史上最全的静态网站生成器Static Site Generators大集合

在以下两篇文章中我们介绍了一些常见的静态网站(博客)生成器,后来发现了一个国外的别人家的网址,整理的更加全面,可以号称是史上最全的Static Site Generators大集合,集合了超过463个项目,这里转载过来介绍给大家

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Static Site Generators

The definitive listing of Static Site Generators — all 463 of them!

119⭐️ABlogABlog for blogging with SphinxotherPython5 years ago7 months ago
36⭐️AceFlexible static sites generator suitable even for big and complex sites with dynamically generated pages such as pages for each tag etc (not on the fly obviously as it just produces HTML).mitRuby9 years ago9 months ago
291⭐️acrylamid(unmaintained) static blog generator in python with incremental rendering ⛺BSD-2-ClausePython8 years ago3 months ago
20⭐️AkashaCMSA content management system tool-suite to generate static websites, written in Node.js JavaScript7 years ago7 months ago
45⭐️AkashicStatic Blog Generator——静态博客生成器 Common Lisp7 years agoa year ago
459⭐️antwarA static site generator built with React and Webpack.mitJavaScript4 years ago4 months ago
 ApperneticA Static Site Generator as a Service. Appernetic is a web service for managing and generating static content for GitHub Pages. Web3 years ago 
3673⭐️assembleGet the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at web development! Used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, themes, scaffolds, boilerplates, e-books, UI components, API documentation, blogs, building websites/static site generator, an alternative to Jekyll for gh-pages and more! Gulp- and grunt-friendly.mitJavaScript7 years ago3 months ago
 AutomadAutomad is a file-based CMS and template engine. It is designed to be fully portable without any dependencies on databases or fixed locations and doesn't require any complicated setup process.MITPHP  
264⭐️awestructA static site baking and deployment tool written in Ruby.otherRuby9 years ago5 months ago
57⭐️AYM CMSA Django templating based static CMS.mitPython11 years agoa year ago
57⭐️bakerThe bash static site generator with real template enginegpl-2.0Perl6 years ago4 months ago
23⭐️BalloonGenerate static websites easilyISCJavaScript5 years ago9 months ago
14⭐️BAMEasiest Static Web Generator on the Planet (beta)MITJavaScript7 years agoa year ago
817⭐️bashblogA single Bash script to create blogs. Download, run, write, done!GPL-3.0Shell6 years ago3 months ago
17⭐️bazingain-progress free blogging tool especially for codersgpl-3.0Perl8 years ago4 months ago
2⭐️BeetleDYI static site generatormitPython5 years ago4 years ago
180⭐️BenjenBlog engineWTFPLPython6 years ago5 months ago
 Bitbucket PagesHost your static websites on Bitbucket.com for free.    
569⭐️BlacksmithA generic static site generator built using flatiron, plates, and marked.mitJavaScript8 years ago4 months ago
 BlatterBlatter is a tiny tool for creating and publishing static web sites built from dynamic templates.MITPython  
 bliperstatic html page generation in perlBSD-2-ClausePerl  
9⭐️BlodeA simple static site/blog generator like jekyll (made in node.js) JavaScript8 years ago3 years ago
107⭐️blogcA blog compiler.bsd-3-clauseC4 years ago3 months ago
 blogc++Just another static blog generator, written in C++17.WTFPLC++  
19⭐️BlogenA local static blog site generator and previewer,that help you deploy blog on github pagesgpl-3.0Python7 years agoa year ago
9⭐️blogitA quick and simple static site generator based on markdown and jinja2.BSD-3-ClausePython7 years ago7 months ago
338⭐️BlogofileA static website compiler and blog engine written in Python.MITPython10 years ago5 months ago
21⭐️blogpyA static blog generator in pythongpl-3.0Python7 years ago2 years ago
 blosxomBlosxom (pronounced blossom) is a lightweight yet feature-packed weblog application designed from the ground up with simplicity, usability, and interoperability in mind.MITPerl17 years ago 
160⭐️BlugBecause "I just blogged about it" is too difficult to say.MITPython7 years ago3 months ago
8⭐️BoltThe best way to build static websites through Ruby.mitRuby10 years ago2 years ago
293⭐️BonsaiA tiny static web site generatormitRuby10 years ago5 months ago
7⭐️Bramble MVCA Node.js, MVC based static site generatormitJavaScript5 years ago2 years ago
10⭐️Breadfile based static website/blog generator :bread:mitJavaScript8 years ago3 years ago
111⭐️Bricolage CMSContent management and publishing system(BSD-3-Clause AND LGPL-2.1 AND CC-BY-SA-2.5)Perl10 years ago8 months ago
96⭐️Broccoli TacoStatic Sites Powered by BroccoliMITJavaScript5 years ago7 months ago
358⭐️brochureA Rack application for serving static sitesmitRuby9 years ago5 months ago
9⭐️BuntoA modern web application framework and static site generator based on Jekyll.mitRuby5 years agoa year ago
743⭐️busterBrute force static site generator for GhostmitPython6 years ago3 months ago
378⭐️Cabin:evergreen_tree: Cabin is the best logger for JavaScriptmitJavaScript6 years ago4 months ago
3273⭐️CactusStatic site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django templates.otherPython8 years ago3 months ago
136⭐️CalepinPublish your markdown documents with the Dropbox APIiscJavaScript7 years ago7 months ago
91⭐️CarewA simple site generatormitPHP7 years ago8 months ago
130⭐️catsupA lightweight static website generator which aims to be simple and elegant.mitPython7 years ago7 months ago
67⭐️CecilYour content driven static site generator.mitPHP6 years ago3 months ago
27⭐️ChiliDropbox powered static site generatormitPython7 years ago5 months ago
68⭐️Chisela simple Python static blog generation utilitymitPython10 years agoa year ago
15⭐️ChronicleChronicle is a simple blog compiler, written in Perl with minimal dependencies.(GPL-3.0 OR Artistic-1.0-Perl)Perl5 years ago4 months ago
6⭐️CipherpressA static html based blog system in 2 parts, one for show and one for submissionGPL-2.0Python8 years ago2 years ago
8⭐️cl-blog-generatorA blog site generator in common lispbsd-2-clauseCommon Lisp10 years ago4 months ago
 Cloud CannonThe Cloud CMS for Jekyll. Build static or Jekyll websites, have your team and clients update inline with the CloudCannon GUI.    
21⭐️CMintSCMS and Static Site Generator created with the internationalization in mindmitJavaScript2 years ago4 months ago
717⭐️cobalt.rsStatic site generator written in RustmitRust5 years ago3 months ago
65⭐️CodexStatic site and documentation generator. Markdown for content. Jade/stylus for templates.MITJavaScript8 years ago4 months ago
260⭐️CoisasPure client-side CMS-like file editor and media manager for stuff hosted on GitHub.mitJavaScript5 years ago4 months ago
317⭐️coleslawFlexible Lisp Blogwarebsd-2-clauseCommon Lisp8 years ago3 months ago
43⭐️ComposerStatic website generator, structure/syntax-agnostic.otherPython8 years ago6 months ago
 ContentfulContentful is a content management developer platform with an API at its core.    
60⭐️CoryTiny generator for static sitesmitJavaScript3 years ago3 months ago
3⭐️cubCub is a template development environment and static site generator in PHPMITPHP9 years ago5 years ago
37⭐️cyraxStatic site generatoriscPython8 years ago8 months ago
13⭐️cytoplasmA static site generator written in python.mitPython8 years ago2 years ago
37⭐️DapperA publishing tool for static websites.MITPerl5 years ago5 months ago
4665⭐️Daux.ioDaux.io is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.MIT 6 years ago3 months ago
12⭐️deplatedeplate is a tool for converting wiki-like markup to latex, docbook, html, or "html-slides". It supports embedded LaTeX code, footnotes, citations, biblographies, automatic generation of an index etc.gpl-2.0Ruby10 years ago2 years ago
3⭐️DeplotDeplot is a lightweight and very extensible static web site generator written in rubymitRuby8 years ago6 years ago
14⭐️DesiA blog platform written in JavaScript for developers, but with normal people in mind.apache-2.0JavaScript5 years ago8 months ago
329⭐️django-medusaA super simple "static site generator" Django app. (Unmaintained: see README for alternatives.)otherPython8 years ago4 months ago
4⭐️django-staticgenPush your django powered site to Amazon S3.bsd-3-clausePython4 years ago2 years ago
49⭐️djangothisSimpleHTTPServer with Django steroidsotherPython6 years agoa year ago
2984⭐️DocPadEmpower your website frontends with layouts, meta-data, pre-processors (markdown, jade, coffeescript, etc.), partials, skeletons, file watching, querying, and an amazing plugin system. DocPad will streamline your web development process allowing you to craft powerful static sites quicker than ever before.MITCoffeeScript8 years ago3 months ago
5⭐️DoctaA new healing docs kitbsd-3-clauseHTML5 years ago4 months ago
11180⭐️DocusaurusDocusaurus makes it easy to build and maintain Open Source documentation websites.MITJavaScript2 years ago3 months ago
206⭐️DrapacheServe a website through your dropboxmitPython7 years ago7 months ago
9⭐️drfredersonstatic website generator powered by PHP, YAML, Markdown and mustachemitPHP6 years ago5 months ago
8⭐️Drop-a-SiteA Static-Site-Generator as simple as possible.mitPHP7 years ago4 years ago
6⭐️dropbox-blogA static blog generator powered by Python and Dropbox Python7 years ago4 months ago
1599⭐️DroppletsWelcome to an easier way to blog. - A minimalist markdown blogging platform.MITPHP6 years ago3 months ago
3⭐️DropPressYet another static blog generator JavaScript7 years ago5 years ago
38⭐️DrupanDrupan is a flexible static site generator helping you to create blogs, single page applications or traditional websitesBSD-2-ClausePython8 years ago6 months ago
11⭐️DSSGA static site generator written in DmitD2 years ago7 months ago
7⭐️DSWanother static web site generator in a shell script Shell5 years agoa year ago
1⭐️dwttoolA tool to manage websites based on Dynamic Web TemplatesmitD2 years agoa year ago
45⭐️dynamicmaticDynamic StaticMatic pages with Sinatra.mitRuby10 years ago4 months ago
48⭐️EasystaticEasystatic is a simple static site generator that uses Markdown for web pages, EJS and Postcss for layout, Browsersync for cross-device testing...apache-2.0JavaScript3 years ago8 months ago
21⭐️ecstaticecstatic creates static web pages and blog posts from Hiccup templates and Markdown.EPL-1.0Clojure6 years ago2 years ago
2⭐️electroStatic site generator Perl6 years ago3 years ago
2030⭐️EleventyA simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.mitJavaScript2 years ago3 months ago
3⭐️ElyseA simple static website generator.mitPython7 years ago2 years ago
10⭐️embelliha lightweight static website generatorbsd-2-clauseJavaScript6 years agoa year ago
88⭐️enfield[Not Maintained!] Jekyll-like static site generator for node.jsmitCoffeeScript7 years agoa year ago
22⭐️EngineerA static website generator written in Python.mitPython7 years ago2 years ago
12⭐️EquiproseA static website and blog generator in Node.jsMITJavaScript6 years agoa year ago
6⭐️FairytaleSinatra-like static site compiler.mitRuby7 years ago2 years ago
11⭐️FantasticWindmillA static web site generator for PHP programmersgpl-3.0PHP6 years ago6 months ago
 fBlog Fortran  
 Firedrop2The Blog Tool for Discerning PythoneersBSD-3-ClausePython  
1⭐️fjordA static blog generator.otherPython7 years ago5 years ago
2⭐️FlamelA static site generator written in F#.mitF#5 years ago2 years ago
70⭐️FledermausBatman’s toolbelt for static site generationmitJavaScript4 years ago5 months ago
15⭐️flimLightweight, static page generatormitJavaScript6 years ago10 months ago
12⭐️FloydStatic website generator with MVC content system and built-in support for cloud hosting platformsbsd-2-clausePython7 years ago3 years ago
 FMPPFreeMarker-based text file PreProcessorApache-2.0Java  
2⭐️ford.py(Yet Another) Static Blog Generator in PythonmitPython6 years ago5 years ago
423⭐️FrankStatic Site Non-FrameworkmitRuby9 years ago5 months ago
129⭐️FranklinA static site framework for online books.MITRuby5 years ago4 months ago
628⭐️FrogFrog is a static web site generator implemented in Racket, targeting Bootstrap and able to use Pygments.MITRacket6 years ago3 months ago
583⭐️Frozen-FlaskFreezes a Flask application into a set of static files.otherPython9 years ago3 months ago
11⭐️FunnelFunnel is a markdown to static html website generator. For Dropbox and gh-pages lightweight websites. Also has blogs!gpl-3.0Python7 years agoa year ago
9⭐️GaroozisA .net blog and website generator using Razor templates to generate static html pages. Publish your site on Amazon S3. Also comes with its own dev server.otherF#8 years ago2 years ago
33399⭐️GatsbyBuild blazing fast, modern apps and websites with ReactmitJavaScript4 years ago3 months ago
11⭐️GenA *very* simple static site generator using Twig.mitPHP7 years ago2 years ago
5⭐️GenesisStatic site generator using Jade, Stylus and Grunt.js JavaScript6 years ago5 years ago
7⭐️GerablogGerablog is a static blog generator. Write your posts in in *Markdown*, publish in *HTML*. Just two commands (create and generate) and seven templates (header, footer, categories page, categories block, main index, post and feed).mitRuby3 years ago8 months ago
1⭐️gettheshitdoneA simple website creating tool, package, framework whatever.mitJavaScript6 years ago5 years ago
178⭐️ghost-renderRender static blog sites from Markdown using Ghost themes JavaScript5 years ago3 months ago
 GitHub PagesWebsites for you and your projects, hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.    
 GitLab PagesHost your static websites on GitLab.com for free, or on your own GitLab Enterprise Edition instance.    
76⭐️GlyphA Ruby-powered Rapid Document Authoring FrameworkotherRuby10 years ago2 years ago
23⭐️Go-Static!A static site generator for YeomanmitJavaScript6 years ago2 years ago
23⭐️goblogA static blog generator implemented in Go.MITGo6 years agoa year ago
17⭐️GoldbargA static blog generator written in Pythongpl-3.0Python9 years ago2 years ago
251⭐️gollum-siteStatic Site Generator for Gollum WikisMITRuby9 years ago5 months ago
581⭐️gorGolang编写的静态博客引擎BSD-3-ClauseGo7 years ago4 months ago
347⭐️gostaticFast static site generatoriscGo7 years ago4 months ago
143⭐️GrainGrain is a lightweight and powerful static website generator with custom themes to help create static, SEO-friendly websites or a blog in no time.(Apache-2.0 AND MIT)Groovy6 years ago4 months ago
10666⭐️GravModern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMSmitPHP5 years ago3 months ago
259⭐️Grav Administration PanelGrav Admin PluginmitCSS4 years ago4 months ago
106⭐️GrazeStatic site generator using Razor.MITC#7 years ago3 months ago
49⭐️grenderA different take on a static site generatorBSD-3-ClauseGo7 years agoa year ago
23⭐️Griffinspeedy and simplistic static site generator.apache-2.0Java4 years ago10 months ago
278⭐️GrowA fresh, declarative, file-based microsite generator for rapid, high-quality website production.mitPython6 years ago3 months ago
63⭐️Growlpython based, easy extendable, blog aware, static site generatorGPL-2.0Python10 years agoa year ago
25⭐️grunt-generatorsimple static site generator for gruntmitJavaScript7 years ago8 months ago
488⭐️GSLiMatix GSL code generatorgpl-3.0C9 years ago4 months ago
34⭐️guetzliA deliciously fast and simple Filesystem-Web-CMS(LGPL-3.0 OR GPL-3.0)Python4 years agoa year ago
47⭐️gulp-ssgStatic site generator plugin for gulpMITJavaScript5 years ago2 years ago
8⭐️GustavBSD-3-ClausePHP4 years ago6 months ago
5⭐️habitA simple static site generator based on Nunjucks, LESS, and Markdown.MITJavaScript5 years ago4 months ago
10⭐️haggisA static site generator with blogging/comments supportotherHaskell6 years agoa year ago
1931⭐️HakyllA static website compiler library in HaskellotherHaskell10 years ago3 months ago
12⭐️HalwaSingle file static site generator written in PythonmitPython6 years ago2 years ago
 HammerSuper-charge your web development with Hammer. Still using PHP includes for HTML? You're going to love hammer.    
11⭐️hanayonode.js static blog generator JavaScript4 years ago4 months ago
 handcrank Python  
23⭐️HandleA static site generator powered by PHP and the command linemitPHP3 years agoa year ago
12⭐️handroll:bento: A website generator for software artisansbsd-2-clausePython5 years ago6 months ago
84⭐️happyplanUNMAINTAINED. I can only recommend you to checkout this brand new static website generator https://phenomic.iomitJavaScript6 years ago5 months ago
291⭐️HarmonicThe next static site generatormitJavaScript5 years ago3 months ago
162⭐️haroopressA static site generator built with Node.js, "Haroo" means "a day" Support Markdown presentation, Syntax Highlight, ThemesMITJavaScript7 years ago4 months ago
4772⭐️HarpStatic Site Server/Generator with built-in preprocessingMITJavaScript7 years ago3 months ago
150⭐️Hastiea static site generator written in GomitGo7 years ago4 months ago
344⭐️HeckleJavaScript-based Jekyll cloneotherJavaScript7 years ago3 months ago
13⭐️Helpful SiteBeautifully simple static site generator in PythonunlicensePython5 years ago3 years ago
25922⭐️HexoA fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.mitJavaScript7 years ago3 months ago
27⭐️HiDStatic website generation systemArtistic-1.0-PerlPerl7 years agoa year ago
2856⭐️High VoltageEasily include static pages in your Rails app.mitRuby10 years ago3 months ago
10⭐️Hobixcommandline blogging & static pages & ruby.otherRuby10 years ago2 years ago
8⭐️HSCHTML Sucks Completely, an HTML preprocessorgpl-2.0C8 years ago3 months ago
25⭐️hublohublo: the world needed another site generatoriscEmacs Lisp4 years agoa year ago
2845⭐️HubPressA web application to build your blog on GitHubmitCSS4 years ago3 months ago
33973⭐️HugoThe world’s fastest framework for building websites.apache-2.0Go6 years ago3 months ago
1494⭐️HydeA Python Static Website GeneratormitPython9 years ago4 months ago
3⭐️HydrasticA static site generator. Symfony Components, Twig, PHP >5.3.mitPHP8 years ago4 years ago
3⭐️igapyonLightweight and turnkey static site/blog generator for developersApache-2.0Java4 years ago10 months ago
17⭐️igorIgor is a static blog generator written in pythonmitPython10 years ago4 years ago
897⭐️inkAn elegant static blog generator Go4 years ago3 months ago
45⭐️ipsum generaStatic blog generator written in NimmitNimrod6 years ago7 months ago
3⭐️JAGSSJust another generator for static sitesmitPython7 years ago4 years ago
752⭐️JBakeJava based open source static site/blog generator for developers & designers.mitJava6 years ago3 months ago
121⭐️JedieStatic site generator written in golangmitGo6 years ago7 months ago
6⭐️JekxllA jekyll like static blog generator with Hoa PHP7 years ago3 years ago
53⭐️JekydeStatic blog generater, server and writer. Write markdown with latex in desktop/mobile browsers.MITJavaScript6 years ago7 months ago
37290⭐️Jekyll:globe_with_meridians: Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in RubymitRuby11 years ago3 months ago
1934⭐️Jekyll AdminA Jekyll plugin that provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface to author content and administer Jekyll sites.mitJavaScript3 years ago3 months ago
5862⭐️Jekyll NowBuild a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.mitCSS5 years ago3 months ago
1⭐️JekytrumSimple static site generator Scala5 years ago4 years ago
3⭐️jem-pressAn easy-to-use static site generator.GPL-3.0CSS5 years agoa year ago
4⭐️Jen[defunct] node.js static site generator with a live updating development server - still in early stages - see rfunduk/blog for an example site that uses thismitCSS8 years ago2 years ago
1112⭐️jigsawSimple static sites with Laravel's BlademitPHP4 years ago3 months ago
7⭐️jinjetStatic generator for Jinja2 templates with localized site tree at /<language> for each available localization.iscPython7 years ago6 years ago
135⭐️jkl[DEPRECATED] a static site generator written in Go based on JekyllmitGo7 years ago5 months ago
74⭐️JottMinimum viable blog generator. Markup in Jade. Static HTML output.unlicenseJavaScript6 years ago9 months ago
434⭐️JournoA quick-and-dirty (literate) blogging engineMITCoffeeScript6 years ago4 months ago
767⭐️JrJr. the static, static javascript site generator (you should see this)MITHTML5 years ago4 months ago
16⭐️jssgJava static site generatorMITJava6 years agoa year ago
2⭐️jstaticoStatic site generation through file tree transformationmitJavaScript5 years ago5 months ago
30⭐️kalastatic:electric_plug: Facilitate the front-end experience through Styleguides and PrototypesMITJavaScript5 years ago4 months ago
15⭐️KelA ridiculously simple markdown file-based website system built on Express, CoffeeScript and NodeJSMITCoffeeScript7 years ago3 years ago
81⭐️KerouacPoetic static site generator for Node.js.mitJavaScript7 years ago10 months ago
3⭐️KicksterBoilerplate with Node-Sass, Grunt, Bower, Browser-Sync etc.MITJavaScript5 years agoa year ago
36⭐️KirbyKirby's demo site is the easiest way to get started with Kirby. PHPa year ago3 months ago
11⭐️kkrKukuruz - static site generator similar to Jekyll in Go.bsd-2-clauseGo6 years ago9 months ago
73⭐️KormaGit based blog? Ruby10 years ago6 months ago
73⭐️Kulfon:japanese_ogre: :frog: JavaScript static site generator with Org Mode & Markdown support (α) :boom:otherJavaScript3 years ago3 months ago
109⭐️Lambda PadStatic site generator using Erlang. Yes, Erlang.apache-2.0Erlang5 years ago8 months ago
15⭐️LannisterStatic web generatorCC-BY-SA-3.0Go8 years ago2 years ago
10⭐️LanyonStatic Site Generatorbsd-3-clausePython9 years ago3 years ago
2⭐️larassgStatic Site Generator for Laravel PHP5 years ago5 years ago
 Latemp Perl  
4⭐️lava[UNMAINTAINED] Please use Cobalt insteadmitRust5 years ago3 years ago
3⭐️LazeA simple static site generatormitRuby9 years ago2 years ago
138⭐️lazyblorgBlogging with Org-mode for very lazy peoplegpl-3.0Python6 years ago3 months ago
135⭐️LeefletsBeautifully Simple WebsitesMITPHP7 years ago7 months ago
3017⭐️LektorThe lektor static file content management systemotherPython4 years ago3 months ago
96⭐️LenscapLenscap is a static site generator for creating beautiful photo narrativesbsd-2-clausePython5 years ago6 months ago
676⭐️LetterpressA minimal, Markdown based blogging system written in Python.otherPython6 years ago5 months ago
18⭐️lettersmith[DEPRECATED] A simple, flexible static site generator based on plugins Lua5 years agoa year ago
90⭐️lightningstatic site generatorMITPython7 years ago6 months ago
328⭐️liquidluckFelix Felicis (aka liquidluck) is a static blog generator in python Python8 years ago4 months ago
15⭐️LogyaLogya is a static website generator written in Python designed to be easy to use and flexible.mitPython8 years ago3 months ago
150⭐️Luapress:newspaper: Static site/blog generator written in LuamitLua6 years ago4 months ago
31⭐️MachinedA static site generator and Rack server built using Sprockets 2.0mitRuby8 years ago5 months ago
41⭐️MadokoOne-time import of https://madoko.codeplex.comapache-2.0JavaScript5 years ago8 months ago
124⭐️MagnetoMagneto is a static site generator.mitRuby7 years ago6 months ago
64⭐️makebakeryA static website generator built on GNU MakeAGPL-3.0+ WITH Autoconf-exception-3.0Makefile8 years ago6 months ago
10⭐️makeblogMinimalistic blog generator with social media integrationbsd-2-clausePython7 years ago6 years ago
18⭐️Makefly[ABANDONNED] Makefly is a fast and lightweight command line alternative to Nanoblogger static weblog engineGPL-3.0Lua7 years ago9 months ago
606⭐️makesite.pySimple, lightweight, and magic-free static site/blog generator for Python codersmitPythona year ago3 months ago
97⭐️Markbox[DEPRECATED] A blogging engine for Dropbox based on Markdown Python7 years agoa year ago
348⭐️MarkdocA lightweight Markdown-based wiki system. Current status: abandoned.unlicensePython9 years ago5 months ago
1320⭐️markdown-stylesMarkdown to static HTML generator and multiple CSS themes for MarkdownBSD-3-ClauseHTML6 years ago3 months ago
132⭐️Markxmarkdown + code => htmlmitJavaScript7 years ago5 months ago
10⭐️massimoMassimo is a static website builder.mitRuby10 years ago2 years ago
 Maven Site PluginThe Site Plugin is used to generate a site for the project. The generated site also includes the project's reports that were configured in the POM.Apache-2.0Java  
2711⭐️mdwikiCMS/Wiki system using Javascript for 100% client side single page application using Markdown.AGPL-3.0JavaScript6 years ago3 months ago
56⭐️MechaStable version.gpl-3.0PHP5 years ago6 months ago
4⭐️meinhofstatic site generator in PHP 5.3 using symfony componentsmitPHP7 years ago4 years ago
7185⭐️metalsmithAn extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.MITJavaScript5 years ago3 months ago
6⭐️MibloMiblo is simple blog-aware static site generator writen in PHP 5.3 and using Twig.BSD-2-ClausePHP7 years ago6 years ago
6431⭐️MiddlemanHand-crafted frontend developmentmitRuby10 years ago3 months ago
32⭐️MinimalPersonal static website and blog generator for Go, Node.js and Python. No external dependencies and requires only a few hundred lines of code to run.mitJavaScript3 years ago4 months ago
196⭐️MinoriWikiMinoriWiki is a static Wiki site GeneratormitJavaScript4 years ago3 months ago
39⭐️Misakai BakerBaker is a static site generator for C# / .Net people.apache-2.0C#5 years ago5 months ago
330⭐️misakiJekyll inspired static site generator in ClojureotherClojure7 years ago4 months ago
7421⭐️MkDocsProject documentation with Markdown.bsd-2-clausePython6 years ago3 months ago
9⭐️mksiteDeclarative static site generatorotherAwk6 years ago8 months ago
48⭐️monkeymanSimple static site generator for Scala and middleman loversgpl-2.0Scala7 years ago6 months ago
36⭐️MulderA simple static site generator written in C#.mitC#7 years ago4 months ago
12⭐️MuleifyA zero configuration static site generator and asset preprocessor compiler.mpl-2.0JavaScript3 years ago5 months ago
360⭐️myntA static site generator.otherPython8 years ago4 months ago
1723⭐️NanocA powerful web publishing system Ruby12 years ago3 months ago
8⭐️nanogenA very small static site generator written in Python.mitPython5 years ago6 months ago
899⭐️NestaCMSA lightweight CMS, implemented in Sinatra.mitRuby11 years ago4 months ago
 Netlify DropDrag and drop a folder with your site’s HTML, CSS, and JS files. We’ll publish them live and give you a link to share it.    
2⭐️NeverlandNeverland is a static blog generator with Clojure and Emacs Org mode. JavaScript7 years ago4 years ago
15⭐️nibstatic site generator with content pipelinemitPython7 years ago5 months ago
221⭐️NibbleblogEasy, fast and free CMS Blog. All you need is PHP to work.otherPHP7 years ago5 months ago
281⭐️Niconico is a front-end friendly static site generator, best for web developers like you and me.bsd-3-clauseJavaScript7 years ago5 months ago
1668⭐️NikolaA static website and blog generatormitPython7 years ago3 months ago
77⭐️node-blogThis repo is the code behind the blog HowToNode.org JavaScript9 years ago10 months ago
1⭐️node-qssgQabex Static Site Generator (qssg) is (yet another) static website build system.mitJavaScript6 years ago5 years ago
3⭐️nodeacheA static-webpage-generator based on node.js using mustaches, markdown and JSON.mitJavaScript6 years agoa year ago
212⭐️noflo-jekyllFlow-based reimplementation of the Jekyll static site generatorMITCoffeeScript7 years ago4 months ago
19208⭐️Nuxt.jsThe Vue.js FrameworkotherJavaScript3 years ago3 months ago
252⭐️o-blogStandalone orgmode blog exporter.WTFPLEmacs Lisp8 years ago5 months ago
9⭐️OakStatic blog generator written in PythonwtfplPython9 years ago2 years ago
318⭐️obeliskStatic Site Generator written in Elixir.mitElixir5 years ago4 months ago
16⭐️OcamRazor and Markdown static site generatormitC#7 years ago4 months ago
1695⭐️OctopressOctopress 3.0 – Jekyll's FerrarimitRuby6 years ago4 months ago
9⭐️onessgThe Static Site Generator that does only one thing: compile your html and markdown.mitJavaScript3 years ago3 months ago
4⭐️operator-DD3Custom Site GeneratorunlicenseLua5 years ago4 years ago
105⭐️OpooPressOpooPress framework is a java based blog aware static site generator.apache-2.0Java6 years ago5 months ago
1⭐️Orcaa simple static site generator Python5 years ago4 years ago
175⭐️OrchidA beautiful and truly unique documentation engine and static site generator.lgpl-3.0Javaa year ago3 months ago
17⭐️Pagegen Python4 years agoa year ago
36⭐️Pagenpagen.js is a simple and customizable website generator for node.js.mitJavaScript6 years ago5 months ago
234⭐️Pancake.ioStackem Up!mitRuby10 years agoa year ago
56⭐️pansiteThese are the plain text files used to produce my personal website with pandoc and a bash shell script called pansite.CC-BY-SA-3.0HTML7 years ago6 months ago
8673⭐️PelicanStatic site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Powered by Python.GPL-3.0Python9 years ago3 months ago
3⭐️PenguinA simple static page generator written in PythonmitPython4 years ago3 years ago
302⭐️PerunProgrammable static site generator built with Clojure and Bootepl-1.0Clojure4 years ago4 months ago
267⭐️PetrifyA flexible static site generator for node.jsmitJavaScript9 years ago5 months ago
3188⭐️PhenomicWebsites & apps static generator. Works React, Webpack, ReasonML and whatever you want ⚡️mitJavaScript4 years ago3 months ago
3⭐️PhileasA static site generator, using javascript and simple text files written in txt2tags (markdown ultra) syntaxMITJavaScript5 years ago6 months ago
45⭐️PhlyBlogZF2 module for creating a static blogBSD-2-ClausePHP7 years ago10 months ago
242⭐️PieCrustA simple PHP website engine and static file generator.Apache-2.0PHP8 years ago3 months ago
14⭐️PilcrowAn abandoned static site generator.mitPython10 years agoa year ago
38⭐️Pitha static website generatormitRuby9 years ago9 months ago
31⭐️PlainSitePlainSite:A Truely Hackable Static Site Generator.mitRuby6 years agoa year ago
58⭐️PMBlogPHP版静态化博客程序,支持自定义主题和插件 PHP6 years ago6 months ago
563⭐️poetA node.js blog enginemitJavaScript7 years ago4 months ago
15⭐️PointlessA Static Blog GeneratormitPHP7 years ago6 months ago
41⭐️PoloStatic site generator written in Go and "compatible" with Jekyll & Pelican contentmitGo6 years ago5 months ago
32⭐️pooleA damn simple static website generator. This is a mirror of the repository hosted at BitBucket.GPL-3.0Python8 years ago7 months ago
66⭐️popA static site and blog generatormitJavaScript8 years ago2 years ago
17⭐️PowerSiteA static page generator in .Net that is PowerShell friendly C#5 years ago4 months ago
 PPWizardUses classic REXX or Regina interpreter REXX  
567⭐️PretzelA site generation tool (and then some) for .NET platformsms-plC#7 years ago4 months ago
 PrimocaStatic Website Hosting and CDN Web  
 PrismicA hosted, API based and developer friendly CMS backend. We take care of upgrades, scalability and security.    
16⭐️PropellerStatic Site Generator in Assemble and Bootstrap 3mitApacheConf6 years ago2 years ago
 ProseProse is a content editor for GitHub designed for managing websites.    
87⭐️Prosopopeea static website generator to make beautiful customizable pictures galleries that tell a storygpl-3.0Python4 years ago4 months ago
 Pulse CMSThe easiest flat-file CMS for designers and their clients. PHP  
1197⭐️PunchA fun and easy way to build modern websitesmitJavaScript7 years ago4 months ago
62⭐️PyBlosxomPyblosxom file-based blogging engineotherPython8 years ago5 months ago
27⭐️PyBlueStatic website generator for sciency peopleotherPython6 years ago3 months ago
28⭐️PyllA Python-Powered Static Site Generatorbsd-3-clausePython8 years ago3 years ago
11⭐️QgodaQgoda (pronounce: yagoda!) is an extensible static site generator with arbitrary taxonomies and cross-links and a strong focus on multilanguage facilities.otherPerl3 years ago4 months ago
 Quietly ConfidentArtistic-1.0-PerlPerl  
52⭐️QuillQuill is a simple blog engine inspired by Jekyll. Quill runs on node and has an easy command line interface. Themeing is as simple as editing a single html page.BeerwareJavaScript7 years ago5 months ago
1⭐️RakeWebApache-2.0Ruby7 years ago6 years ago
9⭐️rantCLI driven, blog aware static site generator in PythonotherPython8 years ago2 years ago
5⭐️RassmalogStatic blogging with YAML and eRubyiscRuby10 years agoa year ago
41⭐️rawkrage against web frameworks - posix shell static site generatorotherRoff8 years ago5 months ago
24⭐️reacatUse React to generate your awesome static websiteotherJavaScript5 years ago4 months ago
27⭐️react-static(not maintained) React static site generator framework for Node.jsmitJavaScript4 years ago5 months ago
387⭐️react-static-siteAn experiment in generating a static site from react JavaScript5 years ago3 months ago
12⭐️reactivateA static site generator using isomorphic reactMPL-2.0CoffeeScript4 years ago2 years ago
5037⭐️Read the Docs (RTD)The source code that powers readthedocs.orgmitPython9 years ago3 months ago
1⭐️Really StaticPort of http://wordpress.org/plugins/really-static/gpl-3.0PHP5 years ago5 years ago
3⭐️RefrainRefrain from unnecessary building.MITJavaScript5 years ago3 years ago
 regenerate Lisp  
263⭐️reptarstatic sites that roarmitJavaScript4 years ago4 months ago
19⭐️Rijigit based simple blog toolArtistic-1.0-PerlPerl6 years ago2 years ago
24⭐️RizzoA static site generator, written in Groovy.mitGroovy8 years ago2 years ago
160⭐️romulusBuilding static empires with node.js.mitJavaScript7 years agoa year ago
1477⭐️Rootsa toolkit for rapid advanced front-end developmentotherCoffeeScript7 years ago4 months ago
120⭐️RosidJust-in-time development server and static site generator.mitJavaScript4 years ago4 months ago
203⭐️rstblogNIH site generatorotherPython9 years ago4 months ago
14⭐️RubyFrontierTextMate bundle for generating static Web sitesMITRuby8 years ago2 years ago
636⭐️RuhohMITRuby7 years ago8 months ago
10⭐️s2genA simple static site generator written in ScalamitScala3 years ago6 months ago
1296⭐️SculpinSculpin — Static Site GeneratormitPHP8 years ago3 months ago
837⭐️Second CrackA static-file Markdown blogging engine.otherPHP8 years ago4 months ago
117⭐️serifSerif is a static site generator and blogging system powered by markdown files.mitRuby7 years ago4 months ago
2⭐️serious-chickenA static site generatormitPython7 years ago5 years ago
846⭐️ServeServe is a small Rack-based web server and rapid prototyping framework for Web applications (specifically Rails apps). Serve is meant to be a lightweight version of the Views part of the Rails MVC. This makes Serve an ideal framework for prototyping Rails applications or creating simple websites. Serve has full support for Rails-style partials and layouts.otherRuby11 years ago5 months ago
4⭐️SGStatic site generator in PHPotherPHP7 years ago3 years ago
1⭐️sg.pyA small, static website generator written in Python.GPL-3.0Python9 years ago6 months ago
2⭐️SGGA Static Site Generator Ruby5 years ago3 years ago
4⭐️shelobStatic site generator extension for SmeagolotherRuby7 years agoa year ago
3⭐️ShireBlog aware static site generator similar to JekyllApache-2.0Java7 years ago10 months ago
9⭐️ShonkuWe remember his diary, a static blogging tool.gpl-3.0Go5 years ago4 months ago
635⭐️SilexSilex is a static website builder in the cloud.gpl-3.0JavaScript6 years ago3 months ago
923⭐️SimikiSimiki is a simple wiki framework, written in Python.mitPython6 years ago3 months ago
869⭐️SimpleA static blog generator with a single static pagemitJavaScript5 years ago4 months ago
29⭐️simple-staticStatic site generator based on sw Awk7 years ago5 months ago
40⭐️simple-websitesimple-website – A zero-configuration static site generator written in Go Go5 years ago6 months ago
9⭐️simsalabashHypertext mechanics in BashmitShell8 years ago2 years ago
26⭐️Site builderSlightly less crappy PHP static site generatormitPHP8 years ago10 months ago
 Site builder consolemitC#2 years ago2 years ago
 Site44 Web  
31⭐️SiteGen (Dart)Sitegenerator for Dart(Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause)Dart4 years ago5 months ago
49⭐️Sitegen (MoonScript)static site generator in MoonScriptMITLua8 years ago5 months ago
39⭐️sitioimperative static site generator powered by React and browserifymitJavaScript3 years ago3 months ago
13⭐️Smallest BloggerWith Markdown and GuardmitCSS5 years ago4 years ago
7⭐️snowshoeA (nother) static site generator in PHP PHP8 years ago8 months ago
36⭐️SoapboxStatic site generator as an SBT pluginlgpl-2.1Scala6 years ago6 months ago
34⭐️Socratessocrates is a static site generator written in PythonotherPython8 years ago4 months ago
3⭐️sortastaticAnother attempt at a sorta-static site generatorbsd-2-clauseGo5 years ago2 years ago
42⭐️SpeechhubStatic blog enginegpl-3.0Python7 years ago4 years ago
129⭐️SpeltDelightfully simple static site generator written in Swift [NO LONGER MAINTAINED]mitSwift3 years ago4 months ago
27⭐️SPGStatic Page Generator based on Nashorn, Java 8 and Mustacheapache-2.0JavaScript5 years ago6 months ago
2481⭐️SphinxMain repository for the Sphinx documentation builderBSD-2-ClausePython5 years ago3 months ago
460⭐️Spike:warning: UNMAINTAINED :warning: A modern static build tool, powered by webpackotherJavaScript3 years ago4 months ago
1636⭐️SpinaSpina CMSotherHTML4 years ago3 months ago
3⭐️SpineA framework for building sites that don't change very oftenmitJava5 years agoa year ago
359⭐️SpressPHP Static site generatormitPHP6 years ago5 months ago
1⭐️Spring BoardA lightweight static blog generator for Node.jsMITJavaScript6 years ago5 years ago
10⭐️SquidA static blog site generator built on Flask Python7 years agoa year ago
7⭐️SquirrelAnother Static Site Generater Python5 years ago2 years ago
2⭐️SSCA static site generator inspired by Jekyll, written in NodeJS. A learning exercise :D JavaScript7 years ago5 years ago
1054⭐️StaceyCheap & easy content managementmitPHP10 years ago4 months ago
1⭐️StackticA Static Site Generator for Node.jsmit 5 years ago2 years ago
4⭐️StadøSimple, single-file static site generator powered by python scriptsMITPython6 years ago4 years ago
39⭐️StaGenStatic site generator from WizTools.orgapache-2.0Java5 years ago7 months ago
699⭐️StasisStatic sites made powerfulmitRuby8 years ago5 months ago
237⭐️Stasis.cljSome Clojure functions for creating static websites.EPL-1.0Clojure6 years ago4 months ago
 StatamicThe friendliest CMS you'll ever meet. Powered by flat files, your favorites content parsers, and the raw power of nature. PHP  
15⭐️StatiA static site generator written in PHP that can work with any (most) existing Jekyll site, but can be easily extended in your (and my) favorite programming language, PHP!mitPHP2 years ago5 months ago
175⭐️staticStatic Site GeneratorEPL-1.0Clojure9 years ago4 months ago
1037⭐️Static Site BoilerplateA better workflow for building modern static websites.mitJavaScript7 months ago3 months ago
132⭐️Static Website Starter KitStatic Website Starter Kit (static site generator) powered by Gulp, Jade, Bootstrap, LESS and BrowserSync. It can automatically deploy your website to GitHub Pages via Travis CI.apache-2.0JavaScript5 years ago6 months ago
2⭐️static-ioStatic Website Generator with Jade, Bourbon and NeatmitJavaScript4 years ago3 years ago
2⭐️Static-weberStatic website generator (Python + Mako)mitPython5 years ago4 years ago
6⭐️static2000The simple static site generator built on node.jsmitJavaScript5 years ago7 months ago
186⭐️staticjinjaMinimalist Python library for building static sites w/ Jinja2mitPython7 years ago3 months ago
269⭐️StaticMaticThe Lightweight Static Content frameworkmitRuby11 years agoa year ago
56⭐️StaticMatic2The lightweight static content framework.mitRuby8 years ago2 years ago
3⭐️staticpressBlog-focused static site generatorMITRuby8 years ago2 years ago
2⭐️staticpyA python static site generatormitPython6 years agoa year ago
1⭐️staticsitepublishes a static site to s3BSD-3-ClauseHaskell7 years ago6 years ago
204⭐️StatikMulti-purpose static web site generator aimed at developers.mitPython3 years ago4 months ago
 Statix Shell  
64⭐️StatoclesStatic website CMSArtistic-1.0-PerlPerl5 years ago5 months ago
61⭐️StogXML documents and web site compiler.gpl-3.0OCaml8 years ago10 months ago
43⭐️StrangeCaseIt's yet another static site generator. Have you seen jekyll? hyde? Yup. Like those.otherPython7 years ago7 months ago
3⭐️straticYet another static site generator.mitJavaScript5 years ago2 years ago
2⭐️StrikerA Simple & Fast Static Site GeneratormitRuby6 years ago2 years ago
 SurgeShipping web projects should be fast, easy, and low risk. Surge is static web publishing for Front-End Developers, right from the CLI.    
41⭐️SusiSimplest. Static page generator. Ever.iscJavaScript5 years ago4 months ago
12⭐️SWGStatic Website Generatorgpl-3.0Python8 years ago4 months ago
4⭐️SWSGA tool to generate static HTML pages using templates and markup sourceswtfplPython9 years ago2 years ago
1⭐️SzyslakGrunt-based static site generator with an attitudegpl-3.0JavaScript6 years ago3 years ago
188⭐️TagsThe simplest static site generatormitPython5 years ago4 months ago
3⭐️TagyFully customizable structure and any paramsMITPython5 years agoa year ago
8⭐️TahcheeA simple static website build systemotherPython10 years agoa year ago
18⭐️TapestryPHP static site generator using the plates template systemmitPHP3 years ago5 months ago
154⭐️TarbellA Flask-based static site authoring tool.MITPython7 years ago3 months ago
 tclogWeblog generator with a GUI editor. Uploads entries via FTP. Features: RSS 1.0, HTML templates, TrackBack, wiki-like formatting, Namazu index creation.BSD-3-ClauseTcl16 years ago 
39⭐️TclssgA static site generator (being rebuilt)mitTcl5 years ago4 months ago
244⭐️TechyA flat file CMS based on Gulp and AbsurdJSmitJavaScript5 years ago3 months ago
53⭐️TemplerA modular extensible static-site-generator written in perl.Artistic-1.0-PerlPerl7 years ago3 months ago
 Text AssemblerA static website generator written in C++ integrating the Google V8 Javascript engine JavaScript  
6⭐️ThotA Python-Powered Static Site Generator Python8 years agoa year ago
282⭐️TinkererPython blogging engineBSD-2-Clause-FreeBSDPython6 years ago4 months ago
1408⭐️totothe 10 second blog-engine for hackersmitRuby10 years ago4 months ago
41⭐️TriboExtremely fast static site generator written in Objective-CotherObjective-C8 years ago5 months ago
130⭐️trofafSuper simple live static blog generator in Go. Vraiment trofaf.bsd-3-clauseGo6 years ago5 months ago
 Ultra simple Site MakerGPL-3.0Shell  
170⭐️UrubuA micro CMS for static websites, with a focus on good navigation practices.GPL-3.0HTML6 years ago4 months ago
14⭐️UttersonA static site generator written in Clojure in the style of Jekyll & Hyde. Clojure10 years ago2 years ago
32⭐️Uttersona minimal static blog generator written using old-school unix tools (make, ksh, m4, awk, procmail and a pinch of elisp)agpl-3.0Shell10 years ago4 months ago
33⭐️veevee is a highly portable, zero configuration (but configurable), cli microblogging tool.wtfplShell8 years ago6 months ago
12⭐️VegetablesStatic site generator, and more...mitJavaScript4 years agoa year ago
3354⭐️vimwikiPersonal Wiki for VimMITVim script7 years ago3 months ago
45⭐️VoldemortA simple static site generator using Jinja2 and Markdown templates.apache-2.0Python8 years ago4 months ago
43⭐️voltVersatile static website generatorBSD-3-ClausePython7 years ago7 months ago
 VoodooPadMacOS/iOS application for editing notes. Has a static site publishing functionality extensible via JavaScript. App  
6⭐️wadooAn XML/XSLT static site generator written in PHP.otherPHP7 years ago4 years ago
5⭐️WallflowerSorry I can't dance, I'm holding on to my friend's purseArtistic-1.0-PerlPerl7 years ago10 months ago
6⭐️WannaNOT MAINTAINED ANY MORE.Wanna is a blog-aware, static site generator in Node.js. JavaScript7 years ago4 years ago
3⭐️WeaverA DSL for generating static sitesmitJavaScript4 years ago4 months ago
273⭐️WebbyNO LONGER UNDER DEVELOPMENTMITRuby11 years ago6 months ago
94⭐️webgenwebgen is a fast, powerful and extensible static website generatorGPL-3.0Ruby11 years ago3 months ago
2⭐️webgenSimple PHP CLI generator of static sitesotherHTML7 years ago4 months ago
652⭐️WebhookWebhook Command Line Interface.mitJavaScript5 years ago4 months ago
4⭐️WebsleydaleA narrow-minded but very fast static site generatormitPython6 years agoa year ago
1361⭐️WheatWheat is a blog engine for coders written in node.JSotherJavaScript9 years ago5 months ago
17⭐️WikismithFun static site generator for fans of gulp and bowerMITJavaScript5 years ago3 years ago
3452⭐️WintersmithA flexible static site generatormitCoffeeScript7 years ago3 months ago
115⭐️wokA static website generator - Toss some content, templates, and media in a pan and fry it up!otherPython8 years ago5 months ago
115⭐️WoodsNode.js file based CMS inspired by Kirby & Stacey.otherJavaScript6 years ago4 months ago
1⭐️wordsisterReally simple Web page editingMITPHP6 years ago4 years ago
405⭐️WP2StaticWordPress plugin allowing static site generation w/ security, performance and cost benefitsunlicensePHP3 years ago3 months ago
2⭐️WPWMM4Web Page With Make and M4 - static web page generatorotherMakefile, m42 years ago6 months ago
1010⭐️WyamA modular static content and static site generator.mitC#5 years ago4 months ago
12⭐️Yanaa simple static site generatorMITPython5 years ago6 months ago
3⭐️yassgyet another static site generator using express.js and node.jsBSD-3-ClauseJavaScript7 years ago5 years ago
273⭐️YellowDatenstrom Yellow is for people who make websitesgpl-2.0PHP6 years ago3 months ago
 YggdrasilGPL-2.0Perl17 years ago16 years ago
22⭐️YozuchreStructuredText based static blog generatorbsd-3-clausePython5 years ago4 months ago
271⭐️ystcreate static websites from YAML data and string templatesgpl-2.0Haskell10 years ago3 months ago
84⭐️zasMost zen static website generator in Golang.agpl-3.0Go6 years ago5 months ago
60⭐️ZenWebMITRuby10 years ago4 months ago
3⭐️ZineYet another blog aware static site generatormitRuby2 years ago8 months ago
168⭐️zodiacA static website generator written in awk and sh.mitAwk8 years ago4 months ago
1721⭐️zolaYour one-stop static site engine. Forget dependencies. Everything you need in one binary. Previously called Gutenberg until WordPress took the name.mitRust3 years ago5 months ago






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