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翻译 Audio概览
JNI位于frameworks/base/core/ JNI /和frameworks/base/media/ JNI中。本机框架提供了与android相同的本机。Android的音频硬件抽象层(HAL)连接了Android中更高级的、特定于音频的框架api。注意:如果您使用ALSA,我们建议将external/tinyalsa用于驱动程序的用户部分,因为它具有兼容的许可(标准用户模式库是gpl许可的)。Android音频架构定义了音频功能的实现方式,并指出了实现过程中涉及的相关源代码。
2022-11-21 19:47:32 119 1
翻译 Camera Boke背景虚化谷歌官方解释
Camera bokeh is a shallow depth-of-field effect created by blurring out parts of a scene so that they're not in focus. On cameras on mobile devices, bokeh is achieved using depth information acquired from the stereo vision from two cameras or from dual pho
2022-11-21 19:42:14 555
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