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原创 搜索背后的奥秘——浅谈语义主题计算


2011-12-31 12:06:28 700

原创 算法中的一个模式:栈式遍历

说到算法,我们都知道,它是一个能够有效解决问题的指令序列。说到模式,我们都会想到design pattern,它是在软件设计中不断出现的可重用的解决方案。那么,算法中有没有模式呢?答案是yes。为了和design pattern区分,我把算法中的模式定义为,在各种算法中不断出现的类似的解决问题方式。这里我想讲一个在很多算法中都出现过的过程,我把它命名为“栈式遍历”。我们

2010-01-28 23:57:00 1502

原创 一类动态规划的四边形优化

前段时间看到csdn论坛的数据结构与算法版上有人问了这么一个问题:给定n个石子,其重量为a1,a2...,an,要求将其划分为m堆,每一份划分的费用定义为这堆石头中最大重量与最小重量的差的平方。总划分费用等于各堆费用之和。 输入:n m 及a1,a2...,an ,输出:sum 我搜了一下,发现同样的问题问过不止一遍:http://topic.csdn.net/u/20091216

2010-01-08 00:22:00 2642 6

原创 短小精悍的线性时间素数筛法

输入n,求n以内的所有素数算法用两个数组存储数据:一个是prime[],存储n以内所有的素数,其index为pi,初值为0一个是is_prime[i],表示自然数i(i算法如下:linear_prime_sieves1:  set is_prime[] to true2:  for i=2 to n3:    if is_prime[i]=true then pri

2010-01-02 23:40:00 7933 4

原创 n皇后问题的解决 (QS2算法)

n皇后问题的解决 (QS2算法)     8皇后问题是一个广为人知的问题:将8个皇后放在8×8的棋盘上,皇后之间不能互相攻击,求各种放法。更一般的,把8换成n,其解法个数是随n成几何级增长的,因此程序运行时间也是几何级别的。现在我们关注这样一个问题,既然不能很快的把所有解都枚举出来,那么我们能不能很快的求出一个解来呢?这就是n皇后问题。    有人说,我就用纯搜索来搜第一个解,会不会快

2006-12-27 15:47:00 3308 3

Algorithms of the Intelligent Web

Web 2.0 applications are best known for providing a rich user experience, but the parts you can't see are just as important—and impressive. Many Web 2.0 applications use powerful techniques to process information intelligently and offer features based on patterns and relationships in the data that couldn't be discovered manually. Successful examples of these Algorithms of the Intelligent Web include household names like Google Ad Sense, Netflix, and Amazon. These applications use the internet as a platform that not only gathers data at an ever-increasing pace but also systematically transforms the raw data into actionable information. Algorithms of the Intelligent Web is an example-driven blueprint for creating applications that collect, analyze, and act on the massive quantities of data users leave in their wake as they use the web. You'll learn how to build Amazon- and Netflix-style recommendation engines, and how the same techniques apply to people matches on social-networking sites. See how click-trace analysis can result in smarter ad rotations. With a plethora of examples and extensive detail, this book shows you how to build Web 2.0 applications that are as smart as your users.


How to Think About Algorithms

This textbook, for second- or third-year students of computer science, presents insights, notations, and analogies to help them describe and think about algorithms like an expert, without grinding through lots of formal proof. Solutions to many problems are provided to let students check their progress, while class-tested PowerPoint slides are on the web for anyone running the course. By looking at both the big picture and easy step-by-step methods for developing algorithms, the author guides students around the common pitfalls. He stresses paradigms such as loop invariants and recursion to unify a huge range of algorithms into a few meta-algorithms. The book fosters a deeper understanding of how and why each algorithm works. These insights are presented in a careful and clear way, helping students to think abstractly and preparing them for creating their own innovative ways to solve problems.


Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example

If you don’t have a lot of time, but still want to learn the latest in C++, you don’t have to learn C first. You might learn more by digging into current language features and classes from the very beginning. That’s the approach that’s offered by Accelerated C++, a text that delves into more advanced C++ features like templates and Standard Template Library (STL) collection classes early on. This book arguably can get a motivated beginning programmer into C++ more quickly than other available tutorials. What separates this title from the rest of the pack is that it jumps right in with samples that take advantage of the Standard C++ of today–from streams to built-in container classes, such as vectors and linked lists. Early examples are more complex than in other books, but the thoroughness and relaxed pace of the explanations will bring the novice up to speed. (Although it ships at a slender 350 pages, Accelerated C++ is packed with samples, tips, and example problems; about 10 per chapter.) After a tour of basic C++, the book looks at more advanced C++ features, such as templates, including built-in support for containers. Besides tapping the strength of Standard C++, you also will learn to design with your own templates. (Other tutorials would defer this material until later on.) The authors have tested the approach in the book in their own teaching, and honed a set of worthwhile examples that will help anyone get familiar with these powerfullanguage features . All examples make use of the command line and console (without GUI programs), but the advantage is that this code should run on any of today’s operating systems and compilers. Later sections cover the basics of class design, which include good coverage of operator overloading and inheritance. With its innovative approach to teaching the language, Accelerated C++ will challenge readers in the right way. It suggests that you don’t need to learn C to be productive in C++. Written in an approachable style, it deserves a close look from any C++ novice. –Richard Dragan



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