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Unity3D 3.5.0 Manual Unity3D 3.5.0官方手册 part2/2

Unity3D 3.5.0 Manual Unity3D 3.5.0官方手册。 请注意是官网的英文版。 我自己做成了CHM,方便查阅。


Unity3D 3.5.0 Manual Unity3D 3.5.0官方手册 part1/2

Unity3D 3.5.0 Manual Unity3D 3.5.0官方手册。 请注意是官网的英文版。 我自己做成了CHM,方便查阅。



Convolution filtering is a technique that can be used for a wide array of image processing tasks, some of which may include smoothing and edge detection. In this document we show how a separable convolution filter can be implemented in NVIDIA CUDA and provide some guidelines for performance optimizations.


《blender权威指南》的实例+源码之五:Interiors ( YafaRay )

《blender权威指南》一书的实例+源码之五:Interiors ( YafaRay )











从零开始OPhone(Android)游戏编程 中文教程+源码

非常好的 Android 游戏编程开发教程,中文的,包括了书和源码。非常好的 Android 游戏编程开发教程,包括了书和源码。非常好的 Android 游戏编程开发教程,包括了书和源码。非常好的 Android 游戏编程开发教程,包括了书和源码。非常好的 Android 游戏编程开发教程,包括了书和源码。


Android开发之OpenGL ES教程

请注意,是英文的。 Android开发之OpenGL ES教程,Android开发之OpenGL ES教程,Android开发之OpenGL ES教程,Android开发之OpenGL ES教程,Android开发之OpenGL ES教程,Android开发之OpenGL ES教程,Android开发之OpenGL ES教程,Android开发之OpenGL ES教程


游戏引擎精粹 Game Engine Gems

本书为学习交流之用,如果喜欢请购买正版。 Game Engine Gems, Volume One 362 pages Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 1 edition (March 5, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 0763778885 ISBN-13: 978-0763778880 Game Engine Gems brings together in a single volume dozens of new articles from leading professionals in the game development industry. Each gem presents a previously unpublished technique related to game engines and real-time virtual simulations. Specific topics include rendering techniques, shaders, scene organization, visibility determination, collision detection, audio, user interface, input devices, memory management, artificial intelligence, resource organization, and cross-platform considerations. A CD-ROM containing all the source codes and demos accompanies the book.


游戏编程精粹8 Game Programming Gems 8

游戏编程精粹8 Game Programming Gems 8 本书为交流之用,如果喜欢请支持正版。 Game Programming Gems 8 本书为交流之用,如果喜欢请支持正版。 640 pages Publisher: Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (March 1, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1584507020 ISBN-13: 978-1584507024 Welcome to the eighth volume of the must-have reference series for game developers, "Game Programming Gems," the series that helped define the standards for game programming and continues to be an essential source for new, innovative techniques. "Game Programming Gems 8" provides the tools and inspiration that game developers need to excel. Featuring cutting-edge, ready-to-use techniques contributed by industry veterans and experts, this new collection is a key resource for inspiration, insight, and a plethora of time-saving, ready-to-use methods for the developer?s tool box! Gems 8 answers the needs of passionate developers, eager newcomers, voracious production requirements, and the demand for innovating and entertaining gameplay. Covering all the key development areas including General Programming, Mathematics, Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Physics, Networking/Multiplayer, and Audio, each section is edited by an expert in the field to ensure that the ideas are original, accurate, and useful. In this edition, there is even a special segment on General Purpose Programming on GPUs for Game Developers. Dig into this new volume of useful, practical ideas and techniques and get ready to make games that are more inventive, entertaining, and satisfying!


游戏编程全接触 第三版 Game Coding Complete 3rd Edition

游戏编程全接触 第三版 Game Coding Complete 3rd Edition 本书为交流之用,如果喜欢请支持正版。 908 pages Publisher: Charles River Media; 3 edition (March 5, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 1584506806 ISBN-13: 978-1584506805 Welcome to "Game Coding Complete, Third Edition," the newest edition of the essential, hands-on guide to developing commercial-quality games. Written by a veteran game programmer, the book examines the entire game development process and all the unique challenges associated with creating a game. An excellent introduction to game architecture, you'll explore all the major subsystems of modern game engines and learn professional techniques used in actual games. This third edition features expanded content and coverage of the latest and most exciting new game programming techniques including AI, multiprogramming, working with scripting languages such as Lua, and writing C# tools like your level editor. All the code and examples presented have been tested and used in commercial video games, and the book is full of invaluable best practices, professional tips and tricks, and cautionary advice.


J2ME手机应用项目开发实践 源代码

J2ME手机应用项目开发实践 源代码,经过本人亲自验证部分代码可用,请注意仅部分可用,部分有问题。


手机游戏开发全书--J2ME完整实例精解 源代码



《Android应用开发揭秘》源代码 part2of2

本人亲自验证代码有效。这是第二个压缩包,请记得下第一个压缩包! 《Android应用开发揭秘》本书内容全面、循序渐进、深入浅出,实战性强,权威性毋庸置疑!全书一共分为5个部分:第一部分是准备篇,第二部分是基础篇,讲解了Android开发的相关知识,第三部分是实例篇,第四部分是高级篇,第五部分是扩展篇。


《Android应用开发揭秘》源代码 part1of2

本人亲自验证代码有效。这是第一个压缩包,请记得下第二个压缩包! 《Android应用开发揭秘》本书内容全面、循序渐进、深入浅出,实战性强,权威性毋庸置疑!全书一共分为5个部分:第一部分是准备篇,第二部分是基础篇,讲解了Android开发的相关知识,第三部分是实例篇,第四部分是高级篇,第五部分是扩展篇。


Apress - Creating Mobile Games

Apress - Creating Mobile Games 2007 Creating Mobile Games: Using Java ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone 415 pages Publisher: Apress (August 13, 2007) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services Language: English ASIN: B0017KBBHI



Jmonkey初学者教程Starter。The jMonkey Engine framework (jME) is a high-performance, 3D scenegraph based graphics API, written in Java. It supports both LWJGL and JOGL OpenGL rendering systems. jME is completely open-source under the BSD license and you are free to use it in anyway you see fit, be it hobby or commercial.



Real-time 3D graphics—everyone loves them these days. Computing power has finally evolved to the point where it’s feasible to render something as complex as the human face interactively, with enough structural and surface detail that it doesn’t look like it belongs to the victim of a freak yachting accident. Every year the bar is raised further, with graphics card manufacturers, game console companies, and even mobile-phone manufacturers shoehorning ever more raw power into our unsuspecting devices, until they’re almost ready to burst at the seams, showering us with a dazzling array of gloriously shaded pixels. The result has been something of a renaissance in real-time graphics in the last few years, our eyes having been treated to the kind of visuals that would have been unthinkable in real time even five years ago. All of a sudden the level of detail that used to go only into movie effects is being layered into our interactively rendered scenes— the only downside of course being that your artist may now spend an hour or two creating a character’s eyes, rather than placing a pixel or two and moving on.


游戏引擎剖析 Doc文档

自Doom游戏时代以来我们已经走了很远。 DOOM不只是一款伟大的游戏,它同时也开创了一种新的游戏编程模式: 游戏 "引擎"。 这种模块化,可伸缩和扩展的设计观念可以让游戏玩家和程序设计者深入到游戏核心,用新的模型,场景和声音创造新的游戏, 或向已有的游戏素材中添加新的东西。大量的新游戏根据已经存在的游戏引擎开发出来,而大多数都以ID公司的Quake引擎为基础, 这些游戏包括Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Tac Ops, Strike Force, 以及Quake Soccer。Tac Ops 和Strike Force 都使用了Unreal Tournament 引擎。事实上, "游戏引擎" 已经成为游戏玩家之间交流的标准用语,但是究竟引擎止于何处,而游戏又从哪里开始呢?像素的渲染,声音的播放,怪物的思考以及游戏事件的触发,游戏中所有这一切的幕后又是什么呢? 如果你曾经思考过这些问题, 而且想要知道更多驱动游戏进行的东西,那么这篇文章正好可以告诉你这些。 本文分多个部分深入剖析了游戏引擎的内核, 特别是Quake引擎,因为我最近工作的公司Raven Software已经在Quake引擎的基础上开发出了多款游戏,其中包括著名的Soldier of Fortune 。



Simulating physics helps cutting-edge games distinguish themselves by making virtual objects behave as we expect them to in the real world. Physics engines are the software programs that run these simulations. Building an engine is difficult, however. There are a large number of new developers (and hobbyists) coming into this market who need help through this complex process. Current introductory books are inadequate; they don't bring enough real-world programming experience to the task. There is a need for an introductory book on game physics with solid coding guidance but which limits the math content. Ian Millington brings his extensive professional programming experience to this problem. He has developed games since 1987, has studied AI and mathematics at the PhD level, and founded Mindlathe Ltd., a company that designed and built commercial physics engines. Physics Engine Development carefully describes each step in the creation of a robust, usable physics engine. It introduces the mathematical concepts in a clear and simple manner, keeping to high school level topics and building a physics code library as it goes. Each new concept is explained in diagrams and code to make sure that even the most novice of game programmers understands. The companion CD-ROM includes the source code for a complete physics engine of commercial quality. This book will serve as a introduction to more mathematically advanced books on game physics, such as Dave Eberly's Game Physics.






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