

[oracle@utf10g ~]$ mkdir -p /backup/sbt

[oracle@utf10g ~]$ rman target=/ catalog=ctlg/ctlg@bcatalog

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Aug 22 17:50:01 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: UTF10G (DBID=1585746538)
connected to recovery catalog database

RMAN> run {
2> allocate channel sbt_ch1 type 'sbt_tape'
3> PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=oracle.disksbt,
4> ENV=(BACKUP_DIR=/backup/sbt)";
5> backup datafile 1 format='%U';}

allocated channel: sbt_ch1
channel sbt_ch1: sid=1095 devtype=SBT_TAPE
channel sbt_ch1: WARNING: Oracle Test Disk API

Starting backup at 2012-08-22 17:54:53
channel sbt_ch1: starting full datafile backupset
channel sbt_ch1: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
input datafile fno=00001 name=/soft/oracle/oradata/utf10g/system01.dbf
channel sbt_ch1: starting piece 1 at 2012-08-22 17:54:53
channel sbt_ch1: finished piece 1 at 2012-08-22 17:56:09
piece handle=06nja47d_1_1 tag=TAG20120822T175453 comment=API Version 2.0,MMS Version
channel sbt_ch1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:01:16
Finished backup at 2012-08-22 17:56:09

Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 2012-08-22 17:56:09
piece handle=c-1585746538-20120822-00 comment=API Version 2.0,MMS Version
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 2012-08-22 17:56:14
released channel: sbt_ch1


RMAN> configure channel device type 'sbt_tape' parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=oracle.disksbt,ENV=(BACKUP_DIR=/backup/sbt)';

new RMAN configuration parameters:
new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored
starting full resync of recovery catalog
full resync complete


注:需要指定MM服务器时,必须在RMAN会话中传递指定服务器名的环境参数。在分配磁带通道时,将服务器名指定为环境变量。上面的示例中,使用allocate channel命令的PARMS选项来传递环境变量。不同的MM产品具有不同的环境变量,如Veritas NetBackup要求使用NB_ORA_SERV参数:
configure channel device type 'sbt_tape' parms "ENV=(NB_ORA_SERV=storage1)";


4、使用 sbttest 和 loadsbt.exe测试
   通常总有一些提示说明是否成功链接了MML 与Oracle,如,来自通道分配的信息说明了MML版本。不过这些指示不能保证最后的成功,在更下层的网络拓扑中(MM客户端或MM服务器)仍然可能出现故障。
   Oracle 提供了一个名为sbttest的实用程序,可用它来测试以确保RMAN能够使用MM配置来执行磁带备份操作。 从命令可以调用这个实用程序,该程序执行一个完整的测试:sbttest 会向磁带写一个数据块,然后请求读取这个数据库。 通过这种方式,sbttest 运行备份操作期间执行的所有SBT API 函数,并确认这些函数能否成功。


[oracle@utf10g ~]$ sbttest
Error: backup file name must be specified
Usage: sbttest backup_file_name
               <-dbname database_name>
               <-trace trace_file_name>
               <-file_type n>
               <-copy_number n>
               <-media_pool n>
               <-os_res_size n>
               <-pl_res_size n>
               <-block_size block_size> 
               <-block_count block_count>
               <-proxy_file os_file_name bk_file_name 
                           [os_res_size pl_res_size block_size block_count]>
               <-libname sbt_library_name>
Required parameters:
  backup_file_name: The name of the backup file which will be created by 
                    this program.  If a BFS or Backup Piece already exists 
                    with this name, then this program will not create a new
                    backup file - the existing file will be read in its 
                    entirety and its contents will not be verified

Optional parameters:
  -dbname  specifies the database name which will be used by SBT 
           to identify the backup file. The default is "sbtdb"
  -trace   specifies the name of a file where the Media Management 
           software will write diagnostic messages.
  -remove_before   if specified, then the specified backup file will be 
                   deleted before it is opened.  This option is intended
                   for when sbttest has already been run but did not complete
                   successfully, leaving behind the backup file it created.
  -no_remove_after   The default behavior of this program is to delete the
                     backup file, if it was created by this program.  If this
                     option is specified, then the file will not be
                     removed when this program is complete.
  -read_only   if -read_only is specified, then backup_file_name must already
               exist. Its contents will be read. If it is determined that the
               file was created by this program, then its contents is validated.
  -no_regular_backup_restore  skips non-proxy backup and restore.
  -no_proxy_backup            skips proxy copy backup session.
  -no_proxy_restore           skips proxy copy restore session.
  -file_type    specifies file type - 1, 2 or 3.
  -copy_number  this is the copy_number parameter to sbtpcbackup.
  -media_pool   this is the media_pool  parameter to sbtpcbackup.
  -os_res_size  specifies the size in bytes of the os reserved block.
  -pl_res_size  specifies the size in bytes of the platform reserved block.
  -block_size   specifies the size in bytes of each block written to the
                backup file. The default is 16384. 
  -block_count  specifies how many blocks will be written to the
                backup file. The default is 100.
  -proxy_file   specifies the os file name, backup file name, os reserved size,
                platform reserved size, block size, and block count for each
                proxy file.  For each proxy_file, the os_file_name and 
                bk_file_name parameters are mandatory, the other four 
                parameters are optional.  If none of the four is specified, 
                either the default or the value specified with -os_res_size, 
                pl_res_size, block_size, block_count will be used. It some of 
                the four are the same as the values set with -os_res_size, 
                pl_res_size, block_size, and block_count, a letter 'g' or 'G' 
                can be used.
                For example,
                    stksbt2 -os_res_size 10 -pl_res_size 20 -block_count 30 
                            -proxy_file file1.osf file1.bkf g g g 100
                then, for file1.osf, the backup file name is file1.bkf, the
                os reserved size is 10 bytes, and the platform reserved size 
                is 20, block size is 16384 byte, and the block count is 100. 
                But in this case, 
                    stksbt2 -proxy_file file1.osf file1.bkf g g g 100
                            -os_res_size 10 -pl_res_size 20 -block_count 30 
                for file1.osf, the os_res_size and pl_res_size will be the 
                default value, 0 (instead of 10 and 20), and the block_count 
                will be 100 (instead of 30) and the block_size will also be 
                the default, 16384.
  -libname      specifies the SBT library to test. sbttest loads library  
                using dlopen() call.  If this option is not used, sbttest 
                tries to test against libobk.so. Otherwise uses statically 
                linked library.
                Specify oracle.disksbt for oracle's disk SBT library.

   Sbttest 的用法非常简单: 只要从命令提示符运行。 确认完成了所有的MM配置,然后进入RMAN运行环境中的命令提示符,并输入sbttest 和测试文件名。
   Sbttest 实用程序已经相当完善。 现在,我们可以传递许多参数来测试MM系统的所有过程,包括命名要测试的数据库,修改sbttest 写入的数据块数目,以及处理sbttest 写入磁带的文件。 从命令提示符简单的输入sbttest 会给出所有可以使用的参数开关和简单的文本说明。
   Sbttest 使用程序只适用于Unix 平台;在windows 平台上,我们可以想Oracle Support 请求loadsbt.exe 实用程序。 遗憾的是,Loadsbt.exe 实用程序不具有与sbttest相同的性能,它只是简单的在搜索路劲中查找orasbt.dll 文件。 如果找到该文件,loadsbt.exe 实用程序会试图加载该文件,其加载方法与Oracle 在磁带备份操作期间加载的方法相同。 如果可以加载orasbt.dll 文件,loadsbt.exe 实用程序会通知用户,但它不会在磁带上写入数据块。 所以我们无法查看整个MM 配置工作。 因此,loadsbt.exe 的作用不如sbttest.


: 来自《Oracle 10g RMAN 备份与恢复》 笔记






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