Starting your Development

1. Hopefully you have already enjoyed the demos described in theQuick Start Guide. This is the same print out which is provided with your DM37x EVM. If not, this Quick Start Guide quickly and easily explains how to run the applications and demos provided on the DM37x EVM.

2.  When your board is set up as described above, insert the Code Sourcery Toolchain CD in to the CD-ROM drive of your development host.

3. On Ubuntu 10.04 LTS open a terminal window as follows: Applications->Accessories->Terminal.

4. Enter the Code Sourcery directory (if necessary, replace 2009q1-203 with the version of Code Sourcery you are trying to install)

host# cd /media/cdrom/Sourcery\ G++\ Lite\ 2009q1-203\ for\ ARM\ GNU\ Linux/i686-\pc-linux-gnu/

Note: If you are using a VMware image the CD-ROM will be list as /media/disk.

5. Execute the installer with a .bin file extension as follows (again replace 2009q1-203 with the version of Code Sourcery you are trying to install if necessary). Follow the installer instructions on the screen to do a Typical installation.

host# ./arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin

Note: There is no need to read the Getting Started Guide from Code Sourcery at this point in time. You can read it later if necessary.

6. Remove the CD from the CD-ROM.

7.  Enter the /media/START_HERE directory and execute the dvsdk_dm3730-evm_4_00_00_00_setuplinux file (if necessary, replace 4_00_00_00 with the actual version number of the file you have on the SD card). Follow the installer instructions.

host# cd /media/START_HERE

host# ./dvsdk_dm3730-evm_4_00_00_00_setuplinux

8.  Once installation is complete, the Software Developer's Guide (SDG) will open as a pdf file. Follow its instructions to start developing software for the DM37x. The SDG and other documentation can be found in the docs folder of the DVSDK installation directory.

EVM Hardware Overview

 To better understand the DM37x EVM hardware, you may want to review DM37x EVM Hardware User's Guide which can be found in the /docs directory of your SDK installation or by visitingMistral's website.


DM37x Support Forums - an active community of TIers and other customer like you already using the DM37x EVM.  You may find your question has already been answer with a quick Search of the Forums.  If not, a quick post will likely provide you the answers you need. - a support email list you may submit your question to.

Software Updates

We are continually improving the quality and content of the software we provide in the DM37x EVM.  Updates to the SDK may be obtainedatSoftware Updates as they become available.





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