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原创 Git User Guide
Git User Guide Installation Configuration Set user name and emailAdd SSH keys Repository Create New RepositoryClone Existing Repository Git Operation PullPushMerge Instal
2015-01-06 15:29:17 240
原创 解决FLASH都要点击两下才能用,以及IE6播放FLASH弹出Press OK to continue loading the......
使用在IE中无需点击激活的嵌入Flash的方法即可,即swfobject.js [code="java"] var so = new SWFObject('flash/top.swf','mpl','750','278','9'); so.addParam('quality','high'); so.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'...
2010-11-02 19:08:43 143
原创 https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko_Plugin_API_Reference/Plug-in_Basics
2009-12-29 23:23:41 188
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