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转载 bash代码注入的安全漏洞

很多人或许对上半年发生的安全问题“心脏流血”(Heartbleed Bug)事件记忆颇深,这两天,又出现了另外一个“毁灭级”的漏洞——Bash软件安全漏洞。这个漏洞由法国GNU/Linux爱好者Stéphane Chazelas所发现。随后,美国电脑紧急应变中心(US-CERT)、红帽以及多家从事安全的公司于周三(北京时间9月24日)发出警告。 关于这个安全漏洞的细节可参看美国政府计算安全的这两个

2014-09-29 22:15:02 543

转载 Let's talk about VMX, which is Intel VT-x's design.

Intel VT-x introduces two new modes to solve this problem: VMX root mode and VMX non-root mode, which are for host and guest respectively. Both modes have ring 0~3, which means the host and gues

2014-09-28 12:22:27 1094

原创 How to fix the bug 640*480 resolution only when install ubuntu 14.04 on a old laptop?

Section "ServerLayout"Identifier     "X.org Configured"Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"EndSectionSection "File

2014-09-27 21:33:23 806

原创 note of Big data dummies: Understanding the waves of managing data

wave 1: Creating manageable data structures1970

2014-09-26 14:09:25 662

转载 what's the difference between .bush.rc and .bash_profile?

According to the bash man page, .bash_profile is executed for login shells, while .bashrc is executed for interactive non-login shells.What is a login or non-login shell?When you login (type

2014-09-14 18:46:28 710

原创 install ruby 2.1.0 on ubuntu

$ curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm $ rvm requirements$ rvm install 2.0.0$ rvm use --default2.0.0

2014-09-14 18:27:00 562

转载 Q&A about the _method_ meaning?

In the file lib/find.rb (1.9.3):   def find(*paths) # :yield: path         block_given? or return enum_for(__method__, *paths)          ...........what is the __mothed__ meaning?

2014-09-14 18:00:05 436

big data presentation of talkingdata

big data presentation of talkingdata


f4: Facebook’s Warm BLOB Storage System

Facebook’s corpus of photos, videos, and other Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) that need to be reliably stored and quickly accessible is massive and continues to grow. As the footprint of BLOBs increases, storing them in our traditional storage system, Haystack, is becoming in- creasingly inefficient. To increase our storage efficiency, measured in the effective-replication-factor of BLOBs, we examine the underlying access patterns of BLOBs and identify temperature zones that include hot BLOBs that are accessed frequently and warm BLOBs that are accessed far less often. Our overall BLOB storage sys- tem is designed to isolate warm BLOBs and enable us to use a specialized warm BLOB storage system, f4. f4 is a new system that lowers the effective-replication-factor of warm BLOBs while remaining fault tolerant and able to support the lower throughput demands. f4 currently stores over 65PBs of logical BLOBs and reduces their effective-replication-factor from 3.6 to either 2.8 or 2.1. f4 provides low latency; is resilient to disk, host, rack, and datacenter failures; and provides sufficient throughput for warm BLOBs.


The Linux Command Line

This book is a broad overview of “living” on the Linux command line. Unlike some books that concentrate on just a single program, such as the shell program, bash, this book will try to convey how to get along with the command line interface in a larger sense. How does it all work? What can it do? What's the best way to use it? This is not a book about Linux system administration. While any serious discussion of the command line will invariably lead to system administration topics, this book only touches on a few administration issues. It will, however, prepare the reader for additional study by providing a solid foundation in the use of the command line, an essential tool for any serious system administration task. This book is very Linux-centric. Many other books try to broaden their appeal by in-cluding other platforms such as generic Unix and OS X. In doing so, they “water down” their content to feature only general topics. This book, on the other hand, only covers contemporary Linux distributions. Ninety-five percent of the content is useful for users of other Unix-like systems, but this book is highly targeted at the modern Linux command line user.



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