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原创 [2018]试卷: 网易2018校园招聘编程题真题集合

[编程题] 魔法币小易准备去魔法王国采购魔法神器,购买魔法神器需要使用魔法币,但是小易现在一枚魔法币都没有,但是小易有两台魔法机器可以通过投入x(x可以为0)个魔法币产生更多的魔法币。魔法机器1:如果投入x个魔法币,魔法机器会将其变为2x+1个魔法币魔法机器2:如果投入x个魔法币,魔法机器会将其变为2x+2个魔法币小易采购魔法神器总共需要n个魔法币,所以小易只能通过两台魔法机器产生...

2018-04-11 12:31:08 185

原创 linux下配置java开发环境

linux eclipse jdk

2017-09-14 21:37:28 273

原创 [安卓基础]学习第九天

一、为什么需要内容提供者1-1.回忆定义数据库新建一个类继承SQLiteOpenHelperpublic class MyOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public MyOpenHelper(Context context) { super(context, "test.db", null, 1); } @Over

2017-05-30 15:58:45 365

原创 [安卓基础]学习第八天

一、进程概念介绍安卓的四大组件,都是运行在主线程的,不能运行耗时操作,否则ANR1-1.进程优先级1. Foreground process 【前台进程】 优先级最高,相当于Activity执行了onResume(),用户正在交互2. Visible process 【可视进程】 一直影响用户看得见,相当于Activity执行了onPause()3. Service process

2017-05-27 21:06:30 362

原创 PE导出表

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  在可选PE头偏移0x60即得到数据目录项,其结构如下:typedef struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY { DWORD VirtualAddress; DWORD Size; }

2017-05-21 02:23:33 381

原创 [安卓基础]学习第七天

一、为什么需要广播接收者(broadcastReceiver)1.有什么样的人员听广播 老人,出租车司机2.听广播必须:电台,收音机,调频道3.Android内部已经定义好了电台,已经定义好了一些广播事件,如外拨电话,短信到来等等4.使用broadcastReceiver去接收系统定义好的这些事件5.javame javase javaee6.定义广播接收者目的是为了方便安卓开发者开发二

2017-05-20 17:34:36 418

原创 PE添加节_最后节表后无空白字节

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  昨天在对PE文件进行了节的添加,并且程序可以正常运行。  今天记录另一种情况,就是当最后一个节表后无80个空白字节时,节表该添加到哪?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2017-05-16 13:16:19 501

原创 PE添加节_手动

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  今天在学习PE的过程中通过通过手动对PE文件进行节的添加,过程中遇到了一些问题,写下来以便今后及时复习>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [1] 确定节的对齐尺

2017-05-15 15:38:19 408

原创 [安卓基础]学习第六天

一、如何创建一个新的Activity- 安卓的四大组件都要在manifest.xml清单文件配置- 如果想让应用有多个启动图标,需要配置清单文件为 <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />- Activity下的lable属性和icon属性可以和Application节点的属性不一样,默认用Applicati

2017-05-14 20:02:28 331

原创 [安卓基础]学习第五天

一、使用httpurlconnection方式把数据提交到服务器基于http协议get方式:组拼url地址把数据组拼到url上,大小限制1kb,4kbpost请求:安全,无大小限制1-1. post和get区别1. 路径不同2. 请求方式post,通过请求体的方式把数据写给服务器(以流的形式)3. post多了Content-Length,Content-Type还有请求体1-2 pos

2017-05-13 20:05:15 284

原创 [安卓基础]学习第四天

Android基础网络第一天01 网络html源码查看器访问网络需要加Internet权限:android.permission.INTERNET 使用UrlConnection请求一个url地址获取内容: //1.创建一个Url对象 URL url = new URL(url_str); //2.获取一个UrlConnection对象

2017-05-11 20:39:41 248

原创 初次解析PE


2017-05-01 22:50:33 465

原创 [安卓基础]学习第三天

SQLiteDatabase、Cursor一、数据库介绍- sqlite,轻量级数据库- 什么情况下使用数据库? 有大量相似的数据需要存储的时候,二、数据库创建定义一个类继承SQLiteOpenHelperpublic class MyOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { /* * context 上下文 * name 数据库的名

2017-05-01 21:56:31 311

原创 [安卓基础]学习第二天

一、测试的相关概念[1]好的软件是测试出来的1.1 根据是否知道源代码 黑盒 白盒1.2 根据测试粒度 方法测试 单元测试 集成测试 系统测试1.3 根据测试的暴力程度 压力 冒烟 - Google工程师给我们提供了一个monkey的指令进行压力测试二、单元测试[1]定义一个类继承AndroidTestCasepacka

2017-04-29 19:45:56 318

原创 [安卓基础]学习第一天

一、开发坏境搭建eclipse二、SDK Manage介绍[Android xxx] SDK Platform -- 开发平台 Sample for SDK -- 实例 ARM... -- (生成标准) Intel.. -- (生成cpu) Google APIs ARM.. -- Googl

2017-04-25 16:20:12 277

原创 从零开始codewar——C语言(第二战)

==================================8 kyu=======================================================[2017-03-11]description:Your task is to create a function - basic_op().The function should

2017-03-12 00:24:53 849

原创 从零开始codewar——C语言(第一战)

[8 kyu][2017-03-11][description:Write a function which removes from string all non-digit characters and parse the remaining to number. E.g: "hell5o wor6ld" -> 56code:/* Adapted from

2017-03-11 02:36:02 2048

原创 SublimeText自定义小代码段

<![CDATA[<?php/** * @version 1.0 * @author elnui * @date */ ]]>phphphph  保存在use目录下即可,命名如 phph.sublime-snippet  其中的phph是快捷方式,在输入内容的时候输入后按tab键即可生成

2016-12-22 19:11:59 1193

原创 CSS3图形自绘合集

在学习CSS3的过程中,有一些感觉实用的图形,写下来存个底1. QQChat<style> .wrap { width: 160px; height: 80px; background-color: red; border-radius: 6px; position

2016-12-13 13:03:35 354

原创 Sublime Text 3 中Markdown相关

在学习的 过程中,渐渐的发现使用Maekdown的概率越来越高,索性就在常用的Sublime基础上安装插件使用,下面记下一些Markdown中用到的插件Markdown的安装步骤: 1. 在sublime界面按下ctrl+shift+p键输入install package 2. 在接下来的输入框中输入Markdown Preview,选中后即可完成安装Markdown Edit

2016-12-12 22:28:13 329

原创 js代码库


2016-12-07 17:18:07 564

转载 [VS2010]重新初始化VS2010

弄了一早上的驱动开发环境,把VS2010的设置弄乱了,这时候就在网上找到了VS2010的初始化方法。================================================================================================开始->所有程序->Microsoft Visual Studio 2010->Vi

2016-09-24 15:16:29 3802

原创 初学MySQL


2015-11-22 20:58:05 381

原创 大二队列的出队和入队分析(链式结构)C语言

大学的课程使用的是C语言队列是一种特殊的线性表,特殊之处在于它只允许在表的前端(front)进行删除操作,而在表的后端(rear)进行插入操作,和栈一样,队列是一种操作受限制的线性表。进行插入操作的端称为队尾,进行删除操作的端称为队头。void QueueAppend(LQueue *&q,ElemType e)  //入队{    QNode *p;   

2015-10-21 16:06:06 2900

原创 VC++MFC中的UpdateData函数


2015-05-17 22:35:30 1074

原创 VC++6.0开端

这是我早大学软件专业学了快一年后的一点想打,也是我的第一篇博客,希望今后能一直经营我的博客 !

2015-05-14 22:17:06 728 6


The MASM32 SDK Version 11 Description The MASM32 SDK version 11 is a working development environment for programmers who are interested in either learning or writing 32 bit Microsoft assembler (MASM). The installation is an automated process that installs the correct directory tree structure on the local drive of your choice. Note that MASM32 will not install on a network drive. MASM32 comes with its own runtime library written fully in assembler and an extensive range of macros for improved high level emulation and faster development. It builds its own IMPORT libraries for the Windows API functions and supplies its own include files for a very large number of API functions. The default editor in MASM32 has been fully recoded from scratch in MASM and it is smaller, faster and more powerful with two (2) separate scripting engines, a legacy version to maintain backwards compatibility of existing scripts and a completely new one that is much faster and more powerful than its predecessor. New CHM documentation and a wider range of "Create New" project types directly supported by the new script engine from the editor place a wider range of project types at your fingertips. There is also a new format PLUGIN system for the default editor as well as the old one for backwards compatibility. UNICODE Support The MASM32 SDK has a completely new include file system that supports either ASCII or UNICODE by the inclusion of an equate, __UNICODE__ . Two new macro systems support UNICODE text that can be used in much the same manner as embedded ASCII text. DEP Compatibility The MASM32 SDK has been rebuilt to ensure it is fully compatible with the Data Execution Prevention safety feature in later versions of Windows. OS Version The MASM32 SDK requires Win2000 or higher Windows versions. The Installation is not designed to run on Win9x or ME. Features 1. The most up to date version of Ray Filiatreault's floating point library and tutorial. 2. A completely new dedicated time and date library written by Greg Lyon. 3. The MASM32 library with over 200 procedures for writing general purpose high performance code. 4. A new dynamic array system for variable length string and binary data with both a macro and procedural interface. 5. The include files and libraries have been upgraded to include VISTA / Win7 with additional equates and structures. 6. A specialised linker, resource compiler and assembler from Pelle's tool set with working examples. 7. An extensive range of example code ranging from simple examples to more complex code design. 8. Prebuilt scripts in the editor for creating working templates for assembler projects. 9. A very easy to use console interface for developing algorithms, test code and experimental ideas in code. More ...... Target Users The MASM32 SDK is targeted at experienced programmers who are familiar with writing software in 32 bit versions of Windows using the API interface and who are familiar with at least some direct mnemonic programming in assembler. It is not well suited for beginner programmers due to the advanced technical nature of programming in assembler and beginners are advised to start with a compiler first to learn basic concepts like addressing, programming logic, control flow and similar. Help Files The help file system has been upgraded to CHM format so that MASM32 can be used on Windows versions that no longer support Winhelp help files. Application MASM is routinely capable of building complete executable files, dynamic link libraries and separate object modules and libraries to use with the Microsoft Visual C development environment as well as MASM. It is an esoteric tool that is not for the faint of heart and it is reasonably complex to master but in skilled hands it has performance that is beyond the best of modern compilers when properly written which makes it useful for performance critical tasks. Things To Get For both space and copyright reasons the MASM32 SDK does not include reference material from either the Intel Corporation or the Microsoft Corporation but both make the best comprehensive reference material available as free downloads. With the Intel Corporation you would obtain the PIV set of manuals or later for compete mnemonic and architecture reference and with the Microsoft Corporation you can either use their online MSDN reference or download an appropriate PLATFORMSDK or its successor for you own version of Windows. If you can still find it it is useful to have the very old WIN32.HLP file on yur computer even if you have to download the Winhelp engine to use it on OS versions like Vista as it is a lot faster to load than the later CHM format help files and works with the F1 help key system built into the default editor. Warning Not for the faint of heart. If MASM is beyond you, take up server side scripting.



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