

1 概述





2 blueprint相关编译链生成



2.1 Build调用栈


    通过runKatiBuild找到所有的Android通过runKatiBuild找到所有的Android.mk文件,编译 out/,最后把这些ninja文件合并成,通过ninja完成最终编译。

    其中runSoong对工具进行编译,编译出blueprint等编译工具, 把*.bp 编译成 out/soong/。


2.2 runSoong调用栈

  runSoong执行bootstrap.bash和blueprint_impl.bash,最终生成minibp和bpglob进程,建立/out/soong/.minibootstrap/ 和/out/soong/.bootstrap/ 两个文件。






2.3 runSoong()


  • 执行build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash  生成.minibootstrap/ 和.bootstrap/

  •  生成minibp\bpglob

  • 通过ninja来编译.minibootstrap/ 和.bootstrap/




  • 它可以引导独立的blueprint来生成minibp二进制文件, 

           可以直接运行 ./build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash。

  • 也可以从另一个脚本调用它来引导基于Bleprint的自定义构建系统。

  1. [/build/soong/ui/build/soong. go]
  2. func runSoong(ctx Context, config Config) {
  3. ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "soong")
  4. defer ctx.EndTrace()
  5. func() {
  6. ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "blueprint bootstrap")
  7. defer ctx.EndTrace()
  8. cmd := Command(ctx, config, "blueprint bootstrap", "build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash", "-t")
  9. cmd.Environment.Set( "BLUEPRINTDIR", "./build/blueprint")
  10. cmd.Environment.Set( "BOOTSTRAP", "./build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash")
  11. cmd.Environment.Set( "BUILDDIR", config.SoongOutDir())
  12. cmd.Environment.Set( "GOROOT", "./"+filepath.Join( "prebuilts/go", config.HostPrebuiltTag()))
  13. cmd.Environment.Set( "BLUEPRINT_LIST_FILE", filepath.Join(config.FileListDir(), "Android.bp.list"))
  14. cmd.Environment.Set( "NINJA_BUILDDIR", config.OutDir())
  15. cmd.Environment.Set( "SRCDIR", ".")
  16. cmd.Environment.Set( "TOPNAME", "Android.bp")
  17. cmd.Sandbox = soongSandbox
  18. //执行build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash
  19. cmd.RunAndPrintOrFatal()
  20. }()
  21. func() {
  22. ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "environment check")
  23. defer ctx.EndTrace()
  24. envFile := filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), ".soong.environment")
  25. envTool := filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), ".bootstrap/bin/soong_env")
  26. if _, err := os.Stat(envFile); err == nil {
  27. if _, err := os.Stat(envTool); err == nil {
  28. cmd := Command(ctx, config, "soong_env", envTool, envFile)
  29. cmd.Sandbox = soongSandbox
  30. var buf strings.Builder
  31. cmd.Stdout = &buf
  32. cmd.Stderr = &buf
  33. if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
  34. ctx.Verboseln( "soong_env failed, forcing manifest regeneration")
  35. os.Remove(envFile)
  36. }
  37. if buf.Len() > 0 {
  38. ctx.Verboseln(buf.String())
  39. }
  40. } else {
  41. ctx.Verboseln( "Missing soong_env tool, forcing manifest regeneration")
  42. os.Remove(envFile)
  43. }
  44. } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
  45. ctx.Fatalf( "Failed to stat %f: %v", envFile, err)
  46. }
  47. }()
  48. var cfg microfactory.Config
  49. cfg.Map( "", "build/blueprint")
  50. cfg.TrimPath = absPath(ctx, ".")
  51. func() {
  52. ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "minibp")
  53. defer ctx.EndTrace()
  54. minibp := filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), ".minibootstrap/minibp")
  55. if _, err := microfactory.Build(&cfg, minibp, ""); err != nil {
  56. ctx.Fatalln( "Failed to build minibp:", err)
  57. }
  58. }()
  59. func() {
  60. ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "bpglob")
  61. defer ctx.EndTrace()
  62. bpglob := filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), ".minibootstrap/bpglob")
  63. if _, err := microfactory.Build(&cfg, bpglob, ""); err != nil {
  64. ctx.Fatalln( "Failed to build bpglob:", err)
  65. }
  66. }()
  67. ninja := func(name, file string) {
  68. ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, name)
  69. defer ctx.EndTrace()
  70. fifo := filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), ".ninja_fifo")
  71. nr := status.NewNinjaReader(ctx, ctx.Status.StartTool(), fifo)
  72. defer nr.Close()
  73. cmd := Command(ctx, config, "soong "+name,
  74. config.PrebuiltBuildTool( "ninja"),
  75. "-d", "keepdepfile",
  76. "-w", "dupbuild=err",
  77. "-j", strconv.Itoa(config.Parallel()),
  78. "--frontend_file", fifo,
  79. "-f", filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), file))
  80. cmd.Sandbox = soongSandbox
  81. cmd.RunAndPrintOrFatal()
  82. }
  83. ninja( "minibootstrap", ".minibootstrap/")
  84. ninja( "bootstrap", ".bootstrap/")
  85. }


2.4 minibp的生成

  从build/blueprint/Blueprints 中可知,需要编译的二进制文件名为 minibp,源文件为:bootstrap/minibp/main.go,依赖于 blueprint、blueprint-bootstrap、gotestmain-tests。

  1. [build/blueprint/Blueprints]
  2. bootstrap_go_binary {
  3. name: "minibp",
  4. deps: [
  5. "blueprint",
  6. "blueprint-bootstrap",
  7. "gotestmain-tests",
  8. ],
  9. srcs: [ "bootstrap/minibp/main.go"],
  10. }


  1. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  2. # Module: minibp
  3. # Variant:
  4. # Type: bootstrap_go_binary
  5. # Factory:
  6. # Defined: build/blueprint/Blueprints:132:1
  7. build ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/minibp/obj/minibp.a: $
  8. g.bootstrap.compile $
  9. ${g.bootstrap.srcDir}/build/blueprint/bootstrap/minibp/main.go | $
  10. ${g.bootstrap.compileCmd} $
  11. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-parser/pkg/ $
  12. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-deptools/pkg/ $
  13. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-pathtools/pkg/ $
  14. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-proptools/pkg/ $
  15. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint/pkg/ $
  16. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-bootstrap-bpdoc/pkg/ $
  17. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-bootstrap/pkg/ $
  18. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/gotestmain-tests/pkg/
  19. incFlags = -I ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-parser/pkg -I ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-deptools/pkg -I ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-pathtools/pkg -I ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-proptools/pkg -I ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint/pkg -I ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-bootstrap-bpdoc/pkg -I ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-bootstrap/pkg -I ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/gotestmain-tests/pkg
  20. pkgPath = minibp
  21. build ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/minibp/obj/a.out: $
  22. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/minibp/obj/minibp.a | $
  23. ${g.bootstrap.linkCmd} $
  24. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-parser/pkg/ $
  25. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-deptools/pkg/ $
  26. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-pathtools/pkg/ $
  27. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-proptools/pkg/ $
  28. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint/pkg/ $
  29. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-bootstrap-bpdoc/pkg/ $
  30. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-bootstrap/pkg/ $
  31. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/gotestmain-tests/pkg/
  32. libDirFlags = -L ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-parser/pkg -L ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-deptools/pkg -L ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-pathtools/pkg -L ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-proptools/pkg -L ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint/pkg -L ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-bootstrap-bpdoc/pkg -L ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-bootstrap/pkg -L ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/gotestmain-tests/pkg
  33. build out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/minibp: g.bootstrap.cp $
  34. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/minibp/obj/a.out || $
  35. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-parser/test/test.passed $
  36. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-pathtools/test/test.passed $
  37. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-proptools/test/test.passed $
  38. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint/test/test.passed $
  39. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/blueprint-bootstrap-bpdoc/test/test.passed $
  40. ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/gotestmain-tests/test/test.passed


   可以看到最终策划你改成的minibp需要三部生成,第一部编译成minibp.a其中依赖于 blueprint、blueprint-pathtools 和main.go,第二部是link成a.out,第三部通过cp到对应的bin的目录下,完成一个module的解析。


3 Blueprint的编译阶段





    第三步:generate阶段分析解析的Blueprint内容,为必须执行的构建操作创建一个内部表示。此 阶段还执行模块依赖项和已解析Bleprint文件中定义的属性值的验证。



3.1 minibp编译入口



2.执行 command.go 的Main() 进行最终编译

  1. [/build/blueprint/bootstrap/minibp/main. go]
  2. func main() {
  3. flag.Parse()
  4. ctx := blueprint.NewContext() //配置一个Context结构
  5. if !runAsPrimaryBuilder {
  6. ctx.SetIgnoreUnknownModuleTypes( true)
  7. }
  8. config := Config{
  9. generatingPrimaryBuilder: !runAsPrimaryBuilder,
  10. }
  11. //执行 command.go 的Main() 进行最终编译
  12. bootstrap.Main(ctx, config)
  13. }


3.2 Context配置



  1. [/build/blueprint/context. go]
  2. func newContext() *Context {
  3. return &Context{
  4. Context: context.Background(),
  5. moduleFactories: make( map[ string]ModuleFactory), //存储着我们后面注册的module如“bootstrap_core_go_binary”
  6. nameInterface: NewSimpleNameInterface(),
  7. moduleInfo: make( map[Module]*moduleInfo),
  8. globs: make( map[ string]GlobPath),
  9. fs: pathtools.OsFs,
  10. ninjaBuildDir: nil,
  11. requiredNinjaMajor: 1,
  12. requiredNinjaMinor: 7,
  13. requiredNinjaMicro: 0,
  14. }
  15. }


3.3 执行 command.go Main()

3.3.1 调用栈

  1. [/build/blueprint/bootstrap/command. go]
  2. package bootstrap
  3. func Main(ctx *blueprint.Context, config interface{}, extraNinjaFileDeps ...string) {
  4. ...
  5. ctx.RegisterBottomUpMutator( "bootstrap_plugin_deps", pluginDeps)
  6. ctx.RegisterModuleType( "bootstrap_go_package", newGoPackageModuleFactory(bootstrapConfig))
  7. ctx.RegisterModuleType( "bootstrap_go_binary", newGoBinaryModuleFactory(bootstrapConfig, false))
  8. ctx.RegisterModuleType( "blueprint_go_binary", newGoBinaryModuleFactory(bootstrapConfig, true))
  9. ctx.RegisterSingletonType( "bootstrap", newSingletonFactory(bootstrapConfig))
  10. ctx.RegisterSingletonType( "glob", globSingletonFactory(ctx))
  11. deps, errs := ctx.ParseFileList(filepath.Dir(bootstrapConfig.topLevelBlueprintsFile), filesToParse)
  12. if len(errs) > 0 {
  13. fatalErrors(errs)
  14. }
  15. // Add extra ninja file dependencies
  16. deps = append(deps, extraNinjaFileDeps...)
  17. extraDeps, errs := ctx.ResolveDependencies(config)
  18. ...
  19. extraDeps, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
  20. ...
  21. err = ctx.WriteBuildFile(out)
  22. ...
  23. }






5.将生成的构建操作的Ninja manifest文本写入文件


3.3.2 RegisterBottomUpMutator()




  1. [/build/blueprint/context. go]
  2. func (c *Context) RegisterBottomUpMutator(name string, mutator BottomUpMutator) MutatorHandle {
  3. for _, m := range c.variantMutatorNames {
  4. if m == name {
  5. panic(fmt.Errorf( "mutator name %s is already registered", name))
  6. }
  7. }
  8. info := &mutatorInfo{
  9. bottomUpMutator: mutator,
  10. name: name,
  11. }
  12. c.mutatorInfo = append(c.mutatorInfo, info)
  13. c.variantMutatorNames = append(c.variantMutatorNames, name)
  14. return info
  15. }


3.3.3 RegisterSingletonType()



  1. [/build/blueprint/context. go]
  2. func (c *Context) RegisterSingletonType(name string, factory SingletonFactory) {
  3. for _, s := range c.singletonInfo {
  4. if == name {
  5. panic(errors.New( "singleton name is already registered"))
  6. }
  7. }
  8. c.singletonInfo = append(c.singletonInfo, &singletonInfo{
  9. factory: factory,
  10. singleton: factory(),
  11. name: name,
  12. })
  13. }


3.3.4 ResolveDependencies()


  1. [/build/blueprint/context. go]
  2. func (c *Context) resolveDependencies(ctx context.Context, config interface{}) (deps [] string, errs [] error) {
  3. pprof.Do(ctx, pprof.Labels( "blueprint", "ResolveDependencies"), func(ctx context.Context) {
  4. c.liveGlobals = newLiveTracker(config)
  5. deps, errs = c.generateSingletonBuildActions(config, c.preSingletonInfo, c.liveGlobals)
  6. if len(errs) > 0 {
  7. return
  8. }
  9. errs = c.updateDependencies()
  10. if len(errs) > 0 {
  11. return
  12. }
  13. var mutatorDeps [] string
  14. mutatorDeps, errs = c.runMutators(ctx, config)
  15. if len(errs) > 0 {
  16. return
  17. }
  18. deps = append(deps, mutatorDeps...)
  19. c.cloneModules()
  20. c.dependenciesReady = true
  21. })
  22. if len(errs) > 0 {
  23. return nil, errs
  24. }
  25. return deps, nil
  26. }


3.3.5 PrepareBuildActions








  1. [/build/blueprint/context. go]
  2. func (c *Context) PrepareBuildActions(config interface{}) (deps [] string, errs [] error) {
  3. pprof.Do(c.Context, pprof.Labels( "blueprint", "PrepareBuildActions"), func(ctx context.Context) {
  4. c.buildActionsReady = false
  5. if !c.dependenciesReady {
  6. var extraDeps [] string
  7. extraDeps, errs = c.resolveDependencies(ctx, config)
  8. if len(errs) > 0 {
  9. return
  10. }
  11. deps = append(deps, extraDeps...)
  12. }
  13. var depsModules [] string
  14. depsModules, errs = c.generateModuleBuildActions(config, c.liveGlobals)
  15. if len(errs) > 0 {
  16. return
  17. }
  18. var depsSingletons [] string
  19. depsSingletons, errs = c.generateSingletonBuildActions(config, c.singletonInfo, c.liveGlobals)
  20. if len(errs) > 0 {
  21. return
  22. }
  23. deps = append(deps, depsModules...)
  24. deps = append(deps, depsSingletons...)
  25. if c.ninjaBuildDir != nil {
  26. err := c.liveGlobals.addNinjaStringDeps(c.ninjaBuildDir)
  27. if err != nil {
  28. errs = [] error{err}
  29. return
  30. }
  31. }
  32. pkgNames, depsPackages := c.makeUniquePackageNames(c.liveGlobals)
  33. deps = append(deps, depsPackages...)
  34. // This will panic if it finds a problem since it's a programming error.
  35. c.checkForVariableReferenceCycles(c.liveGlobals.variables, pkgNames)
  36. c.pkgNames = pkgNames
  37. c.globalVariables = c.liveGlobals.variables
  38. c.globalPools = c.liveGlobals.pools
  39. c.globalRules = c.liveGlobals.rules
  40. c.buildActionsReady = true
  41. })
  42. if len(errs) > 0 {
  43. return nil, errs
  44. }
  45. return deps, nil
  46. }


3.3.6 WriteBuildFile()

  WriteBuildFile将生成的构建操作的Ninja manifest文本写入文件。


  1. [/build/blueprint/context.go]
  2. func (c *Context) WriteBuildFile(w io.Writer) error {
  3. var err error
  4. pprof.Do(c.Context, pprof.Labels( "blueprint", "WriteBuildFile"), func(ctx context.Context) {
  5. if !c.buildActionsReady {
  6. err = ErrBuildActionsNotReady
  7. return
  8. }
  9. nw := newNinjaWriter(w)
  10. err = c.writeBuildFileHeader(nw)
  11. if err != nil {
  12. return
  13. }
  14. err = c.writeNinjaRequiredVersion(nw)
  15. if err != nil {
  16. return
  17. }
  18. err = c.writeSubninjas(nw)
  19. if err != nil {
  20. return
  21. }
  22. // TODO: Group the globals by package.
  23. err = c.writeGlobalVariables(nw)
  24. if err != nil {
  25. return
  26. }
  27. err = c.writeGlobalPools(nw)
  28. if err != nil {
  29. return
  30. }
  31. err = c.writeBuildDir(nw)
  32. if err != nil {
  33. return
  34. }
  35. err = c.writeGlobalRules(nw)
  36. if err != nil {
  37. return
  38. }
  39. err = c.writeAllModuleActions(nw)
  40. if err != nil {
  41. return
  42. }
  43. err = c.writeAllSingletonActions(nw)
  44. if err != nil {
  45. return
  46. }
  47. })
  48. if err != nil {
  49. return err
  50. }
  51. return nil
  52. }


4. 总结

       根据上面的总结,我们明白了 Blueprint到ninja的流程,详细流程如下:

 1.执行build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash  生成.minibootstrap/ 和.bootstrap/

    2.编译生成minibp\bpglob 两个可执行程序

    3.通过minibp 解析并生成out/soong/.bootstrap/





      5)将生成的构建操作的Ninja manifest文本写入文件

    4.通过ninja来编译.minibootstrap/ 和.bootstrap/,最终生成out/soong/









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钱包余额 0


