- added overloaded "reject" and "rejectValue" methods without default message to Errors interface and BindException
- added "lookup(name, requiredType)" convenience method to JndiTemplate, matching the JNDI object against the given type
- added "homeInterface" property to AbstractRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor, for specifying the home interface to narrow to
- introduced MailMessage interface as common interface for SimpleMailMessage and JavaMail MIME messages
- Log4jConfigurer accepts a "classpath:" URL or a "file:" URL as location too, not just a plain file path
- Log4jConfigurer accepts config files that do not reside in the file system, as long as there is no refresh interval
- added "int[] batchUpdate(String[] sql)" method to JdbcTemplate, for executing a group of SQL statements as a batch
- added C3P0NativeJdbcExtractor for C3P0 0.8.5 or later (for earlier C3P0 versions, use SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor)
- added "maxRows" bean property to JdbcTemplate, allowing to specify the maximum number of rows to be fetched
- added "fetchSize" and "maxRows" bean properties to RdbmsOperation, passing the values to the internal JdbcTemplate
- added ClobStringTypeHandler, BlobByteArrayTypeHandler and BlobSerializableTypeHandler for iBATIS SQL Maps 2.0.9
- ResourceHolderSupport throws TransactionTimedOutException if no time-to-live left (before attempting an operation)
- TransactionSynchronization objects can influence their execution order through implementing the Ordered interface
- JtaTransactionManager is able to work with a JTA TransactionManager only (i.e. without a UserTransaction handle)
- upgraded MockHttpServletRequest to Servlet API 2.4 (added getRemotePort, getLocalName, getLocalAddr, getLocalPort)
- upgraded MockPageContext to JSP API 2.0 (added getExpressionEvaluator, getVariableResolver, overloaded include)
- added "contextOverride" option to ServletContextPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, letting web.xml override local settings
- added "searchContextAttributes" option to ServletContextPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, resolving context attributes
- added "clear" and "isEmpty" methods to ModelAndView, allowing to clear the view of a given ModelAndView object
- added JasperReportsMultiFormatView, allowing to specify the output format dynamically via a discriminator in the model
- JSP EL expressions in Spring's JSP tags will be parsed with JSP 2.0 ExpressionEvaluator on JSP 2.0 (Jakarta JSTL else)
- changed "spring:transform" tag's "value" attribute from String to Object, to allow for expressions resolved by JSP 2.0