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原创 将空格替换为百分号,效率为O(size)

void replace(char* str, int len){int space = 0, counter = 0;for(int i = 0; i {if(str[i] == ' ')space ++;}int newLength = space+len*2+1;char *newStr = new char[newLength];for(int i =

2012-09-06 09:09:56 1342

原创 判断两个字符串是否有相同的字符

bool Anagram(char* src, char* dest){int letters [256] = {0};if(sizeof(src)!=sizeof(dest))return false;// Get the size of all stringint size = sizeof(src);// Hit is used for counting all di

2012-09-06 08:52:48 1180

原创 2012.9.2 Reading Material

1. 总结2011年10个最重要的开源软件 http://www.open-open.com/news/view/1d50ec7     About: Hadoop | Cassandra | 2. Hadoop即将过时了吗?  http://www.open-open.com/news/view/1fcd666    About: New technology used in G

2012-09-02 10:54:12 451

原创 ajax php


2012-05-29 23:48:15 265

原创 download android 4 source code

Maybe we will get some question when we download source code at school.Because Google ban ips when to much student checkout source code with the same ip.Then we must:1.sign in https://android.go

2012-05-22 08:27:40 430

转载 安装rubyrails

最近想装个代码管理工具,以方便管理自己几年来的代码。需要既可以方便的查看和更新,还需要可以方便的索搜代码。开始想放到Google SVN上面,后来觉得也没必要了,放在本地既安全也很方便。我知道的可以和SVN集成的管理工具有Trac和Redmine。以前用过Trac,不过配置挺麻烦的,而且好像有一次我改了些配置,导致站点再也打不开了(搞了好久都没搞定,^_^)。这次决定使用R

2012-04-13 13:02:38 465

原创 WP7安装遇到的问题

1. 开始按照微软俱乐部发的教程安装:vm_web2.exe 问题种种,虽然可以使用简单的silverlight windows phone 程序,但是跑C#就显得不给力。--》安装ultimate+sp1+wp7.12. 安装的时候可能出现的问题:外部dll被block: 通过右键属性然后解除限制

2011-12-07 15:59:31 274

转载 android弹窗

http://www.cnblogs.com/noTice520/archive/2011/08/16/2140356.htmlgood Learning Websitehttp://www.cnblogs.com/noTice520/

2011-12-01 16:25:53 334

原创 Eclipse控制台中文乱码

方法一,懒得去管那么多,直接在run configuration里面的common栏目随意设定字符类型,直到控制台输出正确为止。方法二,了解详情。。这个比较麻烦一点。 首先要了解JAVA处理字符的原理。JAVA使用UNICODE来存储字符数据,处理字符时通常有三个步骤:

2011-08-16 12:05:27 2297

原创 m8短消息保存到电脑文件

通过正则表达式在典型的XML文件中选择需要保存的数据:            你的电话号码         卢队:你有课吗?        1        0        1        -1        0        125734

2011-08-16 11:33:33 439

转载 android 按钮设计

首先,肯定要有素材啦~ 实现鼠标点击前,点击时,点击后的状态:1、建立一个Android项目,拷贝三张图到 res/drawable目录下,用这三张图用来表述按钮的三种状态。 2、在res/drawable目录下建立一个android_button.x

2011-08-14 21:50:59 1186

原创 (菜鸟贴)gcc编译c++出错提示

<br />jonny@jonny-GF7050-M2:/media/Data/college/大二(下)/操作系统/课件/第十周课件$ gcc -linclude main.cpp Memory.h Page.h PageControl.h<br />gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: 没有那个文件或目录<br />Memory.h:4: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute_

2011-04-30 09:54:00 776 1


计算机视觉 The folder contains source code and supplementary files for simple projects using OpenCV. Files description ------------------ skeleton/* - source code and project files of the skeleton OpenCV-based program that reads images and displays them. squares/* - source code and project files of the squares program - much more advanced variant of skeleton program. It finds squares in the loaded images lab.dsw - workspace for Microsoft Developer Studio 6.0 pic*.bmp - sample images used in demos Build Instructions for Win32: ----------------------------- + Install OpenCV beta2.1 or later version + Copy lab folder to opencv\ (root OpenCV folder) + Open lab.dsw + Select skeleton project as active (right click on the project name in the workspace pane -> "Set as Active Project") + Build it (F7) + Run it (F5 or Ctrl-F5) + Select square project as active (right click on the project name in the workspace pane -> "Set as Active Project") + Build it (F7) + Run it (F5 or Ctrl-F5) + You may also select active project and build configuration (Debug or Release) via menu: "Build"->"Set Active Configuration..." To create your own OpenCV-based project in Developer Studio from scratch do the following: + Within Developer Studio create new application: - select from menu "File"->"New..."->"Projects" tab. Choose "Win32 Application" or "Win32 console application" - the latter is the easier variant and the both sample projects have this type. - type the project name and choose location - you may create own workspace for the project ("Create new workspace") or include the new project into the currently loaded workspace ("Add to current workspace"). - click "next" button - choose "An empty project", click "Finish", "OK". After the above steps done Developer Studio will create the project folder (by default it has the same name as the project), <project name>.dsp file and, optionally, <project name>.dsw,.ncb ... files if you create own workspace. + Add a file to the project: - select from menu "File"->"New..."->"Files" tab. - choose "C++ Source File", type file name and press "OK" - add OpenCV-related #include directives: #include "cv.h" /* #inlcude "cvaux.h" // experimental stuff (if need) */ #include "highgui.h" Or, you may copy some existing file (say, skeleton.c) to the project folder, open it and add to the project (right click in editor view -> "Insert File into Project" -> <your project name> ). + Customize project settings: - Activate project setting dialog by choosing menu item "Project"->"Settings...". - Select your project in the right pane. - Tune settings, common to both Release and Debug configurations: * Select "Settings For:"->"All Configurations" * Choose "C/C++" tab -> "Preprocessor" category -> "Additional Include Directories:". Add comma-separated relative (to the project folder) or absolute paths to opencv\cv\include, opencv\otherlibs\highgui and, optionally, opencv\cvaux\include. E.g. for lab\skeleton project relative path to opencv\cv\include would be ..\..\cv\include if the lab folder is placed in the root opencv folder. * Choose "Link" tab -> "Input" category -> "Additional library path:". Add the paths to all neccessary import libraries (..\..\lib in case of lab\skeleton project). If you plan to use IPL, add path to opencv\otherlibs\_ipl\lib\msvc as well (..\..\otherlibs\_ipl\lib\msvc for lab\skeleton). - Tune settings for "Debug" configuration * Select "Settings For:"->"Win32 Debug". * Choose "Link" tab -> "General" category -> "Object/library modules". Add space-separated cvd.lib, highguid.lib, cvauxd.lib (optionally), ipl.lib (optionally) * You may also want to change location and name of output file. For example, if you want the output .exe file to be put into the project folder, rather than Debug/ subfolder, you may type ./<exe-name>d.exe in "Link" tab -> "General" category -> "Output file name:". - Tune settings for "Release" configuration * Select "Settings For:"->"Win32 Release". * Choose "Link" tab -> "General" category -> "Object/library modules". Add space-separated cv.lib, highgui.lib, cvaux.lib (optionally), ipl.lib (optionally) * Optionally, you may change name of the .exe file: type ./<exe-name>.exe in "Link" tab -> "General" category -> "Output file name:". + Add dependency projects into workspace: - Choose from menu: "Project" -> "Insert project into workspace". - Select opencv\cv\make\cv.dsp. - Do the same for opencv\cvaux\make\cvaux.dsp, opencv\otherlibs\highgui\highgui.dsp. - Set dependencies: * Choose from menu: "Project" -> "Dependencies..." * For "cvaux" choose "cv", for "highgui" choose "cv", for your project choose all: "cv", "cvaux", "highgui". The dependencies customization allows to automatically build debug versions of opencv libraries and rebuild the binaries if the sources are changed somehow. That's it. Build instructions for Linux: ------------------------------- + Install and build opencv-0.9.3 or higher (unpack, in opencv-0.9.3 type $ ./configure $ make $ su # make install # ldconfig) By default, opencv is installed into /usr/local, so, make sure that /usr/local/lib is in /etc/ld.so.conf. + Unpack the course folder + in lab folder type $ make $ cd skeleton $ ./skeleton $ cd ../squares $ ./squares ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >>TODO:<< - how to create OpenCV-based project under linux - how to build demos using Borland compiler - how to get video capture (cvcam - adopt code from StereoDemo?)












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交通灯控制系统 汇编代码实现

汇编代码实现 机组实验课 期末考题 TEC-2模拟机 需要接线






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