

Figure 1. x264函数调用图


int main( int argc, char **argv )
    x264_param_t param;
    cli_opt_t opt = {0};
    int ret = 0;

    FAIL_IF_ERROR( x264_threading_init(), "unable to initialize threading\n" );

#ifdef _WIN32
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !get_argv_utf8( &argc, &argv ), "unable to convert command line to UTF-8\n" );

    GetConsoleTitleW( org_console_title, CONSOLE_TITLE_SIZE );
    _setmode( _fileno( stdin ),  _O_BINARY );
    _setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY );
    _setmode( _fileno( stderr ), _O_BINARY );

    /* Parse command line */
    if( parse( argc, argv, &param, &opt ) < 0 )
        ret = -1;

#ifdef _WIN32
    /* Restore title; it can be changed by input modules */
    SetConsoleTitleW( org_console_title );

    /* Control-C handler */
    signal( SIGINT, sigint_handler );

    if( !ret )
    /* 真正的编码部分*/
        ret = encode( &param, &opt );

    /* clean up handles */
    if( filter.free )
        filter.free( opt.hin );
    else if( opt.hin )
        cli_input.close_file( opt.hin );
    if( opt.hout )
        cli_output.close_file( opt.hout, 0, 0 );
    if( opt.tcfile_out )
        fclose( opt.tcfile_out );
    if( opt.qpfile )
        fclose( opt.qpfile );

#ifdef _WIN32
    SetConsoleTitleW( org_console_title );
    free( argv );

    return ret;



typedef struct {
    int b_progress;
    int i_seek;
    hnd_t hin;
    hnd_t hout;
    FILE *qpfile;
    FILE *tcfile_out;
    double timebase_convert_multiplier;
    int i_pulldown;
} cli_opt_t;
typedef struct x264_param_t
    /* CPU flags */
    unsigned int cpu; /*cpu的架构eg. arm-v7a,x86 ...这个是动态监测的,在编码过程中会根据cpu的特性进行加速*/
    int         i_threads;           /* encode multiple frames in parallel */
    int         i_lookahead_threads; /* multiple threads for lookahead analysis */
    int         b_sliced_threads;  /* Whether to use slice-based threading. 除了slice-base的线程方式还有frame-base的*/
    int         b_deterministic; /* whether to allow non-deterministic optimizations when threaded */
    int         b_cpu_independent; /* force canonical behavior rather than cpu-dependent optimal algorithms */
    int         i_sync_lookahead; /* threaded lookahead buffer */

    /* Video Properties */
    int         i_width;
    int         i_height;
    int         i_csp;         /* CSP of encoded bitstream .CSP 就是colorSpace*/
    int         i_level_idc;   /*离散余弦变化的等级*/
    int         i_frame_total; /* number of frames to encode if known, else 0 */

    /* NAL HRD
     * Uses Buffering and Picture Timing SEIs to signal HRD
     * The HRD in H.264 was not designed with VFR in mind.
     * It is therefore not recommendeded to use NAL HRD with VFR.
     * Furthermore, reconfiguring the VBV (via x264_encoder_reconfig)
     * will currently generate invalid HRD. */
    int         i_nal_hrd;

        /* they will be reduced to be 0 < x <= 65535 and prime */
        int         i_sar_height;
        int         i_sar_width; /*宽高比*/

        int         i_overscan;    /* 0=undef, 1=no overscan, 2=overscan */

        /* see h264 annex E for the values of the following */
        int         i_vidformat;
        int         b_fullrange;
        int         i_colorprim;
        int         i_transfer;
        int         i_colmatrix;
        int         i_chroma_loc;    /* both top & bottom */
    } vui;

    /* Bitstream parameters */
    int         i_frame_reference;  /* Maximum number of reference frames */
    int         i_dpb_size;         /* Force a DPB size larger than that implied by B-frames and reference frames.
                                     * Useful in combination with interactive error resilience. */
    int         i_keyint_max;       /* Force an IDR keyframe at this interval */
    int         i_keyint_min;       /* Scenecuts closer together than this are coded as I, not IDR. */
    int         i_scenecut_threshold; /* how aggressively to insert extra I frames */
    int         b_intra_refresh;    /* Whether or not to use periodic intra refresh instead of IDR frames. */

    int         i_bframe;   /* how many b-frame between 2 references pictures */
    int         i_bframe_adaptive;
    int         i_bframe_bias;
    int         i_bframe_pyramid;   /* Keep some B-frames as references: 0=off, 1=strict hierarchical, 2=normal */
    int         b_open_gop;
    int         b_bluray_compat;
    int         i_avcintra_class;

    int         b_deblocking_filter;
    int         i_deblocking_filter_alphac0;    /* [-6, 6] -6 light filter, 6 strong */
    int         i_deblocking_filter_beta;       /* [-6, 6]  idem */

    int         b_cabac;
    int         i_cabac_init_idc;

    int         b_interlaced;
    int         b_constrained_intra;

    int         i_cqm_preset;
    char        *psz_cqm_file;      /* filename (in UTF-8) of CQM file, JM format */
    uint8_t     cqm_4iy[16];        /* used only if i_cqm_preset == X264_CQM_CUSTOM */
    uint8_t     cqm_4py[16];
    uint8_t     cqm_4ic[16];
    uint8_t     cqm_4pc[16];
    uint8_t     cqm_8iy[64];
    uint8_t     cqm_8py[64];
    uint8_t     cqm_8ic[64];
    uint8_t     cqm_8pc[64];

    /* Log */
    void        (*pf_log)( void *, int i_level, const char *psz, va_list );
    void        *p_log_private;
    int         i_log_level;
    int         b_full_recon;   /* fully reconstruct frames, even when not necessary for encoding.  Implied by psz_dump_yuv */
    char        *psz_dump_yuv;  /* filename (in UTF-8) for reconstructed frames */

    /* Encoder analyser parameters */
        unsigned int intra;     /* intra partitions */
        unsigned int inter;     /* inter partitions */

        int          b_transform_8x8;
        int          i_weighted_pred; /* weighting for P-frames */
        int          b_weighted_bipred; /* implicit weighting for B-frames */
        int          i_direct_mv_pred; /* spatial vs temporal mv prediction */
        int          i_chroma_qp_offset;

        int          i_me_method; /* motion estimation algorithm to use (X264_ME_*) */
        int          i_me_range; /* integer pixel motion estimation search range (from predicted mv) */
        int          i_mv_range; /* maximum length of a mv (in pixels). -1 = auto, based on level */
        int          i_mv_range_thread; /* minimum space between threads. -1 = auto, based on number of threads. */
        int          i_subpel_refine; /* subpixel motion estimation quality */
        int          b_chroma_me; /* chroma ME for subpel and mode decision in P-frames */
        int          b_mixed_references; /* allow each mb partition to have its own reference number */
        int          i_trellis;  /* trellis RD quantization */
        int          b_fast_pskip; /* early SKIP detection on P-frames */
        int          b_dct_decimate; /* transform coefficient thresholding on P-frames */
        int          i_noise_reduction; /* adaptive pseudo-deadzone */
        float        f_psy_rd; /* Psy RD strength */
        float        f_psy_trellis; /* Psy trellis strength */
        int          b_psy; /* Toggle all psy optimizations */

        int          b_mb_info;            /* Use input mb_info data in x264_picture_t */
        int          b_mb_info_update; /* Update the values in mb_info according to the results of encoding. */

        /* the deadzone size that will be used in luma quantization */
        int          i_luma_deadzone[2]; /* {inter, intra} */

        int          b_psnr;    /* compute and print PSNR stats */
        int          b_ssim;    /* compute and print SSIM stats */
    } analyse;

    /* Rate control parameters */
        int         i_rc_method;    /* X264_RC_* */

        int         i_qp_constant;  /* 0 to (51 + 6*(x264_bit_depth-8)). 0=lossless */
        int         i_qp_min;       /* min allowed QP value */
        int         i_qp_max;       /* max allowed QP value */
        int         i_qp_step;      /* max QP step between frames */

        int         i_bitrate;
        float       f_rf_constant;  /* 1pass VBR, nominal QP */
        float       f_rf_constant_max;  /* In CRF mode, maximum CRF as caused by VBV */
        float       f_rate_tolerance;
        int         i_vbv_max_bitrate;
        int         i_vbv_buffer_size;
        float       f_vbv_buffer_init; /* <=1: fraction of buffer_size. >1: kbit */
        float       f_ip_factor;
        float       f_pb_factor;

        /* VBV filler: force CBR VBV and use filler bytes to ensure hard-CBR.
         * Implied by NAL-HRD CBR. */
        int         b_filler;

        int         i_aq_mode;      /* psy adaptive QP. (X264_AQ_*) */
        float       f_aq_strength;
        int         b_mb_tree;      /* Macroblock-tree ratecontrol. */
        int         i_lookahead;

        /* 2pass */
        int         b_stat_write;   /* Enable stat writing in psz_stat_out */
        char        *psz_stat_out;  /* output filename (in UTF-8) of the 2pass stats file */
        int         b_stat_read;    /* Read stat from psz_stat_in and use it */
        char        *psz_stat_in;   /* input filename (in UTF-8) of the 2pass stats file */

        /* 2pass params (same as ffmpeg ones) */
        float       f_qcompress;    /* 0.0 => cbr, 1.0 => constant qp */
        float       f_qblur;        /* temporally blur quants */
        float       f_complexity_blur; /* temporally blur complexity */
        x264_zone_t *zones;         /* ratecontrol overrides */
        int         i_zones;        /* number of zone_t's */
        char        *psz_zones;     /* alternate method of specifying zones */
    } rc;

    /* Cropping Rectangle parameters: added to those implicitly defined by
       non-mod16 video resolutions. */
        unsigned int i_left;
        unsigned int i_top;
        unsigned int i_right;
        unsigned int i_bottom;
    } crop_rect;

    /* frame packing arrangement flag */
    int i_frame_packing;

    /* Muxing parameters */
    int b_aud;                  /* generate access unit delimiters */
    int b_repeat_headers;       /* put SPS/PPS before each keyframe */
    int b_annexb;               /* if set, place start codes (4 bytes) before NAL units,
                                 * otherwise place size (4 bytes) before NAL units. */
    int i_sps_id;               /* SPS and PPS id number */
    int b_vfr_input;            /* VFR input.  If 1, use timebase and timestamps for ratecontrol purposes.
                                 * If 0, use fps only. */
    int b_pulldown;             /* use explicity set timebase for CFR */
    uint32_t i_fps_num;         /*帧率的分子,由于浮点数在运算过程中反复使用可能会扩大误差,所以才用分数形势,本人猜测*/
    uint32_t i_fps_den;         /*帧率的分母*/
    uint32_t i_timebase_num;    /* Timebase numerator */
    uint32_t i_timebase_den;    /* Timebase denominator */

    int b_tff;

    /* Pulldown:
     * The correct pic_struct must be passed with each input frame.
     * The input timebase should be the timebase corresponding to the output framerate. This should be constant.
     * e.g. for 3:2 pulldown timebase should be 1001/30000
     * The PTS passed with each frame must be the PTS of the frame after pulldown is applied.
     * Frame doubling and tripling require b_vfr_input set to zero (see H.264 Table D-1)
     * Pulldown changes are not clearly defined in H.264. Therefore, it is the calling app's responsibility to manage this.

    int b_pic_struct;

    /* Fake Interlaced.
     * Used only when b_interlaced=0. Setting this flag makes it possible to flag the stream as PAFF interlaced yet
     * encode all frames progessively. It is useful for encoding 25p and 30p Blu-Ray streams.

    int b_fake_interlaced;

    /* Don't optimize header parameters based on video content, e.g. ensure that splitting an input video, compressing
     * each part, and stitching them back together will result in identical SPS/PPS. This is necessary for stitching
     * with container formats that don't allow multiple SPS/PPS. */
    int b_stitchable;

    int b_opencl;            /* use OpenCL when available */
    int i_opencl_device;     /* specify count of GPU devices to skip, for CLI users */
    void *opencl_device_id;  /* pass explicit cl_device_id as void*, for API users */
    char *psz_clbin_file;    /* filename (in UTF-8) of the compiled OpenCL kernel cache file */

    /* Slicing parameters */
    int i_slice_max_size;    /* Max size per slice in bytes; includes estimated NAL overhead. */
    int i_slice_max_mbs;     /* Max number of MBs per slice; overrides i_slice_count. */
    int i_slice_min_mbs;     /* Min number of MBs per slice */
    int i_slice_count;       /* Number of slices per frame: forces rectangular slices. */
    int i_slice_count_max;   /* Absolute cap on slices per frame; stops applying slice-max-size
                              * and slice-max-mbs if this is reached. */

    /* Optional callback for freeing this x264_param_t when it is done being used.
     * Only used when the x264_param_t sits in memory for an indefinite period of time,
     * i.e. when an x264_param_t is passed to x264_t in an x264_picture_t or in zones.
     * Not used when x264_encoder_reconfig is called directly. */
    void (*param_free)( void* );

    /* Optional low-level callback for low-latency encoding.  Called for each output NAL unit
     * immediately after the NAL unit is finished encoding.  This allows the calling application
     * to begin processing video data (e.g. by sending packets over a network) before the frame
     * is done encoding.
     * This callback MUST do the following in order to work correctly:
     * 1) Have available an output buffer of at least size nal->i_payload*3/2 + 5 + 64.
     * 2) Call x264_nal_encode( h, dst, nal ), where dst is the output buffer.
     * After these steps, the content of nal is valid and can be used in the same way as if
     * the NAL unit were output by x264_encoder_encode.
     * This does not need to be synchronous with the encoding process: the data pointed to
     * by nal (both before and after x264_nal_encode) will remain valid until the next
     * x264_encoder_encode call.  The callback must be re-entrant.
     * This callback does not work with frame-based threads; threads must be disabled
     * or sliced-threads enabled.  This callback also does not work as one would expect
     * with HRD -- since the buffering period SEI cannot be calculated until the frame
     * is finished encoding, it will not be sent via this callback.
     * Note also that the NALs are not necessarily returned in order when sliced threads is
     * enabled.  Accordingly, the variable i_first_mb and i_last_mb are available in
     * x264_nal_t to help the calling application reorder the slices if necessary.
     * When this callback is enabled, x264_encoder_encode does not return valid NALs;
     * the calling application is expected to acquire all output NALs through the callback.
     * It is generally sensible to combine this callback with a use of slice-max-mbs or
     * slice-max-size.
     * The opaque pointer is the opaque pointer from the input frame associated with this
     * NAL unit. This helps distinguish between nalu_process calls from different sources,
     * e.g. if doing multiple encodes in one process.
    void (*nalu_process) ( x264_t *h, x264_nal_t *nal, void *opaque );
} x264_param_t;



static int select_output( const char *muxer, char *filename, x264_param_t *param )
    const char *ext = get_filename_extension( filename );
    if( !strcmp( filename, "-" ) || strcasecmp( muxer, "auto" ) )
        ext = muxer;

    if( !strcasecmp( ext, "mp4" ) )
        cli_output = mp4_output;
        param->b_annexb = 0;
        param->b_repeat_headers = 0;
        if( param->i_nal_hrd == X264_NAL_HRD_CBR )
            x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "cbr nal-hrd is not compatible with mp4\n" );
            param->i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_VBR;
        x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_ERROR, "not compiled with MP4 output support\n" );
        return -1;
    else if( !strcasecmp( ext, "mkv" ) )
        cli_output = mkv_output;
        param->b_annexb = 0;
        param->b_repeat_headers = 0;
    else if( !strcasecmp( ext, "flv" ) )
        cli_output = flv_output;
        param->b_annexb = 0;
        param->b_repeat_headers = 0;
        cli_output = raw_output;
    return 0;


static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, cli_output_opt_t *opt )
    if( !strcmp( psz_filename, "-" ) )
        *p_handle = stdout;
    else if( !(*p_handle = x264_fopen( psz_filename, "w+b" )) )
        return -1;

    return 0;

static int set_param( hnd_t handle, x264_param_t *p_param )
    return 0;

static int write_headers( hnd_t handle, x264_nal_t *p_nal )
    int size = p_nal[0].i_payload + p_nal[1].i_payload + p_nal[2].i_payload;

    if( fwrite( p_nal[0].p_payload, size, 1, (FILE*)handle ) )
        return size;
    return -1;

static int write_frame( hnd_t handle, uint8_t *p_nalu, int i_size, x264_picture_t *p_picture )
    if( fwrite( p_nalu, i_size, 1, (FILE*)handle ) )
        return i_size;
    return -1;

static int close_file( hnd_t handle, int64_t largest_pts, int64_t second_largest_pts )
    if( !handle || handle == stdout )
        return 0;

    return fclose( (FILE*)handle );

const cli_output_t raw_output = { open_file, set_param, write_headers, write_frame, close_file };



static int select_input( const char *demuxer, char *used_demuxer, char *filename,hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt )
    int b_auto = !strcasecmp( demuxer, "auto" );
    const char *ext = b_auto ? get_filename_extension( filename ) : "";
    int b_regular = strcmp( filename, "-" );
    if( !b_regular && b_auto )
        ext = "raw";
    b_regular = b_regular && x264_is_regular_file_path( filename );
    if( b_regular )
        FILE *f = x264_fopen( filename, "r" );
        if( f )
            b_regular = x264_is_regular_file( f );
            fclose( f );
    const char *module = b_auto ? ext : demuxer;

    if( !strcasecmp( module, "avs" ) || !strcasecmp( ext, "d2v" ) || !strcasecmp( ext, "dga" ) )
        cli_input = avs_input;
        module = "avs";
        x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_ERROR, "not compiled with AVS input support\n" );
        return -1;
    else if( !strcasecmp( module, "y4m" ) )
        cli_input = y4m_input;
    else if( !strcasecmp( module, "raw" ) || !strcasecmp( ext, "yuv" ) )
        cli_input = raw_input;
        if( b_regular && (b_auto || !strcasecmp( demuxer, "ffms" )) &&
            !ffms_input.open_file( filename, p_handle, info, opt ) )
            module = "ffms";
            b_auto = 0;
            cli_input = ffms_input;
        if( (b_auto || !strcasecmp( demuxer, "lavf" )) &&
            !lavf_input.open_file( filename, p_handle, info, opt ) )
            module = "lavf";
            b_auto = 0;
            cli_input = lavf_input;
        if( b_regular && (b_auto || !strcasecmp( demuxer, "avs" )) &&
            !avs_input.open_file( filename, p_handle, info, opt ) )
            module = "avs";
            b_auto = 0;
            cli_input = avs_input;
        if( b_auto && !raw_input.open_file( filename, p_handle, info, opt ) )
            module = "raw";
            b_auto = 0;
            cli_input = raw_input;

        FAIL_IF_ERROR( !(*p_handle), "could not open input file `%s' via any method!\n", filename );
    strcpy( used_demuxer, module );

    return 0;



static int encode( x264_param_t *param, cli_opt_t *opt )
    x264_t *h = NULL;
    x264_picture_t pic;
    cli_pic_t cli_pic;
    const cli_pulldown_t *pulldown = NULL; // shut up gcc不懂什么意思

    int     i_frame = 0;/*当前编码帧的索引*/
    int     i_frame_output = 0;/*已编码的帧数*/
    int64_t i_end, i_previous = 0, i_start = 0;/*分别代表编码的结束时间,和前一帧的时间以及编码开始的时间*/
    int64_t i_file = 0;/*编码后文件的大小*/
    int     i_frame_size;/*每一帧编码后的大小*/
    int64_t last_dts = 0;/*最后一帧的解码时间戳*/
    int64_t prev_dts = 0;/*前一帧解码时间戳*/
    int64_t first_dts = 0;/*第一帧的解码时间戳*/
#   define  MAX_PTS_WARNING 3 /* arbitrary */
    int     pts_warning_cnt = 0;
    int64_t largest_pts = -1;/*因为时间戳是自增的,所以是最后一帧的时间戳,*/
    int64_t second_largest_pts = -1;/*倒数第二帧的时间戳*/
    int64_t ticks_per_frame;
    double  duration; /*解码用时,单位是毫秒*/
    double  pulldown_pts = 0;
    int     retval = 0;

    opt->b_progress &= param->i_log_level < X264_LOG_DEBUG;

    /* set up pulldown */
    if( opt->i_pulldown && !param->b_vfr_input )
        param->b_pulldown = 1;
        param->b_pic_struct = 1;
        pulldown = &pulldown_values[opt->i_pulldown];
        param->i_timebase_num = param->i_fps_den;
        FAIL_IF_ERROR2( fmod( param->i_fps_num * pulldown->fps_factor, 1 ),
                        "unsupported framerate for chosen pulldown\n" );
        param->i_timebase_den = param->i_fps_num * pulldown->fps_factor;

    h = x264_encoder_open( param );
    FAIL_IF_ERROR2( !h, "x264_encoder_open failed\n" );

    x264_encoder_parameters( h, param );

    FAIL_IF_ERROR2( cli_output.set_param( opt->hout, param ), "can't set outfile param\n" );

    i_start = x264_mdate();

    /* ticks/frame = ticks/second / frames/second */
    ticks_per_frame = (int64_t)param->i_timebase_den * param->i_fps_den / param->i_timebase_num / param->i_fps_num;
    FAIL_IF_ERROR2( ticks_per_frame < 1 && !param->b_vfr_input, "ticks_per_frame invalid: %"PRId64"\n", ticks_per_frame );
    ticks_per_frame = X264_MAX( ticks_per_frame, 1 );
    if( !param->b_repeat_headers )
        // Write SPS/PPS/SEI
        x264_nal_t *headers;
        int i_nal;

        FAIL_IF_ERROR2( x264_encoder_headers( h, &headers, &i_nal ) < 0, "x264_encoder_headers failed\n" );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR2( (i_file = cli_output.write_headers( opt->hout, headers )) < 0, "error writing headers to output file\n" );

    if( opt->tcfile_out )
        fprintf( opt->tcfile_out, "# timecode format v2\n" );

    /* Encode frames */
    for( ; !b_ctrl_c && (i_frame < param->i_frame_total || !param->i_frame_total); i_frame++ )
        if( filter.get_frame( opt->hin, &cli_pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek ) )
        x264_picture_init( &pic );
        convert_cli_to_lib_pic( &pic, &cli_pic );
        if( !param->b_vfr_input )
            pic.i_pts = i_frame;

        if( opt->i_pulldown && !param->b_vfr_input )
            pic.i_pic_struct = pulldown->pattern[ i_frame % pulldown->mod ];
            pic.i_pts = (int64_t)( pulldown_pts + 0.5 );
            pulldown_pts += pulldown_frame_duration[pic.i_pic_struct];
        else if( opt->timebase_convert_multiplier )
            pic.i_pts = (int64_t)( pic.i_pts * opt->timebase_convert_multiplier + 0.5 );

        if( pic.i_pts <= largest_pts )
            if( cli_log_level >= X264_LOG_DEBUG || pts_warning_cnt < MAX_PTS_WARNING )
                x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "non-strictly-monotonic pts at frame %d (%"PRId64" <= %"PRId64")\n",
                             i_frame, pic.i_pts, largest_pts );
            else if( pts_warning_cnt == MAX_PTS_WARNING )
                x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "too many nonmonotonic pts warnings, suppressing further ones\n" );
            pic.i_pts = largest_pts + ticks_per_frame;

        second_largest_pts = largest_pts;
        largest_pts = pic.i_pts;
        if( opt->tcfile_out )
            fprintf( opt->tcfile_out, "%.6f\n", pic.i_pts * ((double)param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den) * 1e3 );

        if( opt->qpfile )
            parse_qpfile( opt, &pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek );

        prev_dts = last_dts;
        /*编码,获取解码时间戳并保存早last_dts中,同时返回编码数据的大小i_frame_size。这里的pic是输入数据,与后面的flush delayed frames不同,那个是Null*/
        i_frame_size = encode_frame( h, opt->hout, &pic, &last_dts );
        /*i_frame_size 可能是0,因为当存在B帧的时候,它需要把后面的帧数据存入后才能编码,这也是为什么最后还要flush delayed frames的原因*/
        if( i_frame_size < 0 )
            b_ctrl_c = 1; /* lie to exit the loop */
            retval = -1;
        else if( i_frame_size )
            i_file += i_frame_size;
            if( i_frame_output == 1 )
                first_dts = prev_dts = last_dts;

        if( filter.release_frame( opt->hin, &cli_pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek ) )

        /* update status line (up to 1000 times per input file) */
        if( opt->b_progress && i_frame_output )
            i_previous = print_status( i_start, i_previous, i_frame_output, param->i_frame_total, i_file, param, 2 * last_dts - prev_dts - first_dts );
    /* Flush delayed frames */
    while( !b_ctrl_c && x264_encoder_delayed_frames( h ) )
        prev_dts = last_dts;
        i_frame_size = encode_frame( h, opt->hout, NULL, &last_dts );
        if( i_frame_size < 0 )
            b_ctrl_c = 1; /* lie to exit the loop */
            retval = -1;
        else if( i_frame_size )
            i_file += i_frame_size;
            if( i_frame_output == 1 )
                first_dts = prev_dts = last_dts;
        if( opt->b_progress && i_frame_output )
            i_previous = print_status( i_start, i_previous, i_frame_output, param->i_frame_total, i_file, param, 2 * last_dts - prev_dts - first_dts );
    if( pts_warning_cnt >= MAX_PTS_WARNING && cli_log_level < X264_LOG_DEBUG )
        x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "%d suppressed nonmonotonic pts warnings\n", pts_warning_cnt-MAX_PTS_WARNING );

    /* duration algorithm fails when only 1 frame is output */
    if( i_frame_output == 1 )
        duration = (double)param->i_fps_den / param->i_fps_num;
    else if( b_ctrl_c )
        duration = (double)(2 * last_dts - prev_dts - first_dts) * param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den;
        duration = (double)(2 * largest_pts - second_largest_pts) * param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den;

    i_end = x264_mdate();
    /* Erase progress indicator before printing encoding stats. */
    if( opt->b_progress )
        fprintf( stderr, "                                                                               \r" );
    if( h )
        x264_encoder_close( h );
    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

    if( b_ctrl_c )
        fprintf( stderr, "aborted at input frame %d, output frame %d\n", opt->i_seek + i_frame, i_frame_output );

    cli_output.close_file( opt->hout, largest_pts, second_largest_pts );
    opt->hout = NULL;

    if( i_frame_output > 0 )
        double fps = (double)i_frame_output * (double)1000000 /
                     (double)( i_end - i_start );

        fprintf( stderr, "encoded %d frames, %.2f fps, %.2f kb/s\n", i_frame_output, fps,
                 (double) i_file * 8 / ( 1000 * duration ) );

    return retval;


 encode_frame( h, opt->hout, &pic, &last_dts );/*编码,注意这里的     last_dts,是从函数里面获得编码时间戳*/



static int init_vid_filters( char *sequence, hnd_t *handle, video_info_t *info, x264_param_t *param, int output_csp )
/* 注册所有filter,实际上就是把所有的filter链接成链表*/

    /* intialize baseline filters */
    if( x264_init_vid_filter( "source", handle, &filter, info, param, NULL ) ) /* wrap demuxer into a filter */
        return -1;
    if( x264_init_vid_filter( "resize", handle, &filter, info, param, "normcsp" ) ) /* normalize csps to be of a known/supported format */
        return -1;
    if( x264_init_vid_filter( "fix_vfr_pts", handle, &filter, info, param, NULL ) ) /* fix vfr pts */
        return -1;

    /* parse filter chain */
    for( char *p = sequence; p && *p; )
        int tok_len = strcspn( p, "/" );
        int p_len = strlen( p );
        p[tok_len] = 0;
        int name_len = strcspn( p, ":" );
        p[name_len] = 0;
        name_len += name_len != tok_len;
        if( x264_init_vid_filter( p, handle, &filter, info, param, p + name_len ) )
            return -1;
        p += X264_MIN( tok_len+1, p_len );

    /* force end result resolution */
    if( !param->i_width && !param->i_height )
        param->i_height = info->height;
        param->i_width  = info->width;
    /* force the output csp to what the user specified (or the default) */
    param->i_csp = info->csp;
    int csp = info->csp & X264_CSP_MASK;
    if( output_csp == X264_CSP_I420 && (csp < X264_CSP_I420 || csp >= X264_CSP_I422) )
        param->i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;
    else if( output_csp == X264_CSP_I422 && (csp < X264_CSP_I422 || csp >= X264_CSP_I444) )
        param->i_csp = X264_CSP_I422;
    else if( output_csp == X264_CSP_I444 && (csp < X264_CSP_I444 || csp >= X264_CSP_BGR) )
        param->i_csp = X264_CSP_I444;
    else if( output_csp == X264_CSP_RGB && (csp < X264_CSP_BGR || csp > X264_CSP_RGB) )
        param->i_csp = X264_CSP_RGB;
    param->i_csp |= info->csp & X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
    /* if the output range is not forced, assign it to the input one now */
    if( param->vui.b_fullrange == RANGE_AUTO )
        param->vui.b_fullrange = info->fullrange;
    if( x264_init_vid_filter( "resize", handle, &filter, info, param, NULL ) )
        return -1;

    char args[20];
    sprintf( args, "bit_depth=%d", x264_bit_depth );

    if( x264_init_vid_filter( "depth", handle, &filter, info, param, args ) )
        return -1;

    return 0;

现在来看一下get_frame(),以filter resize为例,看看它的代码时怎么写的:

static int get_frame( hnd_t handle, cli_pic_t *output, int frame )
    resizer_hnd_t *h = handle;
    if( h->prev_filter.get_frame( h->prev_hnd, output, frame ) )
        return -1;
    if( h->variable_input && check_resizer( h, output ) )
        return -1;
    h->working = 1;
    if( h->pre_swap_chroma )
        XCHG( uint8_t*, output->img.plane[1], output->img.plane[2] );
    if( h->ctx )
        sws_scale( h->ctx, (const uint8_t* const*)output->img.plane, output->img.stride,0, output->img.height, h->buffer.img.plane, h->buffer.img.stride );
        output->img = h->buffer.img; /* copy img data */
        output->img.csp = h->dst_csp;
    if( h->post_swap_chroma )
        XCHG( uint8_t*, output->img.plane[1], output->img.plane[2] );

    return 0;

注意这里h->prev_filter.get_frame( h->prev_hnd, output, frame ),它是调用了前一个filter的get_frame。那其他的filter是怎么样的呢?我查看源码里面所支持的filter,发现,除了sourcefilter之外其他的也是调用prev_filter的get_frame。分析不难理解这是为什么,首先source filter是整个filter链上的第一个filter,所以不存在prev_filter,source filter 封装了cli_input的read_frame方法,所以source filter的功能就是解复用。分析道这里,我相信你也明白了,实际上在调用get_frame的时候,会走一遍所有filter的get_frame,同时也会执行该filter所要做的工作,例如上面的resizefilter,他的工作就是调用ffmpeg里面的sws_scale( h->ctx, (const uint8_t* const*)output->img.plane, output->img.stride,0, output->img.height, h->buffer.img.plane, h->buffer.img.stride );来完成缩放工作。说到这里,我们脑洞一下,要是想加个水印什么的,也是可以自定义一个filter加载到这里来做。



static int encode_frame( x264_t *h, hnd_t hout, x264_picture_t *pic, int64_t *last_dts )
    x264_picture_t pic_out;
    x264_nal_t *nal;
    int i_nal;
    int i_frame_size = 0;
    i_frame_size = x264_encoder_encode( h, &nal, &i_nal, pic, &pic_out );

    FAIL_IF_ERROR( i_frame_size < 0, "x264_encoder_encode failed\n" );

    if( i_frame_size )
        i_frame_size = cli_output.write_frame( hout, nal[0].p_payload, i_frame_size, &pic_out );
        *last_dts = pic_out.i_dts;
    return i_frame_size;



以上的工作可以说是准备工作,还没有真正进入到编码的过程。但是,代码量确实非常大的,我想说一句Reading the fucking source code ,is really boring!





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