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原创 ZOJ-3469 Food Delivery
When we are focusing on solving problems, we usually prefer to stay in front of computers rather than go out for lunch. At this time, we may call for food delivery.Suppose there are N people living in a straight street that is just lies on an X-coordinate
2020-06-06 10:17:34 221
原创 HDU - 3861_The King’s Problem(强联通分量+最小路径覆盖)
HDU - 3861In the Kingdom of Silence, the king has a new problem. There are N cities in the kingdom and there are M directional roads between the cities. That means that if there is a road from u to v...
2020-03-07 21:16:02 175 1
原创 CodeForces - 670C (离散化)
Moscow is hosting a major international conference, which is attended by n scientists from different countries. Each of the scientists knows exactly one language. For convenience, we enumerate all lan...
2020-01-29 17:30:58 377
原创 CodeForces 705C
**CodeForces 705C**Thor is getting used to the Earth. As a gift Loki gave him a smartphone. There are n applications on this phone. Thor is fascinated by this phone. He has only one minor issue: he...
2020-01-28 14:42:42 183
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