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深度学习21天实战Caffe 带目录

深度学习 21天实战Caffe.pdf 完整版 带目录 《深度学习:21天实战Caffe》,很好的深度学习入门读物。以目前已经大量用于线上系统的深度学习框架Caffe为例,由浅入深,从 Caffe 的配置、部署、使用开始学习,通过阅读Caffe源码理解其精髓,加强对深度学习理论的理解,最终达到熟练运用 Caffe解决实际问题的目的。和国外机器学习、深度学习大部头著作相比,《深度学习:21天实战Caffe》偏重动手实践,将难以捉摸的枯燥理论用浅显易懂的形式表达,透过代码揭开其神秘面纱,更多地贴近实际应用。






PCB设计精典教程, You've designed your circuit, perhaps even bread boarded a working prototype, and now it's time to turn it into a nice Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design. For some designers, the PCB design will be a natural and easy extension of the design process. But for many others the process of designing and laying out a PCB can be a very daunting task. There are even very experienced circuit designers who know very little about PCB design, and as such leave it up to the "expert" specialist PCB designers. Many companies even have their own dedicated PCB design departments. This is not surprising, considering that it often takes a great deal of knowledge and talent to position hundreds of components and thousands of tracks into an intricate (some say artistic) design that meets a whole host of physical and electrical requirements. Proper PCB design is very often an integral part of a design. In many designs (high speed digital, low level analog and RF to name a few) the PCB layout may make or break the operation and electrical performance of the design. It must be remembered that PCB traces have resistance, inductance, and capacitance, just like your circuit does.



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