Solaris™ 10 System Administration Essentials 3,4 -Software Management

Chapter 3 Software Management: Packages 47

3.1 Managing Software Packages 47

3.2 What Is a Package? 47

3.2.1 SVR4 Package Content 48

3.2.2 Package Naming Conventions 49

3.3 Tools for Managing Software Packages 49

3.4 Installing or Removing a Software Package with the

pkgadd or pkgrm Command 50

3.5 Using Package Commands to Manage Software Packages 51

3.5.1 How to Install Packages with the pkgadd

Command 51

3.5.2 Adding Frequently Installed Packages to a Spool

Directory 54

3.5.3 Removing Software Packages 56

Chapter 4 Software Management: Patches 59

4.1 Managing Software with Patches 59

4.2 What Is a Patch? 59

4.2.1 Patch Content 60

4.2.2 Patch Numbering 61

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Contents vii

4.3 Patch Management Best Practices 61

4.3.1 Proactive Patch Management Strategy 62

4.3.2 Reactive Patch Management Strategy 68

4.3.3 Security Patch Management Strategy 70

4.3.4 Proactive Patching When Installing a New System 71

4.3.5 Identifying Patches for Proactive Patching and

Accessing Patches 73

4.4 Example of Using Solaris Live Upgrade to

Install Patches 75

4.4.1 Overview of Patching with Solaris Live Upgrade 75

4.4.2 Planning for Using Solaris Live Upgrade 77

4.4.3 How to Apply a Patch When Using Solaris Live

Upgrade for the Solaris 10 8/07 Release 79

4.5 Patch Automation Tools 86

4.6 Overview of Patch Types 88

4.7 Patch README Special Instructions 93

4.7.1 When to Patch in Single-User Mode 93

4.7.2 When to Reboot After Applying or Removing a Patch 94

4.7.3 Patch Metadata for Non-Global Zones 95

4.8 Patch Dependencies (Interrelationships) 96

4.8.1 SUNW_REQUIRES Field for Patch Dependencies 96

4.8.2 SUNW_OBSOLETES Field for Patch Accumulation

and Obsolescence 97

4.8.3 SUNW_INCOMPAT Field for Incompatibility 97


Software Management:


This chapter describes packages and package tools and includes step-by-step

procedures for installing and removing packages.

3.1 Managing Software Packages

Software management involves installing or removing software products. Sun and

its third-party independent software vendors (ISVs) deliver software as a collection

of one or more packages. The following sections describe packages and provide

step-by-step procedures for adding and removing packages.

Patches are generally delivered as a set of sparse packages. Sparse packages are

a minimalist version of a regular package. See Chapter 4, “Software Management:

Patches,” for information about how to apply patches and patching best practices.

3.2 What Is a Package?

The Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS) is delivered and installed with SVR4

packages. A package is a collection of files and directories in a defined format. This

format conforms to the application binary interface (ABI), which is a supplement

to the System V Interface Definition. The Solaris OS provides a set of utilities that

interpret this format and provide the means to install a package, to remove a

package, and to verify a package installation.

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48 Chapter 3 _ Software Management: Packages

3.2.1 SVR4 Package Content

A package consists of the following:

_ Package objects—These are the files to be installed.

_ Control files—These files determine the way the application needs to be

installed. These files are divided into information files and installation scripts.

The structure of a package consists of the following:

_ Required components:

Package objects—Executable or data files, directories, named pipes,

links, and devices.

pkginfo file—A required package information file defining parameter values

such as the package abbreviation, full package name, and package


pkgmap file—A required package information file that lists the components

of the package with the location, attributes, and file type for each component.

_ Optional components:

compver file—Defines previous versions of the package that are compatible

with this version.

depend file—Indicates other packages that this package depends upon.

space file—Defines disk space requirements for the target environment.

copyright file—Defines the text for a copyright notice displayed at the

time of package installation.

_ Optional installation scripts—These scripts perform customized actions during

the installation of the package. Different installation scripts include:

request scripts—Request input from the administrator who is installing

the package.

checkinstall scripts—Perform special file system verification.

procedure scripts—Define actions that occur at particular points during

package installation and removal. There are four procedure scripts that

you can create with these predefined names: preinstall, postinstall,

preremove, and postremove.

class action scripts—Define a set of actions to be performed on a group

of objects.

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3.2.2 Package Naming Conventions

Sun packages always begin with the prefix SUNW, as in SUNWaccr, SUNWadmap, and

SUNWcsu. Third-party packages usually begin with a prefix that corresponds to the

company’s stock symbol.

3.3 Tools for Managing Software Packages

You can use either a graphical user interface (GUI) or command line tools to install

or remove packages. See Table 3.1 for a list of these tools.

For more information about these tools, see System Administration Guide: Basic

Administration or the specific man pages listed in the table. For the guide and

man pages, see

Table 3.1 Tools or Commands for Managing Software Packages

Tool or


Description Man Page Installed by


installer Starts the Solaris installation GUI so that

you can add software from the Solaris

media. The installer must be available

either locally or remotely. Also, this GUI can

determine what software is already

installed on a system.



This tool must

be installed

from the

installation CD

or DVD.



Starts an installer so that you can add,

remove, or display software product information.

Use the Solaris Product Registry to

remove or display information about software

products that were originally installed

by using the Solaris installation GUI or the

Solaris pkgadd command.



This tool is

installed by










Use the prodreg command to remove or

display information about software products

that were originally installed by using

the Solaris installation GUI or the Solaris

pkgadd command.



This tool is

installed by



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50 Chapter 3 _ Software Management: Packages

3.4 Installing or Removing a Software Package with

the pkgadd or pkgrm Command

All the software management tools that are listed in the preceding table are used

to install, remove, or query information about installed software. Both the

Solaris Product Registry prodreg viewer and the Solaris installation GUI access

installation data that is stored in the Solaris Product Registry. The package

tools, such as the pkgadd and pkgrm commands, also access or modify installation


pkgadd Installs a signed or unsigned software package.

A signed package includes a digital

signature. A package with a valid digital

signature ensures that the package has not

been modified since the signature was

applied to the package. Using signed packages

is a secure method of downloading or

installing packages, because the digital signature

can be verified before the package is

installed on your system.



This tool is

installed by


pkgadm Maintains the keys and certificates used

to manage signed packages and signed




This tool is

installed by


pkgchk Checks the installation of a software




This tool is

installed by


pkginfo Displays software package information. pkginfo


This tool is

installed by


pkgparam Displays software package parameter




This tool is

installed by


pkgrm Removes a software package. pkgrm


This tool is

installed by


pkgtrans Translates an installable package from one

format to another format. The -g option

instructs the pkgtrans command to generate

and store a signature in the resulting

data stream.



This tool is

installed by


Table 3.1 Tools or Commands for Managing Software Packages (continued )

Tool or


Description Man Page Installed by


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When you add a package, the pkgadd command uncompresses and copies files

from the installation media to a system’s local disk. When you remove a package,

the pkgrm command deletes all files associated with that package, unless those

files are also shared with other packages.

Package files are delivered in package format and are unusable as they are

delivered. The pkgadd command interprets the software package’s control files,

and then uncompresses and installs the product files onto the system’s local disk.

Although the pkgadd and pkgrm commands log their output to a log file, they

also keep track of packages that are installed or removed. The pkgadd and pkgrm

commands store information about packages that have been installed or removed

in a software product database. By updating this database, the pkgadd and pkgrm

commands keep a record of all software products installed on the system.

3.5 Using Package Commands to Manage Software Packages

The following procedures explain how to install and remove packages with the

pkgadd command.

3.5.1 How to Install Packages with the pkgadd Command

This procedure provides the steps to install one or more packages.

1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

2. Remove any already installed packages with the same names as the packages

you are adding.

This step ensures that the system keeps a proper record of software that has

been added and removed.

# pkgrm pkgid ...

pkgid identifies the name of one or more packages, separated by spaces, to be


3. Install a software package to the system. The syntax for the pkgadd command

is as follows:

# pkgadd -a admin-file -d device-name pkgid ...


If the pkgid is omitted, the pkgrm command removes all available packages.

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52 Chapter 3 _ Software Management: Packages

The following list provides explanations of each argument available for


_ a admin-file

(Optional) Specifies an administration file that the pkgadd command

should check during the installation. For details about using an administration

file, see System Administration Guide: Basic Administration, which

is available on

_ -d device-name

Specifies the absolute path to the software packages. device-name can be the

path to a device, a directory, or a spool directory. If you do not specify the path

where the package resides, the pkgadd command checks the default spool

directory (/var/spool/pkg). If the package is not there, the package installation


_ pkgid

(Optional) Represents the name of one or more packages, separated by

spaces, to be installed. If omitted, the pkgadd command installs all available

packages from the specified device, directory, or spool directory.

If the pkgadd command encounters a problem during installation of the package,

then it displays a message related to the problem, followed by this prompt:

Do you want to continue with this installation?

Chose one of the following responses:

– If you want to continue the installation, type yes.

– If more than one package has been specified and you want to stop the

installation of the package being installed, type no.

The pkgadd command continues to install the other packages.

– If you want to stop the entire installation, type quit.

4. Verify that the package has been installed successfully.

# pkgchk -v pkgid

If no errors occur, a list of installed files is returned. Otherwise, the pkgchk

command reports the error.

The following example shows how to install the SUNWpl5u package from a

mounted Solaris 10 DVD or CD. The example also shows how to verify that the

package files were installed properly.

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The path on the DVD or CD Product directory varies depending on your


_ For SPARC based media, the "s0" directory does not exist starting with the

Solaris 10 10/08 release.

_ For x86 based media, there is no "s0" directory in the Solaris 10 releases.

If the packages you want to install are available from a remote system, then you

can manually mount the directory that contains the packages, which are in package

format, and install the packages on the local system.

The following example shows how to install a software package from a remote

system. In this example, assume that the remote system named package-server

has software packages in the /latest-packages directory. The mount command

mounts the packages locally on /mnt. The pkgadd command installs the

SUNWpl5u package.

If the automounter is running at your site, then you do not need to manually

mount the remote package server. Instead, use the automounter path, in this case,

/net/package-server/latest-packages, as the argument to the -d option.

Example 3.1 Installing a Software Package From a Mounted CD

# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_10/Product SUNWpl5u




Installation of <SUNWpl5u> was successful.

# pkgchk -v SUNWpl5u









Example 3.2 Installing a Software Package From a Remote Package Server

# mount -F nfs -o ro package-server:/latest-packages /mnt

# pkgadd -d /mnt SUNWpl5u




Installation of <SUNWpl5u> was successful

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54 Chapter 3 _ Software Management: Packages

3.5.2 Adding Frequently Installed Packages to a Spool Directory

For convenience, you can copy frequently installed packages to a spool directory. If

you copy packages to the default spool directory, /var/spool/pkg, then you do

not need to specify the source location of the package when you use the pkgadd

command. The source location of the package is specified in the -d device-name

option. The pkgadd command, by default, checks the /var/spool/pkg directory

for any packages that are specified on the command line. Note that copying packages

to a spool directory is not the same as installing the packages on a system. How to Copy Software Packages to a Spool Directory with the

pkgadd Command

This procedure copies packages to a spool directory. The packages are then available

for use when you install the packages elsewhere with the pkgadd command.

1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

2. Remove any already spooled packages with the same names as the packages

you are adding.

# pkgrm pkgid ...

pkgid identifies the name of one or more packages, separated by spaces, to be


3. Copy a software package to a spool directory.

# pkgadd -d device-name -s spooldir pkgid ...

The following list provides explanations of each argument used with the

pkgadd command.

_ -d device-name

Specifies the absolute path to the software packages. The device-name can

be the path to a device, a directory, or a spool directory.

# pkgadd -d /net/package-server/latest-packages SUNWpl5u




Installation of <SUNWpl5u> was successful.


If the pkgid option is omitted, then the pkgrm command removes all available


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_ -s spooldir

Specifies the name of the spool directory where the package will be

spooled. You must specify a spooldir.

_ pkgid

(Optional) The name of one or more packages, separated by spaces, to be

added to the spool directory. If omitted, the pkgadd command copies all

available packages to the spool directory.

4. Verify that the package has been copied successfully to the spool directory.

$ pkginfo -d spooldir | grep pkgid

If pkgid was copied correctly, the pkginfo command returns a line of

information about the pkgid. Otherwise, the pkginfo command returns the

system prompt.

The following example shows how to copy the SUNWman package from a mounted

SPARC based Solaris 10 DVD or CD to the default spool directory (/var/spool/pkg).

The path on the DVD or CD Product directory varies depending on your release

and platform:

_ For SPARC based media, the "s0" directory does not exist starting with the

Solaris 10 10/08 release.

_ For x86 based media, there is no "s0" directory in the Solaris 10 releases.

If packages you want to copy are available from a remote system, then you can

manually mount the directory that contains the packages, which are in package

format, and copy them to a local spool directory.

The following example shows the commands for this scenario. In this example,

assume that the remote system named package-server has software packages

in the /latest-packages directory. The mount command mounts the package

directory locally on /mnt. The pkgadd command copies the SUNWpl5p package

from /mnt to the default spool directory (/var/spool/pkg).

Example 3.3 Setting Up a Spool Directory From a Mounted CD

# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_10/Product -s /var/spool/pkg SUNWman

Transferring <SUNWman> package instance

Example 3.4 Setting Up a Spool Directory From a Remote Software Package Server

# mount -F nfs -o ro package-server:/latest-packages /mnt

# pkgadd -d /mnt -s /var/spool/pkg SUNWpl5p

Transferring <SUNWpl5p> package instance

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56 Chapter 3 _ Software Management: Packages

If the automounter is running at your site, then you do not have to manually

mount the remote package server. Instead, use the automounter pathwhich in this

case is /net/package-server/latest-packagesas the argument to the -d


The following example shows how to install the SUNWpl5p package from the

default spool directory. When no options are used, the pkgadd command searches

the /var/spool/pkg directory for the named packages.

3.5.3 Removing Software Packages

To remove a software package, use the associated tool that you used to install a

software package. For example, if you used the Solaris installation GUI to install

the software, use the Solaris installation GUI to remove software. How to Remove Software Packages with the pkgrm Command

This procedure provides the steps to remove packages with the pkgrm command.

1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

2. Remove an installed package.

# pkgrm pkgid ...

# pkgadd -d /net/package-server/latest-packages -s /var/spool/pkg SUNWpl5p

Transferring <SUNWpl5p> package instance

Example 3.5 Installing a Software Package From the Default Spool Directory

# pkgadd SUNWpl5p




Installation of <SUNWpl5p> was successful.


Do not use the rm command to remove software packages. Doing so will result in inaccuracies

in the database that keeps track of all installed packages on the system.

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pkgid identifies the name of one or more packages, separated by spaces, to be


This example shows how to remove a package.

This example shows how to remove a spooled package.

For convenience, you can copy frequently installed packages to a spool directory.

In this example, the -s option specifies the name of the spool directory where the

package is spooled.


If the pkgid option is omitted, the pkgrm command removes all available packages.

Example 3.6 Removing a Software Package

# pkgrm SUNWctu

The following package is currently installed:

SUNWctu Netra ct usr/platform links (64-bit)

(sparc.sun4u) 11.9.0,REV=2001.

Do you want to remove this package? y

## Removing installed package instance <SUNWctu>

## Verifying package dependencies.

## Removing pathnames in class <none>

## Processing package information.




Example 3.7 Removing a Spooled Software Package

# pkgrm -s /export/pkg SUNWaudh

The following package is currently spooled:

SUNWaudh Audio Header Files

(sparc) 11.10.0,REV=2003.

Do you want to remove this package? y

Removing spooled package instance <SUNWaudh>

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Software Management:


This chapter describes patches, provides best practices, and includes step-by-step

procedures for applying patches.

4.1 Managing Software with Patches

Software management involves installing or removing software products. Sun and

its third-party independent software vendors (ISVs) deliver software as a collection

of one or more packages. Patches are generally delivered as a set of sparse

packages. Sparse packages are a minimalist version of a regular package. A sparse

package delivers only the files being updated.

The following sections describe patches and provide step-by-step procedures for

applying patches. Also, a best practices section provides planning information for

proactive and reactive patching.

4.2 What Is a Patch?

A patch adds, updates, or deletes one or more files on your system by updating the

installed packages. A patch consists of the following:

_ Sparse packages that are a minimalist version of a regular package. A sparse

package delivers only the files being updated.

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60 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

_ Class action scripts that define a set of actions to be executed during the

installation or removal of a package or patch.

_ Other scripts such as the following:

– Postinstallation and preinstallation scripts.

– Scripts that undo a patch when the patchrm command is used. These

scripts are copied onto the system’s patch undo area.

– Prepatch, prebackout, and postpatch scripts, depending on the patch being

installed. The postbackout and prebackout scripts are copied into the

/var/sadm/patch/patch-id directory and are run by the patchrm


For more detailed information, see Section 4.7, “Patch README Special Instructions.

4.2.1 Patch Content

In past Solaris releases, patches delivered bug fixes only. Over time, patches have

evolved and now have many other uses. For the Solaris 10 Operating System (OS),

patches are used to deliver the following:

_ Bug fixes.

_ New functionality—Bug fixes can sometimes deliver significant functionality,

such as ZFS file systems or GRUB, the open source boot loader that is the

default boot loader in the Solaris OS.

Some features require the installation of new packages, but any change to

existing code is always delivered in a patch.

– If a new package is required, then the new features are typically available

only by installing or upgrading to a Solaris 10 release that contains the

new packages.

– If the change is to existing code, then the change is always delivered in a

patch. Because new functionality such as new features in ZFS and GRUB

is delivered entirely by patches, the patches enable businesses to take

advantage of the new functionality without having to upgrade to a newer

release of the Solaris OS. Therefore, Sun ships some new functionality in

standard patches.

_ New hardware support—Sun also ships new hardware support in patches for

similar reasons that Sun ships new functionality: the need to get support for

hardware to market quickly and yet maintain a stable release model going


_ Performance enhancements or enhancements to existing utilities.

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4.2.2 Patch Numbering

Patches are identified by unique patch IDs. A patch ID is an alphanumeric string

that consists of a patch base code and a number that represents the patch revision

number joined with a hyphen. The following example shows the patch ID for the

Solaris 10 OS, 10th revision:

_ SPARC: 119254-10

_ x86: 119255–10

Patches are cumulative. Later revisions contain all of the functionality delivered in

previous revisions. For example, patch 123456-02 contains all the functionality of

patch 123456-01 plus the new bug fixes or features that have been added in Revision

02. The changes are described in the patch README file.

4.3 Patch Management Best Practices

This section provides guidelines for creating a patch management strategy for

any organization. These strategies are only guidelines because every organization

is different in both environment and business objectives. Some organizations

have specific guidelines on change management that must be adhered to

when developing a patch management strategy. Customers can contact Sun Services

to help develop an appropriate patch management strategy for their specific


This section also provides useful information and tips that are appropriate for a

given strategy, the tools most appropriate for each strategy, and where to locate

the patches or patch clusters to apply.

Your strategy should be reviewed periodically because the environment and

business objectives change over time, because new tools and practices evolve, and

because operating systems evolve. All of these changes require modifications to

your existing patch management strategy.

The four basic strategies outlined in this section are the following:

_ Proactive patch management

_ Reactive patch management

_ Security patch management

_ Proactive patch management when installing a new system

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62 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

4.3.1 Proactive Patch Management Strategy

The main goal of proactive patch management is problem prevention, especially

preventing unplanned downtime. Often, problems have already been identified and

patches have been released. The issue for proactive patching is identifying important

patches and applying those patches in a safe and reliable manner.

For proactive patching, the system is already functioning normally. Because any

change implies risk and risk implies downtime, why patch a system that is functioning

normally? Although a system is functioning normally, an underlying issue

could cause a problem. Underlying issues could be the following:

_ Memory corruption that has not yet caused a problem.

_ Data corruption that is silent until that data is read back in.

_ Latent security issues.

Most security issues are latent issues that exist but are not yet causing security

breaches. These issues require proactive action to prevent security


_ Panics due to code paths that have not been exercised before.

Use proactive patching as the strategy of choice, where applicable. Proactive

patching is recommended for the following reasons:

_ It reduces unplanned downtime.

_ It prevents systems from experiencing known issues.

_ It provides the capability to plan ahead and do appropriate testing before


_ Planned downtime for maintenance is usually much less expensive than

unplanned downtime for addressing issues reactively. Core Solaris Tools for Patching

Solaris Live Upgrade is the recommended tool for patching proactively. The

patchadd command can be used in situations where Solaris Live Upgrade is not



Before adding any patches, make sure you apply the latest revision of the patch utilities.

The latest patch for the patch utilities must be applied to the live system in all cases. This

chapter assumes that the latest patch for the patch utilities has been applied before any

other patching is done.

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4.3 PATCH MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES 63 Benefits of Solaris Live Upgrade

The information in this section describes how to use the Solaris Live Upgrade and

core patch utilities to patch a system. Sun also has a range of higher-level patch

automation tools. See Section 4.5, “Patch Automation Tools,” for more information.

To proactively apply patches, use Solaris Live Upgrade. Solaris Live Upgrade

consists of a set of tools that enable you to create an alternate boot environment

that is a copy of the current boot environment. You can then patch the newly created

boot environment while the system is running. After the copy is patched, the

new boot environment can be booted.

The benefits of using Solaris Live Upgrade are the following:

_ Decreased downtime—The only downtime that is needed is the time to boot

between the currently running boot environment and the newly patched boot

environment. Patching is not done on the currently running boot environment

so that the system can continue to be in production until the timing is

suitable to boot to the newly patched boot environment.

_ Fallback to the original boot environment—If a problem occurs, you can

reboot to the original boot environment. The patches do not need to be

removed by using the patchrm command.

You can use Solaris Live Upgrade’s luupgrade command to apply the Recommended

Patch Cluster. In this example, you use the luupgrade command with the

-t and -O options. The first -t option specifies to install a patch. The -O option


To track issues relevant to proactive patching, register to receive Sun Alerts. For the registration

procedure, see Section, “How to Register for Sun Alerts.” For a procedure to

access patches, see Section, “How to Access Patches.


A boot environment is a collection of mandatory file systems (disk slices and mount points)

that are critical to the operation of the Solaris OS. These disk slices might be on the same disk

or distributed across multiple disks. The active boot environment is the one that is currently

booted. Only one active boot environment can be booted. An inactive boot environment is

not currently booted, but can be in a state of waiting for activation on the next reboot.

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64 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

with the second -t option instructs the patchadd command to skip patch dependency


For a complete example of using Solaris Live Upgrade, see Section 4.4, “Example

of Using Solaris Live Upgrade to Install Patches. When to Use the patchadd Command Instead of Solaris

Live Upgrade

If Solaris Live Upgrade is not applicable to the system being patched, then the

patchadd command is used. After the appropriate patches are downloaded and all

requirements are identified, then the patches can be applied by using the

patchadd command. Table 4.1 provides a guide to when to use the patchadd


Example 4.1 Applying the Recommended Patch Cluster by Using the

luupgrade Command

# cd 10_Recommended

# luupgrade -t -n be3 -O -t -s . ./patch_order

Table 4.1 When to Use the patchadd Command

Problem Description

Limited disk resources If disk resources are limited and you cannot set up an inactive

boot environment, then you need to use the patchadd command.

Also, if you are using Solaris Volume Manager for mirroring,

then you might need to use the patchadd command. You

need extra resources to set up a Solaris Volume Manager inactive

boot environment.

Veritas Storage

Foundation root disk

If you are using Veritas Storage Foundation to encapsulate the

root disk, then you can use Solaris Live Upgrade to create a new

boot environment. However, Solaris Live Upgrade does not support

Veritas encapsulated root (/) file systems very well. The root

(/) file system can be a Veritas Volume Manager volume (VxVM).

If VxVM volumes are configured on your current system, then

you can use the lucreate command to create a new boot

environment. When the data is copied to the new boot environment,

the Veritas file system configuration is lost and a UFS file

system is created on the new boot environment.

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If additional patches are to be applied to a Solaris 10 system by using the

patchadd command, then the -a and -M options can be useful for identifying any

missing requirements and identifying a valid installation order for the patches.

While this method of applying patches has the major disadvantage of requiring

you to patch the live system, which increases both downtime and risk, you can

reduce the risk by using the -a option to inspect the patches before applying them

against the actual system.

Note the following limitations to the patchadd -M option:

_ This option is only available starting with the Solaris 10 03/05 release.

_ You cannot apply patches using -M without the -a option, due to several

problems in the current implementation.

In the following example, the -a option instructs the -M option to perform a dry

run, so that no software is installed and no changes are made to the system. The

output from the command is verbose but consists of an ordered list of patches that

can be installed. Also, the dry run clearly identifies any patches that cannot be

installed due to dependencies that must be satisfied first.

After identifying the complete list of patches, you can install the patches one by

one by using the patchadd command without the -M option.

In the following example of using patchadd in a loop, the patch_order_file

is the ordered list from the -M and -a options. The -q option instructs the

Recommended Patch

Cluster installation

If you want to install the Recommended Patch Cluster with the

cluster_install script, then you do not have to use Solaris

Live Upgrade or the patchadd command. The Recommended

Patch Cluster can be installed by using the cluster_install

script that comes with the Cluster. The cluster_install

script invokes the patchadd command to apply the patches to

the live boot environment in the installation order specified in

the patch_order file.

Example 4.2 Using the patchadd Command with the -a Option for a Dry Run

# patchadd -a -M patches-directory

Table 4.1 When to Use the patchadd Command (continued )

Problem Description

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66 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

-M option to run in “quiet” mode. Also, this option outputs headings for the installable

patches, which are called Approved patches. Proactive Patching on Systems with Non-Global Zones Installed

Solaris Live Upgrade is the recommended tool for patching systems with nonglobal

zones. The patchadd command can be used in situations where Solaris Live

Upgrade is not applicable.

The Solaris Zones partitioning technology is used to virtualize operating system

services and provide an isolated and secure environment for running applications.

A non-global zone is a virtualized operating system environment created within a

single instance of the Solaris OS. When you create a non-global zone, you produce

an application execution environment in which processes are isolated from the rest

of the system. This isolation prevents processes that are running in one non-global

zone from monitoring or affecting processes that are running in other non-global

zones. Even a process running with superuser privileges cannot view or affect activity

in other zones. A non-global zone also provides an abstract layer that separates

applications from the physical attributes of the system on which they are deployed.

Examples of these attributes include physical device paths. For more information

about non-global zones, see System Administration Guide: Solaris Containers-

Resource Management and Solaris Zones available at Using Solaris Live Upgrade When Non-Global Zones Are Installed

On systems with non-global zones installed, patching can be done by using Solaris

Live Upgrade.

Note the following limitations for Solaris Live Upgrade:

_ If you are running the Solaris 10 8/07 release or a later release, then Solaris

Live Upgrade can be used to apply patches.

_ If you are running a Solaris 10 release prior to the Solaris 10 8/07 release,

then you must ensure that you have the software and bug fixes to run Solaris

Live Upgrade.

Example 4.3 Applying the Patches by Using the patchadd Command

# patchadd -q -a -M . |grep "Approved patches:" |sort -u \

|sed -e "s/Approved patches://g" > patch_order_file 2>&1

# Cat patch_order_file

120900-03 121333-04 119254-50

#for i in 'cat patch_order-file'


patchadd $i


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_ You cannot use the luupgrade command with the -t option to apply a list of

patches using an order file because this option uses the patchadd -M option

internally. Due to current issues with the patchadd -M option, this option

can lead to unrecoverable errors.

To ensure that you have the software and bug fixes needed because you are running

a Solaris 10 release prior to the 8/07 release, follow these steps:

1. Add the Solaris Live Upgrade packages from the Solaris 10 8/07 release to

the live system.

2. Apply the list of required patches. If these patches are not installed, then

Solaris Live Upgrade fails. These patches are needed to add the current bug

fixes and the latest functionality for Solaris Live Upgrade. These patches are

available on the SunSolve Web site in the info document “Solaris Live

Upgrade Software: Minimum Patch Requirements.” Search on SunSolve for

info document 206844 at This document lists

the required patches and provides the process needed to update Solaris Live

Upgrade so that a system with a release prior to the Solaris 10 05/08 release

can use the software.

The Solaris 10 Live Upgrade Patch Bundle provides a quick way to install all the

required patches to use Solaris Live Upgrade on systems that have non-global

zones installed. This Patch Bundle provides non-global zones support for systems

running a release prior to the Solaris 10 5/08 release.

The list of required patches for a system with non-global zones is quite large. The

patches must be applied to the live running environment. However, after these

patches are applied, Solaris Live Upgrade can be used to patch going forward with

all the benefits that Solaris Live Upgrade provides. Using the patchadd Command When Non-Global Zones

are Installed

If Solaris Live Upgrade is not an acceptable option, then use the same method outlined

in Section, “Core Solaris Tools for Patching.” You identify all the


Starting with the Solaris 10 8/07 release, full support for installing non-global zones

became available, including the capability to use Solaris Live Upgrade to upgrade or patch

a system with non-global zones installed. However, due to problems, the required patches

are needed to use Solaris Live Upgrade with non-global zones in the Solaris 10 8/07


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68 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

patches required and use the patchadd command with the -a and -M options to

identify any missing requirements. The -a option performs a dry run and no

patches are installed.

Pay attention to the patchadd -a and -M output. In particular, ensure that all

non-global zones have passed the dependency tests. The -a option can help identify

the following issues with non-global zones:

_ Zones that cannot be booted

_ Patches that did not meet all the required dependencies for a non-global zone

If the -a option identifies any issues, then those issues must be rectified before

patching can begin.

Apply patches individually by using the patchadd command. To facilitate

applying multiple patches, you can use patchadd -a -M patch-dir to produce

an ordered list of patches that can be installed individually.

Due to current issues with patchadd -M option, do not run -M patch-dir

without the -a option. The -M option can lead to unrecoverable errors.

If you are using the patchadd command, then run the following command first.

This command verifies that all zones can be booted and that the specified patch is

applicable in all zones.

4.3.2 Reactive Patch Management Strategy

Reactive patching occurs in response to an issue that is currently affecting the

running system and which requires immediate relief. The most common response

to fixing the system can often lead to worse problems. Usually, the fix is to apply

the latest patch or patches. These patches could be the latest Recommended Patch

Cluster or one or more patches that seem to be appropriate. This strategy might

work if the root cause of the undiagnosed issue had been determined and if a patch

has been issued to fix the issue. However, if this approach does not fix the problem,

then the problem can be worse than it was before you applied the patch.

There are two reasons why this approach is fundamentally flawed:

_ If the problem seems to go away, then you do not know whether the patch or

patches actually fixed the underlying problem. The patches might have

changed the system in such a way as to obscure the problem for now and the

problem could recur later.

Example 4.4 How to Identify Problems Before Applying Patches

# patchadd -a patch-id verify

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_ Applying patches in a reactive patching session introduces an element of

risk. When you are in a reactive patching situation, you must try to minimize

risk (change) at all costs. In proactive patching, you can and should

have tested the change you are applying. In a reactive situation, if you

apply many changes and those changes do not fix the underlying issue or if

they do fix the underlying issue, then you now have a system issue that still

needs the root cause identified. Identifying the root cause involves a lot

more risk. Furthermore, the changes that you applied might have negative

consequences elsewhere on the system, which could lead to more reactive


Therefore, if you experience a problem that is affecting the system, then you

should spend time investigating the root cause of the problem. If a fix can be identified

from such an investigation and that fix involves applying one or more

patches, then the change is minimized to just the patch or set of patches required

to fix the problem.

Depending on the severity of the problem, the patch or patches that fix the problem

would be installed at one of the following times:

_ Immediately

_ At the next regular maintenance window, if the problem is not critical or a

workaround exists

_ During an emergency maintenance window that is brought forward to facilitate

applying the fix Tools for Analyzing Problems and Identifying Patches

Identifying patches that are applicable in a reactive patching situation can often

be complex. If you have a support contract, then use the official Sun Support channels.

To begin, you should do some analysis. Some tools that are useful in starting

this analysis might include the following:

_ The truss command with the options such as -fae

_ The dtrace command (dynamic tracing framework) that permits you to concisely

answer questions about the behavior of the operating system and user


_ Various system analysis tools, such as kstat, iostat, netstat,

prstat, sar, vmstat, and even mdb

When you are providing data to Sun engineers, use the Sun Explorer logs. These

logs provide a good foundation to start an analysis of the system.

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70 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

No standard tool for analyzing a problem can be recommended because each

problem involves different choices. Using debug-level logging and examining various

log files might also provide insight into the problem. Also, a proper recording

system that records changes to the system should be considered. A record of recent

system configuration changes can be investigated as possible root causes. Tools for Applying Patches for Reactive Patching

The tool you use for reactive patching depends on the situation as follows:

_ If a fix has been identified and a patch has been downloaded, then use Solaris

Live Upgrade to apply patches. Solaris Live Upgrade is covered in more

detail in Section, “Core Solaris Tools for Patching.

_ If you need to apply the patch or patches immediately or the issue impacts

Solaris Live Upgrade, then you should first run the patchadd command with

the -a option. The -a option performs a dry run and does not modify the system.

Prior to actually installing the patch or patches, inspect the output from

the dry run for issues.

_ If more than one patch is being installed, then you can use the patchadd

command with the -a and -M options. These options perform a dry run and

produce an ordered list of patches that can be installed. After determining

that no issues exist, the patches should be installed individually by using the

patchadd command.

_ If the system has non-global zones installed, then you should apply all

patches individually by using Solaris Live Upgrade with the luupgrade command.

Or, you can use the patchadd command. Never use the -M option to

the patchadd command with non-global zones. Also, never apply a list of

patches using an order file with the luupgrade command with the -t option.

The -t option uses the patchadd -M option in the underlying software.

There are problems with the -M option.

In addition to using the core Solaris Live Upgrade and patch utilities to patch a

system, Sun also has a range of higher-level patch automation tools. For more

information, see Section 4.5, “Patch Automation Tools.

4.3.3 Security Patch Management Strategy

Security patch management requires a separate strategy from proactive and reactive

patching. For security patching, you are required to be proactive, but a sense

of urgency prevails. Relevant security fixes might need to be installed proactively

before the next scheduled maintenance window.

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4.3 PATCH MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES 71 How to Register for Sun Alerts

To be prepared for security issues, register to receive Sun Alerts. When you register

for Sun alerts, you also receive Security Alerts.

In addition, a security Web site contains more information about security and

you can report issues there. On the SunSolve home page, see “Sun Security Coordination

Team.” On this page, you will find other resources such as the security blog.

1. Log in to the SunSolve Web site at

2. Accept the license agreement.

3. Find the “Sun Alerts” section.

4. Click Subscribe to Sun Alerts.

5. Choose the newsletters and reports that you want to receive.

The Sun Alert Weekly Summary Report provides a summary of new Sun Alert

Notifications about hardware and software issues. This report is updated weekly. Tools for Applying Security Patches

The same rules for proactively or reactively applying patches also apply to applying

security patches. If possible, use Solaris Live Upgrade. If Solaris Live Upgrade

is not appropriate, then use the patchadd command. For more information, see

Section, “Core Solaris Tools for Patching.

In addition to using Solaris Live Upgrade and the patch utilities to patch a system,

Sun also has a range of higher-level patch automation tools. For more information,

see Section 4.5, “Patch Automation Tools.

4.3.4 Proactive Patching When Installing a New System

The best time to proactively patch a system is during installation. Patching during

installation ensures that, when the system boots, the system has the latest

patches installed. Patching avoids any known issues that are outstanding. Also, if

testing has been scheduled into the provisioning plan, then you can test the configuration

in advance. In addition, you can create a baseline for all installations.

Patching during installation requires that you use the JumpStart installation


The JumpStart installation program is a command-line interface that enables

you to automatically install or upgrade several systems based on profiles that you

create. The profiles define specific software installation requirements. You can also

incorporate shell scripts to include preinstallation and postinstallation tasks. You

choose which profile and scripts to use for installation or upgrade. Also, you can use

a sysidcfg file to specify configuration information so that the custom JumpStart

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72 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

installation is completely hands off. Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Custom Jump-

Start and Advanced Installations is available at You can

find profile examples in the “Preparing Custom JumpStart Installations (Tasks)

chapter of the installation guide. Also, finish scripts can apply patches. See the

examples in the chapter “Creating Finish Scripts” of the aforementioned Solaris 10

Installation Guide.

A JumpStart profile is a text file that defines how to install the Solaris software

on a system. A profile defines elements of the installation; for example, the software

group to install. Every rule specifies a profile that defines how a system is to

be installed. You can create different profiles for every rule or the same profile can

be used in more than one rule. Here is an example profile that performs an

upgrade and installs patches.

In this example of a JumpStart profile, a system is upgraded and patched at the

same time.

The following describes the keywords and values from this example:

_ install_type

The profile upgrades a system by reallocating disk space. In this example,

disk space must be reallocated because some file systems on the system do

not have enough space for the upgrade.

_ root_device

The root file system on c0t3d0s2 is upgraded.

_ backup_media

A remote system that is named timber is used to back up data during the

disk space reallocation.

_ package

The binary compatibility package, SUNWbcp, is not installed on the system

after the upgrade.

Example 4.5 Upgrading and Installing Patches with a JumpStart Profile

# profile keywords profile values

# ---------------- -------------------

install_type upgrade

root_device c0t3d0s2

backup_media remote_filesystem timber:/export/scratch

package SUNWbcp delete

package SUNWxwman add

cluster SUNWCacc add

patch patch_list \

nfs://patch_master/Solaris_10/patches \

retry 5

locale de

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_ package

The code ensures that the X Window System man pages are installed if

they are not already installed on the system. All packages already on the

system are automatically upgraded.

_ cluster

The system accounting utilities, SUNWCacc, are installed on the system.

_ patch

A list of patches are installed with the upgrade. The patch list is

located on an NFS server named patch_master under the directories

Solaris_10/patches. In the case of a mount failure, the NFS mount is

tried five times.

_ locale

The German localization packages are installed on the system.

The following patch keyword example applies an individual patch. The patch

keyword installs the single patch 119254-50 from the network where the Recommended

Patch Cluster is located.

In this example, the patch keyword applies the Recommended Patch Cluster

from the network where the Cluster is located. The retry n keyword is an optional

keyword. The n refers to the maximum number of times the installation process

attempts to mount the directory.

4.3.5 Identifying Patches for Proactive Patching and

Accessing Patches

To track issues relevant to proactive patching, register to receive Sun Alerts. See

Section, “How to Register for Sun Alerts.” Alternatively, you can install the

most recent Recommended Patch Cluster, which contains Sun Alerts. The Recommended

Patch Cluster can be downloaded from the SunSolve Patch Access page.

See Section, “How to Access Patches.

Example 4.6 JumpStart Profile for Applying an Individual Patch

patch 119254-50 nfs://server-name/export/images/SPARC/10_Recommended

Example 4.7 JumpStart Profile for Applying the Recommended Patch Cluster

patch patch_order nfs://server-name/export/10_Recommended retry 5

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74 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

Individual patches can be downloaded from the Patches and Updates page on

the Web site. How to Access Patches

Some patches are free, while other patches require a support contract.

_ Patches that address security issues and patches that provide new hardware

drivers are free.

_ You must have a valid support contract to access most other Solaris patches,

including the Solaris patch clusters, such as the Recommended Patch Cluster

or the Sun Alert Patch Cluster. The following support contracts entitle customers

to access all patches plus a wide range of additional support services:

– Support contracts for Solaris OS only: Solaris Subscriptions

– Support contracts for your entire system: Sun Spectrum Service Plans

For the Solaris 10 OS, patches for the patch utility patches use the following patch IDs:

_ SPARC: 119254-xx

_ x86: 119255-xx

To install the patches, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the SunSolve Web site at

2. Accept the license agreement.

3. Find the section “Latest Patch Update.

This section provides a complete list of prerequisite patches for each OS

version that should be installed before other patches are applied.

4. Click the “Patches and Updates” section.

5. In the “Product Patches” section, select the OS for your platform (either

SPARC or x86).

6. Download the patch.


Both the Recommended Patch Cluster and Sun Alert Patch Cluster contain only core Solaris

OS patches. They do not contain patches for Sun Java Enterprise System, Sun Cluster software,

Sun Studio software, or Sun N1 software. They do not contain other non-Solaris OS

patches that address security, data corruption, or system availability issues.

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7. Read the Special Install Instructions for all patches prior to installing them.

Special Install Instructions can be updated after the patch has been

released to the SunSolve Web site. These instructions clarify issues surrounding

the particular patch installation or to notify users of newly identified


4.4 Example of Using Solaris Live Upgrade to Install Patches

This section provides an example procedure for patching a system with a basic configuration.

This procedure provides commands based on the Solaris 10 8/07

release. If you are using Solaris Live Upgrade from another release, then you

might need slightly different procedures. For detailed planning information or procedures

for more complex upgrading procedures, such as for upgrading when

Solaris Zones are installed or upgrading with a mirrored root (/) file system, see

Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning available

at This guide is available for each Solaris 10 release.

4.4.1 Overview of Patching with Solaris Live Upgrade

As Figure 4.1 shows, the Solaris Live Upgrade process involves the following steps.

1. Creating a new boot environment by using the lucreate command.

2. Applying patches to the new boot environment by using the luupgrade


3. Activating the new boot environment by using the luactivate command.

4. Falling back to the original boot environment if needed by using the

luactivate command.

5. Removing an inactive boot environment by using the ludelete command.

You can remove a boot environment after the running boot environment is


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76 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

Figure 4.1 Solaris Live Upgrade Patching Process

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4.4.2 Planning for Using Solaris Live Upgrade

Table 4.2 describes the requirements and limitations for patching with Solaris Live

Upgrade. Table 4.3 describes limitations for activating a boot environment.

Table 4.2 Solaris Live Upgrade Planning and Limitations

Planning issue Description

Disk space requirements Using Solaris Live Upgrade involves having two boot environments

on your system. Therefore, a prerequisite is to

have enough disk space for both the original and new boot

environments. You need either an extra disk or one disk

large enough to contain both boot environments.

Supported releases Sun supports and tests an upgrade from any release to a

subsequent release that is no more than two releases

ahead. For example, if you are running the Solaris 7 release,

then you can upgrade to any Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 release,

but not to a Solaris 10 release. If you are running the Solaris

7 release, then you would need to upgrade to the Solaris 8

release before using Solaris Live Upgrade.

Any Solaris release includes all the releases within that release.

For example, you could upgrade from the Solaris 9 release, to

the Solaris 10 3/05 release or the Solaris 10 1/06 release.

You need to upgrade to the latest version of the Solaris Live

Upgrade software prior to patching the system, regardless

of the version of the Solaris OS running on the system. You

need the packages for the latest features and bug fixes.

Dependency order of patches The patchadd command in the Solaris 10 release correctly

orders patches for you, but the Solaris 9 and earlier

releases require patches to be in dependency order. When

using the luupgrade command to apply patches, apply

the patches in dependency order, regardless of the Solaris

release you are using. Sun uses dependency order as part of

the standard testing of the luupgrade command and you

can be assured that this order was tested.

Patch log evaluation Patching can generate a number of errors. You should

examine the patch log to determine whether any patch

failures impact you.

Sometimes a log indicates that a patch has failed to install,

but this is not a problem. For example, if a patch delivers

bug fixes for package A and your system does not have

package A, then the patch fails to install. The installation

log should be checked to ensure all messages are as



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78 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

When you activate a boot environment by using the luactivate command, the

boot environment must meet the conditions described in the Table 4.3.

Support for third-party patches You might not be able to apply third-party patches with

Solaris Live Upgrade. All Sun patches conform to the

requirement that preinstallation and postinstallation scripts

never modify the running system when the target is an

inactive boot environment. Furthermore, testing the application

of Recommended Patches with Solaris Live Upgrade

is part of Sun’s standard test procedures. However, Sun

cannot guarantee that all third-party patches are equally

well behaved. When you intend to patch an inactive boot

environment, you might need to verify that a third-party

patch does not contain a script that attempts to modify the

currently running environment.

Table 4.3 Limitations for Activating a Boot Environment

Description For More Information

The boot environment must have a

status of complete.

Use the lustatus command to display information

about each boot environment.

# lustatus BE-name

The BE-name variable specifies the inactive boot environment.

If BE-name is omitted, lustatus displays

the status of all boot environments in the system.

If the boot environment is not the

current boot environment, then you

cannot mount the partitions of that

boot environment by using the

luumount or mount commands.

See the lumount(1M) or mount(1M) man page at

The boot environment that you

want to activate cannot be involved

in a comparison operation.

To compare boot environments, you use the

lucompare command. The lucompare command

generates a comparison of boot environments that

includes the contents of non-global zones.

If you want to reconfigure swap, do

so prior to booting the inactive boot

environment. By default, all boot

environments share the same swap


By not specifying swap with the lucreate command

with the -m option, your current and new boot

environment share the same swap slices. If you want

to reconfigure the new boot environment’s swap, use

the -m option to add or remove swap slices in the

new boot environment.

Table 4.2 Solaris Live Upgrade Planning and Limitations (continued )

Planning issue Description

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4.4.3 How to Apply a Patch When Using Solaris Live

Upgrade for the Solaris 10 8/07 Release

Before installing or running Solaris Live Upgrade, you must install the patches in

SunSolve info doc 206844.

These patches ensure that you have all the latest bug fixes and new features in

the release. Ensure that you install all the patches that are relevant to your system

before proceeding.

1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

2. If you are storing the patches on a local disk, create a directory such as


3. From the SunSolve Web site, follow the instructions in info doc 206844 to

remove and add Solaris Live Upgrade packages. The Web site is located at

The following summarizes the info doc steps for removing and adding the


1. Remove existing Solaris Live Upgrade packages.

The three Solaris Live Upgrade packages SUNWluu, SUNWlur, and SUNWlucfg

comprise the software needed to upgrade by using Solaris Live

x86 only: Activating the boot environment

If you have an x86 based system, you can activate a

boot environment by using the GRUB menu instead

of the luactivate command. Note the following


_ If a boot environment was created with the

Solaris 8, 9, or 10 3/05 release, then the boot

environment must always be activated with the

luactivate command. These older boot

environments do not display in the GRUB


_ The first time you activate a boot environment,

you must use the luactivate command. The

next time you boot, that boot environment’s

name is displayed in the GRUB main menu. You

can thereafter switch to this boot environment

by selecting the appropriate entry in the GRUB


Table 4.3 Limitations for Activating a Boot Environment (continued )

Description For More Information

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80 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

Upgrade. These packages include existing software, new features, and bug

fixes. If you do not remove the existing packages and install the new packages

on your system before using Solaris Live Upgrade, upgrading to the target

release fails. The SUMWlucfg package is new starting with the Solaris 10 8/07

release. If you are using Solaris Live Upgrade packages from a release previous

to Solaris 10 8/07, then you do not need to remove this package.

# pkgrm SUNWlucfg SUNWluu SUNWlur

2. Install the new Solaris Live Upgrade packages.

You can install the packages by using the liveupgrade20 command that

is on the installation DVD or CD. The liveupgrade20 command requires

Java software. If your system does not have Java software installed, then you

need to use the pkgadd command to install the packages. See the SunSolve

info doc for more information.

3. Choose to run the installer from DVD or CD media.

a. If you are using the Solaris Operating System DVD, then change directories

and run the installer:

Change directories:


Run the installer:

# ./liveupgrade20 -noconsole - nodisplay

The -noconsole and -nodisplay options prevent the character user

interface (CUI) from displaying. The Solaris Live Upgrade CUI is no

longer supported.

b. If you are using the Solaris Software-2 CD, run the installer without

changing the path:

% ./installer

4. Verify that the packages have been installed successfully.

# pkgchk -v SUNWlucfg SUNWlur SUNWluu


For SPARC based systems, the path to the installer is different for releases previous

to the Solaris 10 10/08 release:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_10/Tools/Installers

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5. Obtain the list of patches.

6. Change to the patch directory.

# cd /var/tmp/lupatches

7. Install the patches.

# patchadd -M /var/tmp/lupatches patch-id patch-id

patch-id is the patch number or numbers. Separate multiple patch names

with a space.

8. Reboot the system if necessary. Certain patches require a reboot to be


# init 6

x86 only

Rebooting the system is required. Otherwise, Solaris Live Upgrade fails.

9. Create the new boot environment.

# lucreate [-c BE-name] -m mountpoint:device:fs-options \

[-m ...] -n BE-name

Explanation of the lucreate options follows:

_ -c BE-name

(Optional) Assigns the name BE-name to the active boot environment.

This option is not required and is used only when the first boot environment

is created. If you run lucreate for the first time and you omit the

-c option, then the software creates a default name for you.

_ -m mountpoint:device:fs-options [-m ...]

Specifies the file systems’ configuration of the new boot environment in

the vfstab file. The file systems that are specified as arguments to -m can

be on the same disk or they can be spread across multiple disks. Use this

option as many times as needed to create the number of file systems that is


mountpoint can be any valid mount point or - (hyphen), indicating a

swap partition.

device field is the name of the disk device.

fs-options field is ufs, which indicates a UFS file system.


The patches need to be applied in the order specified in info doc 206844.

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82 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

_ -n BE-name

The name of the boot environment to be created. BE-name must be unique

on the system.

In the following example, a new boot environment named solaris2 is created.

The root (/) file system is placed on c0t1d0s4.

# lucreate -n solaris2 -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s4:ufs

This command generates output similar to the following. The time to complete

varies depending on the system.

Discovering physical storage devices.

Discovering logical storage devices.

Cross referencing storage devices with boot environment configurations.

Determining types of file systems supported.

Validating file system requests.

The device name <c0t1d0s4> expands to device path </dev/dsk/c0t1d0s4>.

Preparing logical storage devices.

Preparing physical storage devices.

Configuring physical storage devices.

Configuring logical storage devices.

Analyzing system configuration.

No name for current boot environment.

Current boot environment is named <solaris1>.

Creating initial configuration for primary boot environment <solaris1>.

The device </dev/dsk/c0t1d0s4> is not a root device for any boot environment.

PBE configuration successful: PBE name <solaris1> PBE Boot Device </dev/dsk/c0t1d0s4>

Comparing source boot environment <solaris1> file systems with the

file system(s) you specified for the new boot environment.

Determining which file systems should be in the new boot environment.

Updating boot environment description database on all BEs.

Searching /dev for possible boot environment filesystem devices.

Updating system configuration files.

The device </dev/dsk/c0t1d0s4> is not a root device for any boot environment.

Creating configuration for boot environment <solaris2>.

Source boot environment is <solaris1>.

Creating boot environment <solaris2>.

Creating file systems on boot environment <solaris2>.

Creating <ufs> file system for </> on </dev/dsk/c0t1d0s4>.

Mounting file systems for boot environment <solaris2>.

Calculating required sizes of file systems for boot environment <solaris2>.

Populating file systems on boot environment <solaris2>.

Checking selection integrity.

Integrity check OK.

Populating contents of mount point </>.


Creating shared file system mount points.

Creating compare databases for boot environment <solaris2>.

Creating compare database for file system </>.

Updating compare databases on boot environment <solaris2>.

Making boot environment <solaris2> bootable.

Population of boot environment <solaris2> successful.

Creation of boot environment <solaris2> successful.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson


10. (Optional) Verify that the boot environment is bootable.

The lustatus command reports if the boot environment creation is

complete and if the boot environment is bootable.

11. Apply patches to the boot environment.

The patches you apply can come from several sources. The following example

provides steps for installing patches from the SunSolve database. However,

the procedure can be used for any patch or patch bundle, such as

patches from custom patch bundles, Sun Update Connection enterprise

patches, the Enterprise Installation Services CD, or security patches.

a. From the SunSolve Web site, obtain the list of patches at

b. Create a directory such as /var/tmp/lupatches.

c. Download the patches to that directory.

d. Change to the patch directory.

# cd /var/tmp/lupatches

e. Apply the patches.

The luupgrade command syntax follows:

# luupgrade -n BE-name -t -s path-to-patches patch-name

The options for the luupgrade command are explained in the following list:

-n BE-name

Specifies the name of the boot environment where the patch is to be added.


Indicates to add patches to the boot environment.

-s path-to-patches

Specifies the path to the directory that contains the patches to be added.


Specifies the name of the patch or patches to be added. Separate multiple

patch names with a space.

In the following examples, the patches are applied to the solaris2 boot environment.

The patches can be stored on a local disk or on a server.

# lustatus BE-name

boot environment Is Active Active Can Copy

name Complete Now OnReboot Delete Status


solaris1 yes yes yes no -

solaris2 yes no no yes -

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

84 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

This example shows the installation of patches stored in a directory on the

local disk:

This example shows the installation of patches stored on a server:

12. Examine the patch log file to make sure no patch failures occurred.

13. Activate the new boot environment.

# luactivate BE-name

BE-name specifies the name of the boot environment that is to be activated.

See the following documents for more information about activating a boot


– For an x86 based system, the luactivate command is required when you

boot a boot environment for the first time. Subsequent activations can be

made by selecting the boot environment from the GRUB menu. For stepby-

step instructions, see Solaris 10 8/07 Installation Guide: Solaris Live

Upgrade and Upgrade Planning. Specifically, see the chapter “Activating a

Boot Environment With the GRUB Menu.” The book is available at

– To successfully activate a boot environment, that boot environment must

meet several conditions. For more information, see Table 4.3.

# luupgrade -n solaris2 -t -s /tmp/solaris/patches 222222-01 333333-01

# luupgrade -n solaris2 -t -s

/net/server/export/solaris/patch-dir/patches 222222-01 333333-01


The Solaris 10 patchadd command correctly orders patches for you, but Solaris 9 and

earlier releases require patches to be in dependency order. When using the luupgrade

command to apply patches, apply the patches in dependency order, regardless of the

Solaris release you are using. Sun uses dependency order as part of the standard testing

of the luupgrade command, and you can be assured that this order was tested.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson


14. Reboot the system.

# init 6

The boot environments have switched and the new boot environment is

now the active boot environment.

15. (Optional) Fall back to a different boot environment.

a. (Optional) Verify that the boot environment is bootable.

The lustatus command reports if the boot environment creation is

complete and if the boot environment is bootable.

b. Activate the solaris1 boot environment.

The following procedures work if the boot environment is bootable. If the

new boot environment is not viable or you want to switch to another boot

environment, see Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and

Upgrade Planning. Specifically, see the chapter “Failure Recovery,” which

is available at

_ For SPARC based systems activate the boot environment and reboot:

_ For x86 based systems, reboot and choose the solaris1 boot environment

from the GRUB menu.


Use only the init or shutdown command to reboot. If you use the reboot,

halt, or uadmin command, then the system does not switch boot environments.

The most recently active boot environment is booted again.

# lustatus BE-name

boot environmentIsActiveActiveCanCopy

name CompleteNowOnRebootDeleteStatus


solaris1 yesyesyesnosolaris2


# /sbin/luactivate solaris1

# init 6

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

86 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

4.5 Patch Automation Tools

In addition to using Solaris Live Upgrade and the patch utilities to patch a system,

a range of higher-level patch automation tools is available. See Table 4.4 for

descriptions of patch automation tools.

GNU GRUB version 0.95 (616K lower / 4127168K upper memory)



|solaris1 failsafe


|solaris2 failsafe


Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the

selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line.

# init 6

Table 4.4 Patch Automation Tools Description

Tool Description

Sun xVM Ops Center Sun’s premier patch management tool. Sun xVM Ops Center provides

patch management to enterprise customers for systems running

the Solaris 8, 9, and 10 releases or the Linux operating systems.

Sun xVM Ops Center also provides OS and firmware provisioning,

inventory, registration, and system management. See the Center’s

Web site at


Sun xVM Ops Center provides the following tools for managing your


_ Optimize your maintenance window—Use Sun xVM Ops

Center’s automation to check for dependencies, schedule

update jobs, and stage your updates. You can also create

patch policies to define which updates are applied.

_ Improve security and availability—Make these improvements

by keeping your Solaris and Linux systems updated with

the latest patches. The Sun xVM Ops Center knowledge base

captures all new patches, packages, Sun freeware, and RPMs.

Sun develops and tests all dependencies and then publishes

updated dependency rules to its clients.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson


_ Register multiple systems—Register your hardware and

software, or gear, at the same time with the new, quick, and

easy registration client in Sun xVM Ops Center.

_ Manage and organize your registered Sun asset

inventory—Control your inventory by using the gear feature

in Sun xVM Ops Center. Update your Solaris, Red Hat, and

SuSE operating systems from a single console.

Patch Check

Advanced (PCA):

A popular third-party tool developed by Martin Paul. PCA generates

lists of installed and missing patches for Solaris systems and optionally

downloads patches. PCA resolves dependencies between

patches and installs them in the correct order. The tool is a good

solution for customers interested in an easy-to-use patch automation


To try PCA, run these commands on any Solaris system:

1. $ wget

2. $ chmod +x pca

3. $ ./pca

smpatch command

and Update Manager


Both the smpatch command and Update Manager GUI are tools

that are included in the Solaris OS.

_ smpatch is a command-line tool. This command enables you

to analyze and update the Solaris OS with current patches.

_ The Update Manager GUI is based on the smpatch command.

You can check which patches or updates are available

or you can easily select the patches to install. To display the

GUI, run update manager.

For both of these tools, support from Sun is the following:

_ For customers with a valid support contract, all patches are


_ For customers without a valid support contract, only security

and driver patches are available.


Table 4.4 Patch Automation Tools Description (continued )

Tool Description

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

88 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

4.6 Overview of Patch Types

Table 4.5 describes the specific types of patches that you can apply.

Enterprise Installation

Standards (EIS)

Enterprise Installation Standards (EIS) originated from Sun field

personnel’s goal of developing best practices for installation standards

for systems installed at customer sites.

EIS has traditionally been available only through Sun field personnel

but is now available directly to customers from xVM OPs Center as

baselines. Baselines provide a good option for customers who want

to patch to a defined and tested patch baseline.

The EIS set of patches is based on the Recommended Patch Cluster

with additional patches included by the field engineers. These additional

patches include products or patches to address issues that do

not meet the criteria for inclusion in the Recommended Patch Cluster.

The EIS patch baseline covers the Solaris OS and other products

such as Sun Cluster, Sun VTS, System Service Processor (SSP), System

Management Services (SMS), Sun StorEdge QFS, and Sun

StorEdge SAM-FS. The baseline also includes patches that provide

firmware updates.

The EIS patch baseline is tested by QA prior to release. The images

installed on servers by Sun’s manufacturers are also based on the EIS

patch baseline. Additional testing by Sun’s manufacturers as well as

feedback from the EIS user community raises confidence in the EIS

patch baseline content. Because many system installations worldwide

use the EIS methodology, any inherent problems quickly

appear and can be addressed. If problems arise with the EIS patch

baseline, recommendations are communicated to the EIS community.

Sun field engineers consider installing the EIS set of patches on

a new system a best practice. This set can also be used to patch

existing systems to the same patch level.

Table 4.5 Description of Patch Types

Patch type Description

Kernel patch

(formerly known

as Kernel Update

[KU] patch)

A generally available standard patch. This patch is important because of

the scope of change affecting a system. A Kernel patch changes the

Solaris kernel and related core Solaris functionality. A reboot is required

to activate the new kernel version.

Table 4.4 Patch Automation Tools Description (continued )

Tool Description

From the Library of Daniel Johnson





Starting with patch 119254-42 and 119255-42, the patch installation

utilitiespatchadd and patchrmhave been modified to change the

way that certain patches delivering features are handled. This modification

affects the installation of these patches on any Solaris 10 release.

These “deferred-activation“ patches better handle the large scope of

change delivered in feature patches.

A limited number of patches are designated as a deferred-activation

patch. Typically a deferred-activation patch is a kernel patch associated

with a Solaris 10 release after the Solaris 10 3/05 release, such as the

Solaris 10 8/07 release. Patches are designated a deferred-activation

patch if the variable SUNW_PATCH_SAFE_MODE is set in the pkginfo

file. Patches not designated as deferred-activation patches continue to

install as before. For example, previously released patches, such as kernel

patches 118833-36 (SPARC) and 118855-36 (x86), do not use the

deferred-activation patching utilities to install.

Previously, complex patch scripting was required for these kernel patches.

The scripting was required to avoid issues during the patch installation

process on an active partition because of inconsistencies between the

objects the patch delivers and the running system (active partition). Now,

deferred-activation patching uses the loopback file system (lofs) to

ensure the stability of the running system. When a patch is applied to the

running system, the lofs preserves stability during the patching process.

These large kernel patches have always required a reboot, but now

the required reboot activates the changes made by the lofs. The patch

README provides instructions on which patches require a reboot.

Temporary patch


A patch that has been built and submitted for release but has not completed

the full test and verification process.

Before being officially released, Solaris patches are structurally audited,

functionally verified, and subjected to a system test process. Testing

occurs when patches are in the “T-patch” state. After successfully completing

the test process, the patches are officially released. For an overview

of Sun’s patch test coverage, see the SunSolve Web site at Find the “Patches and Updates” section

and then the “Patch Documents and Articles” section. The text

coverage is in the section “Testing Overview.

A T-patch might be made available to a customer involved in an active

escalation to verify that the patch fixes the customer’s problem. This

type of patch is identified by a leading “T” in the patch ID, for example,

T108528-14. The words “Preliminary Patch - Not Yet Released

appear on the first line of the patch README file. After the patch has

been tested and verified, the T-patch designation is removed and the

patch is released.


Table 4.5 Description of Patch Types (continued )

Patch type Description

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90 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

Note: If you have a T-patch installed and then find that the patch is

released at the same revision, there is no need to remove the T-patch

and then install the released version. The released version and the

T-patch are the same, except for the README file.

Security T-patches The “Security T-Patches” section of the SunSolve site provides early

access to patches that address security issues.

These patches are still in the T-patch stage, which means they have not

completed the verification and patch testing process. The installation of

Security T-patches is at the user’s discretion and risk. Information about

the issues addressed by Security T-patches and possible workarounds is

available through the Free Security Sun Alert data collection.

On the SunSolve Web site, find the “Security Resources” section. See the

“Security T-Patches and ISRs” or “Sun Security Coordination Team”




Patches that become overly large or complex sometimes follow a process

of rejuvenation. The rejuvenation process provides patches that

incrementally install complex new functionality in relative safety. When a

patch becomes a rejuvenated patch, no more revisions of the patch are

created. Instead, further changes to the rejuvenated patch are delivered

in a series of new patch IDs. These new patches depend upon and

require the rejuvenated patch. If one of the new patches becomes complex

over time, then that patch could become a rejuvenated patch. For

example, the Kernel patch is rejuvenated when needed.

The advantage of this process is that although a customer must install

the complex patch once, future patches are much simpler to install.

For more details, see the “Patch Rejuvenation” article on the SunSolve

Web site at Click on the “Patches and

Updates” section, then see the “Documents Relating to Updating/

Patching” section.

Point patch A custom patch. This patch is provided to a customer as a response to a

specific problem encountered by that customer. Point patches are only

appropriate for the customers for whom the patches have been delivered.

These patches are typically created for one customer because the

majority of customers would consider the “fix” worse than the issue the

fix is addressing. These patches are created on a branch of the Solaris

source code base and are not folded back into the main source base.

Access to a point patch is restricted and should only be installed after

consultation with Sun support personnel.

Table 4.5 Description of Patch Types (continued )

Patch type Description

From the Library of Daniel Johnson


Restricted patch


A rare patch that has a special lock characteristic. An R-patch locks the

package modified. This lock prevents subsequent modification of the

package by other patches.

R-patches are used in circumstances similar to point patches. Like a

point patch, an R-patch is only appropriate for the customer for whom

the patches have been delivered. These patches are created on a branch

of the Solaris source code base and are not folded back into the main

source base.

Before the “official” standard patch can be applied, an R-patch must be

manually removed.


Diagnostic Relief


An IDR provides software to help diagnose a customer issue or provides

preliminary, temporary relief for an issue. An IDR is provided in a patch

format similar to an R-patch. However, because an IDR does not provide

a final fix to the issue, an IDR is not a substitute for an actual patch.

The official patch or patches should replace the IDR as soon as is


For more details, see the “Interim Relief/Diagnostics” article on the Sun-

Solve Web site at Click the “Patches

and Updates” section and then see the “Documents Relating to

Updating/Patching” section.

Interim Security

Relief (ISR)

A patch that fixes a public security issue. This patch is a type of IDR. An

ISR is an early stage fix that provides protection to a security vulnerability

that is publicly known. An ISR has not completed the review, verification,

and testing processes. The installation of an ISR is at the user’s

discretion and risk. An ISR is available on the “Security T-Patch” download

section on SunSolve at Information

about the issues addressed by an ISR and possible workarounds is

available through the Free Security Sun Alert data collection. On the

SunSolve site, in the “Security Resources” section, see the “Sun Security

Coordination Team” section.



A patch that cannot be installed by using the patchadd command.

A nonstandard patch is not delivered in package format. This patch

must be installed according to the Special Install Instructions specified in

the patch’s README file. A nonstandard patch typically delivers firmware

or application software fixes.


Table 4.5 Description of Patch Types (continued )

Patch type Description

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92 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

Withdrawn patch If a released patch is found to cause serious issues, then the patch is

removed from the SunSolve Web site.

_ The patch is no longer available for download.

_ The README file remains on the SunSolve Web site. The README

file is changed to state that the patch is withdrawn and a brief

statement is added about the problem and why the patch was


_ The patch is logged for a year in the list of withdrawn patches. On

the SunSolve Web site, click the “Patches and Updates” section,

then see the “Patch Reports” section for the “Withdrawn Patch


_ A Sun Alert is released to notify customers about the withdrawn

patch. The Sun Alert specifies any actions that should be taken by

customers who have the withdrawn patch installed on their system.

The Sun Alert appears in the list of recently published Sun




A patch that requires user interaction in order to be installed. The patch

must be installed according to the Special Install Instructions specified in

the patch’s README file.

Update releases

and script patches

Sun periodically releases updates to the current version of the Solaris

distribution. These releases are sometimes known as an Update release.

An Update release is a complete distribution and is named with a date

designation; for example, Solaris 10 6/06 release.

An Update release consists of all the packages in the original release,

such as Solaris 10 3/05, with all accumulated patches pre-applied and

includes any new features that are qualified for inclusion.

The process of pre-applying patches involves some patches that do not

get released. Therefore, a system with an Update release installed

appears to have some patches applied that cannot be found on the Sun-

Solve Web site. These patches are called script patches. Script patches

do not deliver bug fixes or new features, but they deliver fixes that are a

result of issues with the creation of the image. As a result, script patches

are not made available for customers because they are not required outside

of creating the Update release.

Genesis patch A rare patch that installs a new package.

Generally, new packages are only available as part of a new release of a

product. Patches only change the content of packages already installed

on a system. However, in rare cases, new packages can be installed on a

system by applying a genesis patch. For example, patch 122640-05 is a

genesis patch that delivers and installs ZFS packages. This patch contains

new ZFS packages that are installed on systems with older Solaris

10 releases that do not contain the new ZFS functionality.

Table 4.5 Description of Patch Types (continued )

Patch type Description

From the Library of Daniel Johnson


4.7 Patch README Special Instructions

Patches have associated metadata that describes their attributes. Metadata includes

special handling requirements such as “reboot after installation” or “single-user

mode installation required.” These attributes are translated into text in the README

file, which should be read.

The Solaris patch utilities also utilize the metadata contained in the pkginfo

and pkgmap files.

4.7.1 When to Patch in Single-User Mode

You can avoid booting to single-user mode by using Solaris Live Upgrade. You can

also avoid system downtime. Solaris Live Upgrade enables patches to be installed

while your system is in production. You create a copy of the currently running system

and patch the copy. Then, you simply reboot into the patched environment at a

convenient time. You can fall back to the original boot environment, if needed.

If you cannot use Solaris Live Upgrade, then the patch README file specifies

which patches should be installed in single-user mode. Although the patch tools do

not force you to use single-user mode, the instructions in the patch’s README file

should be followed. Patching in single-user mode helps ensure that the system is

quiesced. Minimizing activity on the system is important. Some patches update

components on the system that are commonly used. Using single-user mode preserves

the stability of the system and reduces the chances of these components

being used while they are being updated.

Using single-user mode is critical for system patches like the kernel patch. If

you apply a Kernel patch in multiuser mode, then you significantly increase your

risk of the system experiencing an inconsistent state.

The patch properties apply to both installing and removing patches. If singleuser

mode was required for applying the patch, then you should also use singleuser

mode for removing a patch. Changes being made to the system are equally

significant, irrespective of the direction in which they’re being made, for example,

installing instead of removing.

You can safely boot into single-user mode by changing the run level with the

init command.

_ Using the init S command does not quiesce the system enough for patches

that specify single-user mode installation, but this command can be safely used.

_ Using the init 0 command and then booting to single-user mode provides a

more quiesced system because fewer daemons are running. However, this

command requires a reboot.

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94 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

4.7.2 When to Reboot After Applying or Removing a Patch

If a patch requires a reboot, then you cannot avoid the reboot. Sooner or later, you

must reboot to enable the changes that the patch introduced. However, you can

choose a strategy to defer the reboot until a more convenient time.

_ One method is to use Solaris Live Upgrade, which enables patches to be

installed while your system is running. You can avoid single-user mode and

use multiuser mode. Then, you simply reboot into the patched environment at

a more convenient time.

_ Another approach with similar benefits to Solaris Live Upgrade is to use

RAID-1 volumes (disk mirroring) with Solaris Volume Manager. For example,

you can split the mirror, mount the inactive root (/) file system mirror, and

apply the patches to the copy by using the patchadd -R command. The -R

option enables you to specify an alternate root (/) file system location. The -R

option is usually intended for use with diskless clients, but the option can

also be used to delay the reboot.

The README file for some patches specifies that a reboot is required after the patch

has been installed or removed. This request for a reboot might contain two reboot


_ The first instruction is to “reboot after” patching to see the fix. This instruction

has no time constraints because this is just a reminder that some of the

changes are not activated until a reboot occurs.

_ The second instruction is to “reboot immediately” after patching.

If you are patching an active boot environment, then a reboot is needed to

activate certain objects that have been patched, like the kernel. After installation

to an active boot environment, some patches specify in their README

file that a reboot or reconfiguration reboot (reboot -- -r) is required.

Some of these patches specify that a reboot must occur immediately after

the patch is installed on an active boot environment. The reboot is required


Solaris Live Upgrade does not support Veritas encapsulated root (/) file systems very

well. The root (/) file system can be a Veritas Volume Manager volume (VxVM). If

VxVM volumes are configured on your current system, you can use the lucreate

command to create a new boot environment. When the data is copied to the new

boot environment, the Veritas file system configuration is lost and a UFS file system is

created on the new boot environment.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson


because the active boot environment is in an inconsistent state if the target

system is running a kernel at a patch level below 120012-14. When the reboot

is performed, the system is stabilized.

For example, a patch could deliver new kernel binaries and a new library.

After the new kernel binaries are installed on the active boot environment,

the kernel binaries are still inactive because they will not be loaded until the

system is rebooted. The new library might contain interface or behavior

changes that depend on the new kernel. However, the new library could be

linked and invoked at any point after the library is installed in the file system.

This can result in an inconsistent system state, which could potentially

lead to serious problems.

Generally, you can complete patching operations before initiating the

reboot, but normal operations should not be resumed until the reboot is performed.

Some patches, such as 118855-36, require a reboot when they are

applied to an active boot environment before further patches can be applied.

The instruction is specified in the “Special Install Instructions” section of the

patch’s README file. As an added safety mechanism, such patches typically

contain code to prevent further patching until the reboot is performed.

Kernel patch 120012-14 is the first patch to utilize the deferred-activation

patching functionality. Deferred-activation patching was introduced in the

Solaris 10 08/07 release to ensure system consistency during patching of an

active boot environment. Such patches set the SAFEMODE parameter in

their pkginfo file or files. Deferred-activation patching utilizes loopback

mounts (lofs) to mask the patched objects until a reboot is performed.

Deferred-activation patching is designed to enable subsequent patches to be

applied before the reboot is initiated. If any subsequent patch directly or indirectly

requires a patch installed in deferred-activation patching mode, the

patch will also be automatically installed in deferred-activation patching

mode by the patchadd command. Objects updated by using deferredactivation

patching will be activated upon reboot of the system.

4.7.3 Patch Metadata for Non-Global Zones

Patches contain Solaris Zones specific metadata to ensure the correct patching of a

Zones environment. Detailed information can be found in the following references

available at

_ See the patchadd command -G option.

_ See System Administration Guide: Solaris Containers-Resource Management

and Solaris Zones. Specifically, see the chapter “About Packages and Patches

on a Solaris System With Zones Installed (Overview).

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

96 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

4.8 Patch Dependencies (Interrelationships)

The functionality delivered in a patch, consisting of either bug fixes or new features,

might have interrelationships with the functionality delivered in other patches.

These interrelationships are determined by three fields in the package’s

pkginfo file:

_ The SUNW_REQUIRES field identifies patch dependencies. These prerequisite

patches must be installed before the patch can be installed.

_ The SUNW_OBSOLETES field identifies patches whose contents have been

accumulated into this patch. This new patch obsoletes the original patches.

_ The SUNW_INCOMPAT field identifies patches that are incompatible with

this patch. Therefore, this patch cannot be installed on the same system.

These fields are used by the patchadd and patchrm commands to automatically

ensure the consistency of the target system that is being patched. These fields are

included in the patch README file.

4.8.1 SUNW_REQUIRES Field for Patch Dependencies

The SUNW_REQUIRES field identifies patch dependencies. The functionality delivered

in a patch might have a code dependency on the changes or functionality that is

delivered in other patches. Therefore, one patch requires one or more other patches to

function correctly. If a patch depends on one or more patches, then the patch specifies

the required patches in the SUNW_REQUIRES field in the pkginfo file in the

patch’s packages. This information is also reflected in the README file. Such prerequisite

patches must be installed before this patch can be installed.

The dependency requirement can only work one way. If Patch A requires Patch

B, Patch B cannot require Patch A. Because patches are cumulative, if Patch A-01

requires Patch B-01, any revision of Patch B greater than or equal to -01 also satisfies

the requirement.

If other types of dependencies exist, then they are specified in the patch’s

README file and can include the following:

_ Conditional dependencies indicate a hard-coded patch dependency that

occurs only under specific conditions, for example, only if CDE 1.3 is installed

on the target system.

_ Soft dependencies indicate that other patches are required to completely

deliver a particular bug fix or feature, but the system remains in a consistent

state without the other patches.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson


4.8.2 SUNW_OBSOLETES Field for Patch Accumulation

and Obsolescence

The SUNW_OBSOLETES field identifies patch accumulation and obsolescence.

Sometimes, bug fixes or new features cause two or more existing patches to

become closely intertwined. For example, a bidirectional, hard-coded dependency

might exist between two patches. In such cases, it might be necessary to accumulate

the functionality of two or more patches into one patch, thereby rendering

the other patch or patches obsolete. The patch into which the other patch’s functionality

is accumulated specifies the patch ID or IDs of the patch or patches that

it has obsoleted. This information is in the SUNW_OBSOLETES field in the

pkginfo files delivered in the patch’s sparse packages. This declaration is called

explicit obsolescence.

The patch accumulation can only work one way. That is, if Patch A accumulates

Patch B, Patch A now contains all of Patch B’s functionality. Patch B is now obsolete.

No further revision of Patch B will be generated.

Due to the accumulation of patches, a later revision of a patch “implicitly” obsoletes

earlier revisions of the same patch. Patches that are implicitly obsoleted are

not flagged in the SUNW_OBSOLETES field. For example, Patch A-Revision xx does

not need to explicitly obsolete Patch A-Revision x-1 with a SUNW_OBSOLETES

entry in the pkginfo file.

4.8.3 SUNW_INCOMPAT Field for Incompatibility

Occasionally, two or more patches are incompatible with one another. Incompatibility

is frequently defined in point patches and IDRs. Incompatibility is rarely defined

in regular patches. An incompatibility is specified in the SUNW_INCOMPAT field

in the pkginfo file in the sparse package of one or both of the patches.

Patch incompatibility is two way. If Patch A or Patch B specifies an incompatibility

with the other patch, then only one of the patches can be installed on the target


For Solaris 10 releases after August 2007, a patch might be released that contains no new

changes. This patch might state that it obsoletes another patch that was released some

months earlier. This is a consequence of the Solaris Update patch creation process. If you

have the obsoleted patch installed, and the new patch does not list any new changes, you

do not need to install this new patch.

For example, the timezones patch 122032-05 was obsoleted by patch 125378-02. If

you already have 122032-05 installed, there is no need to install 125378-02 because patch

125378-02 does not deliver any new changes.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

98 Chapter 4 _ Software Management: Patches

system. For example, if Patch A is already installed on the target system and Patch

B is incompatible with it, the patch install utility patchadd will not allow Patch B

to be installed. If Patch B must be installed, Patch A must first be removed.

Both patches or an incompatible pairing do not have to define the incompatibility.

Typically, a point patch or an IDR defines an incompatibility because these

types of patches are from nonstandard code branches.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson


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目录 Chapter 1 Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System 1 1.1 Methods to Meet Your Needs 1 1.2 The Basics of Solaris Installation 2 1.2.1 Installing Solaris on a SPARC System 6 1.2.2 Installing Solaris on an x86 System 9 1.3 Solaris JumpStart Installation 13 1.3.1 Setting up a JumpStart Server 13 1.3.2 Creating a Pro?le Server for Networked Systems 14 1.3.3 Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation 22 1.4 Upgrading a Solaris System 25 1.5 Solaris Live Upgrade 26 Chapter 2 Boot, Service Management, and Shutdown 33 2.1 Boot 33 2.1.1 The Bootloader 33 2.1.2 The Kernel 34 2.1.3 User-Mode Programs 34 2.1.4 GRUB Extensions 35 2.1.5 Modifying Boot Behavior 36 2.1.6 Run Levels 37 2.1.7 Troubleshooting 37 2.2 Service Management Facility 39 2.2.1 enabled 40 2.2.2 state, next_state, and state_time 40 2.2.3 logfile 41 2.2.4 dependency 41 2.2.5 How SMF Interacts with Service Implementations 42 2.2.6 The Service Con?guration Facility 44 2.2.7 Health and Troubleshooting 44 2.2.8 Service Manifests 45 2.2.9 Backup and Restore of SCF Data 45 2.3 Shutdown 46 2.3.1 Application-Speci?c Shutdown 46 2.3.2 Application-Independent Shutdown 46 Chapter 3 Software Management: Packages 47 3.1 Managing Software Packages 47 3.2 What Is a Package? 47 3.2.1 SVR4 Package Content 48 3.2.2 Package Naming Conventions 49 3.3 Tools for Managing Software Packages 49 3.4 Installing or Removing a Software Package with the pkgadd or pkgrm Command 50 3.5 Using Package Commands to Manage Software Packages 51 3.5.1 How to Install Packages with the pkgadd Command 51 3.5.2 Adding Frequently Installed Packages to a Spool Directory 54 3.5.3 Removing Software Packages 56 Chapter 4 Software Management: Patches 59 4.1 Managing Software with Patches 59 4.2 What Is a Patch? 59 4.2.1 Patch Content 60 4.2.2 Patch Numbering 61 4.3 Patch Management Best Practices 61 4.3.1 Proactive Patch Management Strategy 62 4.3.2 Reactive Patch Management Strategy 68 4.3.3 Security Patch Management Strategy 70 4.3.4 Proactive Patching When Installing a New System 71 4.3.5 Identifying Patches for Proactive Patching and Accessing Patches 73 4.4 Example of Using Solaris Live Upgrade to Install Patches 75 4.4.1 Overview of Patching with Solaris Live Upgrade 75 4.4.2 Planning for Using Solaris Live Upgrade 77 4.4.3 How to Apply a Patch When Using Solaris Live Upgrade for the Solaris 10 8/07 Release 79 4.5 Patch Automation Tools 86 4.6 Overview of Patch Types 88 4.7 Patch README Special Instructions 93 4.7.1 When to Patch in Single-User Mode 93 4.7.2 When to Reboot After Applying or Removing a Patch 94 4.7.3 Patch Metadata for Non-Global Zones 95 4.8 Patch Dependencies (Interrelationships) 96 4.8.1 SUNW_REQUIRES Field for Patch Dependencies 96 4.8.2 SUNW_OBSOLETES Field for Patch Accumulation and Obsolescence 97 4.8.3 SUNW_INCOMPAT Field for Incompatibility 97 Chapter 5 Solaris File Systems 99 5.1 Solaris File System Overview 99 5.1.1 Mounting File Systems 100 5.1.2 Unmounting File Systems 102 5.1.3 Using the /etc/vfstab File 103 5.1.4 Determining a File System Type 104 5.1.5 Monitoring File Systems 105 5.2 UFS File Systems 105 5.2.1 Creating a UFS File System 106 5.2.2 Backing Up and Restoring UFS File Systems 107 5.2.3 Using Quotas to Manage Disk Space 108 5.2.4 Checking File System Integrity 110 5.2.5 Using Access Control Lists 112 5.2.6 Using UFS Logging 113 5.2.7 Using Extended File Attributes 115 5.2.8 Using Multiterabyte UFS File Systems 115 5.2.9 Creating UFS Snapshots 115 5.3 ZFS File System Administration 117 5.3.1 Using Pools and File Systems 118 5.3.2 Backing Up a ZFS File System 120 5.3.3 Using Mirroring and Striping 121 5.3.4 Using RAID-Z 122 5.3.5 Using Copy-on-Write and Snapshots 122 5.3.6 Using File Compression 124 5.3.7 Measuring Performance 124 5.3.8 Expanding a Pool 125 5.3.9 Checking a Pool 126 5.3.10 Replacing a Disk 127 5.4 NFS File System Administration 127 5.4.1 Finding Available NFS File Systems 128 5.4.2 Mounting an NFS File System 129 5.4.3 Unmounting an NFS File System 129 5.4.4 Con?guring Automatic File System Sharing 130 5.4.5 Automounting File Systems 130 5.5 Removable Media 133 5.5.1 Using the PCFS File System 135 5.5.2 Using the HSFS File System 136 5.6 Pseudo File System Administration 136 5.6.1 Using Swap Space 136 5.6.2 Using the TMPFS File System 138 5.6.3 Using the Loopback File System 139 Chapter 6 Managing System Processes 141 6.1 Overview 141 6.1.1 State of a Process 143 6.1.2 Process Context 143 6.2 Monitoring the Processes 145 6.2.1 Process Status: ps 146 6.2.2 Grepping for Process: pgrep 149 6.2.3 Process Statistics Summary: prstat 149 6.2.4 Reap a Zombie Process: preap 151 6.2.5 Temporarily Stop a Process: pstop 152 6.2.6 Resuming a Suspended Process: prun 152 6.2.7 Wait for Process Completion: pwait 152 6.2.8 Process Working Directory: pwdx 152 6.2.9 Process Arguments: pargs 152 6.2.10 Process File Table: pfiles 153 6.2.11 Process Libraries: pldd 154 6.2.12 Process Tree: ptree 154 6.2.13 Process Stack: pstack 155 6.2.14 Tracing Process: truss 156 6.3 Controlling the Processes 158 6.3.1 The nice and renice Commands 158 6.3.2 Signals 159 6.4 Process Manager 164 6.5 Scheduling Processes 170 6.5.1 cron Utility 171 6.5.2 The at Command 175 Chapter 7 Fault Management 179 7.1 Overview 179 7.2 Fault Noti?cation 181 7.3 Displaying Faults 182 7.4 Repairing Faults 184 7.5 Managing Fault Management Log Files 184 7.5.1 Automatic Log Rotation 185 7.5.2 Manual Log Rotation 186 7.5.3 Log Rotation Failures 187 7.5.4 Examining Historical Log Files 188 7.6 Managing fmd and fmd Modules 188 7.6.1 Loading and Unloading Modules 189 7.6.2 fmd Statistics 191 7.6.3 Con?guration Files 192 7.7 Fault Management Directories 193 7.8 Solaris Fault Management Downloadable Resources 193 7.8.1 Solaris FMA Demo Kit 193 7.8.2 Events Registry 194 Chapter 8 Managing Disks 197 8.1 Hard Disk Drive 197 8.2 Disk Terminology 199 8.3 Disk Device Naming Conventions 200 8.3.1 Specifying the Disk Subdirectory in Commands 202 8.4 Overview of Disk Management 202 8.4.1 Device Driver 202 8.4.2 Disk Labels (VTOC or EFI) 203 8.4.3 Disk Slices 205 8.4.4 Slice Arrangements on Multiple Disks 207 8.4.5 Partition Table 208 8.4.6 format Utility 210 8.4.7 format Menu and Command Descriptions 211 8.4.8 Partition Menu 213 8.4.9 x86: fdisk Menu 214 8.4.10 Analyze Menu 215 8.4.11 Defect Menu 217 8.5 Disk Management Procedures 217 8.5.1 How to Identify the Disks on a System 218 8.5.2 How to Determine If a Disk Is Formatted 218 8.5.3 How to Format a Disk 219 8.5.4 How to Identify a Defective Sector by Performing a Surface Analysis 221 8.5.5 How to Repair a Defective Sector 222 8.5.6 How to Display the Partition Table or Slice Information 223 8.5.7 Creating Disk Slices (Partitioning a Disk) and Labeling a Disk 224 8.5.8 Creating a File System On a Disk 228 8.5.9 Additional Commands to Manage Disks 229 Chapter 9 Managing Devices 235 9.1 Solaris Device Driver Introduction 235 9.2 Analyzing Lack of Device Support 236 9.2.1 Device Does Not Work 236 9.2.2 Obtaining Information About Devices 236 9.2.3 Obtaining Information About Drivers 241 9.2.4 Does the Device Have a Driver? 248 9.2.5 Current Driver Does Not Work 250 9.2.6 Can a Driver for a Similar Device Work? 250 9.3 Installing and Updating Drivers 251 9.3.1 Backing Up Current Functioning Driver Binaries 251 9.3.2 Package Installations 252 9.3.3 Install Time Updates 252 9.3.4 Manual Driver Binary Installation 253 9.3.5 Adding a Device Driver to a Net Installation Image 256 9.3.6 Adding a Device Driver to a CD/DVD Installation Image 262 9.3.7 Swapping Disks 263 9.4 When Drivers Hang or Panic the System 266 9.4.1 Device Driver Causes the System to Hang 266 9.4.2 Device Driver Causes the System to Panic 268 9.4.3 Device Driver Degrades System Performance 269 9.5 Driver Administration Commands and Files 270 9.5.1 Driver Administration Command Summary 270 9.5.2 Driver Administration File Summary 272 Chapter 10 Solaris Networking 275 10.1 Introduction to Network Con?guration 275 10.1.1 Overview of the TCP/IP Networking Stack 275 10.1.2 Con?guring the Network as Superuser 277 10.2 Setting Up a Network 277 10.2.1 Components of the XYZ, Inc. Network 277 10.2.2 Con?guring the Sales Domain 280 10.2.3 Con?guring the Accounting Domain 283 10.2.4 Con?guring the Multihomed Host 288 10.2.5 Setting Up a System for Static Routing 296 10.2.6 Con?guring the Corporate Domain 300 10.2.7 Testing the Network Con?guration 302 10.3 Monitoring Network Performance 304 10.3.1 dladm Command 304 10.3.2 ifconfig Command 305 10.3.3 netstat Command 305 10.3.4 snoop Command 307 10.3.5 traceroute Command 308 Chapter 11 Solaris User Management 309 11.1 Solaris Users, Groups, and Roles 309 11.1.1 File System Object Permissions 310 11.1.2 User Account Components 312 11.1.3 User Management Tools 313 11.1.4 User Management Files 313 11.2 Managing Users and Groups 314 11.2.1 Starting the Solaris Management Console 314 11.2.2 Adding a Group and a User to Local Files 315 11.2.3 Adding a Group and a User to an NIS Domain 317 11.3 Managing Roles 318 11.3.1 Changing root from a User to a Role 318 11.3.2 Viewing the List of Roles 319 11.3.3 Assigning a Role to a Local User 319 Chapter 12 Solaris Zones 321 12.1 Overview 321 12.2 How Zones Work 323 12.3 Branded Zones 324 12.4 Network Interfaces in Zones 324 12.5 Devices in Zones 325 12.6 Packages and Patches in a Zones Environment 325 12.7 Administering Zones 326 12.7.1 Zone Con?guration 327 12.7.2 Viewing a Zone Con?guration 331 12.7.3 Zone Installation and Booting 331 12.7.4 Zone Login Using the zlogin Command 332 12.8 Halting, Uninstalling, Moving, and Cloning Zones 333 12.9 Migrating a Zone to a New System 334 12.10 Deleting a Zone 336 12.11 Listing the Zones on a System 336 12.12 Zones Usage Examples 337 12.12.1 Adding a Dedicated Device to a Non-Global Zone 337 12.12.2 How to Export Home Directories in the Global Zone into a Non-Global Zone 337 12.12.3 Altering Privileges in a Non-Global Zone 337 12.12.4 Checking the Status of SMF Services 338 12.12.5 Modifying CPU, Swap, and Locked Memory Caps in Zones 338 12.12.6 Using the Dtrace Program in a Non-Global Zone 339 Chapter 13 Using Naming Services 341 13.1 Using Naming Services (DNS, NIS, AND LDAP) 341 13.1.1 Naming Service Cache Daemon (nscd) 342 13.1.2 DNS Naming Services 342 13.1.3 NIS Naming Services 342 13.1.4 LDAP Naming Services 343 13.1.5 Organizational Use of Naming Services 343 13.1.6 Network Database Sources 344 13.2 Name Service Switch File 347 13.2.1 Con?guring the Name Service Switch File 347 13.2.2 Database Status and Actions 349 13.3 DNS Setup and Con?guration 350 13.3.1 Resolver Files 350 13.3.2 Steps DNS Clients Use to Resolve Names 350 13.4 NIS Setup and Con?guration 351 13.4.1 Setting Up NIS Clients 351 13.4.2 Working with NIS Maps 352 13.5 LDAP Setup and Con?guration 356 13.5.1 Initializing a Client Using Per-User Credentials 357 13.5.2 Con?guring an LDAP Client 359 13.5.3 Using Pro?les to Initialize an LDAP Client 362 13.5.4 Using Proxy Credentials to Initialize an LDAP Client 362 13.5.5 Initializing an LDAP Client Manually 363 13.5.6 Modifying a Manual LDAP Client Con?guration 363 13.5.7 Troubleshooting LDAP Client Con?guration 364 13.5.8 Uninitializing an LDAP Client 364 13.5.9 Initializing the Native LDAP Client 364 13.5.10 LDAP API Entry Listings 368 13.5.11 Troubleshooting Name Service Information 368 Chapter 14 Solaris Print Administration 369 14.1 Overview of the Solaris Printing Architecture 369 14.2 Key Concepts 370 14.2.1 Printer Categories (Local and Remote Printers) 370 14.2.2 Printer Connections (Directly Attached and Network Attached) 370 14.2.3 Description of a Print Server and a Print Client 371 14.3 Solaris Printing Tools and Services 371 14.3.1 Solaris Print Manager 371 14.3.2 LP Print Service 371 14.3.3 PostScript Printer De?nitions File Manager 372 14.4 Network Protocols 372 14.4.1 Berkeley Software Distribution Protocol 372 14.4.2 Transmission Control Protocol 372 14.4.3 Internet Printing Protocol 373 14.4.4 Server Message Block Protocol 373 14. 5 Planning for Printer Setup 373 14. 5.1 Print Server Requirements 373 14. 5.2 Locating Information About Supported Printers 374 14. 5.3 Locating Information About Available PPD Files 375 14. 5.4 Adding a New PPD File to the System 375 14. 5.5 Adding Printers in a Naming Service 377 14. 5.6 Printer Support in the Naming Service Switch 377 14. 5.7 Enabling Network Listening Services 378 14.6 Setting Up Printers with Solaris Printer Manager 379 14.6.1 Assigning Printer De?nitions 379 14.6.2 Starting Solaris Print Manager 380 14.6.3 Setting Up a New Directly Attached Printer With Solaris Print Manager 381 14.6.4 Setting Up a New Network-Attached Printer with Solaris Print Manager 381 14.7 Setting Up a Printer on a Print Client with Solaris Print Manager 385 14.7.1 Adding Printer Access With Solaris Print Manager 385 14.8 Administering Printers by Using LP Print Commands 385 14.8.1 Frequently Used LP Print Commands 386 14.8.2 Using the lpstat Command 386 14.8.3 Disabling and Enabling Printers 387 14.8.4 Accepting or Rejecting Print Requests 387 14.8.5 Canceling a Print Request 388 14.8.6 Moving Print Requests from One Printer to Another Printer 389 14.8.7 Deleting a Printer 390 14.9 Troubleshooting Printing Problems 392 14.9.1 Troubleshooting No Output (Nothing Prints) 392 14.9.2 Checking That the Print Scheduler Is Running 393 14.9.3 Debugging Printing Problems 393 14.9.4 Checking the Printer Network Connections 394 Index 395


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