> // Scope
let moduleValue = 10
let functionA x =
x + moduleValue;;
val moduleValue : int = 10
val functionA : int -> int
> // Error case
let functionB x =
let functionValue = 20
x + functionValue
// 'functionValue' not in scope
error FS0039: The value or constructor 'functionValue' is not defined.
值的作用范围看起来并不是很重要的一个细节,重要的是在F#,因为它允许嵌套函数,在F#中,你可以在一个函数的块内申请一个新的函数。嵌套函数可以获取更高一层作用范围内的任何值,比如它的父函数、所在的模块以及在嵌套函数内新定义的值。下面的代码显示嵌套在实际中的应用, 请注意函数g能够利用其父函数f's参数fParam:
> let moduleValue = 1
- let f fParam =
- let g gParam = fParam + gParam + moduleValue
- let a = g 1
- let b = g 2
- a+b;;
val moduleValue : int = 1
val f : int -> int
> let bytesToGB x =
- let x = x / 1024I // B to KB
- let x = x / 1024I // KB to MB
- let x = x / 1024I // MB to GB
- x;;
val bytesToGB : System.Numerics.BigInteger -> System.Numerics.BigInteger
> let hardDriveSize = bytesToGB 268435456000I;;
val hardDriveSize : System.Numerics.BigInteger = 250
> let bytesToGB x =
- let x_2 = x / 1024I // B to KB
- let x_3 = x_2 / 1024I // KB to MB
- let x_4 = x_3 / 1024I // MB to GB
- x_4;;
val bytesToGB : System.Numerics.BigInteger -> System.Numerics.BigInteger
> let printGreeting shouldGreet greeting =
- if shouldGreet then
- printfn "%s" greeting;;
val printGreeting : bool -> string -> unit
> printGreeting true "Hello!";;
val it : unit = ()
> printGreeting false "Hello again!";;
val it : unit = ()
可以使用if关键字控制更复杂的分支流程,if表达式跟C#的是一样的: 如果条件表达式的值为真,那么第一个代码块执行,否则,代码的第二块执行,然而,有些事情使得F#与其他语言不同的是,if表达式返回一个值,在下面的代码中,在if表达式中值result绑定到一个结果,所以如果x % 2 = 0, result的值是"Yes it is"; 否则就是"No itis not":
> let isEven x =
- let result =
- if x % 2 = 0 then
- "Yes it is"
- else
- "No it is not"
- result;;
val isEven : int -> string
> isEven 5;;
val it : string = "No it is not"
> isEven 4;;
val it : string = "Yes it is"
if表达式可以使用嵌套来实现更复杂的流程分支, 但很快变得难以维持,比如:
> let isWeekend day =
- if day = "Sunday" then
- true
- else
- if day = "Saturday" then
- true
- else
- false;;
val isWeekend : string -> bool
> let isWeekday day =
- if day = "Monday" then true
- elif day = "Tuesday" then true
- elif day = "Wednesday" then true
- elif day = "Thursday" then true
- elif day = "Friday" then true
- else false
- ;;
val isWeekday : string -> bool
> let x =
- if 1 > 2 then
- 42
- else
- "a string";;
"a string";;
stdin(52,9): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
> let describeNumber x =
- if x % 2 = 0 then
- printfn "x is a multiple of 2"
- if x % 3 = 0 then
- printfn "x is a multiple of 3"
- if x % 5 = 0 then
- printfn "x is a multiple of 5"
- ();;
val describeNumber : int -> unit