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原创 API SwapMouseButton Chilen!d1

 Welcome to my blog!Chilen! said a voice, that made them all start.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function SwapMouseButton Lib "user32" Alias "SwapMouseButton" (ByVal bSwap As Long) As Long) I

2007-06-24 10:19:00 451

原创 API LZCopy Chilen!d1

 Welcome to my blog!Chilen! he said, Im afeard you dont know what yere sayin.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function LZCopy Lib "lz32.dll" Alias "LZCopy" (ByVal hfSource As Long, ByVal hfDest

2007-06-24 10:19:00 479

原创 API NetUserChangePassword We wouldnd1

 Welcome to my blog!We wouldnt to anybody but the soul-drivers, said Andy; nobody can help wishing it to them, they s so awful wicked.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function NetUserChangePassw

2007-06-24 10:19:00 540

原创 API ClosePrinter Aunt Chloed1

 Welcome to my blog!Aunt Chloe, who was much revered in the kitchen, was listened to with open mouth; and, the dinner being now fairly sent in, the whole kitchen was at leisure to gossip with her, and

2007-06-24 10:18:00 364

原创 API RegisterWindowMessage Sichll bd1

 Welcome to my blog!Sichll be burnt up forever, and no mistake; wont ther? said Andy.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function RegisterWindowMessage Lib "user32" Alias "RegisterWindowMessageA" (

2007-06-24 10:18:00 401

原创 API AddFontResource Id be gld1

 Welcome to my blog!Id be glad to see it, Ill be boun, said little Jake.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function AddFontResource Lib "gdi32" Alias "AddFontResourceA" (ByVal lpFileName As String

2007-06-24 10:18:00 379

原创 API mixerGetLineInfo Sarves hid1

 Welcome to my blog!Sarves him right! said Aunt Chloe, indignantly.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetLineInfo Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetLineInfoA" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmx

2007-06-24 10:17:00 636

原创 API GetCurrentTime Hell go d1

 Welcome to my blog!Hell go to torment, and no mistake, said little Jake.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function GetCurrentTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount" () As Long)He desarves it! s

2007-06-24 10:17:00 326

原创 API GetCurrentTime He desarvd1

 Welcome to my blog!He desarves it! said Aunt Chloe, grimly; hes broke a many, many, many hearts,I tell ye all! she said, stopping, with a fork uplifted in her hands; its like what Masr George reads i

2007-06-24 10:17:00 348

原创 API CreateNamedPipe Here we mud1

 Welcome to my blog!Here we must take our leave of her for the present, to follow the course of her pursuers.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function CreateNamedPipe Lib "kernel32" Alias "Creat

2007-06-24 10:16:00 588

原创 API EnumFontFamilies Though Mrsd1

 Welcome to my blog!Though Mrs.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function EnumFontFamilies Lib "gdi32" Alias "EnumFontFamiliesA" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lpszFamily As String, ByVal lpEnumFontFa

2007-06-24 10:16:00 606 1

原创 API ReadConsoleOutput For some sd1

 Welcome to my blog!For some singular reason, an impression seemed to reign among the servants generally that Missis would not be particularly disobliged by delay; and it was wonderful what a number o

2007-06-24 10:16:00 441

原创 API GetSystemMetrics But the chd1

 Welcome to my blog!But the child, wholly exhausted, cried with weariness.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" Alias "GetSystemMetrics" (ByVal nIndex As Long)

2007-06-24 10:15:00 366

原创 API GetCurrentTime Poor felld1

 Welcome to my blog!Poor fellow! he isnt used to walking, and Ive hurried him on so, said Eliza.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function GetCurrentTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount" () As

2007-06-24 10:15:00 458

原创 API RegCloseKey Well, takd1

 Welcome to my blog!Well, take him into this room, said the woman, opening into a small bed-room, where stood a comfortable bed.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi3

2007-06-24 10:15:00 314

原创 API Netbios I say, Sod1

 Welcome to my blog!I say, Sol, said the woman, is that ar man going to tote them barls over tonight?He said he should try, if t was any way prudent, said the man.Study While Read :(Windows API Declar

2007-06-24 10:14:00 309

原创 API DuplicateToken He said hd1

 Welcome to my blog!He said he should try, if t was any way prudent, said the man.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function DuplicateToken Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "DuplicateToken" (ByVal Existi

2007-06-24 10:14:00 381

原创 API LZCopy Theres ad1

 Welcome to my blog!Theres a man a piece down here, thats going over with some truck this evening, if he durs to; hell be in here to supper tonight, so youd better set down and wait.Study While Read :

2007-06-24 10:14:00 263

原创 API GetCurrentTime May be yod1

 Welcome to my blog!May be youre wanting to get over?anybody sick? Ye seem mighty anxious?Ive got a child thats very dangerous, said Eliza.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function GetCurrentTim

2007-06-24 10:13:00 303

原创 API GetCurrentTime Ive got d1

 Welcome to my blog!Ive got a child thats very dangerous, said Eliza.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function GetCurrentTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount" () As Long) I never heard of it

2007-06-24 10:13:00 273

原创 API EnumPrinters Well, nowd1

 Welcome to my blog!Well, now, thats onlucky, said the woman, whose motherly sympathies were much aroused; Im relly consarned for ye.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function EnumPrinters Lib "w

2007-06-24 10:13:00 278

原创 API CloseDriver Isnt thed1

 Welcome to my blog!Isnt there any ferry or boat, that takes people over to B, now? she said.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function CloseDriver Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "CloseDriver" (ByVal hDri

2007-06-24 10:12:00 239

原创 API mixerGetNumDevs No, indeed1

 Welcome to my blog!No, indeed! said the woman; the boats has stopped running.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long)Elizas

2007-06-24 10:12:00 337

原创 API GetMessage Elizas lod1

 Welcome to my blog!Elizas look of dismay and disappointment struck the woman, and she said, inquiringly,May be youre wanting to get over?anybody sick? Ye seem mighty anxious?Ive got a child thats ver

2007-06-24 10:12:00 372

原创 API mixerGetNumDevs Eliza stood1

 Welcome to my blog!Eliza stood, for a moment, contemplating this unfavorable aspect of things, which she saw at once must prevent the usual ferry-boat from running, and then turned into a small publi

2007-06-24 10:11:00 249

原创 API DragQueryFile The hostesd1

 Welcome to my blog!The hostess, who was busy in various fizzing and stewing operations over the fire, preparatory to the evening meal, stopped, with a fork in her hand, as Elizas sweet and plaintive

2007-06-24 10:11:00 276

原创 API VerFindFile What is id1

 Welcome to my blog!What is it? she said.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function VerFindFile Lib "version.dll" Alias "VerFindFileA" (ByVal uFlags As Long, ByVal szFileName As String, ByVal szW

2007-06-24 10:11:00 310

原创 API DragQueryFile The good wd1

 Welcome to my blog!The good woman, kindly and gossipping, seemed rather pleased than otherwise with having somebody come in to talk with; and accepted, without examination, Elizas statement, that she

2007-06-24 10:10:00 423

原创 API RegisterWindowMessage An hour bed1

 Welcome to my blog!An hour before sunset, she entered the village of T, by the Ohio river, weary and foot-sore, but still strong in heart.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function RegisterWindo

2007-06-24 10:10:00 253

原创 API GetCurrentTime It was nowd1

 Welcome to my blog!It was now early spring, and the river was swollen and turbulent; great cakes of floating ice were swinging heavily to and fro in the turbid waters.Study While Read :(Windows API D

2007-06-24 10:10:00 236

原创 API EnumPrinters No, no, Hd1

 Welcome to my blog!No, no, Harry darling! mother cant eat till you are safe! We must go onontill we come to the river! And she hurried again into the road, and again constrained herself to walk regul

2007-06-24 10:09:00 309

原创 API DlgDirSelectEx She was mad1

 Welcome to my blog!She was many miles past any neighborhood where she was personally known.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function DlgDirSelectEx Lib "user32" Alias "DlgDirSelectExA" (ByVal h

2007-06-24 10:09:00 300

原创 API DdeUninitialize On this prd1

 Welcome to my blog!On this presumption, she stopped at noon at a neat farmhouse, to rest herself, and buy some dinner for her child and self; for, as the danger decreased with the distance, the super

2007-06-24 10:09:00 291

原创 API LZCopy She had ofd1

 Welcome to my blog!She had often been, with her mistress, to visit some connections, in the little village of T, not far from the Ohio river, and knew the road well.Study While Read :(Windows API Dec

2007-06-24 10:08:00 337

原创 API AddFontResource When horsed1

 Welcome to my blog!When horses and vehicles began to move along the highway, with that alert perception peculiar to a state of excitement, and which seems to be a sort of inspiration, she became awar

2007-06-24 10:08:00 224

原创 API GetCurrentTime After a whd1

 Welcome to my blog!After a while, they came to a thick patch of woodland, through which murmured a clear brook.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function GetCurrentTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "Get

2007-06-24 10:08:00 246

原创 API mixerGetNumDevs Youre sud1

 Welcome to my blog!Youre sure, ant you, mother?Yes, sure! said the mother, in a voice that startled herself; for it seemed to her to come from a spirit within, that was no part of her; and the boy dr

2007-06-24 10:07:00 188

原创 API mixerGetNumDevs Yes, sured1

 Welcome to my blog!Yes, sure! said the mother, in a voice that startled herself; for it seemed to her to come from a spirit within, that was no part of her; and the boy dropped his litle weary head o

2007-06-24 10:07:00 231

原创 API GetPath The boundad1

 Welcome to my blog!The boundaries of the farm, the grove, the wood-lot, passed by her dizzily, as she walked on; and still she went, leaving one familiar object after another, slacking not, pausing n

2007-06-24 10:07:00 266

原创 API EnumFontFamilies No, my dad1

 Welcome to my blog!No, my darling; sleep, if you want to.Study While Read :(Windows API Declare Function EnumFontFamilies Lib "gdi32" Alias "EnumFontFamiliesA" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lpszFamily As

2007-06-24 10:06:00 311



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