








为了更加灵活,最好能够将列的内容作为任何平面数据类型(如:string, byte, int, double, bool等)进行处理。该类提供了一个接口方法来定义结构化表的唯一键。请记住,多个列可以是唯一键的成员。此外,InsertUpdateDeleteClear操作可能符合多线程应用程序环境中其他线程的利益。因此,该类正在为此类操作引发事件。感兴趣的对象可以只订阅感兴趣的事件,它们将收到通知。


此更新版本为 SelectInsertUpdateDelete方法提供了一些新功能。此外,它还提供对CSV 件的处理,其中的值将在使用或不带有引号字符嵌入的情况下进行处理。引号字符处理在新类CsvValue中实现。



/*#                                                                             #*/
/*#                (c) Jochen Haar                                              #*/
/*#                ===============                                              #*/
/*#                                                                             #*/
/*# Class-Name   : CsvFileProcessor                                             #*/
/*#                                                                             #*/
/*# Derived from : none                                                         #*/
/*#                                                                             #*/
/*# File-Name    : CsvFileProcessor.cs                                          #*/
/*#                                                                             #*/
/*# Author       : Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Haar                                       #*/
/*#                                                                             #*/
/*# Date         : 01.05.2022                                                   #*/
/*#                                                                             #*/
/*# Tool/Compiler: Visual Studio 2022                                           #*/
/*#                                                                             #*/
/*# Events       : Will be raised on Insert, Update, Delete and Clear actions.  #*/
/*#                                                                             #*/
/*# Exceptions   : Will be thrown on logical errors. Therefore, please use      #*/
/*#                try/catch blocks.                                            #*/
/*#                                                                             #*/
/*# Change report                                                               #*/
/*# Date     | Name              | description of the reason for changes        #*/
/*#          |                   |                                              #*/

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CommonLibrary
    public class CsvFileProcessor
        /// The Insert event handler
        public event EventHandler<CsvFileProcessorEventArgs> InsertEvent;
        /// The Update event handler
        public event EventHandler<CsvFileProcessorEventArgs> UpdateEvent;
        /// The Delete event handler
        public event EventHandler<CsvFileProcessorEventArgs> DeleteEvent;
        /// The Clear event handler
        public event EventHandler<CsvFileProcessorEventArgs> ClearEvent;
        /// The column and field separator
        public char Separator { get; private set; } = ',';
        /// The name of the Comma Separated Value file
        public string FileName { get; private set; } = null;
        /// The header column names as a string array
        private string[] ColumnNames = null;
        /// The counter for the RowIndex
        private uint RowCounter = 0;
        /// The CsvValue object to handle the values on reading from and writing 
        /// to files with or without embedded quote characters
        private CsvValue CsvValue = null;
        /// The collection for fast hash access to the ColumnIndex in the header 
        /// with the ColumnName as key
        private readonly Dictionary<string, 
        int> ColumnNameToIndexCollection = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        /// The collection for fast hash access to the value rows with RowIndex
        /// as key. The RowIndex in the collection might not be consecutive 
        /// due to the fact that methods to delete and insert rows are provided
        private readonly Dictionary<uint, 
        string[]> RowIndexToValueCollection = new Dictionary<uint, string[]>();
        /// The collection for fast hash access to the content row indexes with
        /// the UniqueKey as key. The RowIndex in the collection might not be 
        /// consecutive due to the fact that methods to delete and insert rows
        /// are provided
        private readonly Dictionary<string, uint> 
        UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection = new Dictionary<string, uint>();
        /// The collection for fast hash access to the UniqueKey of the row 
        /// indexes with the RowIndex as key. The RowIndex in the collection 
        /// might not be consecutive due to the fact that methods to delete 
        /// and insert rows are provided
        private readonly Dictionary<uint, 
        string> RowIndexToUniqueKeyCollection = new Dictionary<uint, string>();
        /// The list of the columns which describe the unique key of the 
        /// UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection
        private readonly List<string> UniqueKeyColumnList = new List<string>();
        /// Synchronization object for multi-threading
        private readonly object Locker = new object();

        /// Constructor
        public CsvFileProcessor(char separator = ',', bool isQuoted = true, 
        char quoteCharacter = '"') => this.Initialize(null, separator, 
                                                      isQuoted, quoteCharacter);

        /// Constructor for existing files. The column definition will be read from 
        /// the file.
        public CsvFileProcessor(string fileName, char separator = ',', 
                                bool isQuoted = true, char quoteCharacter = '"')
            this.Initialize(fileName, separator, isQuoted, quoteCharacter);

        /// Constructor for non existing files. The FileName will be used for 
        /// saving the content into a file with that name. The columns are 
        /// separated by the Separator character.
        public CsvFileProcessor(string fileName, string columns, char separator = ',', 
                                bool isQuoted = true, char quoteCharacter = '"')
            this.Initialize(fileName, separator, isQuoted, quoteCharacter);

        /// Constructor for non existing files. The FileName will be used for 
        /// saving the content into a file with that name. The columns array 
        /// defines the ColumnNames.
        public CsvFileProcessor(string fileName, string[] columns, char separator = ',', 
                                bool isQuoted = true, char quoteCharacter = '"')
            this.Initialize(fileName, separator, isQuoted, quoteCharacter);

        /// Resets the instance according the parameter settings. This method is 
        /// meant for situations where the same instance will be used for different
        /// Comma Separated Files or different Structured Tables. Please bear in 
        /// mind, that the previous content of the instance will be cleared 
        /// completely.
        public void Reset(string fileName, char separator = ',', 
                          bool isQuoted = true, char quoteCharacter = '"')
            lock (this.Locker)
                this.Initialize(fileName, separator, isQuoted, quoteCharacter);

        /// Resets the instance according the parameter settings and defines the 
        /// ColumnNames according the columns array. This method is meant for 
        /// situations where the same instance will be used for different Comma 
        /// Separated Files or different Structured Tables. Please bear in mind, 
        /// that the previous content of the instance will be cleared completely.
        public void Reset(string fileName, string[] columns, char separator = ',', 
                          bool isQuoted = true, char quoteCharacter = '"')
            lock (this.Locker)
                this.Initialize(fileName, separator, isQuoted, quoteCharacter);

        /// Initializes the instance according the parameter settings
        private void Initialize(string fileName, char separator, 
                                bool isQuoted, char quoteCharacter)
            string newFileName = fileName ?? this.FileName;
            this.FileName = newFileName;
            this.Separator = separator;
            this.CsvValue = new CsvValue(this.Separator, isQuoted, quoteCharacter);

        /// Reads the column definition as content from the Comma Separated file
        private void ReadColumnsFromFile()
            string columns = null;
            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(this.FileName)) 
            { columns = streamReader.ReadLine(); }

        /// Adds a column name to the list of the unique key members
        public void AddColumnNameToUniqueKey(string columnName)
            if (this.ColumnNameToIndexCollection.ContainsKey(columnName)) 
            else throw new Exception($@"'{columnName}' is an unknown column 
                 and can't be added as a member of the unique key!");

        /// Reads the content rows of the file. Please bear in mind, the header 
        /// will be skipped.
        public void ReadFile()
            lock (this.Locker)
                string row;
                uint rowIndex = 0;
                using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(this.FileName))
                    while (streamReader.Peek() >= 0)
                        row = streamReader.ReadLine();
                        if (rowIndex > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row)) 

        /// Returns the UniqueKey of a specific RowIndex or null
        private string GetUniqueKeyOfRowIndex(uint rowIndex)
            string key = null;
            if (this.RowIndexToUniqueKeyCollection.ContainsKey(rowIndex)) key = 
            return key;

        /// Clears the current content of the instance completely
        public void Clear()
            lock (this.Locker)
                this.FileName = null;
                this.ColumnNames = null;
                this.RowCounter = 0;

            this.ClearEvent?.Invoke(this, new CsvFileProcessorEventArgs());

        /// Erases the last and unneeded Separator in the value string if 
        /// there is one
        private string EraseLastSeparator(string value) => value[value.Length - 1] == 
        this.Separator ? value.Substring(0, value.Length - 1) : value;

        /// Determines wether the instance contains the RowIndex
        public bool ContainsKey(uint rowIndex) => 

        /// Determines wether the instance contains the UniqueKey
        public bool ContainsKey(string key) => 

        /// Returns the amount of columns of the header and of each row
        public int GetColumnCount() => this.ColumnNames != null ? 
                                               this.ColumnNames.Length : 0;

        /// Returns the amount of rows. The header is not included!
        public int GetRowCount() => this.RowIndexToValueCollection.Count;

        /// Returns the column name of a specific column index or an empty string 
        /// if the column is out of the range
        public string GetColumnName(uint columnIndex) => this.ColumnNames != null && 
        columnIndex < this.ColumnNames.Length ? this.ColumnNames[columnIndex] : @"";

        /// Returns the index of a specific column name or -1 if the column is 
        /// not valid
        public int GetColumnIndex(string columnName) => columnName != null && 
        this.ColumnNameToIndexCollection.ContainsKey(columnName) ? 
                            this.ColumnNameToIndexCollection[columnName] : -1;

        /// Returns true if the column name is part of the unique key
        public bool IsColumnNameUniqueKeyMember(string columnName) => 

        /// Exports the content of the instance into a Comma Separated Value File 
        /// (CSV). The values of the columns will be embedded in quote characters 
        /// and single quote characters which are part of the value content will 
        /// be replaced by double quote characters
        public long ToQuotedCSV() => this.ToCSV(true);

        /// Exports the content of the instance into a plain Comma Separated Value 
        /// File (CSV). The values of the columns will be exported as plain 
        /// values - they are not embedded in quote characters
        public long ToPlainCSV() => this.ToCSV(false);

        /// Adds the columns definition to the instance by splitting the string 
        /// into the single column names.
        private void AddColumns(string columns)
            columns = columns.Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(columns)) throw new Exception
            ($@"Missing header definition in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
            columns = this.EraseLastSeparator(columns);

        /// Adds the columns definition to the instance. The ColumnNames are defined
        /// in the string array.
        private void AddColumns(string[] columns)
            this.ColumnNames = new string[columns.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                this.ColumnNames[i] = columns[i];
                this.ColumnNameToIndexCollection.Add(columns[i], i);

        /// Returns an ascending sorted list of all existing RowIndexes. 
        public List<uint> GetRowIndexList()
            List<uint> list = new List<uint>();
            foreach (var pair in this.RowIndexToValueCollection) list.Add(pair.Key);
            return list;

        /// Returns an unsorted list of all existing UniqueKeys. The order depends 
        /// on the manipulation of the content.
        public List<string> GetUniqueKeyList()
            List<string> list = new List<string>();
            foreach (var pair in this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection) list.Add(pair.Key);
            return list;

        /// Returns the definition of the unique key as a string with the name of 
        /// each unique key column member separated by a '+' character
        private string GetUniqueKeyColumns()
            string key = @"";
            foreach (var column in this.UniqueKeyColumnList) key += 
            column != this.UniqueKeyColumnList[this.UniqueKeyColumnList.Count - 1] ? 
                                               $@"{column}+" : column;
            return key; 

        /// Validates the parameter "rowIndex" and "columnName" and throws an 
        /// Exception on any errors
        private void Validate(uint rowIndex, string columnName = null)
            if (rowIndex == 0) throw new Exception
            ($@"Invalid row index: '{rowIndex}'. Must be greater than zero!");
            if (columnName != null && this.GetColumnIndex(columnName) == -1) 
            throw new Exception($@"'{columnName}' is not available 
            as a column in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
            if (!this.RowIndexToValueCollection.ContainsKey(rowIndex)) 
            throw new Exception($@"No content for row index: '{rowIndex}' 
            in/for file: '{this.FileName}' available!");

        /// Updates the UniqueKey in the collections. If the column value 
        /// modification leads to a Duplicate Key the new value will be denied 
        /// and an Exception will be thrown - rollback scenario to the previous 
        /// value.
        private void UpdateUniqueKey(uint rowIndex, string columnName, 
                                     string newValue, string oldValue)
            string newKey = @"";
            foreach (var keyColumn in this.UniqueKeyColumnList) newKey += 
            if (!this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection.ContainsKey(newKey))
                string oldKey = this.RowIndexToUniqueKeyCollection[rowIndex];
                this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection.Add(newKey, rowIndex);
                this.RowIndexToUniqueKeyCollection[rowIndex] = newKey;
            else  // modification leads to a Duplicate Key - rollback scenario
                [this.GetColumnIndex(columnName)] = oldValue;
                throw new Exception($@"Duplicate unique key: 
                '{this.GetUniqueKeyColumns()}' with new value: '{newValue}' 
                for column: '{columnName}' and row: '{rowIndex}' 
                in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!. New value denied.");

        /// Inserts a row content to the instance by splitting the content into the
        /// single column values.
        private uint Insert(string values)
            uint rowIndex;
            string key = @"";
            lock (this.Locker)
                values = values.Trim();
                values = this.EraseLastSeparator(values);
                string[] valueArray = this.CsvValue.Split(values);
                if (this.GetColumnCount() == 0) throw new Exception
                ($@"Missing header definition in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
                if (valueArray.Length != this.ColumnNames.Length) 
                    throw new Exception($@"Column count mismatch. 
                    Row '{values}' has '{valueArray.Length}' columns. 
                    The header has: '{this.ColumnNames.Length}' 
                    columns in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
                foreach (var keyColumn in this.UniqueKeyColumnList) 
                         key += valueArray[this.GetColumnIndex(keyColumn)];
                if (this.UniqueKeyColumnList.Count > 0)
                    if (this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection.ContainsKey(key)) 
                    throw new Exception($@"Duplicate unique key: 
                    with row: '{values}' in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
                    this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection.Add(key, this.RowCounter + 1);
                    this.RowIndexToUniqueKeyCollection.Add(this.RowCounter + 1, key);

                this.RowIndexToValueCollection.Add(this.RowCounter + 1, valueArray);
                this.RowCounter++;  // increment the RowCounter here to 
                                    // avoid gaps in case of duplicate keys
                rowIndex = this.RowCounter;  // RowCounter can increase during Invoke 
                // in multi-threading applications - be safe and continue 
                // with a stack variable
                key = this.GetUniqueKeyOfRowIndex(rowIndex);

                 (this, new CsvFileProcessorEventArgs(rowIndex, key));
            return rowIndex;

        /// Inserts a row content to the instance. The values array contain the 
        /// content of the columns values.
        public uint Insert(string[] values) => this.Insert(this.CsvValue.ToCSV(values));

        /// Inserts an empty row content to the instance. Please use the returned 
        /// RowIndex and Update all columns which belong to the UniqueKey if there 
        /// are any right after the Insert() action.
        public uint Insert()
            uint rowIndex;
            lock (this.Locker)
                string[] values = new string[this.GetColumnCount()];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.GetColumnCount(); i++) 
                     values[i] = string.Empty;
                rowIndex = this.Insert(this.CsvValue.ToCSV(values));

            return rowIndex;

        /// Deletes a dedicated row and throws an Exception if the RowIndex does 
        /// not exist.
        public bool Delete(uint rowIndex)
            string key;
            lock (this.Locker)
                if (rowIndex == 0) throw new Exception
                ($@"Invalid row index: '{rowIndex}'. Must be greater than zero!");
                if (!this.RowIndexToValueCollection.ContainsKey(rowIndex)) 
                throw new Exception($@"No content for row index: 
                '{rowIndex}' in/for file: '{this.FileName}' available!");
                key = this.GetUniqueKeyOfRowIndex(rowIndex);

            (this, new CsvFileProcessorEventArgs(rowIndex, key));
            return true;

        /// Deletes a dedicated row addressed via the UniqueKey and throws an 
        /// Exception if the Key/RowIndex does not exist.
        public bool Delete(string key)
            bool success;
            lock (this.Locker)
                uint rowIndex = 0;
                success = this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection.ContainsKey(key);
                if (success) rowIndex = this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection[key];
                if (rowIndex > 0) success = this.Delete(rowIndex);

            return success;

        /// Delete all rows where the column value is equal to the generic Value
        public uint Delete<T>(string columnName, T value)
            uint counter = 0;
            lock (this.Locker)
                int columnIndex = this.GetColumnIndex(columnName);
                if (columnIndex == -1) throw new Exception($@"'{columnName}' 
                is not available as a column in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
                string strValue = TypeConverter.ConvertTo<string>(value);
                List<uint> list = new List<uint>();
                foreach (var pair in this.RowIndexToValueCollection.Where
                (pair => pair.Value[columnIndex] == strValue)) list.Add(pair.Key);
                foreach (uint rowIndex in list)
                    if (this.Delete(rowIndex)) counter++;

            return counter;

        /// Returns the column value as a generic type of a dedicated row index
        public bool Select<T>(uint rowIndex, string columnName, out T value)
            this.Validate(rowIndex, columnName);
            value = TypeConverter.ConvertTo<T>
            return true;

        /// Returns the column value as a generic type of the row which belongs 
        /// to the unique key
        public bool Select<T>(string key, string columnName, out T value)
            if (!this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection.ContainsKey(key)) 
            throw new Exception($@"Unknown key: '{key}' 
                                in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
            return this.Select(this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection[key], 
                               columnName, out value);

        /// Returns all column values in a string array or throws an Exception 
        /// if RowIndex is not valid
        public string[] Select(uint rowIndex)
            return (string[])this.RowIndexToValueCollection[rowIndex].Clone();

        /// Returns all column values in a string array or throws an Exception 
        /// if the UniqueKey is not valid
        public string[] Select(string key)
            if (!this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection.ContainsKey(key)) 
            throw new Exception($@"Unknown key: 
                               '{key}' in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
            return this.Select(this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection[key]);

        /// Updates the column value as a generic type of a dedicated row index. 
        /// The UniqueKey of the row will be updated with the column value to be 
        /// updated if the column is member of the UniqueKey.
        public bool Update<T>(uint rowIndex, string columnName, T value)
            string key, newValue, oldValue;
            lock (this.Locker)
                this.Validate(rowIndex, columnName);
                newValue = TypeConverter.ConvertTo<string>(value);
                oldValue = this.RowIndexToValueCollection[rowIndex]
                key = this.GetUniqueKeyOfRowIndex(rowIndex);
                     [this.GetColumnIndex(columnName)] = newValue;
                if (this.IsColumnNameUniqueKeyMember(columnName) && 
                newValue != oldValue) this.UpdateUniqueKey
                           (rowIndex, columnName, newValue, oldValue);

            if (newValue != oldValue) this.UpdateEvent?.Invoke
            (this, new CsvFileProcessorEventArgs
                   (rowIndex, key, columnName, newValue, oldValue));
            return true;

        /// Updates the column value as a generic type of the row which belongs to
        /// the unique key. The UniqueKey of the row will be updated with the 
        /// column value to be updated if the column is member of the UniqueKey.
        public bool Update<T>(string key, string columnName, T value)
            if (!this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection.ContainsKey(key)) 
            throw new Exception
                  ($@"Unknown key: '{key}' in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
            return this.Update
                  (this.UniqueKeyToRowIndexCollection[key], columnName, value);

        /// Updates all column values of a specific column which contain the 
        /// OldValue with the NewValue as a generic type. The UniqueKey of the 
        /// rows will be updated with the column value to be updated if the 
        /// column is member of the UniqueKey. If the modification leads to a 
        /// Duplicate Key, an Exception will be thrown. This could lead to the 
        /// situation that the modification will end up partially.
        public uint Update<T>(string columnName, T oldValue, T newValue)
            uint counter = 0;
            lock (this.Locker)
                int columnIndex = this.GetColumnIndex(columnName);
                if (columnIndex == -1) throw new Exception($@"'{columnName}'
                    is not available as a column in/for file: '{this.FileName}'!");
                string strOldValue = TypeConverter.ConvertTo<string>(oldValue);
                foreach (var pair in this.RowIndexToValueCollection.Where
                        (pair => pair.Value[columnIndex] == strOldValue))
                    if (this.Update(pair.Key, columnName, newValue)) counter++;

            return counter;

        /// Exports the content of the instance into a Comma Separated Value File.
        private long ToCSV(bool isQuoted)
            long length;
            lock (this.Locker)
                CsvValue csv = new CsvValue(this.Separator, isQuoted, 
                using (StreamWriter streamWriter = File.AppendText(this.FileName))
                    // iterate through the sorted RowIndexList 
                    // to keep the original order in case of intensive manipulation    
                    List<uint> list = this.GetRowIndexList();
                    foreach (uint rowIndex in list) 

                length = new FileInfo(this.FileName).Length;

            return length;



Example of an existing file:

Row 0 = "Column000","Column001","Column002","Column003","Val","Column005","Column006"
Row 1 = "R1C0Value","R1C1Value","R1C2Value","R1C3Value","123","R1C5Value","R1C6Value"
Row 2 = "R2C0Value","R2C1Value","R2C2Value","R2C3Value","555","R2C5Value","R2C6Value"
Row 3 = "R3C0Value","R3C1Value","R3C2Value","R3C3Value","999","R3C5Value","R3C6Value"

Usage for an existing file: 

private void DoSomethingWithExistingFile()
        CsvFileProcessor csv = new CsvFileProcessor("YourFile.csv");// comma as default 
                                                       // column/field separator
        string key = "R2C0Value" + "R2C1Value";
        bool success = csv.Select(2, "Val", out int value);
        // The statement above leads to the same result as the statement below: 
        success = csv.Select(key, "Val", out value);
        // The out int value would be: 555 in this example.
        success = csv.Update(key, "Val", value + 222);
        // The content of the "Val" column in row 2 was set to "777" 
        // in the statement above.
        long length = csv.ToPlainCSV();        // save without quote character embedding
        csv.Reset(null, csv.Separator, false); // reset with same file name, 
                                               // but without quote character handling
        csv.ReadFile();                        // read the plain CSV file back
        long length = csv.ToQuotedCSV();       // save with quote character embedding
    catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($@"ERROR: {e.Message}"); }

Usage for non existing files:

private void DoSomethingWithNonExistingFile()
        double pi = 3.1415;
        string[] columns = new string[] { "Column000", "Column001", 
        "Column002", "Column003", "Val", "Column005", "Column006, the last one" };
        CsvFileProcessor csv = 
           new CsvFileProcessor("YourFile.csv", columns, '|'); // pipe as 
                                                               // column/field separator
        csv.AddColumnNameToUniqueKey("Column000");             // UniqueKey definition
        csv.InsertEvent += OnInsert;                        // subscribe the InsertEvent
        csv.UpdateEvent += OnUpdate;                        // subscribe the UpdateEvent
        csv.DeleteEvent += OnDelete;                        // subscribe the DeleteEvent
        csv.ClearEvent  += OnClear;                         // subscribe the ClearEvent
        for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) csv.Insert(new string[] 
                                     { $"R{i}C0Value", $"R{i}C1Value", 
        $"R{i}C2Value", $"R{i}C3Value", $"{i*100}", $"R{i}C5Value", $"R{i}C6Value" });
        string[] valueArray = csv.Select("R1C0Value");       // read complete row 
                                                             // into an array
        bool success = csv.Select(1, "Val", out int value);  // read as int with index
        success = csv.Select("R1C0Value", "Val", out value); // read as int with key
        success = csv.Update("R2C0Value", "Val", value + 222); // update as int
        success = csv.Update("R3C0Value", "Val", value + 333); // update as int
        success = csv.Update("R4C0Value", "Val", pi);          // update as double
        success = csv.Update("R5C0Value", "Val", pi * 2);      // update as double
        success = csv.Update("R6C0Value", "Val", true);        // update as boolean
        success = csv.Update("R7C0Value", "Val", true);        // update as boolean
        success = csv.Select("R7C0Value", "Val", out bool b);  // read as boolean
        uint rows = csv.Update("Val", b, !b);                  // toggle update of 
                                                               // all values in column 
                                                               // "Val" where value = b
        rows = csv.Delete("Val", false);                       // delete all rows 
                                                               // where the value of 
                                                               // column "Val" is false
        uint rowIndex = csv.Insert();                          // insert an empty row
        success = csv.Update(rowIndex, "Column000", "\"AnyValue\"");  // update the key 
                                                               // column of the empty row
        rowIndex = csv.Insert(new string[] { "Dog", "Cat", "Mouse", "Worm", "500", "Fly", 
                                             "I saw the movie, but didn't understand!" });
        long length = csv.ToQuotedCSV();                       // export with quote 
                                                               // characters and get the
                                                               // file length in bytes
    catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($@"ERROR: {e.Message}"); }

private void OnInsert(object sender, CsvFileProcessorEventArgs e) => 
   Console.WriteLine($@"Insert row: <{e.RowIndex}>, 
                     key: <{(e.Key == null ? @"null" : e.Key)}>");
private void OnUpdate(object sender, CsvFileProcessorEventArgs e) => 
   Console.WriteLine($@"Update row: <{e.RowIndex}>, 
                     key: <{(e.Key == null ? @"null" : e.Key)}>,                      
                     column: <{e.ColumnName}>, NewValue: <{e.NewValue}>, 
                     OldValue: <{e.OldValue}>");
private void OnDelete(object sender, CsvFileProcessorEventArgs e) => 
   Console.WriteLine($@"Delete row: <{e.RowIndex}>, 
                     key: <{(e.Key == null ? @"null" : e.Key)}>");
private void OnClear(object  sender, CsvFileProcessorEventArgs e) => 
   Console.WriteLine($@"Clear action");





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