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转载 Swift中闭包的简单使用

闭包的定义在Swift开发文档中是这样介绍闭包的:闭包是可以在你的代码中被传递和引用的功能性独立模块。Swift 中的闭包和 C 以及 Objective-C 中的 block 很像,还有其他语言中的匿名函数也类似。闭包的作用主要是:能够捕获和存储定义在其上下文中的任何常量和变量的引用, 能够为你处理所有关于捕获的内存管理的操作(概念性问题,可以不用纠结太多啦)。闭包的表达式语法闭包表达式语法有如下的一般形式: { (parameters/接收的参数) -> (return type

2022-01-06 11:06:34 682

原创 Swift 学习笔记

一、常量与变量1、使用let定义常量,定义之后不可修改let num = 10// 常量不可修改num = 20// × 报错2、使用var定义变量,定义之后可以修改var num = 10// 变量可以修改num = 20!编译器会根据常量或变量的赋值来自动推断它的数据类型。二、数据类型1、整型 Int2、浮点型 Float3、字符串 String4、数组5、对象类型6、结构体三、基本运算 基本运算时必须保证类型一致,否则...

2021-12-23 20:40:32 1458

Konopka Controls (Raize) 6.2.3 for Delphi DX10.3 Rio FullSource 修正报错

The Raize Components component suite includes various interface design tools for the Delphi programming language and C ++ Builder, with more than 125 VCL controls and over 100 different tools for building advanced and user-friendly interfaces in this suite. Extremely high power and flexibility and full compatibility with 64-bit VCLs are the features of these components.


XLSReadWriteII6.0.0.47 for Delphi 10.3.3 Rio FullSource

XLSReadWriteII is a simple solution for working with Excel files in Delphi. Delphi programmers can easily access Excel files with this library and perform their processing on these files. For the program to work correctly, there is no need to install the Excel software on the user's system, and it works seamlessly with Excel files. XLSReadWriteII has a part in memory management to extract the cells in Excel files with extreme speed. This is due to the fact that the program does not encounter any problems in processing bulk files, and the speed of access always remains the same. Data is loaded in RAM to the extent that the memory has the ability to accept data, but when it is full, it continues to read the operation and writes to the hard disk. One of the main goals of this library is its sustainability. This means that you do not worry about corrupting Excel files, this product has been tested repeatedly by the team and has the best data access strategies used to prevent any damage to files. Excel does not enter. Features of XLSReadWriteII: Ability to read all kinds of quantities in Excel cells Efficiency and high speed library Ability to format cells and document as you wish All the facilities needed for printing are available Unicode Full Support Ability to read and write directly to the hard disk Ability to add notes to cells The ability to create charts with the same options and options provided by Excel itself Ability to use extensive Excel functions for calculations on cells You can invoke visual basic macros to perform more advanced tasks Ability to copy / delete / cut cells Ability to import / export arbitrary data And …


Free Pascal 3.0.4 Windows 32-bit 绿色版

Free Pascal 3.0.4 Windows 32-bit 绿色版,解压即用,方便快捷。 Free Pascal is a 32, 64 and 16 bit professional Pascal compiler. It can target many processor architectures: Intel x86 (including 8086), AMD64/x86-64, PowerPC, PowerPC64, SPARC, ARM, AArch64, MIPS and the JVM. Supported operating systems include Linux, FreeBSD, Haiku, Mac OS X/iOS/iPhoneSimulator/Darwin, DOS (16 and 32 bit), Win32, Win64, WinCE, OS/2, MorphOS, Nintendo GBA, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, Android, AIX and AROS. Additionally, support for the Motorola 68k architecture is available in the development versions.


Delphi常用数值算法集 PDF+源码

《Delphi 常用数值算法集》的PDF文件和附带光盘,其中有上百种常用的数学算法:方程的求解、微积分、插值、曲线拟合、函数逼近、对称值问题等等,包含了源代码和程序运行演示,非常珍贵,献给各位需要的同学。


XLSSuit6 (XLSReadWriteII) for Tokyo 10.2 (Cracked)

XLSReadWriteII 是一个 Delphi 读写 Excel 的组件,支持 XE10.2 Tokyo。



libxl with license, 完美使用,使用注册破解机制,无木马困扰,全部官方原始文件并附带完整说明文档,并包含测试样例。


XLSReadWriteII5 v5.20.62 for Delphi 10.1 Berlin

XLSReadWriteII5 v5.20.62 for Delphi 10.1 Berlin



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