBlend, Enabled, Refresh, TransparentColor ' 部分采纳网友意见,将句柄变量改为hWnd_,但是hWnd作为公共属性 '===================================================================================
VB窗体控件大小窗体大小变化自動調整 有时窗体变化后,如改变分辨率后控件大小却不能随之改变。手工代码调整实在麻烦,下面的模块实现自动查找窗体控件并使其改变大小以适应窗体变化。 在Form的Resize事件调用函数Resize_All就能实现控件自动调整大小,如: Private Sub Form_Resize() Dim H, i As Integer On Error Resume Next Resize_ALL Me 'Me是窗体名,Form1,Form2等等都可以 End Sub 在模块添加以下代码: Public Type ctrObj Name As String Index As Long Parrent As String Top As Long Left As Long Height As Long Width As Long ScaleHeight As Long ScaleWidth As Long End Type Private FormRecord() As ctrObj Private ControlRecord() As ctrObj Private bRunning As Boolean Private MaxForm As Long Private MaxControl As Long Private Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1 Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "USER32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "USER32" () As Long Function ActualPos(plLeft As Long) As Long If plLeft < 0 Then ActualPos = plLeft + 75000 Else ActualPos = plLeft End If End Function Function FindForm(pfrmIn As Form) As Long Dim i As Long FindForm = -1 If MaxForm > 0 Then For i = 0 To (MaxForm - 1) If FormRecord(i).Name = pfrmIn.Name Then FindForm = i Exit Function End If Next i End If End Function Function AddForm(pfrmIn As Form) As Long Dim FormControl As Control Dim i As Long ReDim Preserve FormRecord(MaxForm + 1) FormRecord(MaxForm).Name = pfrmIn.Name FormRecord(MaxForm).Top = pfrmIn.Top FormRecord(MaxForm).Left = pfrmIn.Left FormRecord(MaxForm).Height = pfrmIn.Height FormRecord(MaxForm).Width = pfrmIn.Width FormRecord(MaxForm).ScaleHeight = pfrmIn.ScaleHeight FormRecord(MaxForm).ScaleWidth = pfrmIn.ScaleWidth AddForm = MaxForm MaxForm = MaxForm + 1 For Each FormControl In pfrmIn i = FindControl(FormControl, pfrmIn.Name) If i < 0 Then i = AddControl(FormControl, pfrmIn.Name) End If Next FormControl End Function Function FindControl(inControl As Control, inName As String) As Long Dim i As Long FindControl = -1 For i = 0 To (MaxControl - 1) If ControlRecord(i).Parrent = inName Then If ControlRecord(i).Name = inControl.Name Then On Error Resume Next If ControlRecord(i).Index = inControl.Index Then FindControl = i Exit Function End If On Error GoTo 0 End If End If Next i End Function Function AddControl(inControl As Control, inName As String) As Long ReDim Preserve ControlRecord(MaxControl + 1) On Error Resume Next ControlRecord(MaxControl).Name = inControl.Name ControlRecord(MaxControl).Index = inControl.Index ControlRecord(MaxControl).Parrent = inName If TypeOf inControl Is Line Then ControlRecord(MaxControl).Top = inControl.Y1 ControlRecord(MaxControl).Left = ActualPos(inControl.X1) ControlRecord(MaxControl).Height = inControl.Y2 ControlRecord(MaxControl).Width = ActualPos(inControl.X2) Else ControlRecord(MaxControl).Top = inControl.Top ControlRecord(MaxControl).Left = ActualPos(inControl.Left) ControlRecord(MaxControl).Height = inControl.Height ControlRecord(MaxControl).Width = inControl.Width End If inControl.IntegralHeight = False On Error GoTo 0 AddControl = MaxControl MaxControl = MaxControl + 1 End Function Function PerWidth(pfrmIn As Form) As Long Dim i As Long i = FindForm(pfrmIn) If i < 0 Then i = AddForm(pfrmIn) End If PerWidth = (pfrmIn.ScaleWidth * 100) \ FormRecord(i).ScaleWidth End Function Function PerHeight(pfrmIn As Form) As Double Dim i As Long i = FindForm(pfrmIn) If i < 0 Then i = AddForm(pfrmIn) End If PerHeight = (pfrmIn.ScaleHeight * 100) \ FormRecord(i).ScaleHeight End Function Public Sub ResizeControl(inControl As Control, pfrmIn As Form) On Error Resume Next Dim i As Long Dim widthfactor As Single, heightfactor As Single Dim minFactor As Single Dim yRatio, xRatio, lTop, lLeft, lWidth, lHeight As Long yRatio = PerHeight(pfrmIn) xRatio = PerWidth(pfrmIn) i = FindControl(inControl, pfrmIn.Name) If inControl.Left < 0 Then lLeft = CLng(((ControlRecord(i).Left * xRatio) \ 100) - 75000) Else lLeft = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Left * xRatio) \ 100) End If lTop = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Top * yRatio) \ 100) lWidth = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Width * xRatio) \ 100) lHeight = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Height * yRatio) \ 100) If TypeOf inControl Is Line Then If inControl.X1 < 0 Then inControl.X1 = CLng(((ControlRecord(i).Left * xRatio) \ 100) - 75000) Else inControl.X1 = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Left * xRatio) \ 100) End If inControl.Y1 = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Top * yRatio) \ 100) If inControl.X2 < 0 Then inControl.X2 = CLng(((ControlRecord(i).Width * xRatio) \ 100) - 75000) Else inControl.X2 = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Width * xRatio) \ 100) End If inControl.Y2 = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Height * yRatio) \ 100) Else inControl.Move lLeft, lTop, lWidth, lHeight inControl.Move lLeft, lTop, lWidth inControl.Move lLeft, lTop End If End Sub Public Sub ResizeForm(pfrmIn As Form) Dim FormControl As Control Dim isVisible As Boolean Dim StartX, StartY, MaxX, MaxY As Long Dim bNew As Boolean If Not bRunning Then bRunning = True If FindForm(pfrmIn) < 0 Then bNew = True Else bNew = False End If If pfrmIn.Top < 30000 Then isVisible = pfrmIn.Visible On Error Resume Next If Not pfrmIn.MDIChild Then On Error GoTo 0 ' ' pfrmIn.Visible = False Else If bNew Then StartY = pfrmIn.Height StartX = pfrmIn.Width On Error Resume Next For Each FormControl In pfrmIn If FormControl.Left + FormControl.Width + 200 > MaxX Then MaxX = FormControl.Left + FormControl.Width + 200 End If If FormControl.Top + FormControl.Height + 500 > MaxY Then MaxY = FormControl.Top + FormControl.Height + 500 End If If FormControl.X1 + 200 > MaxX Then MaxX = FormControl.X1 + 200 End If If FormControl.Y1 + 500 > MaxY Then MaxY = FormControl.Y1 + 500 End If If FormControl.X2 + 200 > MaxX Then MaxX = FormControl.X2 + 200 End If If FormControl.Y2 + 500 > MaxY Then MaxY = FormControl.Y2 + 500 End If Next FormControl On Error GoTo 0 pfrmIn.Height = MaxY pfrmIn.Width = MaxX End If On Error GoTo 0 End If For Each FormControl In pfrmIn ResizeControl FormControl, pfrmIn Next FormControl On Error Resume Next If Not pfrmIn.MDIChild Then On Error GoTo 0 pfrmIn.Visible = isVisible Else If bNew Then pfrmIn.Height = StartY pfrmIn.Width = StartX For Each FormControl In pfrmIn ResizeControl FormControl, pfrmIn Next FormControl End If End If On Error GoTo 0 End If bRunning = False End If End Sub Public Sub SaveFormPosition(pfrmIn As Form) Dim i As Long If MaxForm > 0 Then For i = 0 To (MaxForm - 1) If FormRecord(i).Name = pfrmIn.Name Then FormRecord(i).Top = pfrmIn.Top FormRecord(i).Left = pfrmIn.Left FormRecord(i).Height = pfrmIn.Height FormRecord(i).Width = pfrmIn.Width Exit Sub End If Next i AddForm (pfrmIn) End If End Sub Public Sub RestoreFormPosition(pfrmIn As Form) Dim i As Long If MaxForm > 0 Then For i = 0 To (MaxForm - 1) If FormRecord(i).Name = pfrmIn.Name Then If FormRecord(i).Top < 0 Then pfrmIn.WindowState = 2 ElseIf FormRecord(i).Top < 30000 Then pfrmIn.WindowState = 0 pfrmIn.Move FormRecord(i).Left, FormRecord(i).Top, FormRecord(i).Width, FormRecord(i).Height Else pfrmIn.WindowState = 1 End If Exit Sub End If Next i End If End Sub Public Sub Resize_ALL(Form_Name As Form) Dim OBJ As Object For Each OBJ In Form_Name ResizeControl OBJ, Form_Name Next OBJ End Sub Public Sub DragForm(frm As Form) On Local Error Resume Next Call ReleaseCapture Call SendMessage(frm.hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, 2, 0) End Sub




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